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Chapter 209 The Obedience of the Indigenous People

In fact, regarding Xujiazhuang’s large-scale overseas colonization operation.

The public opinion of the Ming Dynasty generally expressed praise and support, and there were very few negative voices and cold water on the Ming Dynasty.

Because the Ming Dynasty had too many people, its resources were relatively limited.

In addition, the climate has been too abnormal in recent years, and there have been countless natural disasters. The so-called Little Ice Age has not ended yet, but has become more and more intense.

Coupled with corruption, excessive expropriation, land annexation and other man-made disasters, the people in many areas of the Ming Dynasty were indeed extremely poor, struggling on the edge of death. If you put yourself in their shoes, it seems that rebellion is their only way to survive - "Oriental Times"

》Written an article specifically for deduction, and produced a large amount of data. After reading it, countless literati and doctors had chills in their necks and nightmares all night long. They had to come to the conclusion that "the cycle of the rise and fall of dynasties has reached a critical point. With the change of dynasties, a large population decline is very likely to occur."


Xujiazhuang's large-scale colonial expansion and large-scale immigration are actually mitigating this crisis and transferring conflicts to other countries.

Tropical areas such as Nanyang were not only unaffected by the Little Glacier climate, but entered a golden period of development. Many powerful kingdoms were born, and there was never a problem of food shortage. Therefore, the local indigenous people were generally lazy and the development of productivity was slow.

, the overall strength is not very strong, and most of them are small countries. Except for the Western colonial forces that pose a certain threat, the others are all weak. It is expected that they can easily win Nanyang.

The biggest enemies may be tropical storms, diseases, and acclimatization.

Fortunately, Xujiazhuang has made extremely thorough preparations, which should be able to greatly reduce casualties and successfully realize colonization.

even so.

Above the Jinluan Hall in the morning.

When Emperor Zhu Youjian discussed this big move in Xujiazhuang with his ministers and officials, the majority still expressed their disapproval.

Some civil servants even made sarcastic remarks with a smile on their faces:

Qian Shisheng, a bachelor of the cabinet, said: "Your Majesty, this is a great thing. The hundreds of millions of silver dollars Xujiazhuang has invested this time and the millions of hungry people, I am afraid that most of them will be wasted, and there will be heavy losses."

Li Kangxian, the Minister of Rites, recounted the following: "In the 18th year of Jianwu in the Eastern Han Dynasty, Fubo General Ma Yuan led an army of 30,000 people to march south to Jiaozhi. It only took a few months to wipe out the rebellion and destroy everything. However, the army only stayed for less than a year, and the disease and epidemic

All the people, Jiaozhi rebelled again six years later... In the fifth year of Yongle in this dynasty, Chengzu sent the British Duke Zhang Fu, left deputy general Mu Cheng, left counselor Li Bin, right counselor Chen Xu and others to lead an army of 100,000 to conquer Annan.

The Hu Dynasty was destroyed in just one month and the Jiaozhi Provincial Government was established. However, local rebellions continued and epidemics occurred frequently. Less than twenty years after returning to the Ming Dynasty, they separated again. The Ming Dynasty suffered countless losses, but it could never gain a foothold. Xujiazhuang

What magic power can prevent us from repeating the mistakes of the Ming Dynasty?"

Chief Assistant Wen Tiren also said: "In half a year, maybe only half a year, Xujiazhuang will withdraw from Nanyang in disgrace. We only need to sit back and watch Xujiazhuang fail."

Censor Zhang Yandeng said: "Xujiazhuang's determination is commendable, and so is its courage. It has opened up more living space for our Chinese nation. This is also worthy of praise. However, the people of the Ming Dynasty are not resistant to cold and heat. In the Battle of Chibi, Cao Cao's army

Even the water and soil in the south cannot adapt to it. The land of Guangdong, Guangxi and Yunnan has taken thousands of years to slowly digest. Xujiazhuang is impatient and wants to conquer the hotter Nanyang. It is just a futile and wasteful move and will kill him in vain.

Millions of people.”

Another official said: "Although it is difficult to survive in the Ming Dynasty, if you go outside, you will lose your life in a moment."

Of course, an official asked: "With Xujiazhuang's superb medical technology, maybe it can solve the problems of epidemic diseases and acclimatization?"

"The Point Guard Is Here"

But he was immediately ridiculed, "Impossible, absolutely impossible!" "Can Xujiazhuang solve a problem that our ancestors have been unable to solve for thousands of years?" "Xujiazhuang is not a god!"... After some discussion, Sitting on the Dragon Throne.

Emperor Zhu Youjian was not very optimistic about Xujiazhuang's overseas colonization. He was worried about the millions of Ming immigrants. He wondered how many of them would survive, 10% or 20%?

But even so.

Few civil servants proposed to persuade Xujiazhuang to give up overseas colonization. On the one hand, it was impossible to dissuade them; secondly, with so many refugees and hungry people, and such a huge contradiction, they could not find a way to move out. Could it be that they all stayed in the Ming Dynasty, which would eventually lead to civil war?

Can't explode?

Out of class interests, even though they were extremely unfavorable about Xujiazhuang's actions, they fully supported it in their hearts.

Even Emperor Zhu Youjian had this kind of selfish thought that made him feel ashamed.

November 7, morning.

Taiwan Island, west coast, central plain area.

At the mouth of a river,

A beach suitable for landing was found and a temporary port was built.

Xujiazhuang’s immigration fleet officially landed on this island!

Group after group of immigrants left, batch after batch of materials were transported, and the camp was quickly built, creating a solid stronghold.


As a member of the Innocence Army, Yang Dayan was assigned to the security patrol mission. The first thing he felt about this strange place was warmth.

The temperature is at least ten degrees, neither cold nor hot, which is just the right amount of comfort for the human body.

