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Chapter 259 Passively accepted Chongzhen

The first month of the ninth year of Chongzhen.

Not long after the Lantern Festival, the capital was still shrouded in a festival-like atmosphere. Many lanterns had not been taken off. Countless people in the capital had rosy smiles on their faces because it was rare for them to have a full stomach.

Have a prosperous year.

Only the Forbidden City and the Imperial Palace were deserted and deserted, and there was no festive atmosphere. It was completely different from the previous two years.

Especially for Emperor Chongzhen, this past year can only be described in two words - thin years.

Moreover, it was a very fat year that could have been lived, but after a lot of manipulation, it turned into a lean year, which makes people feel extremely regretful.

Although there is still countless food in the internal funds.

Although relying on the operation of the imperial store, he can earn four to five million silver dollars by the end of the year.

But to hold a luxurious Lantern Festival family banquet, it will cost about 100,000 silver dollars.

Distributing red envelopes to the maids, eunuchs, and guards in the palace would cost nearly 200,000 silver dollars at the standard of two silver dollars per person.

There are also new year products such as dried fish, canned food, sugar, and soap, which require a lot of purchases and cost a lot of money.

The mere few hundred thousand silver dollars earned by Huangdian cannot make much difference.

As for the huge amount of grain in the internal funds, he paid monthly salary to the 50,000 new troops of the Warrior Camp at the price of 1 silver dollar per stone of grain. As a result, Cao Huachun, the eunuch and eunuch of the Royal Horse, was beaten and almost broke out in a mutiny! The soldiers were all

They are unwilling to accept food, and prefer white silver coins as monthly salary.

The food can indeed be eaten, but it cannot be spent and exchanged for the various things they need. Moreover, the cheapest food in the capital market now only costs half a silver dollar per stone. What does this equivalent to one silver dollar/stone mean? Are you deliberately trying to take advantage of it?

Are they cheap?

Zhu Youjian could only move around and take out real money to calm the commotion.

Later, he thought about storing grain in his internal funds, transporting it to the important town of Jiubian, and paying it as monthly salary to hundreds of thousands of soldiers in Jiubian. It turned out that the civil servants and nobles had already arrived early and transported countless grains to Jiubian. The price

Not only was it very cheap, it also caused a flood of food. The soldiers of Jiubian who were originally very happy now have nothing but food to pay them, and they can be paid with cloth, canned food, sugar and the like.

It's difficult.

Zhu Youjian found that it was too difficult to get out of the trap. Can he only mobilize the people in the palace to eat so much food? How many years would it take to finish it?

Anyway, he swore that he would never touch grain again. Starting from this year, he would no longer receive any grain in his internal funds, only silver dollars! Or other supplies. He was really hurt this time.

In addition, the palace seems deserted this year, also because the queen took the prince and others to visit Xujiazhuang Harbor City. She has spent years in the harbor city. After all, in the dead of winter, the weather is too cold and it is inconvenient to run around.

But now the weather is starting to get warmer.

The queen, the prince and the others have been staying in Harbor City for almost two months. Why haven't they come back yet? Are they too happy to play there and don't want to come back anymore?

Of course, with the help of the radio station set up in Xujiazhuang, he could know the situation on the Queen's side every day by sending telegrams, especially the alliance negotiations with Xujiazhuang. When Zhu Youjian was busy, he sent six telegrams a day to inquire about the progress.

, asking the Queen to tell him about the specific negotiation situation, but Zhu Youjian was too long-winded and always told him not to make concessions here or there, which often led to a deadlock in the negotiations. Later, Queen Zhou was too lazy to report or reply to him, and only asked him to be patient.

Just wait for the result, and communicating by telegraph can easily reveal your trump card, so it is better to send less telegrams.

This forced Zhu Youjian to reduce the intensity of interference.

It was not until the 22nd of the first lunar month that a telegram was finally sent from Queen Zhou: "The negotiations have been concluded and we will set off to return in two days."

"Okay, I'm finally back!"

Zhu Youjian felt refreshed, and his heart, which had been so anxious about waiting, finally became much calmer.

