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Chapter 208 The mighty, shocking world

With preparations in full swing.

Outside Harbor City, more than 500,000 young men and women have gathered in the temporary resettlement camp in the south.

Yang Dayan from Henan is one of these young people.

Moreover, not long after he completed recruit training in the military camp, he also became a member of the Innocence Army.

By the way, didn't he work as a road builder in Henan before? Why did he appear in the Jiangnan area now?

The reason is very simple. The "Luoxi Highway" has been completed. Because of the severe drought in the north, more and more refugees and hungry people have joined the road construction team. Including the elderly and children, there are six to seven million people in Henan alone.

The refugees went to build the road, which resulted in the completion of the road that originally took one or two years to be completed in three months.

As a result, Yang Dayan lost his job at the end of August and had no work at all.

Fortunately, the managers of Xujiazhuang promptly gave them three options: go to Shanxi to mine coal, work in a factory, or go overseas to colonize.

Coal mining is a high-paying job, but it is hard and dangerous, so not many people choose this job.

As for factories, Xujiazhuang built a new heavy industry city thirty miles north of Haigang City, with steel plants, cement plants, glass plants, three acid and two alkali plants, explosives plants, and the second phase of a five-million-ton synthetic ammonia plant.

etc., it also requires hundreds of thousands of workers, which is still relatively hard and dangerous. The advantage is that you have the opportunity to settle in a heavy industry city and become a neighbor of the Harbor City. Therefore, more people choose this option, and the 300,000 workers are quickly filled.

Yang Dayan arrived late and failed to seize the opportunity to enter the factory.

The only option was to colonize overseas, which was the highest risk, but the probability of getting rich was the highest, so there was nothing to complain about, and Yang Dayan even felt hopeful in his heart.

When he was participating in recruit training in the military camp, his family was properly arranged. For example, his wife Liu Xiniu got a job sewing and mending clothes, and my mother was responsible for cleaning and taking care of their three children. They only had a meager income and could barely maintain their daily expenses.

That’s all.

Taking into account the dangers of overseas colonization, the first batch of people to go overseas must be young and strong. After the collective estates are basically established and safety can be ensured, they can then take their families and children there. The elderly can also

Can bring it.

Therefore, among the six members of Yang Dayan's family, he is the only one who lives in the temporary camp, and his wife Liu Xiniu has been arranged to be in the second group. The three children and his mother live in the larger family camp and belong to the last group.


Therefore, their family had to endure the pain of separation for a while.

However, Yang Dayan thinks this is no problem. As long as he works hard as a pioneer and creates a comfortable and good environment, then this short separation will be worth it.

Gao Degong, a native of Shaanxi, and Wu Xiaochun, a native of Shanxi who lived in the same Tongpu as him, also had the same simple ideas as him.

The immigration fleet will set off soon.

In the past few days, Yang Dayan and others were assigned to sampan boats one after another, and began anti-seasickness training in advance to improve their adaptability at sea.

"Xujiazhuang has thought too carefully. It seems that he really doesn't want anything to happen to us." Under the impact of the waves, Yang Dayan, who had already adapted to this environment very well, sighed in the sampan that was constantly rising and falling.

"Ugh, vomit~"

Gao Degong, a man from Shaanxi next to him, was not so adaptable. He was pale, lying on the side of the boat, seasick and vomiting for almost two hours. He almost wanted to vomit out bile. Occasionally, he could find time to say: "I can't do it anymore. I can't."

If this is not the case, I will really die on the way if this continues, can I apply to withdraw?"

"Brother Gao, please be patient and patient."

Wu Xiaochun from Shanxi advised him: "I was seasick at first, but now I am much better. When we officially set off in a few days, we will take a steam speedboat, which is not only large and stable, but also can reach Taiwan in two days."

, as long as you survive these two days, everything will get better, don’t give up!”

"Brother Gao, think about your mother-in-law and your children. No matter how hard it is, you have to go through it. If you want them to live a good life, they must pass this test."

