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Chapter 246 The Royal Family Visits

Visiting Harbor City?

Qichunnian's proposal really made Empress Zhou feel quite strongly.

Because the news in the "Oriental Times" is often accompanied by some related pictures, many of which are pictures of Harbor City, with high-rise buildings, busy traffic, and bright lights, which always give people an unreal feeling.

, is there really such a prosperous and wealthy place in this world?

Does a city more beautiful, majestic and developed than the capital really exist?

This made her have the idea more than once to go and check it out to see if it was true or false.

It's just that most members of the royal family can only live in the deep palace, and it is extremely difficult to go out. The civil servants will also obstruct them in various ways, and the expenses are extremely high. They cannot leave the palace several times a year, and it is even more impossible to leave the capital.

Perhaps she saw Queen Zhou's concerns.

Qichunnian struck while the iron was hot and said: "All expenses such as meals, accommodation, security expenses, and transportation expenses are provided by Xujiazhuang and are reimbursed according to the highest standards. And as long as the royal family members are willing to visit Harbor City, the total debt packaged by the royal family will be reduced or exempted.

1.5 million silver dollars, only 20 million left!"

"In other words, as long as you go there, you will get free food, drink, entertainment, free accommodation, complete security, and a lot of debt reduction, which is equivalent to making millions."

"In addition, Xujiazhuang's "Ten Thousand Miles of Road Construction in Three Years" plan has been completed ahead of schedule. From the capital to the Harbor City, there are not only flat and wide stone roads, but also docks and bridges across rivers. The transportation is very convenient, even in winter.

It does not affect the traffic of the main road, and then ride on a high-end four-wheel carriage with tires and spring shock absorption. It is not only fast, but also has almost no bumps. You can enjoy the scenery along the way, appreciate the beautiful rivers and mountains, and arrive at the harbor comfortably.

城.@精品\/书馆*First update~~”

"Empress, please think about it carefully."

After hearing this.

My heart is moved.

Queen Zhou admitted that she was moved. She was originally from Suzhou and later moved to the capital. Even so, the scenery and things in the south of the Yangtze River and the customs and culture of Suzhou still left a deep impression on her mind because it was her childhood.


It would be nice if I could go back and take a look.

Not only was she moved, but Zhu Youjian, who was hiding behind the curtain, was also moved. Who wouldn’t want to see the land of fish and rice in the south of the Yangtze River? Even though he was still the emperor, people love freedom by nature. Although the palace was large, it had not been there for several years.

After living in the palace for more than ten years, anyone will feel depressed and bored, and will also long for the vast world outside.

So after hearing Qichunnian's encouragement and suggestions, Zhu Youjian almost couldn't help but jump out, raised his hands and said he was going too.

It's just that he is the king of a country, so it is impossible for him to leave the palace, and the civil servants will try their best to stop him.

Queen Zhou said: "Sir, I can't decide at the moment. I have to discuss it with Your Majesty. How about I give you an answer tomorrow?"

"Okay, we'll come back tomorrow."

In the Qichun year, Gu Tianci and his wife left.

Emperor Zhu Youjian walked out from behind the curtain with his hands behind his back, his face stern, and his expression could not be seen.

"Your Majesty, please take a look at this..."

Empress Zhou looked at him and asked: "Would you like me to take a few members of the royal family to visit the harbor city? Reduce some debts?"

"Hmph! The businessman is cunning, only interested in profit, and not to mention unscrupulous. If you really take people to Harbor City, you might become the hostage of Xujiazhuang and threaten me. Even though I don't want to form a full alliance with them, I might have to agree.

Anyway, it’s better not to go.”

Zhu Youjian said with vigilance and suspicion.

"Your Majesty, what did you promise me last night? All matters related to Xujiazhuang were left to me to handle. Did Your Majesty forget this promise so quickly?" Queen Zhou stared at him and asked.

"Ahem, I, I..."

"Does His Majesty's words count?"

"Forget it, I always stick to my word!" Zhu Youjian said.

"Okay, I have agreed to take the royal family members to visit Harbor City. I will give Mr. Qi, President Gu and the others a reply tomorrow and make the trip happen as soon as possible." Queen Zhou said without any hesitation.

"This... okay."

Zhu Youjian actually objected arrogantly, but what is his current status? He is a pauper who is bankrupt! He has no way to solve the debt problem.

, don’t even think about it this year, there is no room for arrogance.

As for whether Xujiazhuang will detain members of the royal family and use coercion, I can only say that people who think this way are completely treating a gentleman with caution. Xujiazhuang is rich and powerful, and he always likes to defeat his opponents in an upright manner.

, then lo's thing is impossible to do and does not bother to do. Apart from ruining his reputation, it will not bring any benefits. Zhu Youjian just instinctively made a point of arguing. In fact, he himself does not believe that Xujiazhuang will detain people.

And on that day, Queen Zhou began to get busy and organize, thinking about which royal family members would be more suitable to go to Harbor City?

The prince Zhu Cixi was to be taken care of. The prince himself had said many times that he must visit Xujiazhuang in the future and learn more advanced things. Emperor Zhu Youjian did not object to this, because in many aspects, it was indeed

Xujiazhuang is more advanced, you have to admit it even if you don’t admit it.

My daughter, Zhu Ailao, is only five years old this year. She is too young to withstand the long journey. What’s more, the weather is so cold. If she accidentally catches the cold, she may catch a cold. If she had been left alone in the past, it would have led to the risk of early death.

But... I heard that Xu Yuan's eldest son, Xu Jiaguang, turned four this year, which is exactly one year younger than Aina. He is considered to be of the same age and can play together. Maybe...

