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Chapter 247 The Royal Family Visits 2

Faster than expected.

Just one day later.

November 28th.

In Qichunnian, a large motorcade was organized and stopped at the entrance of the palace.

There are as many as 150 single-tire passenger carriages, which can accommodate up to twelve people.

There are also 30 large four-wheeled carriages for carrying cargo, with a maximum load capacity of 150 shi (9.375 tons), which can carry enough daily necessities for the journey.

The most special thing is that there are 10 high-end VIP cars with a length of 8.5 meters, a width of 2.2 meters, an empty weight of 9 tons, a fully enclosed structure, and certain defense capabilities. They are driven by a 120-horsepower diesel engine.

There is no need to use horses to pull it, and the maximum speed can reach 70 yards - it is actually a low-configuration bus.

The number of such VIP cars is very small, with less than a thousand in total in the entire Ming Dynasty, and 90% of them are concentrated in the Jiangnan area, with very few in the north.

Qichunnian was able to find ten vehicles at once, which was the result of using all of Xujiazhuang's connections and resources in the capital.

In order to make the journey more comfortable, Qichunnian also organized manpower to temporarily modify these VIP cars. Most of the seats were removed and converted into four single beds. Only four seats were retained and added

There is a driver's seat and a co-pilot's seat, which can accommodate up to ten people, but the conditions and facilities are the most comfortable and superior.

There are also 5 outdoor cooking trucks.

5 bath and shower trucks.

5 toilet trucks.

5 professional maintenance and support vehicles.

There are a total of 210 vehicles of various types, and the preparations are extremely complete.

Queen Zhou and others were very surprised by this, and were extremely impressed and aware of Xujiazhuang's organizational capabilities and resource mobilization capabilities.

However, there were too many various items to be packed away by the royal family, and it took most of the day to basically prepare them.

After dinner in the afternoon.

The core members of the royal family and a few serving maids and guards, a total of ninety people, got into ten VIP cars and set off first.

Then there were other eunuchs, maids, and guards, more than 1,300 people, riding on 150 passenger carriages, and followed behind, pulled by strong horses.

Behind them are cargo carriages and various support vehicles.

But in fact!

After the first ten VIP cars set off, the convoy behind them would not be able to catch up, and it would be impossible to catch up, and the distance would only get further and further away.

Because the VIP convoy with an average speed of 30 kilometers per hour can cover more than 300 kilometers a day, how can a four-wheeled carriage pulled by horses catch up?

With such a serious disconnect, what should we do about the security of the royal family members? Who will protect these royal members?

Naturally, they are Xujiazhuang’s professional security personnel.

There are 300 of them, and every three of them ride a heavy-duty motorcycle, that is, a fleet of 100 motorcycles. They are escorted next to the VIP fleet. They can maintain vigilance, clear the road ahead, and can respond to all kinds of situations at any time.

In case of emergencies, the weapons carried are extremely sufficient and advanced. In addition, the use of radio walkie-talkies for real-time communication can cope with most emergencies.

Not only that!

On the more than one thousand kilometers long main road from Beijing to Harbor City, Xujiazhuang has set up a transportation service station every fifty kilometers on average to provide supplies, replace horses, vehicle repairs, refueling, hot showers, and toilets.

, arranging accommodation and other services to accommodate three to five hundred people without any problem. Under special circumstances, these transportation service stations can also provide force support or issue warnings in advance.


Under the careful arrangements of Xujiazhuang, the royal tour group had an absolutely safe and trouble-free journey.

Of course, if the royal family is not at ease with these arrangements and just hopes that the convoy behind them will keep up and then slowly march southward at a speed of more than a hundred miles a day, it will take about twenty days to reach Harbor City.

"Mother, please continue setting off tomorrow morning and try to arrive at Xujiazhuang as soon as possible, or should you wait for the convoy behind to arrive and join us?"

So in the evening, when the sky turned dark, the VIP convoy that had traveled more than a hundred kilometers stopped at a transportation service station to rest, Qichunnian asked Queen Zhou.

"Let's go on."

After thinking for a while, Queen Zhou said, in fact, she knew in her heart that it would be better to wait for the convoy behind, but one had an average speed of thirty kilometers per hour, and the other only had five or six kilometers per hour, a full five or six times speed difference, so how could she wait?

At the current speed, we will arrive at Harbor City in just over three days, and the four-wheeled carriage team behind us will have to travel for more than eighteen days.

Who wants to waste so much time on a long wait.

Arriving at Harbor City earlier, by the time the follow-up convoy arrived, they had already been eating, drinking and having fun for half a month, and had avoided countless hardships of traveling and traveling.

It can only be said that Xujiazhuang is too developed and advanced. It is impossible to catch up with traditional methods. The gap is so big that one loses confidence and patience.

On December 1, the VIP convoy entered Shandong.

Sitting in the passenger seat, sitting on Qichunnian's lap.

Seeing the scenery, villages and workshops on both sides of the road through the car window, the seven-year-old prince Zhu Cixiang exclaimed and asked countless questions.

"Teacher, teacher, why are some houses in those villages so shabby and some houses so good? The big village we just passed has at least three cement brick houses, but most of the houses next to it are mud houses, and some of them look...

They are going to collapse, and there are even many shabby thatched houses. The weather is so cold, what should the people living inside do? Can they survive?" Zhu Cixiang asked worriedly.

"You have to carry it if you can't handle it. This is their life."

