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Chapter 264 Old Valley Gold Mine

In fact, for any foreign population entering Harbor City.

The intelligence department in Xujiazhuang will understand and investigate, especially those suspected dangerous elements, saboteurs, spies, etc., and will find ways to find, control and attack them to avoid causing harm and losses.

However, the manpower of the intelligence department is limited, and its capabilities are also limited.

Therefore, a complete reporting and reward channel was established.

Tens of thousands of part-time peripheral informants were developed to serve as ubiquitous eyes and ears.

And these days, Tianyuetuo and Wakda are bragging in front of their co-workers every day, saying that they are Dajin Baylor, and in the future they will be Dajin Khan, etc. They must be more respectful and polite to them, and they may bring them trouble in the future.


The co-workers laughed at this kind of bragging, but some observers couldn't stand it anymore, thinking that they were liars who wanted to pretend to be big shots and then set up a trap to defraud money. If someone was fooled, the loss would be huge. After all, in Harbor City,

It’s not like there are no examples of pretending to be high-ranking officials and big shots to defraud money and sex, so I filed a report instead.

And if you want to prove that Yue Tuo and Wakda are liars, and then take crackdowns, you have to find a way to get the real-life sketches and pictures of Houjin Beile Yue Tuo and Wakda, and compare them. If they are similar, then what?

It may be true, but if the difference is huge, it is definitely a liar.

And based on the penetration and information transmission capabilities of the Xujiazhuang intelligence department.

It was soon discovered that Yue Tuo and Wakda were not in Liaodong, but had secretly gone to North Korea.

Based on the collected information on appearance characteristics, the sketches drawn by professional painters, even if they are not very similar, are at least 70% or 80% similar.

Immediately, Zhang Guoyan, the head of the intelligence department, paid great attention to it. Yes, Houjin is indeed seriously weakened now. The tribe has less than 30,000 young men and only has about 27,000 in actuality. It has become an endangered species. Even if it desperately creates

However, in the environment of Liaodong, survival is already difficult. Medical care is not developed enough. Almost all the Han people have been driven away or killed. The level of productivity has seriously declined. The ability to smelt iron and make cannons has been lost, and doctors have lost their ability.

The lack of such professional talents (even traditional Chinese medicine, but having them is better than none) has led to high rates of dystocia among women, high neonatal mortality rates, and very slow actual population growth.

However, with its strong combat effectiveness that is still at its peak, it still controls the treasure land of Liaodong and is still considered the overlord outside the Great Wall.

And wait until the effects of the Little Ice Age pass.

The land in Liaodong can be used to sow seeds and grow food.

Xujiazhuang will most likely not allow this treasure land to continue to be in the hands of the Jurchen barbarians. They will definitely take action to reclaim hundreds of thousands of square kilometers of fertile black land and make fuller use of the endless forests and mineral resources.

The tentacles of Xujiazhuang's power will one day set foot on the land of Liaodong.

As for the Jurchens establishing slaves, exterminating their clans, conquering and utilizing them, or driving them to deal with the rising Tsarist Russia, how they should be arranged depends entirely on the needs of Xujiazhuang.

But at least for now, Houjin is still one of the most important forces in Liaodong, and it still has certain strength and potential. It should not be underestimated, but must be taken seriously.

So in my office.

Zhang Guoyan, the head of the Intelligence Department, met with Yue Tuo and Wakda brothers in person and asked them some questions.

"You are Dajin Baylor. If you don't stay in Liaodong and enjoy the blessings, why do you travel thousands of miles to Harbor City?"

"Our Ama sent us here. He hoped that Dajin could form an alliance with Xujiazhuang. To show his sincerity, he sent us to invite us. However, in North Korea, we were besieged by the North Koreans and lost our identity documents and the documents we were about to send.

This generous gift from me has reduced me to this..."

After spending some time, Yue Tuo talked about the dangers and tribulations they had encountered in the past month or so.

