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Chapter 265 The Development of Organic Agriculture

In late April, spring plowing work has begun in various places in Jiangnan.

Haimen County, No. 101 Collective Estate.

At this moment, there is not much movement in the fields of this manor, especially the tens of thousands of acres of paddy fields. Even the plowing work has not started. Weeds are allowed to grow to two or three feet high. Many surrounding areas are already busy.

The collective estates formed a sharp contrast.

By the way, what's going on?

Are the villagers of Manor 101 starting to be lazy and lying down? Why don't you seize the time to avoid missing the farming season?

Of course, it's not because of laziness, as Chinese people have never been lazy in farming, but because 101 Collective Estate has changed its development strategy this year, hoping to bring more benefits.

They plan to move the rice transplanting time back a month and sow it in late May, that is, changing the term "early rice" to "late rice" because late rice tastes better.

In addition, starting from this year, these rice fields mainly use organic fertilizer produced from biogas digesters, plus a small amount of chemical fertilizers, and pesticides are used as much as possible. A large number of chickens, ducks and geese are used to eat pests in the rice fields, and even specially raised

Some insect-eating birds.

That is to say, they are taking the path of organic agriculture development this year, planting tens of thousands of acres of organic rice, and then selling it to the headquarters at a higher price.

Is this development model reliable?

What should I do if there are serious pests and diseases and the output plummets?

In fact, the management of 101 Collective Estate has taken all aspects of the issue into consideration, and has seen that collective estates that follow the organic farming route have achieved great success, so they only need to learn from successful experiences and follow suit.

The main reason that drove them to make adjustments was that the economic benefits created by 101 Collective Estate last year ranked 94th among the 110 collective estates, which was very low.

This ranking was unacceptable, so we held a special meeting to discuss it.

“What exactly is our problem?”

Wang Kangping, the leader of the village, knocked on the table and said with a serious face: "Have some people slacked off and started to rest on their merits? As a result, there is no sense of crisis at all. Ranking 94th, this is almost the bottom. Although the headquarters

There is no criticism or accountability, but we cannot be insensitive and must find out where the problem lies!"

"Last year, the population of our manor was 18,654, with a total grain output of 437,000 shi, fish farming and fishing of 32,000 shi, and the development of animal husbandry was also very good, raising more than 50,000 pigs, 20,000 sheep, and more than 6,000 cattle.

, 500,000 chickens, ducks and geese, as well as brick kilns, ceramics factories, canneries, rice mills, oil pressing mills, reed mat factories and other workshops that bring economic benefits. Last year, everyone worked nearly 300 hours.

Today, it has brought a total economic benefit of 2.974 million silver dollars, and the per capita income is 160 silver dollars. This benefit is already very good, and I haven’t seen a few people being lazy. I don’t think there is a big problem.” Accountant Lu Wenxing said.

"Yes, laziness will be despised and taught. Nowadays, things are getting better and better. We are all working hard to move towards a prosperous life with an annual per capita income of 200 silver dollars. Who dares to hold us back? That list ranking

I also looked carefully and found that the total profit of Manor No. 74, which ranked 30th, was only 150,000 silver dollars more than ours last year. Manor No. 98, which ranked last, only had 300,000 silver dollars less than us.

The efficiency gap between the estates is not big,” another manager said.

"Since the benefit gap is not big, our ranking should not be so low!"

Wang Kangping still said unhappily: "Our 101 Manor is close to the Yangtze River. We can rely on the river to eat. We catch a lot of fish every year. We are one of the few manors with sufficient power supply. The factories and workshops have never lost power! Last year, we also established a

Jiangdong Port has attracted a lot of passenger and cargo flows from other places. It has so many unique advantages, but it is still ranked so low. It is really unreasonable. I personally think that ranking in the top 30 is more suitable for our manor.

Position, everyone should think of something quickly, how can we catch up?"

Ranking in the top thirty?

Faced with the goal proposed by the head of the village, everyone had to discuss among themselves and began to think about ways to catch up. Most people did not feel that Wang Kangping was just looking for trouble and tormenting everyone, but they felt suffocated in their hearts.

Some people can't accept such a low ranking. After all, 101 Manor does have many advantages.

Of course, for those Daming villages and towns around Manor 101 that have not joined the collective estates, if they knew their mentality, they would probably vomit blood.

The per capita income is 160 silver dollars, which is at least ten times theirs! They live a life like a fairy, with endless food, meat, eggs and milk every day. When young people are looking for wives, they only choose beautiful figures.

Okay, it doesn't matter if you're not so virtuous, it's not a big problem anyway, and many traditional concepts have been subverted.

But these people living in paradise are still not satisfied. After achieving a moderately prosperous life, they have to move towards a prosperous society. After achieving a prosperous life of 150 silver dollars per capita, they will still pursue a level of affluence of 200 silver dollars per capita, which will simply make the people in the surrounding villages and towns,

Envy, jealousy and jealousy to the point of madness, as well as regret, pain and even resentment for not being able to join the collective estate.

