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Chapter 258 Unexpected Harvest

February 12th.

Lushan Mountain, Shiniushan Industrial Park, Magical City.

Xu Yuan left home and came here to take charge of some work here.

For example, the construction of the second phase of the factory buildings and the construction of the second phase of employee commercial housing in Magic City is estimated to require an investment of 3 billion, and tens of thousands of ancient workers will be used. The second phase of construction will be completed within about half a year.

, similar to last year’s process.

For example, the establishment of new R&D projects, the recruitment of talents, the purchase of equipment, etc. This time, the project should be a color TV, the kind of big-ass electronic picture tube TV, and it should also be combined with many classics from the past few decades.

For TV, it is expected to invest 2 billion in research and development funds and spend one year to create the most classic TV set and reach the peak of classics.

For example, the eighth-generation photovoltaic panel factory has a solar power generation efficiency of 25.5%, which is only 2 percentage points behind the current state-of-the-art level. The introduction price of the complete set is only 18 billion, which is extremely cost-effective. Xu Yuan has paid tens of billions and is expected to be ready within this year.

Energy-producing photovoltaic panels in large numbers.

There are also lead-acid batteries from battery companies, and marine three-cylinder steam engines and diesel internal combustion engines from power companies. These products will all be mass-produced this year, and their technical level must be competitive even in modern society.

If the quality is excellent and the performance is up to standard, it can be sold in modern society and earn a small amount of income. You cannot completely rely on the market in the late Ming Dynasty.

In short, Xu Yuan has a lot of work in the magical city and will have to stay for at least three months. He is definitely not here to relax.

However, after learning via phone that Xu Yuan was back.

The next morning, Zhou Jianguo, the director of the Investment Promotion Office, took the initiative to visit Xu Yuan in the president's office and asked many questions with a concerned look on his face.

"Mr. Xu, your company's first product, the radio, was released a few days ago, right? But the sales don't look ideal."

"Well, the sales volume has been booming, with more than a thousand units sold, but this is expected, there is nothing surprising." Xu Yuandao.

"But one billion has been invested in R&D, and I saw the press conference. It is indeed a radio that surpasses the classics. I also bought one myself and used it for two days. The sound quality and other aspects are far better than those ordinary radios.

There is no reason for sales to be so bad. For such a good product, you have to sell 108,000 units, otherwise the loss will be too serious and it will affect the normal operation of your company."

Zhou Jianguo asked with a worried look on his face, as if he was worried about his company.

"No, the employees are emotionally stable, and few have resigned. As for the funds, you can see them, and don't worry, they are enough to last for several years." Xu Yuan said lightly.

"You can't just sit back and have nothing, you still have to have a certain amount of hematopoietic ability."

Zhou Jianguo couldn't help but feel anxious for Xu Yuan and said: "Would you like me to help think of a way to increase the market sales of Classic Peak radios? If you can make a little profit, I feel that there is still a market for at least several million units."

"You're not a professional salesperson, what can you do?" Xu Yuan shook his head, and Director Zhou is so warm-hearted that I, the boss, don't have to worry about it. You actually worry more about whether you can make a profit than me. This is unnecessary.

The sense of responsibility is too heavy.

"I tried to contact the education department. There are still 50 million high school and junior high school students in our country. They all need to use radios. Even if they capture 1% of the market share, there are still orders for 500,000 units. That's it.

It’s equivalent to a revenue of 200 million.”

Zhou Jianguo said: "In addition, in many backward countries in Africa, many people cannot afford TVs and cannot connect to the Internet on their mobile phones. Radios just meet their needs. As long as this market can be developed, hundreds of thousands of units can be sold every year.

There are tens of millions of blind people who often understand everything about the outside world through radios... I believe that there is definitely a market for this product, but it just needs to be developed carefully."

"I understand this. There is nothing in this world that cannot be sold."

Xu Yuan spread his hands: "It's just that for my company, the most important thing is technology research and development, not product sales. On the one hand, this will bring a certain cost, and on the other hand, we want to make the product better and make it the best, rather than

Advertising is carried out like bombing and brainwashing. The best product should be someone who comes to buy it on their own initiative, rather than begging others to buy it. If it can be sold, just sell it. If it can’t be sold, forget about it. We will not invest in this radio.

Too much time and energy, because it’s also a cost to us.”

"You're right."

Zhou Jianguo did not express any objection and fully agreed. He thought for a while and said, "In this case, you can focus on research and development. As for sales, I will mobilize my resources to help you think of a solution."

"Okay, thank you. Just do your best. It doesn't matter if you can't help."

Xu Yuan expressed his gratitude to him, but he was noncommittal in his heart. Director Zhou is just a middle- and lower-level official. What resources and channels does he have? However, this intention is worthy of recognition. China's business environment is the best in the world.

, it is the credit of civil servants like him.

But only three days have passed.