But he still didn't know the specific details of the negotiations. It was unclear whether Empress Zhou and the emperor's sister-in-law Zhang Yan made huge concessions or successfully defended the interests of the royal family.


If he wanted to know the specific situation, he would have to wait.

The twenty-eighth day of the first lunar month.

Queen Zhou, Zhang Yan and other core members of the royal family, who were still riding in the VIP car, finally returned to the capital after two months.

Zhu Youjian put down the government affairs at hand and went to the palace gate to greet him in person. He found that the Queen Zhou and others who had returned not only brought back various valuables filled with more than a dozen cars.

And everyone has become much rounder, some have gained five kilograms, and some have gained ten kilograms.

Even the emperor's sister-in-law Zhang Yan, who has always had good self-control, has become more plump, her face is radiant, and her complexion has improved more than a little bit.

“It’s the soil and water of the south that support people.”

Zhu Youjian said secretly, and after looking around for a while, he did not see the figures of the Crown Prince Zhu Cixiang and the Princess of Changping Zhu Yunuo. He asked Queen Zhou: "Where are the Crown Prince and Changping? Why didn't you see them?"

"I left them in Harbor City."

Queen Zhou said: "The education level in Xujiazhuang is much better than that in the palace, so I plan to let the prince and the concubine study in Harbor City for half a year, and then send someone to bring them back in the second half of the year to receive royal education. They will learn everything from both sides."


"Nonsense, this is absolutely not okay!"

Zhu Youjian's eyes almost popped out of his head, and he reacted very excitedly: "Only the princes have always sent protons to the capital. How can the princes and princesses be left as hostages for others? This is a great shame and humiliation. Send someone to bring them back quickly. This must not be done."

Stay in Harbor City!”

"Your Majesty, Harbor City is not what you think. They study there and receive the most advanced and latest education. They are not going to be hostages and can come back at any time. Why are you so excited?" Queen Zhou explained.

"Then let them come back immediately, without delaying for a moment!" Zhu Youjian said with a dark face, unable to explain.

"Your Majesty, can you go back to the palace first? I'll tell you slowly and detail our visit to Harbor City. I'll also show you the secret agreement. Please listen to what we have to say. It's not too late to speak again. Let's go

Harbor City is not just for fun, but for the benefit of the royal family. If you don't trust me, how about you go there yourself?" Queen Zhou said with a little displeasure.

"Uncle Emperor, although we are a generation of women, we always think about the interests of the royal family. We have had countless quarrels with the negotiators of Xujiazhuang. Uncle Emperor, you are so impatient and have no trust in us without asking the merits of the process. How is this?

Is it the style of a wise king?" Emperor's sister-in-law Zhang Yan also said very seriously.

"What the emperor's sister-in-law teaches is that you should go back to the palace first."

Zhu Youjian quickly regained his composure and realized his problem. Moreover, it was not suitable for quarreling in a public place. He had to find a suitable place to discuss it.

All the valuables brought from Harbor City were packed away properly.

Prepare gifts for Concubine Liu of Cining Palace, as well as gifts for Concubine Tian, ​​Concubine Yuan and others in the harem, and send eunuchs and maids to deliver them one by one.

Until the evening.

After having dinner.

In the Kunning Palace, candles were lit, and Queen Zhou Yufeng and the emperor's sister-in-law Zhang Yan had time to explain their visit to the Harbor City to Emperor Zhu Youjian.

Introducing how Harbor City became prosperous.

How developed is the level of productivity.

There are also the advanced nature of the education system, the development of the medical level, and the civilization of the management system and legal system... There are too many things worthy of Ming Dynasty to learn and learn from, and it must reach an alliance and cooperation with Xujiazhuang in order to bring huge benefits to the royal family.

Benefits and benefits.

And to enhance persuasiveness.

Zhang Yan took out her smartphone and handed it to Queen Zhou, asking her to show some photos and videos taken in Harbor City in front of Zhu Youjian.

For example, there are photos of various delicacies and videos of the never-sleeping scene in Harbor City.

