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Chapter 213 Sweeping the Southeast Asia: Spain's Response

In the Red River Delta area of ​​Vietnam, the colonization activities of Xujiazhuang and Fujian Zhengjia were booming.

December 15th.

Hainan Island, Yazhou Port (i.e. Sanya Port, later Sanya Port).

The naval fleet led by Xu Huoqing, consisting of six steam-armored warships, stopped briefly at this port, replenished some fresh water and vegetables, and then immediately set off, heading straight to the southeast.

The three-cylinder steam engines are working at full capacity, outputting more than 7,000 horsepower, driving the six armored warships Yaowu, Yangwei, Corpse Mountain, Blood Sea, Tianxia, ​​and Invincible.

The maximum speed is nearly twenty knots.

He didn't even care about the weather conditions in the South China Sea or whether he would encounter a storm. He just ignored it and headed towards Luzon.

Even the 38 plywood boats sent by the Fujian Zheng family to assist in the battle have long been left far behind. And with the Zheng family's fleet only having an average speed of 6 to 8 knots, I don't know how long it will take to catch up.

Speaking of Xujiazhuang's naval fleet, why are they in such a hurry?

Even the original colonization plan from near to far, step by step, was disrupted, and had to deal with the Spanish colonial forces first, without delaying for a moment.

What on earth happened?

It's simple, the secret was leaked.

Xujiazhuang's plan to colonize the southeast and sweep across Southeast Asia has been known to the Spanish colonial authorities in Manila. They immediately took countermeasures and are mobilizing all available forces to avoid being swept away.

But here comes the problem.

How could the Spanish colonial forces get the news so quickly?

Although in October two months ago, Xu Jiazhuang announced in the "Oriental Times" with great fanfare that he was going to colonize overseas. Everyone knew what he was doing in the Ming Dynasty, and there was no intention of keeping it secret. However, the place closest to Manila is

It is thousands of kilometers long, and it takes half a month to travel by boat. Moreover, there should be no eyes and ears sent by the Spaniards in the Ming Dynasty, let alone high-tech communication equipment such as radios.

How the Spanish learned about Xujiazhuang's colonization operations and responded quickly in just two months was beyond Xujiazhuang's expectations.

The reason was quickly investigated.

Tell the truth.

He was a Portuguese in the Xiangshanao Concession in Guangdong. When he saw the content in the "Oriental Times", Governor Ricardo felt bad and immediately sent out a number of fast ships to unload all the cargo and sail empty to Manila (

The Spanish Colonial Center), Batavia (the Dutch Colonial Center), and Malacca (the Portuguese Colonial Center) carried out reports to inform all the Western colonial forces in Southeast Asia that they were ready for war, and even had to put aside their internal conflicts and deal with them together.

Xujiazhuang is a threat. If they do not unite, they will lose all their interests in Nanyang.

It was under Governor Ricardo's tip that within a month, Spain, the Netherlands, and Portugal all got the news, immediately paid attention to it, and took action.

As for Xujiazhuang, if the secrets are leaked, the impact will not be very big. Even if all the colonial forces in the Nanyang region respond and start war mobilization, it will not cause any harm. With the strength of the Xujiazhuang naval fleet, no matter how many seas are gathered,

Strength ends up being crushed and destroyed.

However, the Spanish colonial authorities in Manila not only started war mobilization, but because they were afraid of the rebellion of the more than 10,000 Han people in the city, they actually planned to raise the butcher knife to kill all these Han people before the arrival of the Xujiazhuang naval fleet and eliminate internal hidden dangers.

This is beyond the tolerance range of Xujiazhuang.

You must know that since the 31st year of Wanli (1603), the Han merchants in Manila have suffered the first massacre and bloodbath, and have never been treated fairly. They have only been more cruelly exploited and prepared.

In the fourth year of Tianqi (1624) and the sixth year of Chongzhen (1633), they suffered many premeditated and systematic massacres. Even if the Han people made fierce resistance, they also brought huge losses to the colonists, and even the Spanish colonists

The reporter knew that Manila's prosperity was inseparable from the participation of these Han people, but he still raised the butcher's knife again and again and never showed mercy.

Because the Spaniards were afraid, they were extremely frightened.

Now Xujiazhuang's revenge is about to come, like a certain boot falling on the ground. In this case, there is no need to be soft. The last batch of Han people, no, fat sheep, can also be slaughtered, even if most of them are trustworthy,

Even if some Han people converted to their Lord, they still had to be killed.

The intelligence personnel stationed in Manila from Xujiazhuang reported that the massacre is likely to occur within these two days, and it will not be delayed until the 18th at the latest. The later it is, the more dangerous it will be.

At this time, Xujiazhuang's senior management could only adjust their plans and make two arrangements.

First, let the Zheng family in Fujian help send three thousand troops to Xiangshanao in Guangdong, capture all the Portuguese, kill all those who dare to resist, and destroy this concession area occupied by Western colonial forces. From then on, within the Ming Dynasty,

There won't be any colonial power anymore, even if they spend money, they won't be able to stay.