Secondly, it is deserted. Although some areas have been reclaimed and many villages have been established, more than 70% of the plain land is still barren and uncultivated, with weeds and shrubs taller than people.

Yang Dayan pulled out the dog-leg knife tied to his leg, chopped off some weeds in front of him, and dug up the soil under the roots. It turned out to be black soil.

"The land here is very fertile. It's good land. It's so fat and oily!"

He said excitedly to Gao Degong next to him.

"I can see it."

Gao Degong stood on tiptoe, looked around in the distance, and said: "There is no problem in building a manor of thirty or fifty people, but it is a pity to use it to grow sugar cane. It is best used to grow food, and sugar cane cannot be used as a plant."


"That's right, why not use half of it to grow food, half to grow food, and open a few vegetable plots to grow vegetables. This is the best arrangement." Yang Dayan nodded.

"Don't you know how high the price of sugar is and how profitable it is to grow sugar cane?"

Wu Xiaochun from Shanxi rolled his eyes and said to them: "The grain in Xujiazhuang costs about five cents per catty. The most expensive high-quality rice costs ten cents per catty. But as for white sugar, coarse sugar costs more than five hundred cents per catty, and fine sugar costs more than five hundred cents per catty."

It costs more than 800 Wen or even one silver dollar per catty, and the price difference is dozens or hundreds of times. Now we want to build a sugar cane estate and grow white sugar cane that can grow four to five feet high. As long as it is planted well, one acre of sugar cane can be grown every year.

Producing two to three hundred kilograms of white sugar will bring benefits of at least 100 silver dollars. Even if the price of sugar drops in the future, it will still be thirty or fifty silver dollars. If you grow food, how much can you earn from one acre of land in a year?"


Yang Dayan calculated the calculation in his mind, shook his head and said: "If you grow grain, even if there is a bumper harvest, you can only earn three to five silver dollars at most, which is ten times less than this. But sugar can't be eaten as food? Only grain can fill the stomach.

, if we only grow sugar cane, who will grow the food? Where will our food come from?”

"Of course I bought it from the Grain Estate."

Wu Xiaochun said: "Xujiazhuang is going to Hainan Island and Nanyang to build a lot of grain estates. They are only responsible for growing rice and harvesting three times a year. Each mu of land can harvest at least two to three thousand kilograms of grain a year. If you don't

If you like growing sugar cane and grain, you can apply to work in a grain manor, and you'll be guaranteed to have plenty of grain. It's just that it's far away from Daming. It'll be harder to visit your hometown in the future, and the transportation is not as convenient as here."

"Then it's better to grow sugar cane. I'm going to grow sugar cane, and I won't consider going to a grain farm."

Yang Dayan waved his hands repeatedly. He was not a fool. He ignored the benefits of at least 30 to 50 silver dollars per acre and went to the grain farm. The benefits were even lower. Harvesting three times a year wouldn't mean he had to work hard for three seasons. Don't even think about it.

Stop and rest?

Moreover, it is very troublesome to go back to my hometown. It takes several days to take a boat.

Forget it, it's better to plant sugar cane.



In a Han village not far to the north, the sound of gongs suddenly sounded.

Then there were sounds of killing and screaming.

"Hoo ho ho~" At the Xujiazhuang immigration camp, the whistle for the gathering of the innocent army also sounded.

"Emergency gathering, something big might have happened!"

Gao Degong's expression changed drastically, he immediately canceled the patrol, took Yang Dayan, Wu Xiaochun and the others back to the camp to assemble.


Sun Chuanting, the commander of the Innocence Army, personally led the Innocence Army of 5,000 people to Wangjiacun, a medium-sized Han village with about 300 households.

More than an hour ago, it was this Wangjia Village that was attacked by the indigenous army.

Fortunately, Wangjiacun's defense facilities were well-equipped and prepared well in advance. In addition, the Sinless Army arrived in time, so the indigenous army had no choice but to retreat.

even so.

More than 30 young men died in Wangjia Village, which is about one-tenth of the young men in the village. It can still be described as heavy casualties.

"Master Sun, this is the third time this year that the Dadu Kingdom has attacked our village. They call this a 'headhunting sacrifice'. Not only do they want to kill us Han people, they also want to chop off our heads and eat our flesh.

, regard us as the highest prey, and come to hunt every year. If any village is relatively weak, they will continue to attack until all the Han people are killed. If you hadn't arrived in time today, even if you could have blocked it,

This time, it will be difficult to stop the next time. Li Village and Lin Village further north were wiped out in this way."

The old patriarch of Wangjia Village said that he also asked the innocent army to see the headless corpses on the ground.

"The Big Belly Kingdom is so ferocious, why don't you villages unite and deal with it together, instead of being defeated by these natives one by one?"

Sun Chuanting frowned and asked, In fact, as long as these Han villages unite, it will not be difficult to deal with the indigenous savages, because whether it is in terms of productivity, weapons level, organizational ability or even the number of people, the Han immigrants who have immigrated here have the upper hand.

How could one fall into such passivity?

"It can't be done. The Dadu Kingdom lives by hunting, and we Han people live by farming. They harass us all day long, but we have to work in the fields. Moreover, they attack Zhang Village today and Li Village tomorrow.

Their whereabouts are unpredictable and unpredictable. We organized thousands of young men and took the initiative to go into the mountains to attack them, but failed many times without success. There is nothing we can do against these savage natives!"

The old patriarch said helplessly that they had tried every means and had killed many indigenous people, but it was difficult to eradicate the problem, which only aroused even more crazy revenge.

"Don't worry, old patriarch. Now that the Sinless Army has arrived, this Big Belly Kingdom should become history. I will make them completely obey."

Sun Chuanting patted the table, his face filled with murderous intent.
This chapter has been completed!
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