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Chapter 106 Anxiety and Happiness

After being accepted by a nobleman.

Sisters Tamako Ono and Noriko Ono quickly received special arrangements.

They moved into the twelfth floor of the middle section of the White Castle Pyramid Building. Each person was assigned a 220-square-meter mid-level suite, which was ten times larger than the tatami room they lived in before.

There are electric lights, electric fans (air conditioning consumes a lot of power and only a few rooms are equipped with it), running water, flushing toilets and showers that can release hot water. If these magical things were not guided by maids to use them, they would probably not be able to use them.

They are frightened as if they were ghosts or gods, or they dare not touch them for fear of breaking them and risking their lives.

The food is also very rich. You can see meat, seafood, eggs, etc. in every meal. It is not the same as before. Even though they have made countless money for the boss, they only eat simple vegetable rice balls, miso soup, a small saury, etc.

I have never eaten Dalian pork meat many times in my life. You can eat it here every day, and you can eat as much as you want.

With healthy women and maids taking care of them, there is no need to work or do things. Unlike before, they had to perform for the guests even during their menstrual period. Not to mention, if they made the boss unhappy, they would still be beaten and insulted even if they were worth tens of thousands of dollars.

They were given away light and comfortable clothes, as well as personal items such as toothpaste and toothbrush, shampoo and shower gel, toilet paper and sanitary napkins. Previously, they had no private property except a few sets of performance kimonos and a small amount of jewelry. But after they were ransomed,

Only two sets of clothes were allowed to be taken away, and the rest were taken away by the boss. The value of these personal belongings they received now in the Japanese country was at least equal to the entire property of ten medium-sized families, and now that they are accepted by the nobles, they do not need to

If you perform hard, you can get these valuable items for free. If you don’t have enough, you can apply for them.

After a rough calculation of what the two sisters eat, wear, and use, their daily expenses for a day can bankrupt a medium-sized family in Japan.

But their main task now is to learn Tang Chinese from the hired tutors and try to learn to speak Tang dialect in a relatively short period of time.

This life only lasted a week.

Ono Tamako's face was full of panic and fear, because she was used to it. She had already become accustomed to this dreamy luxurious life without paying anything. This was really terrible! It was completely inconsistent with the deep-rooted ideas she had accepted in her mind.

It runs counter to the concept of "no effort, no rice balls". After the nobles accepted them, they have not been lucky enough to see them. However, they have no sense of crisis and urgency, and gradually become dull in the extravagant enjoyment.

There must be a limit even if you don’t realize it!

Only those who pay will be rewarded. This law is engraved in the bones of every Japanese. How could she forget this?

"Noriko, Noriko."

Ono Tamako called her sister Ono Noriko, who was practicing some dance moves on a blanket, and said to her: "Stop practicing, we are in big trouble. We have lived here for seven days, but we have never seen you again."

If he forgets about us, we sisters will be doomed."

"You said this."

Ono Noriko said nonchalantly: "I tried to ask Mother Song who is responsible for taking care of us. She said that the noble lady will meet us, so that we don't have to rush and we can adapt to it for a while." Ono Noriko had already realized this problem.

And took action by writing a note to ask despite the language barrier.


Ono Tamako scolded and shook her head repeatedly: "Have you forgotten what Michiko, the boss, often said in our ears? Without giving, there would be no rice balls. Only by paying first can we eat rice balls. But the food we eat now is worse than

Rice balls are so much better, and have you noticed that the food we have eaten in these seven days, except breakfast, lunch and dinner, are all different, but we have eaten for seven days, but we have not paid anything.

If we were in our mother country, what would happen to us and how would we be treated?"

Brush it.

Ono Noriko's face turned extremely pale, and her whole body began to tremble. Her consciousness also returned. She thought carefully about what she had done, and broke into a cold sweat.

"Sister, I know I was wrong, what should I do? What should we do?"

Ono Noriko said in a panic, because she would rather die than end her heavenly life! Not to mention returning to the life of a dancer before, what she wants to hold on to now is this kind of life that starts from Simmons every morning

I woke up in bed, walked to the floor-to-ceiling window, and looked eastward to see the blue sea and the fiery red sunrise, as well as the life in my mother country across the sea.

But she just wanted to look at her mother country from afar, not to return to a place where she wouldn't want to go back even if she was beaten to death.

She just wants to stay in this heaven forever.

So she hurriedly pulled her sister's sleeve and asked her if she had any good ideas.

"Even if the noble man doesn't want to see us now, we still have to find a way to let him know about us, let him understand our thoughts, and know our efforts and contributions, instead of waiting passively until he is forgotten by the noble man," Ono Tamako said.

"But how can we let the noble people know our thoughts? What if we are too abrupt and accidentally offend the noble people?" Ono Noriko was very doubtful. The consequences of annoying the noble people are very serious, and there are actually risks in doing so.

