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Chapter 56 Large Recruitment

The construction of Harbor City has started with great fanfare!

The ground is leveled, paved with concrete mixed with pebbles and fine sand cement, and two-meter-wide roads are built.

Dig soil and raise the city foundation to avoid flooding.

Build large brick kilns to burn bricks and cement to provide basic raw materials for house construction.

A sea-blocking dam was built to intercept seawater. A large salt drying field was planned inside the dam, which is like a multi-level terrace layout.

Wind power generation facilities are erected at the wind outlets to provide electric energy.

Canals were dug and docks were built.

Find an area with an average water depth of more than five meters on the coast and plan a berth.

As well as the construction arrangements for military fortresses, etc.

The construction of tap water towers, biogas digesters, residential areas, warehouses, salt-making plants and other facilities has all started in full swing. The area on the east coast of Rugao County has suddenly turned into a large construction site, with busy construction scenes everywhere.

Everyone is very motivated and does not need supervision and supervision. They are all working hard and conscientiously.

In just three days, the temporary camp was set up.

In just five days, a moat twenty-five miles long and three meters wide was built, and a simple barbed wire fence was installed.

In ten days, a coastal city that could accommodate at least 100,000 people took shape.

The construction efficiency is simply amazing.

even so.

Even if modern construction machinery such as tractors and excavators are extremely efficient, one machine is equivalent to hundreds of manpower and can quickly dig out an artificial river, build a dam, and clear large areas of land at a speed visible to the naked eye. Hundreds of machines can

The machinery can equal the manpower of hundreds of thousands of people.

But after extra residential beds become available in the temporary camp.

More than a dozen professional propaganda teams were dispatched to villages and towns within a fifty-mile radius to disseminate recruitment information, post recruitment notices, and start recruiting large numbers of workers, using loudspeakers to say:

"We're hiring, we're hiring!"

"The construction of Xujiazhuang Harbor City is recruiting workers. Whether they are masons, blacksmiths, carpenters, salt workers, or laborers, we are all hiring. As long as you have some strength, as long as you are hardworking and can endure hardships, you can go to the Harbor City to work."

"The benefits we provide are very generous. We provide workers with three meals a day, including meat and vegetables, and they are full! Eat as much as you want! As long as you work, you will have food, free beds, free tools and work clothes, and free hands.

You can do it in the past, you can work up to five hours a day, and even if it rains and the work stops, you still have lunch."

"In terms of wages, there are three types of work: management workers, technical workers, and manual workers. The minimum wage for management positions is 120 cash per day, the minimum wage for technical workers is 100 cash per day, and the minimum wage for manual workers is 80 cash per day!

Then each major type of work is divided into nine levels. For every level promoted for management positions, the daily salary will increase by 60 yuan; for each level promoted by technical workers, the daily salary will increase by 40 yuan; for each level promoted by labor workers, the daily salary will increase.

20 articles...How to upgrade the level will be reviewed based on the length of employment, technical proficiency, and workload. It will be adjusted every six months. You can also apply for job transfer. For example, a laborer who has learned the masonry technique can become a skilled worker after passing the skills assessment.


"But even the most ordinary laborer earns as much as 80 taels of silver per day, and food and accommodation are included. All these wages can be saved, and he can save more than 2,000 taels of silver in a month, which is equivalent to 2 taels of silver. After working for a year

Save at least twenty taels."

"Hurry up and work in Harbor City. It's a rare opportunity to work and make money. Moreover, after Harbor City is completed, it will still employ tens of thousands of long-term workers to participate in fishing, shipbuilding, dock loading and unloading, etc. The wages of long-term workers will be higher and more stable.

, don’t worry about not being able to work for a long time.”

"What are you still hesitating about? As long as you work in Harbor City for two years and save at least fifty taels of silver, you don't have to worry about finding a wife, or buy three to five acres of fertile land, or build a sturdier brick building.

If you don't go, all the suitable girls will be married off in two years, and you won't get anything out of it!


A bang.

The advertisements put out by the Xujiazhuang Propaganda Team are extremely effective, hitting the pain points of countless rural youths. Almost everyone who listens to the advertisements is unmoved.