Yang Dayan also advised him.

But hearing these words made Gao Degong want to roll his eyes. His parents and family had long since starved to death, he was not married, and he had no children. He had even been a bandit for two or three years, so he had long been used to being alone, but he would still know how to live alone in the future.

A person who gets married, as long as he survives, will definitely find a woman to live with, pass on the blood of the Gao family, and work hard to create wealth for future generations.

After thinking about it, he gritted his teeth and shut his mouth tightly. No matter how uncomfortable the seasickness felt, he would hold back and not vomit.

He only lasted less than half a moment before his body reacted uncontrollably, and he lay down on the side of the boat and retched again.

the other side.

On a steam-powered shipping cargo ship, there are eight hundred young people standing or sitting on the surface deck. They are all wearing Confucian scholar uniforms. They continue to have long hair and are also undergoing anti-seasickness training.

, but because of the good conditions, not many people got seasick and vomited. Instead, they were very comfortable admiring the distant sea view, pointing out the mountains and rivers, or reciting poems. For those who didn’t know, they might think it was a flower boat.


On the bow of the deck, there were three young people talking.

"Xujiazhuang does not allow us to learn advanced science and technology, but instead sends us to colonize overseas. Just because we don't want to cut off our long hair or take off our Confucian robes, we are going to be sent overseas.

, it’s better to die!”

Zhao Zhilong, who is tall and handsome, said in a tone full of resentment that he actually has a very good impression of Xujiazhuang. After more than half a year of in-depth understanding and study, he has fully accepted many of the 'Xu Xue' concepts, although he has not yet completely converted.

"Xu Xue", but the heat is about the same. Just because he really can't abandon some ideas in Confucianism, he is labeled as not trustworthy. Not only can he not be exposed to advanced science, but he will be sent overseas in a few days to serve as a postgraduate student.

Clerks, accountants and other clerical jobs are not hard work, but they are still very frustrating.

Because Xujiazhuang doesn't trust them.

Because they were ostracized and jealous, they even had to be exiled to barbaric lands overseas, and they didn't know when they would be able to come back.

"Brother Zhao, if you want to gain trust, shave off your hair and change your Confucian clothes into Xujiazhuang's clothes. Maybe you can get off this ship right away and you won't have to come tomorrow. It's just your hair and clothes. Why not give up?

?Or Xujiazhuang’s trust is more important.”

The thin man next to him, a young man named Song Qing said.

"Since you also think Xujiazhuang's trust is important, why don't you shave your hair and change your clothes?" Zhao Zhilong glared at him.

Song Qing shook his head: "It's not that I don't want to, but I'm used to the long-haired Confucian uniform. I really can't change it, so I can only do this."

"Haha, we have three thousand Confucian scholars. Many of them said what you said at first, but gradually they shaved their heads and changed their clothes. Now there are only eight hundred of us left. Your reason is no longer convincing."

Zhao Zhilong sneered.

"Believe it or not, it's up to you." Song Qing shrugged.

"I want to see the outside world."

Zhang Yunyou, a 20-year-old short man from Jiangyin, said: “I don’t know if Brother Zhao or Brother Song have read the [Travel Notes of Xu Xiake] recently published in the Oriental Times. Its author, Xu Xiake and Xu Zhenzhi, is my hometown of Jiangyin.

, only five or six miles away from my home, Mr. Xiake is our most amazing person in Jiangyin, I want to learn from Mr. Xu and become the second most amazing person." Zhang Yunyou's eyes were shining.

"I didn't expect Mr. Xiake to be from the same hometown as Brother Zhang?"

"Mr. Xiake is not only the most amazing person in Jiangyin, but also an amazing person throughout the ages. He traveled to famous mountains and rivers, measured the world with his feet, and explored the truth of the universe. It is really admirable. I heard that the owner of the village sent a famous doctor to cure Xiake.

