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Chapter 184 Is Xu Jiazhuang a New Mohist?

What he observed in Jinchun Tea House made Sun Chuanting draw a very pessimistic conclusion.

He even predicted that Confucianism would be defeated and Xujiazhuang would win.

Why is he so sure? The fact that "Jiangnan Times", which is of rough and poor quality, can sell 100,000 copies, doesn't it just prove that the foundation of Confucianism is still there and its vitality is still very strong?

Disciple Feng Rong said: "These fools can't help big things, so what if there are more of them? The Confucian sect has a solid foundation for two thousand years, how can it fall so easily?"

"You are wrong."

Sun Chuanting looked at him and shook his head: "Winning or losing this public opinion war is not based on who can tell the truth better, but on which side can attract more supporters. "Jiangnan Times" boasts of itself and does not keep pace with the times.

It only has 100,000 supporters who know how to use their words and speak eloquently. However, the "Oriental Times" is down-to-earth and attracts the support of more and more ordinary people. Their number accounts for more than 90%, and they represent the real

If more than 90% of the population are on the side of Xujiazhuang, even if they are all fools, once a conflict war breaks out, who will be the winner?"

The faces of disciple Feng Rong and others suddenly turned pale. Yes, from the perspective of scolding and controversy, "Oriental Times" may not necessarily have the upper hand, but from the perspective of winning over the hearts and minds of the people, "Oriental Times" has already won.

Sun Chuanting sighed: "It is true that the situation has changed unprecedentedly in a thousand years, but Confucian scholars from Jiangnan and all over the world are still living under their own shackles, separated from the general public. How can the Confucian school survive?"

April 4th.

Xujiazhuang, outside Haigang City.

Sun Chuanting and the others reined in their horses and stopped, looking at the modern city in front of them, they all fell into a daze.

At this moment, Harbor City's settled population has reached 600,000, and the number of migrant workers coming to work has reached 300,000. The total population is 900,000, which is close to a giant city with a population of one million.

But the interior is well-organized, neat and beautiful, and doesn't feel too crowded.

The average floor of the building is more than five floors.

In order to meet the city's growing industrial electricity needs, a large supercritical thermal power plant was added in the western suburbs of the city, with a maximum power generation of 500,000 kw. But the most noticeable thing in the eyes of others is the 120-meter-high power plant.

big chimney.

The number of wind power generation facilities on the coast has also increased.

There is also a rather large hydrogen airship suspended in the sky, like a giant eye, always watching the situation around the city, intimidating outsiders with malicious intentions, and it also has the function of relaying communications.

In short, after some time, Harbor City has undergone considerable changes.

After a series of processes.

I got my short-term activity passport and entered Harbor City.

By this time, Sun Chuanting's mentality had been adjusted smoothly. No matter what new things he saw, he could take them calmly and maintain a normal mind.

But the few disciples he brought with him all knelt down, their mentality collapsed, their kneecaps quickly became weak, and their spiritual will quickly surrendered to the material civilization of Harbor City.

"Failed, defeated, teacher, our Ming Dynasty will definitely be defeated."

"I understand, Xujiazhuang is not a merchant force at all, but a Mohist force inherited from the Mohist family. Look at the exquisite devices everywhere in the city, and then think about the "people-oriented, people-oriented" philosophy that Xujiazhuang upholds.

"The concept of "universal love" coincides with the Mohist idea of ​​"universal love", and the reason why Xu Jiazhuang is unwilling to change dynasties is also explained. Since universal love is equal, how can he sit on the throne and determine his superiority and inferiority? Wouldn't this violate

The original intention of the Mohist family? This is it, it must be like this, Xujiazhuang is actually the Mohist family!" Feng Rujing, a disciple, excitedly expressed his guess, as if a blind man had discovered Hua Dian.

"It makes sense, it makes sense. Only the Mohist family can achieve such an amazing level of magic and skill." Another disciple suddenly realized.

"The Oriental Times is right. Confucianism has been passed down for two thousand years, but it has only made some breakthroughs based on the philosophies of the sages. In fact, it has remained in the same place and has become a tool of rule. It does not contribute much to social development, but it represents Mohism.

The newly born Xujiazhuang was able to develop the Mohist family to such an extent. Motorcycles can fly at high speeds, and everything can fly into the sky. Many miraculous skills have brought huge changes to production and life. No, it can no longer be said to be miraculous skills, but science.

Technology!" said the follower named Zha Jizuo.

"Since Xujiazhuang is essentially a Mohist school, we must no longer underestimate it. During the Spring and Autumn Period, Zhu Jimo occupied the position of mainstream philosophy. At that time, Confucianism was nowhere to be found, and the Mohist sages were no worse than

The sages of Confucianism were the most brilliant and glorious era of Mohism. They declined later because they did not meet the needs of the rulers. Now they are born again. Their rise is unstoppable and completely explainable."

Disciple Feng Rong nodded repeatedly.

Then, his heart moved, and while his mind was spinning, he came up with the idea of ​​changing the door.

If Xujiazhuang was just a pure businessman, Feng Rong would never have such thoughts. Even if a knife was placed on his neck, he would still defend Confucianism.

But if it is the Mohist school, it is completely different. After all, this is an existence that existed more than two thousand years ago. It is an existence that has suppressed Confucianism for a long time. It is a true academic giant. If you change your family and join such a force, there will be no trace of it.

There is no need to feel ashamed, this is an act of abandoning darkness and turning to light, breaking through oneself and pursuing greater truth.