Because the benefits offered are indeed very attractive.

The lowest-level workers are paid 80 fen per day, including food and accommodation. What if they work as hired labor for the landlord? Some are paid with food, and some are not. The daily wages range from 30 fen to 50 fen.

It is impossible to get 80 Wen, the working hours are very long, and there may even be deductions.

As for saving money, unless you are particularly strong and healthy, you won't be able to save much money. You can only care about food and clothing. Once you get older and get sick, your family may collapse, and your ability to resist risks is very low.

If you go to work in Harbor City, the situation will be different. The treatment is obviously much better than working for the landlord.

Now it is February and the beginning of spring. It is still in the slack period of farming. There are still one or two months before the busy farming season. Even if you don't do long-term work in Harbor City, it is very good to work as a part-time worker for a few dozen days.


Must go.

And they come in groups, vying to be the first to go, for fear that if they arrive late, they will lose their job opportunities.

Even those who are affected are not only young farmers in the slack period, but also some industries that do not rely on farming as a livelihood.

Rugao County, Haifeng Township, Caomiao Village.

Xujiazhuang's publicity personnel, like a gust of wind, passed through this village of about fifty salt households, broadcasting the benefits of working in Harbor City and posting several job advertisements.

This village, which has made salt by boiling salt for hundreds of years, has set off a wave of heated discussions in every household.

At this moment, inside an extremely simple thatched house with drafts on several sides.

"Dad, Mom, I don't want to be a salt worker for Mr. Liu. I don't want to continue cooking salt. I'm going to work in Harbor City!" Chen Sangou, a young man who looks like a beggar in tattered clothes, doesn't want to continue to be a salt farmer for generations.

Now, he wants to change his way of life and go to Harbor City to develop!

"Son, you can't go. Our family is a salt household designated by the government. It cannot be changed from generation to generation. If you go to that harbor city and become a fugitive, once you are caught by the government, you will lose at least half of your life. This is too much.

It's dangerous!" Chen San, a woman who went blind due to long-term exposure to toxic salt brine, grabbed his hand and said.

"Even if you lose your life, you have to leave this place. That Liu Papi is the living king of hell! Every month, my family is required to hand over 300 kilograms of salt, but only 800 Wen is given. This little money is not enough to buy firewood. Every year we have to pay

Flip, our family is already so poor that we have nothing, and Liu Papi is still going to exploit us to death. If this continues, are we still alive? Rather than being exploited to death, it is better to escape from here, even if Liu Papi is caught and beaten to death by his men.

, I also admit it, sooner or later I will die anyway!"

Chen Sangou gritted his teeth and said.

"Sangou, go ahead and take your sister with you. Xujiazhuang is rich and powerful and should be able to protect you. Don't stay in Caomiao Village. This place is already a dead place and there will never be a chance of recovery. You and Zhu

There is still hope for me, and I don’t have to stay here to endure hardship and poverty for the rest of my life.”

Chen Sangou's father, an old man with white hair and a stooped back, who had many gouty bones on his body due to his long-term diet of sea clams and seafood, said in a low and weak voice, but he was extremely supportive of his son's decision.

"Dad! I will take you and mother together, and our family will escape from here together!" Chen Sangou said, how could he abandon his parents who gave birth to him?

"We are not going. We are old and can no longer run. We will only become a burden to you. As long as you can leave this desperate place, your mother and I will take care of ourselves, so don't worry."

"Dad, Mom, I can take you away!"

Chen Sangou cried and held on to his parents' hands. His sister Chen Zhumei, who was next to him, also cried that the family could not be separated, saying that if they left, how could Liu Papi just let it go? What would happen to his parents?

Only at night.

Chen Sangou's parents, who did not want to be a burden, threatened suicide and ultimately did not follow Chen Sangou, Chen Zhumei and his siblings.

This kind of story happens in every salt household in Caomiao Village.

That night, all the young men, women and children in Caomiao Village, hundreds of them, ran away and headed for Harbor City.

This chapter has been completed!
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