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Chapter 214 Sweeping the Southeast Asia: The Despair of the Governor of Manila

As the colony furthest from the mainland.

Although it brings a lot of profits every year.

However, the number of Spanish troops stationed in the Manila colony was only a few hundred to more than a thousand for a long time.

Last year, the Dutch suffered a disastrous defeat off the coast of Fujian, and all eighteen Galenic ships were annihilated, causing the Dutch East India Company's stock to plummet on the Amsterdam stock exchange market. When the Spaniards learned of this situation, they broke into a cold sweat and immediately sent more troops to

The strength of the East.

Among them, the Army increased its troops by 2,000.

The navy dispatched eight additional warships with nearly 2,000 sailors.

In addition to the existing military strength.

In Manila, the total available troops of the Spaniards reached 5,000. These well-trained and well-equipped regular troops could easily deal with the more than 10,000 Han Chinese in the city.

Therefore, the wealthy Han area in the west of the city was conquered first. More than 2,000 Spanish soldiers rushed in, killing everyone they saw, robbing property and raping beautiful women.

The Han businessmen were very surprised and begged for mercy:

"Master Jun, I am a good citizen, and I am a good citizen who cooperates with you."

"I know the Governor, and I am an old friend with the Governor!"

"You made a mistake. You must have made a mistake. Your target should not be us. We have always been trustworthy and good people!" the businessman said in fluent Latin.

"You bastards, I'll fight with you!" After seeing his wife and children lying in a pool of blood, the Han businessman's eyes finally ignited with anger, and he picked up a kitchen knife to resist.

But with a bang, a lead bullet hit his chest, and he fell to the ground. Then he was stabbed with a bayonet more than a dozen times.

There was regret in his eyes: he was wrong, he was wrong, did he regret listening to the young man's reminder that the Spaniards were beasts, and he still harbored a trace of illusion.

In the south of the city, the Han parishion was also plunged into massacre and fire.

Even Pastor Chen, the former whistleblower, was lying in a pool of blood at this moment, his eyes filled with disbelief.

Didn’t I say that as long as I convert to God, all my sins can be forgiven? My soul already belongs to God and is given to you as the same type of person and the most trustworthy partner. Why do you still shoot me?

They must have made a mistake. They are committing evil crimes and God will never forgive them!

When I get to heaven, I will definitely sue them before God and ask God to punish those who murdered him.

But why do I feel darker and colder? What about the warm and bright heaven? Why don’t I feel the existence of heaven? Or is it because my skin color, hair color and eyes are not the characteristics of Westerners, so

Destined not to go to heaven? I can only go down...

"No, no!"

Pastor Chen roared twice with great reluctance, and then fell into eternal darkness.

In the Han residential area in the north of the city, the fighting was fierce.

Xu Yucheng discovered that although the more than 5,000 Han people who lived in the north of the city and made a living by working hard, planting and fishing, most of them were strong, hardworking, and had very good organizational skills. They could unite as one and were ready for battle.

, and even got some old-fashioned fire guns and handguns.

But compared with the Spanish regular army, it was still far behind.

A standard Spanish square formation has about 250 people, of which musketeers account for two-thirds and spearmen account for one-third. It is a nearly perfect military formation in this era and can restrain almost all types of troops, including cavalry.

As for the arms, only artillery can cause certain losses to them.

It's just that for a group of Han people who don't have any heavy firepower, they are naturally invincible.


The Spanish commander ordered: "Shoot!"

Bang bang bang bang!

A large number of Spanish musketeers squatted on the ground and opened fire at the same time.

"Lower your head and lie down! Don't rush over again!"

Xu Yucheng issued a loud warning, but few young men took his words seriously. They still held up tables, stools, quilts, iron pots and other items to attack the Spanish. However, after the gunfire, most of them were beaten to pieces by muskets.

, fell in a pool of blood. Even if more than a dozen people were not hit and rushed forward, they were quickly punched with more than a dozen bloody holes by Spanish spearmen with spears more than five meters long.

The dead cannot die again.

Although heroic, he cannot bring any harm to the enemy.

"keep going!"

Under the orders of the Spanish commander, with neat steps, the Spanish square continued to approach and press forward.

Fifty meters.

Forty meters.

Thirty meters.

Getting closer.

The despair on the faces of the young men on our side is becoming more and more obvious, because if this trend continues, they will soon be slaughtered.

But Xu Yucheng took out a high-explosive grenade from his pocket, calculated the distance, and when he was confident enough, he lit the fuse and threw it with force, and it was thrown very accurately into the middle of the Spanish square.

Another weakness of this large square array is that the personnel are arranged too densely, with almost no gaps.


After the explosion of a high-explosive grenade.

The killing radius of three meters and the killing area of ​​nearly 30 square meters included at least fifty Spaniards. The explosion caused them to flip over, their limbs and arms flying. The dead and injured fell to the ground, letting out earth-shattering howls.

Xu Yucheng's grenade killed and injured at least thirty people, causing him to fall into panic, while his own side cheered and morale was boosted:

"Well played, well played!"

"Finally dozens of them were killed."

"Who did it? Which hero did it?" asked a muscular man.

"It's me!"

Xu Yucheng immediately said loudly: "Brothers, I am the liaison officer sent by Xujiazhuang. I know how to deal with these Western barbarians. Next, you all listen to my command. As long as you do what I say, you will be able to delay the time.

Even defeated these Western barbarians."

"Okay, we all listen to you and do whatever you say!" The strong man took the lead in expressing his stance.

"Just do as he says."

"It's really not possible to just attack and charge."