The ideological atmosphere in the middle and late Ming Dynasty was very open and open. Not only did Wang Yangming's school of mind science come into being, but later the Taizhou School, with Li Zhi as a typical representative, was derived. The academic thoughts of this school completely stood on the bottom of the people.

In terms of stance, he advocated that "clothing and eating are the laws of human ethics" and "man is the way" and "people must be selfish", encouraged men and women to choose their spouses freely, and compared officials to tigers and prostitutes. His thoughts were so radical that they were completely in line with the rule of law.

the opposite of the person.

Of course, Li Zhi's final end was not good. After being arrested and imprisoned, he committed suicide. However, his thoughts and works have been handed down. He has thousands of disciples, and many of them even joined Xujiazhuang, which is quite remarkable.

As an important source of talent, it played a big role in the early development of Xujiazhuang.

Compared to this, the whip-lashing of thousands of horses in unison is simply a joke and there is no comparison at all.

That's too far.

After listening to these speculations and discussions by his disciples and followers, Sun Chuanting felt that they were very reasonable and could not find any big loopholes.

And if Xujiazhuang is really a force inherited from Mohism and represents Mohism in the new era.

The ability to build Xujiazhuang into such a developed and prosperous place, to enable the people to live such a happy and prosperous life, to be able to defeat Confucianism in public opinion and gain the absolute upper hand, are all things that can be explained.


Does this mean that we can change our family and abandon the sage ideas that we have adhered to for decades?

Disciple Feng Rong is very young and can easily do it, but Sun Chuanting is already forty-one this year. The so-called "no confusion" at forty means that he cannot abandon something that he has persisted for most of his life.

Sun Chuanting's own character is one that is indomitable, sometimes unscrupulous, and full of courage. He is a super-enhanced version of Hong Chengchou, the kind of person who is willing to sacrifice his life for the Tao in his heart, that is, he is an idealist.


There is absolutely no chance of wavering!

Even if Xujiazhuang placed things like aircraft carriers and star destroyers in front of him.

Therefore, Sun Chuanting planned to stay in Harbor City for a while and observe for a while to see if he could find the flaws and loopholes in Xujiazhuang, see if there was anything worth learning from, and see if there was any possibility of saving and preserving the Confucian orthodoxy.

Rather than complete decline.

This may be his future mission and responsibility.

Sun Chuanting and his party entered Harbor City.

His every move has been the focus of the Xujiazhuang intelligence system from the very beginning.

The owner of the village, Xu Yuan, seems to attach great importance to this seemingly ordinary person, and has given instructions to increase attention. If necessary, he can even take the initiative to contact Sun Chuanting and extend an olive branch to see if there is any possibility of recruiting him?

If they can be successfully recruited, maybe Xujiazhuang will have a handsome and talented person.

"Yes, owner."

Zhang Guoyan, the person in charge of the intelligence system, said that he was quite disapproving. He was just a burly guy with a turban. He was not a handsome man. The owner of the village thought highly of him.


The debate between "Oriental Times" and "Jiangnan Times" is still going on.

It can even be said that it has just begun.

In order to win this debate and defend Confucianism, all the Confucian scholars in the Jiangnan area took action and wrote articles one after another, vowing to fight Xujiazhuang to the end and fight until complete victory.

However, "Jiangnan Times" has published three consecutive issues and contains dozens of wonderful articles, each of which can be described as classic and amazing.

But some readers finally discovered a problem to their horror.

That is, there are more and more ordinary people supporting the "Oriental Times". Every time a new issue is released, these illiterate and semi-illiterate people will gather in teahouses and other places with great anticipation. Listening to Dr. Tea reading the newspaper, they burst into extremely excited moods.

Warm cheers and support.

When I read something wonderful, I was showered with rewards, and the response got better and better each time.

Because the business of the teahouse has improved and the income of tea doctors has increased, the number of teahouses and tea stalls has increased, there have been more doctors who specialize in "Oriental Times", and more and more people like this newspaper.

Even in some remote and backward small mountain villages, there are mobile newspaper readers. If you go there and read newspapers for a while, you can actually earn a lot of rewards.

The most frightening thing is that many younger children and primary school students cannot read too profound articles because their thoughts have not yet been formed, but they can easily read and understand the articles in the "Oriental Times", and most of them said that


That is to say, these inheritors and successors of Confucianism were brainwashed by the "Oriental Times" early on and rebelled to Xujiazhuang.

If this situation is allowed to worsen, the Confucian tradition will decline and decline due to the internal self-excitement of the Confucian scholars of their generation, and will fall into a situation where there will be no successors.


Some people with lofty ideals finally began to panic.

Just as they were thinking about how to deal with it, Qian Chengzhi, a guest from Xujiazhuang, suddenly issued a challenge in Nanjing, saying that they would arrange a venue in Zijin Mountain, provide amplification equipment, and hold a face-to-face debate that would last ten days. They would invite 100,000

Audiences who are famous and can represent all walks of life in the Ming Dynasty come over and let them vote to determine the winner!

This challenge published in the "Oriental Times" immediately attracted the attention of countless Confucian scholars:

"Face-to-face debate is possible!"

"What I, Tang Xizhi, am not afraid of the most is debate."

"Come just come, who is afraid of whom?"

"I'm going to Nanjing right now!"

After the news spread, countless literati rushed to Nanjing in a hurry.

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Chapter 184 Is Xujiazhuang the new Mohist family? Read for free.

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