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Chapter 54 Open and honest, with joy

the next day.

After replenishing your energy.

Qian Chengzhi suddenly made a request.

His request to meet Master Xu alone, in a private place, and to have an in-depth discussion seemed to be an attempt to confirm something and get some answers.

As for Xu Yuan, who was busy with worldly affairs, he could be regarded as a person who could not be met by just anyone. However, in the face of Qian Chengzhi's request, Xu Yuan agreed and spared some precious time to go to the study room on the third floor of Tianshu Courtyard.

Here, I met Qian Cheng.

"Tell me, if you still have any confusions, tell me all, and I will answer whatever I can." Xu Yuan knew that scholars are the most perceptual and perverse, and it is impossible to make up their minds without untying certain knots in their minds.

"Master Xu, actually I only have one question, a question that I don't dare to ask, and you don't dare to answer. If you feel it's difficult to answer, Master Xu, you can not answer, or you can silence me, but my only

What I want to hear is your truth." Qian Chengzhi said solemnly.

"There is no unanswerable question in this world, and you don't have to worry about your personal safety, just ask." Xu Yuan felt that he was a bit annoyed.

"Master Xu Zhuang, you told me about the concept of the law of historical cycles, saying that no dynasty can break the three-hundred-year law of rise and fall. Now that the Ming Dynasty has been more than 260 years old, it has shown signs of decline and doom. I wonder if Master Xu has any

Any ideas to replace it?" Qian Chengzhi asked.

"You want to ask whether my Xujiazhuang will rebel in the future, right?"

Xu Yuan heard what he meant.

"If Master Xu is the winner, it means changing the dynasty and replacing the old with the new; if he is the loser, then he is plotting rebellion and becoming a bandit. I just want to know if Master Xu has this intention."

The Way of Qian Cheng.


Xu Yuan raised his head and laughed, looked at him and said: "Good question! You asked a good question. In fact, let alone you, I often ask myself and think about how to deal with it better."

"Master, have you found the answer?"

"I think I've basically found it."

"I wonder if you can tell me something? If you don't trust Qian, you can tell him first and then silence him."

In order to get the answer, Qian Chengzhi put life and death aside.

"I'm not interested in that position at all."

Xu Yuan walked to the window with his hands behind his back, shook his head and said: "From that position, what others see is infinite nobility and scenery, a person who is aloof, with a word and a constitution in his mouth, and the fate of billions of trillions can be decided with a wave of his hand, but

What I saw were responsibilities, obligations, huge burdens and endless constraints, and difficult work with no freedom or happiness. Most people, let alone doing it well, might not be able to persist for several months, but I am just an ordinary person.


"In this case, why do you want to build Xujiazhuang? Why do you want to buy people's hearts and help the poor? Since you want to do it, do it non-stop and do it thoroughly. Why do you hesitate to look forward and backward? This is extremely detrimental to gathering the hearts of the people.

It’s better to reform the old and establish the new!”

Qian Chengzhi was very dissatisfied with Xu Yuan's answer. Before, he thought this man was a hero, but now he was quite disappointed, and most of his desire to follow him was gone.

Because if those who achieve great things are not strong-willed, they may be defeated even if they have the upper hand. There are many such examples in the history books. If Master Xu openly admitted that he would take the road of rebellion, and then killed him, he would also say

He appreciated it, but the current situation was not only beyond his expectation, but he also felt a sense of disappointment.

"Hahaha! Qian Chengzhi, you are still limited by the thinking of wise kings and virtuous ministers in this era. You simply cannot imagine a world where everyone is equal, where everyone has a scholar-level culture, and a life expectancy of eighty years.

What would it be like to govern the country completely in accordance with the law and where everyone is like a dragon? Do you think an emperor can control such a world?

The essence of the system of the feudal dynasty is that a very small number of people exploit the majority of people. The ideal world I want to build is to let the majority of people fight for the interests of everyone. If I sit on that throne, I will feel miserable in the high position.

Position, let the majority serve my interests, and fight every day to secure the throne, using all kinds of tactics. Do you think this is the result I want? Isn’t this contrary to my ideals? If you want to say that I plan to rebel,

That is indeed the case, and it will have to be so for the benefit of the majority of people; if you say that I established Xujiazhuang for that position, I can only say that you have misunderstood me, and everyone in the world has greatly misunderstood me."

Ready to rebel but not interested in the feudal throne.

This is Xu Yuan's true inner thought.

In addition, there is another reason that he did not say. His original and most basic purpose of traveling back and forth between ancient and modern society was to make money. To make a lot of money! It was to control more people.

Resources and interests, after all, Xu Yuan was just a layman, and he would not consider anything more than making money at first.

