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Chapter 9 Teenage Spirit


The day's schoolwork is over.

Dormitory Building No. 6, Dormitory 302.

Four third-year students, Yuan Ying, Luan Xiangdong, Xu He, and Xu Bao, returned to their dormitory with their schoolbags on their backs after having dinner in the cafeteria.

"The principal praised us again today, saying that we have learned very well and can become the pillars of the manor."

Yuan Ying said excitedly. He is 12 years old this year. He has been studying in the school for two years. He is tall and thin. He was born as a beggar. He grew up eating a lot of food. He has been bullied by countless glares and peers, but he is struggling to be strong.

Growing up, I have already experienced enough of life's various aspects, and my mind has become very mature.

Today, he was so excited because of a polite compliment from the principal that he jumped up and down while walking and kept talking about it from the meal till now.

"Brother Yuan, I know you will become a pillar, and the top students in our Class 3 (1) will all become pillars, but there is no need to keep saying this. The principal praised us, but are you so happy?"

11-year-old Luan Xiangdong, who is of medium height and has a handsome face, picked his ears and said a little impatiently.

Of course, Luan Xiangdong, whose parents died when he was young and is now an orphan, must be grateful and thankful to the principal who took him in, gave him food, gave him a place to live, and allowed him to study, and he also thought about how he would grow up in the future.

Yes, repay the principal well and serve him loyally.

It's just that he is still young and has not yet reached the age to establish a family. He can only study hard, study hard, learn all kinds of knowledge, grow up as soon as possible, and make great contributions to the manor in the future - this is what teachers often teach.

"Of course I am happy, because I will be a useful person and can do something for the principal and the manor. I will no longer live and eat for free. I can be like the seniors who graduated early.

It’s a big undertaking.”

Yuan Ying clenched her fists, her eyes full of excitement, and said firmly: "I have decided to study harder! I must master all the knowledge points in the textbooks in advance, and then apply for graduation half a year in advance and join the work as soon as possible!"

Graduating early?

The education school in Xujiazhuang does have a mechanism to speed up training and allow early graduation, because Xujiazhuang School adopts a layered education method that teaches students in accordance with their aptitude.

Students with weak learning abilities will be placed in slow classes to slow down the pace of teaching. If they fail the exam, they may delay graduation and repeat a grade.

Students with moderate learning ability will be placed in regular classes, using normal teaching rhythm, and strive to cultivate qualified graduates during the three years of compulsory education.

As for those with strong learning ability, they will be placed in the top class. The teacher's teaching pace will not only be accelerated, but students will also be allowed to watch video tutorials from famous teachers and speed up their progress through self-study - video tutorials from famous teachers are usually for the teachers to watch, but top students also have

Such permissions provide convenience for them to proactively improve their authority.

After all, the learning ability of top students is indeed stronger innately, and as long as they master all knowledge points through self-study and get high scores in the graduation examination, top students can apply to graduate early and contribute to the manor in advance.

And after listening to Yuan Ying's words.

Roommate Xu He, a 10-year-old round-faced boy, couldn't help but said: "We have made less than one-third of the progress in studying the third-grade textbooks. If we want to graduate half a year early, we have three months left."

It’s not very easy for us to finish learning the remaining two-thirds of the knowledge points.”

"I usually study very hard, so I will double the amount of study..."

Xu Bao, a baby-faced boy who was only a few months shy of turning ten years old, said with a troubled face: "I think it's better to go a little slower, and going too far is not enough. The principal also said that work should be balanced with rest, and don't tire the body out.


"Brothers, listen to me."

But Yuan Ying cupped her hands, and suddenly with a serious face, she walked to the cement guardrail, raised her head and looked at the horizon in the distance, with a depth that was inappropriate for her age in her eyes, and said slowly:

"Two years ago at this time, the weather was a bit cold and the weather was dry. At that time, I was still eating Baijia rice. However, there was a severe drought the previous year and the harvest in the village was not good. No one except the landlord had much surplus food. I ate it myself.