"An alliance? Haha, to put it bluntly, do you barbarians outside the Great Wall have the qualifications and strength to form an alliance with our Xujiazhuang? What benefits and benefits can you bring to us, and is it worth the exchange for an alliance?"

Zhang Guoyan laughed and said to them with a disdainful expression.

Yue Tuo and Wakda looked at each other. Remembering their father Khan Daishan's instructions, they nodded. At the same time, they bent their knees, knelt on the ground, and kowtowed fiercely to Zhang Guoyan:

"Sir, even if we can't form an alliance, how about Xujiazhuang accepting us as eagle dogs beyond the Great Wall?"

"If Xujiazhuang is willing to accept us, we are willing to be the most loyal minions in the future. We will do whatever Xujiazhuang orders us to do, and we will help Xujiazhuang follow suit!"

"What we need is just some food and basic materials. Xujiazhuang has countless of them. If we provide a little bit, we can feed us."

"There are trees, ginseng, pearls and minerals in Liaodong. We will provide as much as Xujiazhuang wants, and we just hope it can be sold at a suitable price!"

"We still have 30,000 elite troops. As long as Xujiazhuang asks us to fight, we will help fight whoever Xujiazhuang asks us to fight!"

"Sir, please accept us. We would like to be your dog and a dog in Xujiazhuang!"

The two of them kowtowed and kept pleading.

The attitude is extremely humble.

The requirements are very low.

The purpose is just to survive, just to be a better dog, so it’s okay to bring your own dog food.

Hear these pleas of theirs.

Zhang Guoyan was a little surprised. There was gold under the man's knees. He didn't expect that they would kneel down whenever they asked, and kowtow whenever they asked. They had completely lost their previous image of being strong-willed, defying the will of heaven, and invincible. They were defeated in such a battlefield.

, they were defeated, and now facing the powerful Xujiazhuang, they actually reached the point where they were willing to be loyal dogs.


Zhang Guoyan felt secretly happy, asking the strong to compromise and surrender was much more satisfying than asking the weak to surrender and kneel down. Only in this way could he feel a sense of accomplishment.

However, he is just the person in charge of intelligence and does not have the right to accept a certain force as a dog. He does not have the right to decide whether to accept it or not.

"Stop kneeling, get up."

Zhang Guoyan said to them: "I can't decide what you are talking about. I can help spread the word and ask the consul and the owner of the village for their opinions. If they are willing to accept you, they will accept you. If they don't agree, they will accept you."

, you just go home."

"Okay, thank you for your help, sir."

"I hope you can help me with a few kind words. If I can do it, I will be rewarded well in the future!"

Yue Tuo and Wakda said.


After Zhang Guoyan reported the situation.

The top management of Xujiazhuang paid great attention to it and held a discussion meeting to discuss whether to accept Jian slaves as dogs.

Li Jin said: "This is not a dog, but a wolf, a white-eyed wolf that may bite its owner at any time. Wasn't Li Chengliang bitten by Nurhachi? Although Li Chengliang was too Machiavellian and had his faults, all kinds of help

It cannot be said that this move is unkind to Nurhaci, but the result is betrayal, which shows that the Jurchens are not well-raised. They just want to use our Xujiazhuang to restore their strength. When they feel that they can do it, it is time to draw their swords and betray us.


Yang Zhongyuan agreed: "In the land of Liaodong, it is enough to support one Guan Ning Army. The Guan Ning Army is currently very obedient and pays a lot of tribute every year. It is quite diligent. It is better to support them to destroy the Hou Jin. In the future, the resources of Liaodong can also be used

It's in our hands."

Zhao Jinfu immediately shook his head and said: "Not necessarily, Guan Ning's army has a big appetite. In the past few years, the imperial court's annual military expenditure of 4 million yuan and food could not satisfy their appetite. They complained about lack of money and food every year. Now through cooperation, we are feeding them.

But what happens in the future? When they occupy the resources in Liaodong, why don’t they develop them themselves and why should they give them to us? When Liaodong is completely managed and becomes their own territory, we will not be able to get involved except spending money to purchase resources...

