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Chapter 183 Jiangnan Debate

Only a few issues were published.

In less than a month.

Xujiazhuang's "Oriental Times" quickly dominated public opinion and formed a huge influence throughout the Ming Dynasty, leading wave after wave of public opinion trends.

The speed of this rise.

This kind of siege in the field of discourse power is like entering uninhabited territory.

There are even a lot of supporters and approvers among the common people at the bottom. They feel that the truth stated in the newspaper is so right and speaks to their hearts. Finally, someone can speak for them.

This monster of public opinion is expanding at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Of course the intellectuals of Ming Dynasty saw this.

Of course, countless Confucian disciples and disciples of saints have seen it and are anxious in their hearts. They realize that if this trend continues, it will probably not take half a year, maybe three to five months at the fastest. The various principles upheld by the businessmen in Xujiazhuang

, it will be widely advertised, it will be deeply rooted in people's hearts, it will dominate, and it will occupy almost all the living space. In the end, people's minds will be filled with all kinds of Xujiazhuang's theories.

The orthodoxy of saints has declined since then.

Confucian classics have been eliminated since then!

The countdown to death may only be a few years or a few months.

Can't sit still anymore.

At this time, all the Confucian scholars and even great Confucian scholars who had a sense of crisis could not sit still. They really sensed the crisis that the orthodoxy was about to become extinct.

what to do?

What response measures should be taken to eliminate or alleviate this crisis?

It's better to learn from Confucius and punish Shaozhengmao, and use force to deal with it and eliminate it completely. This method is the simplest and most brutal, and has the best effect!

However, Xujiazhuang's Muscle Legion is an existence that can confront hard-steel slaves. It is an existence that is known as "the strongest muscle of civilization and can defeat any barbarism." They, Confucian scholars who have never been good at using force, want to go head-to-head with the Muscle Legion.

Steel, I'm just afraid that I will be the one to be killed.

Defeat by force is impossible.

You can only come to civilized places and play in the PK mode of talking and spraying.

So at the end of March, Jiangnan Newspaper was established, and the "Jiangnan Times" was quickly published. Xujiazhuang's "Oriental Times" must not be allowed to dominate, and they could not even see the taillights.

The reason why the fastest-growing newspaper is "Jiangnan Times" rather than "Jingcheng Times" or "Northern Times". The main reason is of course that the gentry in the south of the Yangtze River have money. You can chip in and I can chip in to run the newspaper.

It was soon established, with the corresponding economic strength to launch a counterattack, and the response was rapid.

But on April 1, the first issue of "Jiangnan Times" was officially published in Nanjing, Yangzhou, Suzhou, Hangzhou and other cities, and it immediately caused a wave of disappointment.

The quality of the paper is so poor that it can be easily scratched even when you wipe your buttocks.

Only black and white.

They are all classical Chinese texts like "Zhihuzheye". There are no punctuation marks, making it very difficult to read, and the fonts are not clear enough.

There are almost no pictures.

Not to mention color printing.

The circulation of the first issue was only 100,000 copies, and each copy sold for 20 copies.

There's no comparison.

No matter in any aspect, it is incomparable with Xujiazhuang's "Oriental Times". The difference between a beggar and an emperor cannot be described as a dimensionality reduction attack.

Even so, this is the limit that the Confucian scholars and gentry in Jiangnan can achieve.

Fortunately, their efforts paid off. In addition, there are many Confucian scholars and traditional scholars. In order to support their own public opinion position, 100,000 copies of "Jiangnan Times" were quickly sold out, and the dozen articles published on it were sold out.

The article also received numerous applause and applause.

Because these articles were written by famous Confucian leaders.

For example, Zhang Pu, the leader of Fushe, wrote [The impermanence of nature, refuting the fallacies of "Little Ice River"]

For example, Donglin boss Qian Qianyi wrote [Converting human ethics and inferiority, refuting Xujiazhuang's "people-oriented, people-oriented"]

For example, Mr. Lou Shan Wu Yingji’s article [Natural selection, those who are benevolent and righteous and help each other survive, and those who are selfish and self-interested perish]

As well as the article by the great scholar Liu Zongzhou [Excessive military force, how can peace be sustained for a long time?]