Even the food was not enough. How could there be any food for me to eat? Those kind-hearted relatives who usually helped me could not bring me a bowl of porridge and would only drive me away unluckily. For seven or eight days in a row, I could not eat anything in one bite.

Didn’t get it.”

"At that time, I thought I was going to starve to death, but I was unwilling to give in. I could only rely on bark and weeds, struggling to pass through one village after another. Until that day when I really couldn't hold on any longer, Xujiazhuang appeared.

In front of me...I was saved, and my life, Yuan Ying, was saved again."

"It can be said that without the help of the manor and the principal, I would have fallen into the belly of a wild dog. It was the principal who gave me a second life."

"I have told you about this before, and some of you are just like me, and some of you were abandoned by your parents. You may not have suffered less or suffered less hunger than me. We all have similar pasts.

We will never forget the sufferings of the past, nor can we! Only in this way can we cherish our present life and remember the principal's kindness to us."

"We must remember! It is the principal who gave us the self-respect to sit on a clean table and have a full meal without having to kneel down to beg; it was the principal who gave us the self-reliance to be able to wear nice clothes and live in a warm dormitory without having to dream."

"We have to remember! It was the principal who gave us knowledge, a lot of useful knowledge that we couldn't learn before. It gave us the ability to rely on this knowledge to support ourselves even at a young age. It was the principal who spent a lot of money on us.

It’s not necessarily something you can learn.”

"We must remember! It was the principal who gave us a body, a relatively strong body that can carry everything in the future, so that we can protect ourselves, our families, and the manor in the future. We have eaten so much meat and eggs,

How much milk does it take to build up your body?”

Yuan Ying hammered her strong chest with her fist, making a thumping sound.

Then he slowly turned his head, looked at his three roommates, and said with eyes as deep as a pool: "Don't just live a good life for a few days and then start to relax and start to think it's natural, sit and take eight hours of classes every day.

In my opinion, this is not tiring at all. At least it is better than begging for a day to get a steamed bun in the past, and compared to fighting with others several times to get a sleeping place in the Chenghuang Temple. Reading and literacy now is not called hardship at all, but

Happiness that you can't even dream of."

"In this world, there are not many places like Xujiazhuang, and there are not many good people like the principal. Many people outside have not enough to eat all their lives, and struggle with hunger and cold all their lives. Some people even starve to death, and some people kill officials and rebel. In some places,

People eat people, and some officials are as greedy as wolves and as evil as tigers, and never regard the people as human beings. Hell is everywhere outside, and we are just a very small number of lucky ones."

"Look at this world, look at our past? Guys, what reason do we have for not working hard? How can we get by? The principal has a mind for the world, a boundless wisdom, a saint who is rare to meet in a thousand years. Only by studying hard and working harder can we succeed.

Only then can we catch up with the principal's footsteps and accomplish earth-shattering undertakings! And we are not only doing it for ourselves, but also to repay the principal who has been so kind to us."


Listen to Yuan Ying finish these words.

Roommates Luan Xiangdong, Xu He, and Xu Bao were all shocked, their scalps were numb and electric currents were running wildly, and they felt very shocked.

They did not expect that Yuan Ying, who was usually dull and not good at speaking, could actually say such thought-provoking, reflective and shameful words, which were like a drum and a hammer, hitting their hearts hard.

"Brother Yuan's words make sense, I would like to learn from you!" Luan Xiangdong had to correct his attitude, raised his hands in a salute, and bowed deeply to him.

"Thank you, Brother Yuan, for giving Xu He a slap in the face today."

Xu He also bowed deeply to him.

The same goes for the youngest Xu Bao. He said seriously with a small face: "Brother Yuan, starting from today, I will also study hard and strive to graduate half a year ahead of schedule! I will never relax again. I must do the right thing for the manor and the right person in the future."

Principal, a person who is useful to this world can help more people!"


Yuan Ying nodded and stretched out her hand: "Let's work together to create the beautiful future that the principal said."




The three arms were stacked one after another, and the four students shouted three times to work hard.


Then there was hearty laughter from several people.

All of a sudden.

What fills the upper floors of this dormitory is the infinitely majestic and vital youthful spirit.

This chapter has been completed!
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