Bring it, bring it.

I have to take my precious daughter with me too.

There is also my son Zhu Cijiong, who is only three years old this year. He is very clingy to himself and will burst into tears if he steps away. Although it would be inconvenient to bring him with him, it would be even more uneasy if he is not brought with him. It seems that he can only be brought with him.

Altogether, there are two princes and one princess, which is enough for the heavyweight royal family.

But Queen Zhou is a womanizer. In this world dominated by men, there are too many inconveniences after all, and she needs to be fully protected, especially when there are men around her, so her three

Among the older brothers, you can call on two to help with some things that require men to do it.

In addition, you must have someone around you who you can talk to.

But there are not many such people in the palace. Concubine Tian is quite hostile to her. The other concubines either fear or respect her and do not dare to get too close to her. Only the emperor's sister-in-law Zhang Yan, who was also a queen, has the best relationship with her.

Best friends who talk about everything.

Why don't you invite the emperor's sister-in-law too, so that you have someone to talk to along the way, so you won't get bored, and she can also help with the three children.

So in Ciqing Palace, I found Zhang Yan, the emperor's sister-in-law, who was worshiping Buddha and praying for blessings. Queen Zhou extended an invitation, hoping that she could come with Harbor City to visit and relax. She said with great distress: "The emperor's sister-in-law doesn't go out all year round.

At the gate of the palace, you are accompanied by green lanterns and ancient Buddhas every day. The great years are wasted. Why don’t you go out of the palace and have a look, and go to Xujiazhuang? The opportunity is rare now, how about coming with me to see the great mountains and rivers of the Ming Dynasty? "


Zhang Yan hesitated immediately and subconsciously refused. @精品\/书馆*First update~~

On the one hand, she has become accustomed to this lifeless life, and has no other aspirations except for the peace and prosperity of the country and the people.

Secondly, after the death of her husband Zhu Youxiao, Zhang Yan was tired of everything in this world. Although she was gorgeous on the outside, she was as dead as a dead tree on the inside and had no interest in life. Even if the outside was changing with each passing day and extremely beautiful, she was still more beautiful.

I want to stay in this lonely palace.

What's more, she is now a widow and must abide by women's ethics and keep the dignity of the royal family. How unbecoming is it to show her face outside?

Faced with the resistance of the emperor's sister-in-law, Empress Zhou used some coquettish tactics and took her arm and said: "Emperor's sister-in-law, just come with me. You read every issue of "Oriental Times". Doesn't it mean that although Xujiazhuang

Okay, but there are such and such problems, and there is Na Xuyuan. Do you think this person is shrewd, hypocritical, and a big traitor? When you get to Harbor City and see Na Xuyuan, you reprimand him face to face and look at him.

How to argue? Maybe I will be speechless by you. In the future, I will not only be loyal to the Ming Dynasty, but also strive for better cooperation conditions... Sister-in-law, please help me make suggestions and bring more benefits to the royal family and the Ming Dynasty.

Isn’t it much better to burn incense and worship Buddha like this every day?”

"I'm just a woman, how can I fight for the interests of the royal family?"

Zhang Yan couldn't help but show timidity. Although she often gave advice and expressed her opinions in front of Queen Zhou, she was a woman, how could she decide the affairs of men?

"When His Majesty succeeded to the throne, most of them were not the emperor's wives.

Without the help of the emperor's sister-in-law, how would your Majesty be today? This is the great contribution of stabilizing the country. A hundred pavilion elders can't compare with the emperor's sister-in-law. With the emperor's sister-in-law by his side as a military advisor, when he arrived at the Harbor City, Xujiazhuang would not only be unable to

Damaging the interests of the royal family will also give away countless benefits. Only if the emperor's sister-in-law goes with her, I can be a little sure. If I don't go, the royal family may become the puppet of Xujiazhuang in the future...As you know, sister-in-law of the emperor, I usually do not take care of you.

How can you deal with big things when you have children?"

Queen Zhou begged.

Later, Empress Zhou called Zhu Youjian and Mrs. Liu over to do Zhang Yan's ideological work together. They all believed that if she, as an important representative of the royal family, went to Xujiazhuang Harbor City, she would not only be able to expose many women

Conspiracy can also help the royal family to obtain better negotiating conditions and bring greater benefits.

Anyway, it really wouldn't work without her this time - in fact, Zhu Youjian and others also felt sorry for Zhang Yan's loneliness and wanted her to go out and relax.

"Okay! I'll go!"

Unable to withstand the repeated persuasion, Zhang Yan finally had to bite her lips, nodded and said, since everyone entrusted her with such a heavy responsibility, she had no choice but to go there and compete with Xujiazhuang, and she would not lose the royal family's reputation or lose any money.

royal interests.

The next morning.

In Qichun year, when they entered the palace again, Gu Tianci and the two received Queen Zhou's consent to visit Harbor City.

Not only that!

A list of core members of the royal family who will go is also provided: there are nearly twenty people.

There are also more than 300 eunuchs, maids, and nuns.

There are a thousand Jinwu Guards, Jinyi Guards and other guards responsible for protection.

There are nearly 1,500 people in total, and as the weather is getting colder and colder, it may cause a lot of inconvenience, so it is best to arrange the departure immediately and leave as soon as possible.

We also hope that Xujiazhuang will provide the related fees and expenses, and they can at most bring some food.

"Okay, no problem, we'll make arrangements right away and we'll set off within two days!"

Qichunnian said with a happy face...
This chapter has been completed!
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