The contents of these articles are all catchy, impassioned, and critical of many of the views of the "Oriental Times." They are extremely applauding and overwhelming.

Just through the mouths of tea doctors, the contents of these articles have fallen into the ears of countless low-level people, and they all showed blank expressions:

"What are you talking about?"

"I didn't understand a word of it."

"My head hurts when I hear it."

"Stop reading this "Jiangnan Times", let's read "Oriental Times" again. I like to listen to the things in it and can understand it."

"That's right, read the Eastern Times to me again, I'll add a pot of tea, and give Dr. Tea twenty coins as a reward."


Among the largest group of ordinary people, "Jiangnan Times" was quickly ignored and failed to cause any waves. No matter how well written the dozen or so rebuttal articles were, ordinary people could not get even a single word of approval. After all,

This newspaper is so out of touch.

Of course, these lower-class people have not been taken into consideration by Confucian scholars from the beginning. What do these ignorant people want to know so much? They just need to be the ruled class. Their opinions are not important, and their voices are not important either.

, as long as they obediently be represented in the word "people", sometimes they are not even considered people, but are the objects of tax increases, the objects of sacrifice, and they are a group that will not leave a few names even after they die.

Therefore, the circulation of "Jiangnan Times" will not be affected by them, and the style of articles will not change. The vast number of Confucian scholars and traditional scholars are the main target customers. As long as we win over this group of people,

Public opinion support is enough, and it has achieved this goal relatively well.


The fundamentals of Confucianism have been stabilized, and you can breathe a sigh of relief.

April 2nd, morning.

The day after the first issue of "Jiangnan Times" was officially released.

In Yangzhou City, the most famous local "Jinchun Tea House" is located in the elegant seating room on the third floor.

Sun Chuanting was sitting at the tea table, with a cup of brewed Biluochun tea on his left hand, a copy of "Jiangnan Times" in his right hand, and a pair of myopia glasses on the bridge of his nose. He was drinking tea and reading the newspaper closely.

content on the page, nodding from time to time.

"Not bad, well written."

“Absolutely wonderful.”

"Even I can't write such a good article."

Sun Chuanting, who is forty-one years old this year, although he is middle-aged, he is still tall and tall, eight feet long and extremely energetic. Moreover, his hands are calloused and he is very strong. When he was young, he was extremely skilled in martial arts and could control the situation.

She is a powerful person like Lu Xiangsheng who is capable of both literary and military skills. He is a real hero of this era.

As a native of Daizhou, Shanxi, why did he come to Yangzhou in the south of the Yangtze River?

Of course it's because I'm free.

Because he had resigned from office and had been idle for ten years, and he was really idle recently, he came to Jiangnan with a few followers to take a look at the customs and customs of Jiangnan.

Of course, great changes have taken place in Jiangnan in recent years, especially after the emergence of the merchant power of Xujiazhuang, Sun Chuanting gradually couldn't understand the direction of the world.

After all, he had always regarded the rogue bandits as a serious problem for the Ming Dynasty, followed by the establishment of slaves outside the customs. He had the idea of ​​re-entering the officialdom to help the world, but he had not yet resorted to action. With the intervention of Xujiazhuang, the rogue bandits who had repeatedly suppressed them were finished.

Jiannu was also severely damaged, and the remaining Xujiazhuang became the biggest threat to the Ming Dynasty. However, it coexisted harmoniously, and there is no sign of conflict yet.

After reading several copies of "Oriental Times" recently, Sun Chuanting became more aware of the unusual nature of this force, and came up with the idea of ​​​​wanting to visit Harbor City to take a closer look.

This is the reason why his figure appears in Yangzhou City.

But I was holding this wonderful article in "Jiangnan Times" in my right hand just after I finished admiring it.