There is also a video of a factory assembly line producing four-wheeled carriages, showing Xujiazhuang's extremely powerful industrial production capacity - and this kind of internal production scene of the factory is rarely shown in Xujiazhuang's "Oriental Times", and this is the first time Zhu Youjian has seen it.

, especially when I heard that the production capacity of this four-wheeled carriage factory exceeded the combined production capacity of all four-wheeled carriages in other places in Ming Dynasty, and the quality was the best.

Zhu Youjian did not question it, but subconsciously chose to believe it, because the assembly line production model is extremely advanced. Even if it is the first time he hears about its characteristics, if he thinks about it carefully, he will believe that this division of labor and collaboration, and the high level of technical specialization,

The efficiency is definitely much better than that of a carpenter working alone.

The reason why Xujiazhuang is strong and prosperous is probably hidden in these factories.

In short, after watching all the pictures and videos on the smartphone.

Even though he was very unconvinced in his heart, Zhu Youjian still had to admit: the content in the "Oriental Times" was not deceptive, and Xujiazhuang was truly powerful.

Concentrated more than 60% of the wealth of the Ming Dynasty.

There are only tens of thousands of troops, but they are enough to wipe out an army of millions.

Whether it is education, medical care, management, legal system, etc., they are all more advanced and civilized than the Ming Dynasty. It is useless to deceive oneself and others and deny it. It is like some civil servants who criticize Xujiazhuang every day in the court: "Businessmen are only interested in profit and will die sooner or later."

But if they get sick, they will first go to the doctor in Xujiazhuang to prescribe medicine. They will never go to some miracle doctor or imperial doctor. They are very honest about their health.

Zhu Youjian has an impetuous and arrogant personality, but his mouth is indeed not too harsh, and his face is not as thick as some civil servants. Therefore, after listening to the introduction and explanation of Queen Zhou and Zhang Yan, he believed that the strength of Xujiazhuang was indeed far away in the Ming Dynasty.


The reason why we didn't send troops to destroy the Ming Dynasty and change the dynasty may be because we really didn't have the interest and didn't want to carry this burden.

even so.

When Queen Zhou took out the "Secret Agreement between the Royal Family and the Xu Family" and opened it in front of him, after seeing the terms above.

Zhu Youjian opened his eyes wide and found it difficult to remain calm. He was not happy at all and thought he had suffered a big loss.

For example, Article 1: The royal family owes a debt of 20 million silver dollars to Tianxiatong Bank, with zero interest, and can be repaid slowly within thirty years.

For example, this article: The royal family should fully support and cooperate with the development and expansion of Xujiazhuang. In return, Xujiazhuang will provide the royal family with financial support of 12 million silver dollars every year, which will be increased in the future depending on the situation.

For example, this article: Within the Ming Dynasty, under the endorsement of the royal family, Xujiazhuang has the 'right to build roads and explore for minerals', 'right to freedom of movement', 'right to do business tax-free', 'right to kill with justice', 'immunity from Ming Dynasty law (just abide by the laws of Xujiazhuang)', investigation

There are more than ten rights including the right to combat illegal activities (Xujiazhuang can investigate and crack down on all illegal activities in the Ming Dynasty, such as arresting absconding criminals, etc., but will cooperate with the Ming Dynasty officials).

And the last one: when the prince Zhu Cihong comes of age, he should make Xu Qingmei the crown prince; when the princess Zhu Yuyao grows up, she will marry Xu Yuan's eldest son Xu Jiaguang as his wife - the two families form a strong marriage.

With these terms, Zhu Youjian's face turned the color of pig liver. He was not generally dissatisfied, but extremely dissatisfied!

"Didn't Qichun say before that as long as we form a comprehensive alliance with Xujiazhuang, all debts can be forgiven? Why is the arrears of 20 million still there?"

"The financial support is only 12 million yuan each year. Didn't we say 10 million each in money and food before? Even if the food is converted into silver and the price is half a silver dollar per stone, we still get 15 million silver dollars. Why is it so much less?"

"There are so many privileges that Xujiazhuang asks for. The first few are just that. The following are the immunity of the Ming Dynasty law, the right to investigate and crack down on illegal activities. What do these rights mean? As long as they form an alliance, the people of Xujiazhuang can do it in the Ming Dynasty.

