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Chapter 210 The obedience of the natives: able to sing and dance

Kamacha Alami, the king of the Big Belly Kingdom (also known as the Big Belly King), is a savage leader in his thirties.

Today's raid on Wangjiacun was personally directed and implemented by him.

More than 2,000 Qingzhuang people were mobilized.

The goal is to prepare more than a thousand Han heads for the headhunting ceremony in a dozen days and offer them to the gods in order to gain protection from the gods, make his tribe stronger, and get more food in the future.

But today's operation failed and only harvested more than 20 heads. This is not enough. According to this hunting efficiency, it is difficult to complete the task of 1,000 heads. There are still more than 200 heads left, and the gods will definitely be unhappy.

"Your Majesty, it seems that there are more Han people in the south. Some tribesmen discovered that there are more Han people than the stars have landed. At least hundreds of villages can be built, but we can only destroy a few a year."

The Bushido of the clansman.

"Your Majesty, the Han people are invincible, and they have come with an army that is larger than the population of our tribe. It is difficult for us to be our opponents. How about we stop this year's headhunting festival and take the tribe to hide in the mountains for a while, waiting for them to build a

After the village is ready, we can go hunting again." Another tribesman suggested.

"The headhunting festival cannot be cancelled, and more heads must be obtained!"

The Big-Belly King Alami flatly refused: "The reason why our tribe continues to weaken is because we sacrifice too few heads to the gods, and it is difficult to obtain the blessings of the gods. We can only kill more Han people and chop off more heads.

Only the gods will take care of us, and the number of Han people will decrease."

"Next, I will lead you to launch more battles and get harvests that satisfy the gods. Only the more sacrifices prepared for the headhunting ceremony will our tribe prosper forever."

After hearing what the king said.

All the savage generals were speechless and could only nod in agreement.

Because what Wang said was so reasonable. Without killing all the Han people and taking back their living space, how could the Dadu Kingdom prosper, and how could the gods care about them and bring more food resources?

This set of theories seems to be very superstitious, but in fact it is very logically self-consistent and it is difficult to find loopholes.

It is political correctness that belongs to the tribe and no one can challenge it.

Therefore, no matter how many Han people come to the island and no matter how severe the challenges they face, the Dadu Kingdom must continue to fight and cannot escape or stop.

It's just that the new attack has not been deployed and implemented yet, and the Han people at the foot of the mountain acted first!

They dispatched an army that was much larger than the total population of the Dadu Kingdom. They divided their troops into multiple groups with a thousand men, and even crossed rivers and detoured to their rear. It seemed that they wanted to destroy the Dadu Kingdom in one go.

After understanding these situations.

Big Belly King Alami couldn't help but laugh, his face full of disdain and ridicule.

This trick again, trying this trick again?

Similar campaigns to encircle and suppress the Han people have been carried out more than once or twice. Even though tens of thousands of people were mobilized each time, like a mountain bearing down on the top of the mountain, did it work?

In terms of familiarity with the mountains, can you foreign Han people compare to us?

In every encirclement and suppression campaign, we were not able to easily escape from the encirclement with minimal losses.

But this time.

Big Belly King Alamy soon realized something was wrong.

First of all, the Han army moved too quickly. As soon as they packed their belongings, the Han people arrived at the foot of the mountain and began to launch a fierce attack.


He could only take a few items with him and flee in a hurry.

The total population of the Dadu Kingdom is about 5,000, mostly young and strong, but there are also many old people and children. They move slowly together and cannot escape the pursuit of the Han soldiers behind them.

"Abandon the old man and take only the children."

With the order of Alami, the Big-Belly King, hundreds of old people were mercilessly abandoned. Even the highly respected priests were among those abandoned as long as they could not walk.

Even so, he still couldn't get rid of the pursuers behind him.

"Abandon all the children too! It cannot affect our speed." The big-bellied king Alami ordered again.

"Your Majesty, the child cannot be abandoned."

"Children are the hope of the tribe!"

"Your Majesty, are your three children going to give up too?"

The tribesmen and warriors persuaded each other one after another, and even gritted their teeth and said: "Why don't we fight with the Han people! Leave a way for the children to survive."

"If the child is gone, we can have another one, as long as we still have women!"

The Big Belly King Alamy was unmoved and insisted on issuing this order.

As a result, nearly a thousand children and women who were unwilling to give up their children were abandoned.

Even so!

The Han army behind them is still lingering, clinging to them like maggots attached to their bones, but they cannot get away.

"Disperse, all the tribesmen disperse and run away, go back to the mountains first!"

Alami ordered helplessly.

As a result, the remaining more than 3,000 young men and women had to be broken up into small groups, breaking out in groups of a dozen to dozens of people, just to survive this catastrophe.

The pot-bellied king Alami, who was guarded by the most elite warriors in the clan, not only ran the fastest, but also successfully entered a valley deep in the mountains, when he thought he was safe.

Swish, brush, brush~

At the east end of the valley, five hundred Han soldiers emerged from the woods.

Swish, brush, brush~

At the west end of the valley, five hundred Han soldiers also emerged.

Just in time, the big-bellied king Alamy and other high-ranking indigenous people were surrounded in the middle, with no way to escape.

This scene made Alami kneel on the ground and cry in despair:

"God, will you no longer protect my tribe?"

"Why do you side with the Han people?"

"Everything here originally belongs to us, why should we give it to outsiders?"

"Kill the tribesmen for me. Even if you die, I will kill a few Han people!"

