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Chapter 108 The Story of Zeng Tianshun Raising Cattle and Turning Over

Xujiazhuang has had a bumper grain harvest. This is not the only good news to be happy about.

The animal husbandry industry in Xujiazhuang, which occupies about 1.2 million acres of land, has also made great progress and can also be described as a bumper harvest.

Among them, the number of live pigs reached 286,000.

The cattle population exceeds 129,000 head.

The population of sheep and goats reaches more than 80,000.

The number of horses is approximately 10,000.

The number of donkeys and mules is about 30,000.

The total number of chickens, ducks, geese and rabbits exceeds 5 million.

Coupled with the fishing fleet of Shanghai Port City, it can catch at least 300,000 tons of marine fish and seafood this year. And in freshwater lakes and rivers, it can also catch about 20,000 tons of freshwater fish and shrimps - Jiangnan is the land of fish and rice. It is not for nothing.

If all the above statistics are taken together and counted as meat, we can probably supply 370,000 tons of various meats this year.

Of course, excluding processing losses (most of the fur, internal organs, heads, and bones are unnecessary), the part sold and taken away by Xu Yuan, it is estimated that the actual consumption is only 220,000 tons, divided by the current consumption of Xujiazhuang, which is over 2.1 million


The per capita meat consumption will reach a historic level of 104.76 kilograms, successfully breaking through the 100 kilogram mark! Even if fish are excluded (in fact, fish and shrimp are generally not considered meat), only pigs, cattle, sheep, chickens, ducks, rabbits, etc. are counted.

As meat, about 50,000 tons will be sold this year. Divided by the total population of Xujiazhuang, the per capita meat consumption has reached 23.8 kilograms. It is not too far from the 45 kilograms of meat per capita in modern society in China, reaching more than half.


In terms of animal husbandry, if we work hard for a few more years, the per capita meat consumption of 50 kilograms per year will definitely be achieved!


Through various incentive measures and Xujiazhuang's great attention, not only Xujiazhuang's own animal husbandry is developing rapidly, but it has also attracted the attention of many landowners, gentry and surrounding villages and towns, and some results have even appeared.

In the fifth year of Chongzhen, September 3rd.

Xinghua County, Fengle Village next to Manor No. 3, Zeng’s Cattle Farm outside the village.

After more than 600 days of careful breeding, the 45 Angus bulls and 5 Angus cows raised by Zeng Tianshun have all reached the standards for slaughter, weighing more than 700 kilograms, close to the most mature state.

Angus cattle that have been raised for 18 to 22 months have the most tender and delicious meat and can be sold at the best price.

So after repeated weighing.

Even if we know that these Angus cattle can be raised for a few more months, allowing them to gain one or two hundred pounds of meat, the temperature will soon drop and winter will begin, and the yield of giant mushroom grass in the fields will drop significantly, and they will not be able to provide enough

Without enough feed, he will have to spend money to buy corn, sweet potatoes, soybeans and other coarse grains, which will greatly increase the cost of breeding.

In addition, the interest-free loan he owes to Xujiazhuang's Tianxiatong Bank has accumulated to 500 silver dollars. If the debt period exceeds two years, the bank will start to calculate interest. After all, the bank has already exhausted its benevolence and cannot continue to offer discounts.

Even if interest collection hadn't started yet, Zeng Tianshun was almost suffocated by the debt of 500 silver dollars.

In addition, if the cattle are raised larger, the meat quality will decrease and the cattle will not be sold at a high price, which is a bit more loss than gain.

Finally, gritting his teeth, Zeng Tianshun made the decision to sell 45 Angus bulls! (All 5 cows are pregnant and will give birth to calves and milk next year, so it is naturally impossible to sell them)

The Xujiazhuang Animal Husbandry Cooperative Association paid 90 yuan/kg for each Angus bull as 500 kilograms of meat (this conversion rate is more than 70%, which is very reasonable), multiplied by the number of 45 animals, and paid a total of 2,025 yuan.

The cost of purchasing silver dollars.

Bank staff were also on site to help offset all Zeng Tianshun's debts.

Therefore, the actual cash received was 1,525 silver dollars, which was packed in a cloth bag. It was very heavy and made a crisp sound.

It even aroused envious and jealous looks from all around.

Zeng Tianshun held the money bag in his hand and looked at the bulls that were taken away with reluctance. He carefully raised them for more than six hundred days. He stayed with these cows every day, as if raising his own children, and tried his best to ensure that

If you kill them, they will have developed very deep feelings.

Now that they are out of the market, they have been sold and exchanged for a big bag of silver dollars. Although he is happy, he also feels empty and reluctant to part with it, because he has been confused all his life and has never done anything so seriously. He is really

He made a desperate move and invested everything he had. At this moment, he also reaped abundant fruits, but he actually felt lost and had no feeling of excitement and ecstasy.

But in the next few days, he became famous. Zeng Tianshun's story of raising cattle and turning his fortune around caused a sensation not only in Fengle Village, which was witnessed by many villagers, but also in the surrounding villages and towns. In the end, the news spread further and further, reaching people all over the country within a hundred miles.

Spread around.

The concept of "turning over" was difficult for the people at the bottom of ancient feudal society to understand. However, after Xujiazhuang's deliberate propaganda over the years, many people also understood what "turning over" means: being able to have food and clothing all year round, and eating one meal of meat in three days.

, live in a brick house, you can still save yourself from natural disasters, live with freedom and dignity, and cannot be oppressed by the powerful officials.

All the people who heard this standard for turning over for the first time were dumbfounded and shook their heads wildly. It was too high. This standard was too high. They would never be able to turn over. Only the children and grandchildren who studied hard and were admitted to the Jinshi Examination were admitted.

Only then can we achieve this standard for turning around.