Qichunnian shook his head and said: "This is the so-called gap and polarization between the rich and the poor. The rich will get richer, regardless of food and housing, the conditions will get better and better, and the poor will get poorer and poorer. It is difficult to

If they change their destiny, they will not even be able to leave any descendants. After three generations of poverty, there will be no one left. The rich will gradually control most of the resources, and the entire village may be theirs in the future."

"Why is this happening? Isn't this too unfair to the poor? Why should the rich get better and better, but they will freeze to death this winter?"

"This is a social law that cannot be changed, and it is also the fundamental reason for the rise and fall of dynasties. Every two to three hundred years, there will be a reincarnation of this kind, until the poor at the bottom can no longer bear it and overthrow this unfair order."

"Then is there any way to solve this unfairness? Can't we get rid of the periodic law?" Zhu Cihong asked.

"Yes, of course there is a way to solve it. As long as you get to Xujiazhuang, you might be able to find the answer."

"Did the teacher say, 'Put people first and treat people as treasure'?"

"Yes, these eight words are the answer, but there is a certain gap between theory and reality. Only when you observe and understand deeply can you have a more thorough understanding and understanding."

"Well, I will observe carefully." Zhu Cixi nodded.

The morning of December 2nd.

The VIP convoy arrived at the Yellow River ferry.

It took a lot of effort to transport the big and heavy VIP cars to a special iron-hulled ferry boat driven by a diesel engine, but only two VIP cars could be transported across the Yellow River at a time. It took five trips back and forth.

It took more than two hours before all the ferries were completed.

At this time, Queen Zhou and other members of the royal family discovered that the current Yellow River was very siltated and had long since become an above-ground hanging river. If it were not for the lack of water in the north in recent years, the water level of the Yellow River was not high, and sand mining was profitable, so it was dug out.

There is a large amount of river sand. Maybe as long as there is heavy rainfall, the Yellow River will be in danger of bursting, and it has become a time bomb.

In order to reduce the hidden dangers brought by the Yellow River, at least hundreds of millions of silver dollars must be spent on comprehensive renovation.

"As long as the Yellow River is used well, it will be no problem to irrigate tens of millions of acres of cultivated land in the north. Then we will dig out multiple large-capacity water storage lakes in the north of the Yellow River, clean up some of the silt, and reduce the risk of the Yellow River bursting its banks from ten

Once every few years, down to once every fifty years is no problem." Qichunnian said.

"Would Xujiazhuang do such a good thing? This will not bring much benefit to Xujiazhuang." Zhang Yan asked with a sarcastic tone.

"Tianxiatong Bank can provide interest-free loans and an excavator engineering team to help the court solve the Yellow River problem, but the premise is that both parties must establish a very close cooperative relationship, otherwise this kind of project will not bring much benefit.

Xujiazhuang really has no motivation to do it. What's more, this is the responsibility of the imperial court. If His Majesty the Emperor can completely solve the hidden dangers of the Yellow River within his lifetime, he will not only be the most holy king in the history, but he will at least be ranked among the best.

The first five." Qichunnian said.

"I'll do it, I'll do it!"

Prince Zhu Cixi said eagerly: "I will solve this Yellow River. My father is too poor to pay for it, so he might have to rely on me!"

"Good boy, good ambition."

Queen Zhou held him in her arms and was very pleased.

"Haha, as long as you have this determination and courage, even if you can't come up with the money, you can still find a way to deal with this big river. Teacher, I will be the first to support you!" Qichunnian said with a thumbs up.

And after crossing the Yellow River.

The average speed of the VIP fleet increased to about thirty-five kilometers per hour.

In order to arrive as quickly as possible, the driver's driving time has been increased from ten hours to twelve hours, which means he can cover 700 kilometers a day.

So on December 3rd, at noon.

Yangzhou Mansion and Harbor City finally appeared in front of all members of the royal tour group.

There are several more high-rise buildings with a maximum of twenty or thirty floors than last year.

The sloping roofs of almost every building are equipped with solar power panels, allowing each building to have an independent power supply system.

Landmark landscape wind turbines on the seawall remain unchanged.

There is also the heavy industry city built on the deserted tidal flat not far to the north. The tall chimneys can be seen very clearly even from a distance of more than ten miles, not to mention the gray smoke coming out of the top.

Smoke column.

From time to time outside the port, the sound of a ship's whistle could be heard.

Even before entering the city, you can hear the sound of car horns, the sound of engines, and the sounds of vendors selling goods. It is extremely lively.

The last thing is the shock. Like everyone who comes to this city for the first time, they all look stunned and shocked, even if they are mentally prepared in advance.

Queen Zhou murmured: "Cement, glass, steel, ceramic tiles, these are not cheap things, but this harbor city seems to be made up of all these things."

The emperor's sister-in-law Zhang Yan had a calm face and said to herself: "What a powerful Harbor City. This Xujiazhuang's strength is truly unfathomable and its wealth is unimaginable."

Prince Zhu Cixiang was already shouting, and he said ignorantly and fearlessly: "We're here, we're finally here. This place is as beautiful as I thought. I will make the capital the same in the future, no, even more beautiful!"

Other members of the royal visiting group, such as Queen Zhou's two brothers, were full of excitement, fanaticism and greed. They rubbed their hands in excitement. They had seen countless cooperation projects. As long as they fully showed their goodwill to Xujiazhuang and targeted suitable business opportunities,

Striving for cooperation is a huge fortune for them, and there is endless money to spend. They must seize this opportunity and never return empty-handed!

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