Due to my husband's foot disease, I spent 500,000 silver dollars to set up the Xu Xiake geological expedition team, and also developed a 'Xiake' aircraft to take Mr. Xiake to the places he most wanted to visit... The owner of the village added more

He is a strange person."

"Reincarnation Paradise"

"Yes, the owner of the village is nice everywhere. It would be better if he were a little less harsh on us Confucians."

Speaking of Mr. Xiake, Zhao Zhilong and Song Qing were all in awe and sighed.

Zhang Yunyou said: "A good man has aspirations for the world. A true Confucian student should not be poor at reading the classics, trapped in his hometown, and rigidly adhere to tradition. These are not true Confucians, but cynics and fake Confucianists who are harmful to others."

, The reason why I don't take off this Confucian crown is because I want to learn from Mr. Xiake, and I also want to be a true Confucian who measures the world and explores the truth. This is the reason why I am on this ship."

"Okay, okay, that's good!"

Zhao Zhilong said loudly: "What Brother Zhang said is actually what I think in my heart. Brother Zhang, you helped me say it."

Song Qing also said solemnly: "Brother Zhang, please take Song with you on your path to true Confucianism. I am willing to measure the size of this world with you!"

"Okay, we are not alone, let's walk together!"

Zhang Yunyou stretched out his hand, and Zhao Zhilong and Song Qing put their hands on them one after another, then threw their heads back and laughed together.

In the morning of November 5th, the seventh year of Chongzhen.

The warm sun is shining and the sky is clear.

Countless colorful flags and banners were hung at the eastern port of Harbor City.

There is also a gong and drum team playing gongs and drums in Dongdongdong.

There is a lion and dragon dance team dancing a liger and a tiger.

The crackling sound of firecrackers never stopped.

The official departure day has arrived.

The steam ship docked at the dock opened its hatch and set up ship planks. Then, through the planks, young men and women lined up neatly, all carrying packages, and walked onto the ship one after another.

Boat after boat, there were countless family members seeing each other off at the pier on the shore, shedding tears and giving instructions:

"It must be safe!"

"Pay attention to safety and don't show off!"

"Work hard and wait until I come over to reunite with you."

"We will meet again, we will definitely, wuwuwu~"

At this time, Yang Dayan, who was already halfway to the boat board, heard crying behind him. He couldn't help but turn his head and saw several crying children. He couldn't help but shed a tear from the corner of his eye. It was this tear.

, coupled with his resolute face that has suffered a lot, was captured by a camera on the side, and a classic photo was born.

Each of the thirty sea cargo ships can carry up to 800 people (full load mode).

Six armored warships, each of which can carry an additional 500 Marines.

Therefore, the number of immigrants in the first batch reached nearly 250,000.



Amidst the whine of steam from the ship's horn, large steam ships set off one after another, about four to five hundred yards apart, forming a large immigration fleet that stretched for nearly fifty miles.

Tall chimneys spout gray smoke.

Leaving a very long white trail.

It can be described as majestic and extremely spectacular.

Naturally, it was also photographed by a DJI drone hanging high in the sky, and I got some classic photos.

November 6th, early morning!

"Oriental Times" published a special issue, with the headline on the front page being "The road is blue, the mountains and forests are opened, this is the tenacity of the Chinese nation".

The subtitle is [History will remember your dedication and pay tribute to the pioneers!]

Beijing, in the Forbidden City.

Emperor Zhu Youjian got today's issue of "Oriental Times". He had already developed the habit of reading newspapers. This time he didn't even read the headline of the front page news. He just saw the cover picture and saw this poor man with a resolute face.

, tears dropped from the corners of his eyes, full of reluctance to leave his loved ones, but out of responsibility, he stepped on the ship with firm steps.

Zhu Youjian, who had never been in contact with a few lower-class people, immediately understood the meaning of this picture and couldn't help but tremble in his heart.

"These are my people, my people who have suffered so much!"

Zhu Youjian couldn't help but burst into tears.

This chapter has been completed!
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