"This hero possesses a magical weapon and will definitely be able to lead us to a way out."

Nearly a thousand young men in the camp were immediately willing to obey Xu Yucheng's arrangements, because everyone was very pragmatic. They could not do anything to the Spaniards even at the cost of hundreds of casualties. Xu Yucheng took away twenty or thirty people as soon as he took action.

Who does he listen to?

Taking advantage of the precious opportunity for the Spaniards to treat the wounded and reorganize the team, Xu Yucheng divided the nearly 1,000 young men at hand into the enemy-baiting group (composed of thin, short and flexible people responsible for attracting firepower), and the throwing group (specialized in attacking enemies).

Responsible for throwing stones to interfere), and the meng attack group (all strong and strong men, equipped with the best weapons, and must play a decisive role in winning the decisive battle at the critical moment), taught them how to avoid bullets and how to fight in groups of three

Cooperation, as well as practical skills on how to kill enemies, also allows them to make various strange screams and roars, which not only encourages themselves, but also scares the enemy.

Reading with rice balls

Under this series of arrangements.

The effect was very significant. In addition, the Spaniards were afraid of being bombed again. Not only did the formation become much sparser, but the distance was also extended to more than 80 meters. They did not dare to get too close, but at this distance, the hit rate of the muskets

The Han people on the opposite side actually played clumsy hide-and-seek tactics, or simply lay down on the ground. Each round of shooting would take away at most two or three people. According to this efficiency, when can the massacre mission be completed.

"Reinforcements, I need a lot of reinforcements!"

Commander Petro Garcia told a subordinate to call for more reinforcements, at least a thousand people.

But how can there be reinforcements at this time? They are all busy robbing the Han residential areas in the west and south of the city, and they are all trying to make a fortune. How can they have time to come to help? At least they won't be able to come in the short term.

An hour passed like this.

Two hours have passed.

Three hours have passed.

During this period, Petro ordered many charges and even discovered Xu Yucheng, a key figure who played a role in the brain. He immediately sent dozens of elites to prepare to behead him, but they received two high-explosive grenades in exchange.

, not to mention another twenty or thirty people were killed and wounded, the violent attack group led by Xu Yucheng even launched a counterattack. With several times the numerical advantage, and after paying the death and injury of more than thirty people, the group was killed and wounded.

More than thirty Spanish elites were killed, and a batch of weapons and ammunition were also seized.

In this way, the phalanx led by Petro suffered a total loss of more than a hundred people, close to half, and completely lost the ability to attack.

However, Xu Yucheng still had some spare energy. He took the captured muskets and formed a musketry team of thirty people. They began to go to various places to rescue the situation, stabilizing the defense lines in the Han residential area in the north of the city, plus the remaining muskets.

A few high-explosive grenades were able to fight back and forth with the Spanish army, causing them considerable losses.

They persisted until darkness fell in the evening and the Spaniards temporarily suspended the siege.

Xu Yucheng had someone take stock and found that the number of young Han men he had available was as many as 3,200.

But that's basically where the good luck ends.

Tap tap tap~

Xu Yucheng and the others heard the footsteps of groups of Spanish soldiers coming to help.

Hua Hua Hua~

The sound of propelling artillery was heard.

As long as they wait until daybreak to launch an attack, the end will come for these people, and there will be no chance of survival.

Fortunately, it was three o'clock in the morning on December 17, two hours before dawn.

Violent explosions rang out in the Manila port, one after another, one every ten seconds on average, and soon the entire port was turned into flames, making it look like daylight.

Immediately afterwards, the 2nd Marine Brigade landed ashore, and the sound of breech-loading gunfire became more and more intensive, and the screams became more and more loud.

"Reinforcements are coming, our reinforcements are coming!"

Xu Yucheng jumped up and cried with joy, saying: "We won, we can survive!"

"Oh oh oh~"

"We won, we won this time!"

Subordinates Tang Xulong, Meng Xianglin (Hu Wen had died in the battle) and more than 3,000 surviving Han people also cheered loudly.

At four o'clock in the morning, inside the Governor's Palace in Manila.

Governor Ramos Cueva, who was holding a blunderbuss in his hand, heard the increasingly approaching shouts of killing, and soon arrived at his mansion, entered his room, and took his life.

He couldn't help but feel cold and desperate.

In this countdown-like moment, he had no choice but to go to his daughter's room with a gun in his hand. However, he said to this daughter who had been carefully raised for eighteen years, had an angelic face, and was as fair and beautiful as a porcelain doll: "Christine,

Those Ming people are coming to kill you. They will stain your chastity, torture your body, and then strangle your life like breaking a piece of ceramic. You should not bear such torture. Come on, let dad understand you.

life, you won't feel any pain."

Ramos Cueva aimed his blunderbuss at his daughter's beautiful head.

"No! Akito won't kill me. They said on the loudspeaker. They will only kill butchers like you. They won't hurt women and children. As long as you don't resist, you can survive."

Christine backed away repeatedly, dodged the gunfire, even lifted up her skirt, turned around and ran away.


Governor Ramos took aim again and again with the gun in his hand. As long as he pulled the trigger, he was at least 40% sure of hitting the target. But until his daughter's back ran out of the room, he couldn't press the trigger. Alas, although Chris

Ting Tianzhen was rebellious and even got close to the inferior Han people. She also repeatedly advised herself to improve her relationship with the Han people and stop causing killings. But after all, she was her beloved daughter.

I heard Akito's roar coming from downstairs again.

He had no choice but to point the gun at his head and press it hard. With a bang, his sinful life ended prematurely without a just trial.
This chapter has been completed!
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