A high-pitched voice came from downstairs.

"The ninth issue of "Oriental Times" has just been released, and this restaurant has already purchased it!"

"The headline of this issue is [On the three-hundred-year cycle of the rise and fall of dynasties, and refuting the misconceptions of the great Confucian scholars]!"

"Wonderful, wonderful, Xujiazhuang's actions are too fast. "Jiangnan Times" only published it yesterday, and the rebuttal article came today and was put on the front page! It seems that he is going to have a head-on debate with the great scholars!"

Hear this.

Sun Chuanting's face couldn't help showing a horrified expression, and he was stunned for a long time.

I was surprised by how quickly Xujiazhuang acted!

You must know that the preparation, establishment, drafting and official release of "Jiangnan Times" were all completed in almost a month. This is an extremely efficient performance, equivalent to the daily march of the ancient army.

For three hundred miles, even Sun Chuanting couldn't find any faults, and he thought he couldn't do any better.

As a result, Xujiazhuang became even more terrifying.

Within a day, no, maybe only half a day, they responded, published tit-for-tat articles, and actively responded to this debate.

And it caused a round of applause in the teahouse.

"Okay, okay, Oriental Times did not disappoint me. The counterattack came today."

"Doctor Tea, hurry up and read, I will reward you with a hundred coins!"

"Haha, what is said in the "Oriental Times" is obviously all truth and principle, but those big turbans still dare to find faults. I will scold those big turbans to death."

"Yes, Xujiazhuang is really on our side and speaks for us sincerely. The big headscarves are too hypocritical and shameless."

So at the strong request of the tea guests, Dr. Tea began to read the article "On the three-hundred-year cycle of the rise and fall of dynasties".

It is still a down-to-earth vernacular.

But it is also ups and downs, and the momentum is not weak at all.

When he talked about several wonderful passages, it even caused countless tea drinkers to applaud, such as:

"Every time at the end of the dynasty, when the world is in chaos, as the source of all kinds of unfair phenomena, will the gentry and landlords feel that it is their problem? The people are starving to death, and they have to rebel and rise up. When the officials

Have the nobles ever thought about what responsibilities they should bear? What efforts should be made to save it?"

"No, none of them will feel that they have a problem or that they should take responsibility. They are like pieces of snowflakes falling on the suffering people. These snowflakes feel that they are very light and there is no big problem.

, but only when the ground shakes and a earth-shattering avalanche occurs, even if some individual snowflakes seem unfortunate, on the whole, no snowflake is innocent!"

"This cycle of rise and fall must be broken, because there are no winners, only losers. In the end of the world when only one in ten people is alive and wealthy families are the target of public criticism, who can guarantee that they will be the lucky tenth? Don't do it again

This kind of reincarnation has been created. Stop treating ordinary people as ants and livestock. Learn from Xujiazhuang and take a longer-term view. Put people first and value people. In a world where only the majority of people can live well, you

Being able to live a good life is called sustainable development."

"Benevolence and righteousness, what is benevolence and righteousness, and what is hypocrisy? It is not benevolence and righteousness for a landlord to lend a few buckets of grain to the poor in a disaster year. Landlords do not want the land of the poor, but leave a way for them to survive. When disaster strikes, they help the poor to tide over the difficulties together. This is

It is called benevolence and righteousness. The question is, how many gentry can achieve this kind of benevolence and righteousness? They can resist not adding insult to injury, not turning their neighbors into individual households, and not treating other people's wives and daughters as their own maids and maids. Those who keep talking about benevolence and righteousness

Can the gentry and landlords restrain themselves from this kind of violence?"

"Dear scholars, times have changed. The current situation is at least unprecedented in a thousand years..."

In the private room on the third floor.

After listening to Dr. Tea read this article.

I heard the loud cheers from the first and second floors, and saw that at least 95% of the people supported the article.

Sun Chuanting's face was very pale and gloomy, and he murmured: "We have lost, we have lost. In this battle of public opinion, Confucianism will definitely lose!"


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