If ordinary people want to stand up, they are just dreaming!

However, since the emergence of Xujiazhuang, as long as you join Xujiazhuang and become a villager of Xujiazhuang, you can live a better life under the protection of Xujiazhuang. This is a good way to change your destiny.

It's just that people who want to join Xujiazhuang are not allowed to join. There is no expansion in Xujiazhuang, and people who are not exactly within the expansion scope of Xujiazhuang are not allowed to join. They can only work in Xujiazhuang as migrant workers.

Work part-time, earn some money, and barely make a comeback.

But now, a real shortcut to turn around is right in front of us, and a living example can be used as a reference.

That is to learn from Zeng Tianshun and become rich by raising cattle!

There are only fifteen acres of giant mushroom grass and one acre of potato fields. Who can take care of this amount of work?

He only needs to serve fifty Angus cattle, and he can make a net profit of more than 1,500 silver dollars before they are slaughtered in two years.

With this huge sum of money, brick houses can be built, food and clothing can be achieved, meat can be eaten three times a day, a wife can be married, and ten children can be fed!

If you encounter oppression by government subordinates, you should complain to Xujiazhuang and ask Xujiazhuang to help make the decision. Last year, Zeng Tianshun encountered the trouble of a government subordinate who wanted to take away his cattle instead of potatoes, but Xujiazhuang intervened decisively! The government's oppression failed, and he had to


That is, as long as you are close to the Xujiazhuang and establish cooperation with the Xujiazhuang, you can be protected by the Xujiazhuang and live with freedom and dignity.

And if the above is not called turning over, then what is called turning over?

So after the story of Zeng Tianshun's successful turnaround spread, an endless stream of people came to him to exchange ideas and discuss cattle-raising experiences, ranging from dozens to hundreds. On one occasion, even hundreds of people from the entire village came.

They all expressed that they wanted to learn how to raise cattle from him and asked if they would teach them. Their eyes shone with the desire to make a comeback.

Zeng Tianshun couldn't bear the harassment and was extremely impatient. It was impossible for him to teach his cattle-raising skills to them. If so many people learned to raise cattle, would the beef be sold at a high price in the future? Wouldn't he make another one hundred and eighty-year success?

Ten degrees, back to the past again?

Fortunately, the situation in Xujiazhuang is much larger than that of Zeng Tianshun, and a message was immediately spread: Xujiazhuang Animal Husbandry Cooperative will hold a cattle-raising training class for 500 people. Anyone can come as long as they can scrape together a starting capital of 150 taels.

Learn to raise cattle for free. Anyone who passes the training will be given a credit line of 500 silver dollars by Tianxiatong Bank. It will track the cattle raising progress and issue loans one by one, interest-free for two years, and all the cattle will be purchased after they are released.

It can also be sold to others.

Hua Hua Hua~

Although the registration threshold is a bit high, the training class is still fully booked in an instant, and a wave of cattle-raising and wealth-making trends is sweeping across.

Zeng Tianshun's life was still changing. There was a woman beside him. This woman, who was also called Widow Wang from Fengle Village, her husband died early. She was thirty-three years old this year and was much younger than Zeng Tianshun.

She is ten years old, has mature charm and quite a bit of beauty, and is remembered by many bachelors. If it were not for her fierce and fierce personality, and her two sons desperately protecting her, she would have endured countless humiliations and sufferings in this world.

This is not the first time that Zeng Tianshun has met this Widow Wang. During the busiest period of his cattle farm, he didn’t even have time to light a fire and cook, so he had to spend money to hire Widow Wang to help him cook and do some farm chores.

As time went by, there were more rumors in the village. Widow Wang's two sons also strongly opposed it and forced her back to the village, breaking off all contact with Zeng Tianshun.

During the more than half a year of getting along, Zeng Tianshun admitted that he had fallen in love with Widow Wang, who was fierce in appearance but gentle and considerate. His heart was as restless as a twenty-year-old man in his forties. He wanted to be with this woman.

Living together and wanting to build a small family, he also discovered that Widow Wang also meant something to him, but she tried her best to avoid it and did not dare to express it. There were too many unspeakable secrets.

When Widow Wang's two sons pulled her back, the reluctance on her face was clearly visible. Unfortunately, they were not meant for each other, and Zeng Tianshun sighed and felt sad for a long time.

I thought this matter would just go away.

But after Zeng Tianshun sold the cows he raised, they went to the hut where he lived and the number of matchmakers suddenly increased. They even introduced him to 17- or 18-year-old girls, and said that the other party would definitely agree, as long as Zeng Tianshun

Just nod Tianshun.

Zeng Tianshun was thinking about it, but Widow Wang suddenly entered the house, chased all the matchmakers away, and slept on the same bed board with him that night.

Widow Wang's two sons actually did not stop this time. Instead, they took the initiative to help build the brick house and put forward many ideas and suggestions.

In the cattle farm that day, Widow Wang's two sons, 14-year-old Lu Wen and 12-year-old Lu Wu, proposed that they want to learn how to raise cattle from Zeng Tianshun, and Zeng Tianshun nodded in agreement.

"Thank you, Dad." Lu Wen and Lu Wu said.

"What are you calling me?!" Zeng Tianshun's eyes widened and he asked immediately.

"Call me Dad, mother said, you paid to build a house for us to live in, you are also willing to use the money to marry us, and now you have passed on the skills of raising cattle to us. If we don't call you dad, it will be unreasonable." Lu.

Wen said.

"Dad, you will be my biological father from now on. My brother and I will be filial to you." Lu Wu said.

"Okay, okay! I am your father, and you are my sons!"

Zeng Tianshun was so happy that he jumped up. He walked over and held the two teenagers in his hands, laughing loudly, his face glowing red, as if he suddenly looked ten years younger!

This chapter has been completed!
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