Zhou Jianguo came over with a happy face and said: "I helped you get the order, a total of 300,000 units! The education department believes that the phenomenon of myopia caused by playing mobile phones among middle school students is too serious, but it is not allowed to play at all. Some children can't stop it.

If I don’t want to jump off a building, I might as well buy a batch of radios and see if they can replace mobile phones. After all, radios are mostly used to listen to songs and stories. They won’t hurt the eyes and may improve students’ myopia.”

"300,000 units?"

Xu Yuan was stunned and immediately asked: "What about the price? You didn't lower the price for me? My radio is a high-quality product and the production cost is not low."

"There is no price reduction. I showed the video of the press conference to the relevant person in charge. They all thought this radio was good. If the price is 399 yuan, I will buy it at 399 yuan. When the time comes, students will pay 199 yuan and the educational institution will subsidize 200 yuan. This is

There won’t be any negative publicity about sky-high-priced radios.”

"Are educational institutions so rich? With such subsidies, won't there be any problems?"

"No problem. In fact, the wool still comes from the sheep after all. Your magical city industrial zone has invested nearly 30 billion so far and created more than 30,000 high-paying jobs. Although it did not directly pay much tax, it directly and indirectly

It has driven tens of billions of economic vitality and created more than one billion in tax revenue. The contribution is still very huge. The subsidies for educational institutions are your own money to a certain extent. Of course, it also means supporting the Magic Wheel Group. I hope to do it in the future.

rise and bring new economic growth points." Zhou Jianguo explained.

"Oh I see."

Xu Yuan nodded. It is said that many technology industries have a very obvious economic driving effect. Every 1 yuan of GDP created can drive 2, 3, or 5 yuan of related GDP, especially high-end manufacturing such as large aircraft and aerospace.

Industry has the effect of driving 15 yuan with 1 yuan. I don’t know if this is true.

And a full 30,000 high-paying jobs have brought orders for 300,000 radios. This shows that at the national level, this kind of support is considered worthwhile and cost-effective, and it is by no means a random subsidy. Xu Yuan only needs to ensure product quality.

Yes, just complete the delivery of the order of 300,000 units.

Xu Yuan was very happy. Although this order did not bring much profit, and there was no room for huge profits like 5,000 silver dollars per unit, the profit was precious RMB. No matter how much Xu Yuan earned, it would not be too little.

, because this thing can buy everything he needs - this mentality is a bit like a few decades ago, when the Chinese nation tried their best to obtain the sword yuan of the beautiful nation to purchase advanced equipment and mineral resources. If they could not buy it,

Or if you have it yourself, it doesn’t matter if the sword dollar turns into waste paper.

However, in the following period, unexpected surprises came one after another.

Purchase orders from island countries, beautiful countries, and developed European countries suddenly increased explosively. Orders for hundreds of thousands of units were placed in just a few days, urging production and delivery as soon as possible.

By the way, what's going on?

In poor African countries, even one Classic Peak radio has not been sold. Why are there so many orders from developed countries at once?

Three words: Party of Sentiments.

In these developed countries, there are too many sentimental people. They were immediately attracted by [Classic Peak Radio] and gave extremely high evaluations. The performance of some foreign reviewers was even more exaggerated:

"Wow, it's great. The industrial texture and aesthetic design took me back to the 1970s and 1980s, when we were at the height of our power. When I saw this radio and heard the high-quality sound it played, I felt

The good times seem to have returned to me."

"At that time, we were number one in any field, and the whole world was learning from us. We controlled more than 80% of the wealth, everyone had a decent job, and no country could challenge our order. That was the

Our golden age."

"Now, everything is a disaster and hell. We have lost our technological leadership and given up on manufacturing. We can't even make a piece of clothing or a pair of socks. Our country has gone bankrupt and now there is no hope. If we just press

It would be great if we could go back in time with this radio button."

Another European up owner said helplessly: "Well, the reason why I bought this radio is that it is relatively cheap and my wallet can afford it. In addition, we can't afford the Internet fee."

The electricity bill and mobile phone signal are not very good, so I can only use this radio... Haha, we have really gone back to the era when radios were popular."

The digital circle evaluation anchors in the island country burst into tears one by one: "In the field of radio, we have always been the number one in the world. We have created so much glory and glory in the past, but now these are gone. We have no hope anymore.

This company in China can still build this radio through scientific and technological archeology, but do we still have such ability? We can’t go back to the past even if we want to!"

Hundreds of thousands of units.

Two hundred thousand units.

Three hundred thousand units.

Thanks to the orders placed by countless sentimental parties in developed countries, more than 300,000 Classic Peak radios have been sold.

This has triggered a wave of trends in the country, making a large number of junior high school students and high school students want to buy this best radio, and making some sentimentalists in the country also want to experience the heart-breaking feelings of Westerners.

Until the end of February.

Xu Yuan was surprised to find that the one million radios he requested to produce were likely to be sold out in modern society before even one of them was sold in the late Ming Dynasty.

This chapter has been completed!
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