However, it does not matter how the surrounding villages and towns respond. What is important is how to not be the last to be the last in the system of collective estates, but how to be at the forefront and become an example for other estates to learn and catch up with.

The proposal of the young deputy village leader Yuan Ying to develop organic agriculture and plant organic rice was unanimously recognized and approved by everyone.

Because the 101 collective estate has more than 15,000 acres of high-standard paddy fields.

If all organic rice is grown and almost no pesticides are used, the cost of pesticides alone can save three thousand silver dollars.

The amount of chemical fertilizers can be halved, saving more than 5,000 silver dollars.

The yield per mu will probably drop by 20%, to only 1,200 kilograms.

But at the headquarters, the price for purchasing organic rice was 20 Wen/jin last year, four times the 5 Wen/jin of ordinary rice.

A full four times the price difference!

That is to say, at the cost level, a total saving of nearly 10,000 silver dollars was achieved.

In terms of terminal selling price, you can earn an additional 240,000 silver dollars.

Between this decrease and one increase, the total income is 250,000 silver dollars.

As long as it can achieve success in organic farming this year, the 101st Collective Estate will be able to fill the gap and possibly enter the top thirty.

In addition, if they simultaneously work on workshops, fishing, port operations, etc., and prevent other manors from consolidating and expanding their advantages, it is almost certain that their manor will enter the top thirty.

Wang Kangping said excitedly: "Everyone's basic conditions are similar. There are no mines underground in our manor, and there are no mines in other manors. The number of workshops is about the same. The foundation is mainly agriculture. We can also rely on the river and the sea to eat.

In addition, many villages and towns on the south bank of the Yangtze River often come to do business with us, and there are more potential partners. In this case, as long as we give full play to and utilize these advantages, we will definitely be able to hand in a beautiful answer by the end of the year and be well received.

Praise from the headquarters!”

"Let's do it. Let's work hard together. No one can slack off this year. We must achieve better results!"

Wang Kangping stood up, clenched his fists and mobilized.

"Okay, let's fight for a turnaround this year!"

"Growing organic rice is expected to increase our income by 250,000 yuan. Let's just set a goal of increasing total income by 350,000 yuan. In this way, our per capita income can break through to 200 silver dollars, and we can successfully achieve prosperity. It can be said to be a double happiness!"

"I think this is possible. As long as everyone works harder, it is not too difficult to increase the income by 350,000. It can be done by gritting one's teeth."

"That's right, bite the bullet, work harder, and achieve prosperity in advance. This is far more meaningful than squeezing into the top 30."

"Agree, I completely agree!" Luan Xiangdong raised his hands.

"Okay! Since everyone is so ambitious, let's unite as one and work hard together. No matter how hard it is, we must achieve this goal this year!"

Wang Kangping said very pleased.

Early May.

Among the farmland already overgrown with weeds.

Yuan Ying guided the villagers to cut down the weeds that were too tall and vigorous and use them as feed to feed the pigs, cattle and sheep.

At the same time, he also guided another group of villagers to spread farmyard manure ground into small particles in the sparse and low areas where weeds grew, thereby promoting the growth of these weeds.

At noon.

Xiang Sirer, who was driving an electric tricycle to deliver lunch, saw this scene and couldn't help but said to Yuan Ying: "Husband, I have seen people fertilizing grain, but I have never seen people fertilizing weeds."

Fertilizer, can it be that this grass will produce food when it grows up?"

"This is called induced weeding."

Yuan Ying explained: "In this season, which is most suitable for weeds to grow, we add fertilizers to allow weeds to grow without restriction. When it is time to transplant rice, we use a rotary tiller to plow and crush them repeatedly.

In this way, after the rice is planted, weeds will be greatly reduced, and it can also supplement green manure and reduce the use of herbicides."

"I see, that's a pretty smart idea."

Xiang Sirer nodded repeatedly. She didn't expect that there were so many ways to farm, and many methods were needed to achieve a good harvest.

Buzz buzz~

Just then.

The sound of an engine roaring could be heard overhead.

Everyone looked up and saw a twin-propeller aircraft flying from an altitude of more than a thousand meters, heading from north to south at a speed of hundreds of kilometers per hour.

"Airplane, this is an airplane. I saw it in the Oriental Times! There were often reports about airplanes some time ago."

"It should have flown over from Harbor City."

"I wonder where this plane is going?"

"I never thought that people can really sit on an iron bird. How high up in the sky can we go? I wonder if one day we will have the opportunity to sit on it?"

Yuan Ying also raised her head until her neck felt sore. She saw the plane gradually disappearing into the distance, and then she withdrew her curious eyes with lingering interest.

This chapter has been completed!
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