The second is to have Xu Huoqing lead the naval fleet to Manila as quickly as possible, try to arrive before the massacre occurs, and eliminate the Spanish colonial forces.

December 16th.

Manila, Luzon Island, is a colonial city with a history of more than 60 years. It has a developed economy and prosperous commerce. It has many Western Gothic buildings, fountain parks, and a very spectacular and holy Catholic cathedral.

Churches, even stone roads, drainage facilities, etc. embody many of the unique architectural aesthetics of Western civilization. They are both beautiful and practical.

"Green Gourd Sword Fairy"

Walking on the street, there are white ladies wearing top hats, holding lace umbrellas, and long skirts. If they see a man with a higher status walking by, they will pick up their skirts and salute gracefully.

It can be seen that they are very well-educated. Even though this is a remote colony far away from the center of Western civilization, they still maintain elegance and beauty.

But in the eyes of Xu Yucheng, an elite intelligence agent sent by the Xujiazhuang Intelligence Department, his feelings about Manila, a beautiful city with a population of less than 100,000, in recent days can only be expressed in two words: weird.

Eerily quiet.

A weird chill.

Like a storm is coming.

The Spaniards are about to take action, and this special atmosphere can be dangerous.

Xu Yucheng bribed a Gypsy chef in the governor's palace. From his mouth, he learned that Governor Ramos Cueva would attack the Han people in the next few days, saying that he could not give food to the Han people.

If there is an opportunity for the Han people to attack from inside and outside, they must kill all the Han people before the Xu family's fleet arrives. No matter whether they are old people, women, or children, they are all included in the massacre.


This important information made Xu Yucheng feel incredible. He immediately sent this information to Xujiazhuang by telegram, and then asked three subordinates to immediately go to various Han residential areas to inform the news so that all Han people would be prepared.

Or find a way to escape, or if that doesn't work, just find a hidden place to hide, and you'll have a certain chance of survival.

Soon, three subordinates came back to the business center contact point one after another.

"Boss, I went to notify the Han residential area in the north of the city. The young and old people there began to collect weapons and materials in preparation for resistance, and they did not plan to escape, because the indigenous savages outside the city were all on the side of the Spanish.

Yes, escaping the city will definitely lead to death, it is better to stay in the city and fight. As long as you persist until reinforcements arrive, there is hope of survival." Tang Xulong, a subordinate, said.

"Okay! You can stay in the city and fight. As long as we stick together and consume the Spanish's time, we will be able to hold on until the reinforcements arrive!" Xu Yucheng nodded in approval.

"Boss, I went to the Han gathering area in the west of the city, but most of the Han people here are wealthy businessmen. They have the most contact with the Spaniards and listen to the Spaniards the most. They didn't appreciate my kind reminder and said

They have cooperated with Xiyi for many years. Without them, Xiyi would not be able to make a fortune or make money. There is absolutely no way it could be detrimental to them. Please advise me not to be alarmist...Boss, these people want money regardless of their lives, and they are still taking chances.

." Subordinate Meng Xianglin said.

"Haha, this is the virtue of businessmen. If they don't believe it, forget it. When the butcher's knife falls, they will regret it." Xu Yucheng shook his head and sneered.

"Boss, it's bad! The Spaniards have started to take action and want to kill us Han people. The fault lies with me. After I notified the Han people in the south of the city, I should not have told the Catholic Chen the news out of soft-heartedness.

Pastor, I think Pastor Chen is a good man and takes good care of me, so I wanted to give him some guidance. Unexpectedly, as soon as I told him, he told the Spaniards, causing the Spaniards to take action in advance. It’s my fault.

, it’s all my fault!”

Hu Wen, a subordinate, rushed into the room in a panic and reported a shocking news. He kept beating his chest, feeling regretful.

"You, you are so ignorant. That Pastor Chen has already been baptized and has stopped standing with us a long time ago. How dare you inform him?"

Xu Yucheng was so angry that he wanted to kick this bastard to death. He angrily scolded him: "Do you know how many Han compatriots you will kill?"

"I was wrong, I was wrong!"

Hu Wen burst into tears and slapped himself repeatedly.

Whoosh whoosh~ The whistle sounded outside the house.

Tap tap tap~ The sound of neat footsteps is getting closer and closer.

Meng Xianglin, his subordinate, immediately pulled Hu Wen and said: "Don't blame yourself, let's leave quickly, otherwise we will all be killed!"

Tang Xulong looked at Xu Yucheng and asked: "Boss, where should we escape?"

"Go to the Han area in the north of the city!"

Xu Yucheng thought for a while, then quickly opened a box on the table, revealing twenty grenades neatly stacked inside, and said: "Each person should take five grenades, use them sparingly, and give four of them to the enemy. Finally,

Keep one for yourself."


The four of them divided the grenades, left through the back door of the business building, ran wildly through the chaotic streets, and soon arrived at the Han residential area in the north of the city.

But Manila is not a big city.

In the sound of tidy footsteps.

Thousands of Spanish infantrymen were divided into four standard square formations and pressed towards the Han residential area from four directions. Every white soldier had extremely bloodthirsty and greedy eyes.
This chapter has been completed!
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