Balance, I think the land of Liaodong needs balance, and we cannot let Guan Ningjun and his family dominate."

Wu Dabao said: "After all, Guan Ningjun is a member of our Chinese tribe, and the Jurchen slaves are a foreign race. The owner of the village has said that instead of taking advantage of his own people, he must not take advantage of the foreign races. How can he even help and support the foreign races for some profit?

If the owner of the village knows about it, he will definitely criticize it."

Zhao Jinfu explained: "That is also because Liaodong is extremely rich in resources. The owner of the village has said more than once that Liaodong is a treasure land that can be coveted by countless forces. We cannot let this treasure land be swallowed up by Guan Ning's army and finally cultivated

If a monster-like opponent emerges, it will pose a threat to us sooner or later. You must know that the strength of Guan Ning's army is close to 100,000. The bitter cold land of Liaodong is a place where elites can be trained. We cannot take it lightly."

Xie Tianqing nodded in support: "I think Lao Zhao is right about balance. In the land of Liaodong, it is better for all forces to be balanced. Otherwise, even if they do not threaten us, the big fish will eat the small fish and swallow up the surrounding weak forces.

, slowly turned into a behemoth.”

Li Jin looked at Xu Sheng, who was sitting at the top and was the rotating consul for this month, and said, "Brother Xu, you are the consul for this month. What do you think?"

Xu Sheng shook his head and said: "This is not a trivial matter. Let the owner of the village come back to make decisions. I will follow his instructions."

"Okay, so it should be."

Everyone nodded.

Didn't wait long.

On April 22nd, Xu Yuan came back. As for whether to accept the slaves as dogs, the senior officials put this question in front of him.

"As long as the young and strong population of Jiannu is controlled under 30,000 for a long time, why don't we keep this dog?"

Xu Yuan touched his chin, thought for a while and said: "Let's take it. In terms of grain alone, the grain produced in Liaodong will account for one-third of the Ming Dynasty in the future. This treasure land really cannot fall into the hands of others.

The Guan Ning Army has developed too fast in the past few years, and this year they captured the Liaodong Peninsula. Although they gave Port Arthur to us for development as a show of goodwill, if a man of great talent and strategy emerges in the future, our Xujiazhuang will not be in danger, and the Ming Dynasty will not be in danger.

The imperial court is in danger now, so it’s time to put some restrictions."

"In addition, there is a place called Mohe in the north of Liaodong. It is very cold, but there is rich gold in the river bed (that is, the Laogou gold mine, with a total reserve of hundreds of tons). Jiannu was asked to bring tens of thousands of Korean slaves there to pan for gold.

, any gold you take out can be used to buy food and other materials at market prices in Songshan City. You are not allowed to increase the price at will. If Guan Ningjun does not agree, then let Jiannu take the gold to Port Arthur and trade with us directly.

, our fleet can provide a large amount of supplies."

"Yes, owner!"

"The owner of the village is wise!"

All the senior officials nodded.

"Promise, promise!"

"Xujiazhuang promised to take us as dogs!"

"It also gave me the specific location of a big gold mine. With a little digging, you can get a lot of gold, and then you can use the gold to buy affordable food, sugar, cans, clothing and other materials!"

"We also need to keep a representative stationed in Harbor City to act as a liaison to maintain long-term communication."

"Brother, let me be the liaison officer. You are the eldest brother. If you want to inherit the throne, it would be better for me to stay here."

After getting the good news.

Wakda was extremely excited and shouted in front of his elder brother Yue Tuo.


Yue Tuo opened his mouth. In fact, what he wanted to say was that it might be better for him to be the liaison officer. After all, he is the eldest son of his father. He is the most sincere to stay here as a hostage, and he can also learn a lot of knowledge and knowledge here.

Advanced features.

But seeing how excited Adi was and how strongly he wanted to be the liaison officer, I could only hold back my regrets and give him this opportunity.

This chapter has been completed!
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