Finally, Alami personally led dozens of elite warriors and launched an attack on the Han army.

Bang bang bang bang!

Puff puff puff puff puff!

The cannon fired a round.

The pulley steel crossbow fired a round.

All these savage natives fell into a pool of blood.

The Kingdom of Dadu perished and became history.

November 10th, morning.

More than 2,000 elderly women and children captured in the Dadu Kingdom were escorted to temporary immigration camps one after another. As for the young and strong people of this indigenous tribe, they were basically slaughtered, and no one was left alive.

Counting the time, the Xujiazhuang immigrants landed on the island and stayed for less than 72 hours. A large indigenous tribe became history.

Is this efficiency too exaggerated?

Especially the old patriarch of Wangjia Village and other villagers, they all felt unbelievable after hearing the news that the Innocence Army had won the victory and successfully destroyed the Dadu Kingdom.

"This, how is this possible?"

"We have been fighting against the Dadu Kingdom for more than ten years, but we have been unable to do anything against them. Will Xujiazhuang be able to do it as soon as it comes?"

"Although the Innocence Army will win, how can it win so quickly? In two days, it can accomplish something that we have not been able to accomplish in twenty years?"

"I don't believe it, they've only been here two days!"

Just watching the indigenous savage captives tied up with ropes pass through Wangjiacun, a rough calculation of the number is close to two thousand. They are all old people, women and children, and there is not a single young man. It can be confirmed that the Big Belly Kingdom is over.

They have to believe it even if they don't believe it.

The old patriarch of Wangjiazhuang murmured: "Incredible, these immigrants from Xujiazhuang are amazing!"


The stunning debut of the Innocence Army was not due to how powerful the officers of the Innocence Army were, nor to the superb command of their coach Sun Chuanting. The success was mainly due to two things.

The first is a DJI drone. First, the drone roughly scanned the terrain within a radius of fifty miles, locked the main settlement area of ​​the Dadu tribe, and marked all the surrounding traffic arteries.

Then the innocent army was divided into groups of thousands, divided into multiple routes, to occupy those traffic arteries that might be passed by the enemy, forming a tight and huge encirclement.

Even so, there may still be gaps in the encirclement, and there is still the possibility of being penetrated.

So Sun Chuanting selected 3,000 of the innocent soldiers who had the best legs and feet and the fastest running speed, and asked them to carry out the task of chasing and killing.

During the pursuit, they constantly used Baofeng radios to communicate, and issued advance notices that the enemy might flee in a certain direction, and asked the small groups of the Innocence Army in that direction to prepare for an ambush, or to notify nearby areas.

friendly forces, quickly intercept them and prevent the enemy from escaping.

In this way, one is chasing and the other is encircling.

And has been using Baofeng walkie-talkie to conduct real-time communication and report the enemy's whereabouts.

In this information-based combat mode, how could the indigenous tribes escape? Their rapid destruction is inevitable.

Therefore, the Dadu Kingdom, an indigenous force that is difficult to destroy, was mainly defeated by the DJI terrain scanning drone worth 100,000 yuan and the Baofeng walkie-talkie worth 30 yuan each - in fact, expensive drones are not needed

That’s okay, the 30 yuan Baofeng walkie-talkie is enough to make a difference.


The leader of the Innocence Army is in his tent.

Looking at the three indigenous children kneeling on the ground - they are all the children of the big-bellied King Alami, including two sons and one daughter. The oldest is the 12-year-old Prince Maru who is kneeling in front. He said in a loud voice

While talking, he would kowtow from time to time.

With the help of an old priest who could speak Chinese, he expressed his surrender.

The old priest said: "Sir, our Prince Maru said that as long as our tribe is given a way to survive and let us go back to the mountains, we will never attack the Han people again in the future, and we are willing to surrender to you and never betray. In the name of the gods, we


"Go back to the mountain? Surrender?"

Sun Chuanting shook his head: "You can't go back to the mountains, so just stay here as serfs. You won't have much status at the beginning and will suffer some hardships. But as long as you learn Chinese, your treatment will improve, and you may even get the same benefits as Han people."

status, and, can this Prince Maru know how to sing and dance?"

The old priest was stunned and asked: "Sir, why do you ask this?"

Sun Chuanting said: "Our Lord, the owner of the village, said that only when the natives of the foreign race become good at singing and dancing can they be worthy of trust and reuse. If this Prince Maru learns Chinese and is proficient in singing and dancing, then

His position as prince will be recognized by Xujiazhuang, and your Dadu tribe can continue to be led by him."

After the old priest translated and relayed the story.

Prince Maru, who was kneeling below, felt extremely angry. His eyes were red, his face was ferocious, and his veins were bulging, as if he was about to explode. He looked like he was going to explode on the spot.



When the guards in the tent pulled out the alloy knives from their waists, Prince Maru quickly regained his composure and nodded to express his understanding.

Sun Chuanting looked at the two aboriginal children behind him and said: "From now on, the three of you can compete for the position of patriarch of the Dadu tribe. Whoever speaks Chinese best, sings well, and dances well will be the leader.

Who, and everyone else must obey the patriarch’s order!”

These words were translated by the old priest and reached the ears of the three children.

Prince Maru's expression changed greatly.

Behind him are eight-year-old brother Sabu and six-year-old sister Mona. Although they are very young and do not understand many things, their eyes are still bright, especially the younger sister Mona's beautiful eyes are not as bright as those of a child.
This chapter has been completed!
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