There is lawlessness within the territory, no matter how many illegal things are done, the Ming Dynasty cannot interfere, and the local officials cannot deal with it, even if it is murder and arson?"

"My prince can marry that Xu Yuan's daughter, but this Xu Qingmei is just a concubine, how can she become the future mother of a country?"

"It's ridiculous and weak, it's a loss of power and a humiliation to the country! Once it is exposed, it will make the world laugh! How can such a secret alliance be signed? I don't recognize it, I don't agree to it, and if you sign it, it won't count!"

Zhu Youjian waved his hands repeatedly and said.

"Your Majesty, actually we don't want to sign it, but the person we negotiated with, Fang Qingyan, is too tough and won't let go of her interests. She even threatened that if the royal family is unwilling to form an alliance, your majesty's financial account will be short of money.

Everything about grain speculation must be exposed in the "Oriental Times". The more than 20 million owed to Xujiazhuang must be returned in full, otherwise they will find ways to seize the royal family's assets, cancel some cooperation, etc. There are many ways

Applying pressure, for example, if they freeze all the remaining 20 million deposits in the royal family's financial account and do not allow withdrawals, those who support the royal family and are on His Majesty's side will probably defect immediately and come to His Majesty to claim it back.

The principal... This is called betrayal, Your Majesty, once Xujiazhuang really does this, we will be very passive." Queen Zhou said helplessly.

"What? How can this Fang Qingyan be so despicable and so heartless?"

Zhu Youjian's face changed drastically, and he couldn't imagine the consequences if those threats came true.

"Your Majesty, who told you not to agree to an alliance earlier? If we had reached an alliance quickly while Xu Yuan was still in Harbor City, we might have obtained much better conditions. Xu Yuan would be much easier to talk to than Fang Qingyan.

There are many, but you failed to seize the most suitable opportunity."

Queen Zhou said that she never thought that Fang Qingyan, who called her so kindly as a sister, acted so tough and refused to give in at all during the negotiation stage. Of course, another reason may be that Xu Yuan gave her a smartphone.

Fang Qingyan knew about the emperor's sister-in-law Zhang Yan, so when negotiating, as long as the emperor's sister-in-law Zhang Yan was present, Fang Qingyan acted as tough as a different person. If the emperor's sister-in-law was not present, it would be easier to talk, let alone

It makes sense, hey, women are defensive, but Queen Zhou can understand it. After all, the position of Xu Yuan's wife has been vacant for a long time. Once a threat appears, Fang Qingyan cannot remain calm and calm. Hostility is normal.


Zhu Youjian was stunned and speechless.

Only then did he finally realize that some things have to be lost to realize how precious they are. Compared with Fang Qingyan, the viper and vixen described by Queen Zhou, the owner of Xuyuan Xu Manor was indeed too easy to talk to, even easy to talk to.

It made Zhu Youjian feel that if he thought about being with Aojiao for a while, he might be able to get better conditions.

The result was even worse.

"Zitong, has Xu Yuan come back? When will he come back? Can you talk to Xu Yuan again? As long as I modify these terms and return to the conditions he mentioned before, I will accept this "Secret Agreement of Alliance"

, the two parties formally formed an alliance."

Zhu Youjian thought for a moment and said.

"I would like to continue to stay in Harbor City until Xu Yuan comes back, but you keep urging me in the telegram, and Fang Qingyan also ordered to reduce the reimbursement amount, and you mean to drive us away. How can I continue to wait."

Queen Zhou rolled her eyes and looked at Zhu Youjian as if she was looking at a pig teammate.


Zhu Youjian suddenly became numb. Looking at the "Secret Agreement of Alliance" in his hand, he finally realized that even if he was dissatisfied and disagreed, he was the one who contributed to this result. He had to accept it even if he didn't accept it! At least at this stage.

in this way.

Unless you owe Xujiazhuang no money at all, leave no excuses, and are not afraid of their threats, you can straighten your back and behave as a human being. Otherwise, you can only passively accept harsh conditions.

This chapter has been completed!
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