Now my career is basically stable.

He also has a lot of resources. Compared with being a hard-working emperor like Chongzhen, he handles government affairs every day, corrects memorials, and intrigues with ministers in the court. He is often so angry that he wants to confiscate the house of a certain minister and exterminate his family. He gets angry nine times in three days.

, any problem the country encounters is his responsibility, and he must pay for it and bear almost unlimited obligations. He still prefers to be a leisurely rich man.

Of course, in addition to bringing benefits to himself, Xu Yuan also wants to change the Ming Dynasty and the entire Chinese nation. He must eliminate exploitation and oppression within the nation, popularize compulsory education, realize human rights equality and common prosperity, completely break the law of rise and fall cycles, and establish an enduring foundation.

, willing to spend fifty, sixty or even a lifetime to create a prosperous China where everyone is like a dragon.

It's just... these plans are too grandiose and unrealistic, and require consuming countless resources. They are at least ten times more difficult than rebelling and becoming the emperor!

But Xu Yuan feels that it should be possible.

If there is insufficient land and resources, then occupy the entire planet's land and control all resources.

If manpower is insufficient, then vigorously enslave barbarian foreigners and use tens or hundreds of millions of slaves as consumables to contribute to the prosperity of the Chinese nation.

In short, Xu Yuan believes that with his efforts, he will be able to create a world where future generations of people do not have to be overly involution!

After listening to Xu Yuan’s words about a bigger picture and a broader perspective.

Qian Chengzhi was completely stunned.

Maybe it was because I didn’t quite understand it but I was so shocked that I was stunned.

Or maybe it was because I understood it and was so shocked that I fell into a daze.

After Xu Yuan finished speaking, he left the study, leaving him alone to think slowly and continue to digest.

I just didn't expect that in the next ten days or so, Qian Chengzhi seemed to be in a daze. He read a lot of books and continued to discuss with Fang Yizhi and Sun Lin for several days. He also found Xu Yuan twice and proposed more

He was confused, thirsty for knowledge, and fell into a semi-mad state.

Xu Yuan didn't want to talk to him too much anymore. He felt that all these ancient scholars were philosophers and it was extremely difficult to solve them. It would be better not to provoke him in the future.

And a big happy event happened recently. His concubine Fang Qingyan ran over to her with a shy look on her belly, saying that she might be pregnant.

"What's left?"

"Child, there is a child that belongs to you." Fang Qingyan said with a blushing face.


Xu Yuan was overjoyed. In order to confirm whether it was true or not, he immediately traveled to modern society, went to the drugstore and bought some pregnancy test sticks and came back. He gave Fang Qingyan a test, and sure enough, two red lines appeared.

Fang Qingyan said: "My menstrual period has been delayed for half a month. I calculated the time and it should be during the first few days of the year."

"Okay, you have made a great contribution. Just say whatever you want, and I will pick all the stars in the sky for you!"

Xu Yuan hugged her and was very happy. He was already twenty-eight years old. It was too late to have children. Fang Qingyan was also nineteen years old. She was just twenty when the child was born, so she was suitable for childbearing.

At this stage, the risk will not be too high.

"I don't have anything I want, only a small request." Fang Qingyan whispered in her arms.

"you say."

"I hope husband, you will accept Xia He earlier and don't keep her waiting any longer."

"Why is that? Don't you often quarrel and quarrel with her?" Xu Yuan was very surprised. She gave him a concubine as soon as she became pregnant. The woman was so well-behaved and sensible that it made people feel heartbroken.

"Sister Xia He is about to turn eighteen, so she is not too young. Moreover, I am pregnant now and it is not convenient for me to sleep with him. I have to have someone to serve my husband. Sister Xia He is obsessed with her husband. It is time for her long-standing wish to be fulfilled."

Looking forward to it.”

Fang Qingyan explained.

"How can you be so virtuous?"

The woman's sensibility made Xu Yuan feel really distressed, and he immediately said: "Okay, I will listen to you and I will accept Xia He soon!"

"Thank you, husband!"

Fang Qingyan smiled sweetly, and a hint of cleverness flashed in her endlessly gentle eyes.

On January 22nd, the main village of Xujiazhuang was decorated with lights and colorful decorations, and a grand concubine wedding banquet was held. Xu Yuan officially accepted the maid Xia He as his concubine.

The next day, Qian Chengzhi finally got out of his dazed state and found Xu Yuan, saying that he had figured it out and was willing to shave his hair, change clothes, and join Xujiazhuang. From now on, he would be a member of Xujiazhuang and would fight for the ideals of Xujiazhuang throughout his life!

Xu Yuan nodded and agreed to his joining.

This chapter has been completed!
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