"That's better than doing nothing! As long as we let the noble people see our efforts, the kind noble people will not be angry. If we accidentally screw up...it will just be death!"

Ono Tamako gritted her teeth and said to her sister Ono Noriko: If she doesn't want to participate, forget it, she will bear the risk alone.

"We sisters are connected and live and die together. How can we let you take risks alone? What's more, we sisters look the same. If you hate the noble man, what's the use of trying to please me? Let's go together!"

My younger sister Noriko Ono said in tears.

Then the sisters took action.

On the 25th floor of White Castle, in the office and study room.

In the past few days, Xu Yuan spent most of his time working in this study. Even when he slept at night, he slept in the bedroom next to the study. He did not go to his concubine Fang Qingyan or Xia He's room, so he could only sleep alone.

On the one hand, they both used the excuse that they were pregnant and couldn't sleep with her.

Of course, the main reason was that they were angry and expressed their dissatisfaction with Xu Yuan's silent acceptance of the two Japanese girls.

Xia He's dissatisfaction was very direct. He looked at Xu Yuan with a resentful face, made all kinds of sour words, or touched his belly, complaining about the child in his belly, saying that the family's property was not much, and the child's father still

If you want to take in more concubines and give birth to more brothers and sisters, how will the family property be divided? Will there be conflicts and fights? If the child's father doesn't take in so many concubines, these problems will definitely disappear.

The concubine Xia He's complaints were quite reasonable, but they were ignored by Xu Yuan. He had already made a plan in mind on how to distribute the family property. It was impossible for brothers and sisters to become enemies and cause all kinds of ugly conflicts.

Xu Yuan still pays more attention to Fang Qingyan's attitude and feelings, and Fang Qingyan, who has always been virtuous and generous, and always models a good wife, has been urging Xu Yuan to have more concubines in recent years, and it is best to marry a real wife.

When we come back, we cannot let the position of mistress of Xujiazhuang remain vacant for a long time.

So Xu Yuan was very assured of her and believed that he would not encounter resistance from her. This was indeed the case. When she learned that Xu Yuan had accepted two Japanese dancers, Fang Qingyan was not angry at all. Instead, she took the initiative to congratulate her and even helped Zhang Luona.

My concubine is having a wedding banquet. Hurry and bring the two Japanese women into the room.

Everything was normal up to this point. However, when Fang Qingyan went over and saw the young and beautiful twin twins with her own eyes, after just two glances, Fang Qingyan felt as if she had been unknowingly stimulated and could not go on.

She also ignored Xu Yuan for several days and locked her door at night. When she saw her during the day, although she forced a smile, the tears on her face could not be concealed.

It can be seen that there is still a certain gap between the verbal virtuous and generous words and the actual situation.

People are all selfish. When she sees two beauties younger and more beautiful than herself, who are also twins, standing in front of her alive and about to part with her man's love, even Fang Qingyan can't help but feel anxious.

, sad, sad, sad, unable to get out of it for at least three to five days, and requires an acceptance process.

Xu Yuan was very helpless about this. He had no better way. He could only spend more time with her, coax her, and let the maids and strong women give her more guidance. After a few days in a row, she was almost recovered.

At the same time, Xu Yuan was also glad that this was an ancient society. It was normal for a man to have three wives and four concubines. If it were placed in a modern society, Song Jiayun would probably kill him with one blow.

It's just that Fang Qingyan seems to be back to normal on the surface, but she still doesn't want to open the door at night, saying that she has to adapt to the life of sleeping alone at night from now on, and hopes that Xu Yuan will give her some time to adapt.

Xu Yuan could only continue to sleep in the study and bedroom.

And that afternoon, Xu Yuan, who was working in the study, received a small note from the attendant, saying that it was from the two Japanese women asking for help.

Xu Yuan frowned and opened the note. A line of crooked and unsightly text read: "Master, we have prepared a song and dance. Are you willing to come and have a look? We will sweep the bed and wait for it."

Xu Yuan shook his head and refused, but a note came from the next afternoon, and the content made his nose warm: "Master, we learned a lot of words today, and we also asked someone to buy a book "Secrets of the House".

Learn how to serve your master well."

Notes for the next few days:

Master, we now understand the most basic eighteen postures.

Master, we have learned how to use double dragons to wrap around beads.


On the seventh day, Xu Yuan finally couldn't bear it anymore and went to meet the two Japanese girls that night. There was no need to say more after that, he understood everything. Anyway, he spent a technical and extremely wonderful night.

Early the next morning.

A ray of golden sunshine in the early morning poured on Simmons' bed.

The baby let out a sigh.

Ono Tamako and Ono Noriko, who had tears in their eyes, woke up on the man's broad chest.

Although they were quite unwell, the sisters looked at each other and smiled with happy expressions on their faces after they opened their starry eyes and saw each other.

This chapter has been completed!
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