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Chapter 266 Song Yingxing, Song Yingsheng Brothers

in the sky.

Onboard the transport plane "Shen Nong 1".

Song Yingxing, the chief agricultural expert, and his brother Song Yingsheng were sitting in the guest seats with a relatively small space for activities. They couldn't help but put their faces close to the glass portholes, looking at the blue sky and white clouds outside, and the green carpet-like ground, with expressions on their faces.

With an expression of curiosity and excitement.

After all, this was their first time flying.

Currently, there are only three aircraft in Xujiazhuang, including this Shennong 1.

The other two planes are "Xiake" and "Special Plane No. 1".

The Xiake was used by the geological research team led by Xu Xiake. It made its first flight in July last year. So far, it has left its footprints in more than 20 places in the Ming Dynasty and carried out many flight missions, all of which were in

Taking off and landing on dirt roads that are not flat enough proves the high reliability of this aircraft.

Special plane No. 1 is only used by Xujiazhuang's senior executives and is mainly used for inspection work, grassroots visits, and solving emergencies.

Only this "Shen Nong 1" aircraft is dedicated to agricultural work.

This time, brothers Song Yingxing and Song Yingsheng took this plane to work at the Nanchuang Breeding Manor in Yazhou, Hainan Island. The flight distance was about 2,000 kilometers.

Moreover, thousands of kilograms of various seeds were carried in the cargo hold of the plane.

There are common crop seeds.

There are artificially collected seeds such as wild soybeans, wheat, and rice.

The purpose is to take these seeds to the Nanbu Breeding Manor as quickly as possible, participate in the "Shen Nong Plan", and use various technical means to cultivate excellent crop varieties with high yield, excellent traits, and resistance to diseases and pests.

To this end, Xujiazhuang invested considerable resources, built a dedicated breeding estate covering an area of ​​more than 60,000 acres, purchased various biological research and development equipment, and recruited top local talents such as Song Yingxing and Song Yingsheng in the late Ming Dynasty.

Responsible for leading agricultural research and development work.

This shows that Xujiazhuang attaches great importance to agricultural issues.

"Brother, it's been almost three years since the two of us joined Xujiazhuang, right?"

Song Yingxing's thoughts were flying, and he couldn't help but think of all the experiences he had experienced in the past few years, especially after joining Xujiazhuang, it was more colorful than the past half life, like a dream.

You must know that at the beginning, facing the olive branch extended by Xujiazhuang and the efforts to win over them, they, with their loyal and patriotic thoughts, were very resistant and repulsive, and they sternly rejected it dozens of times.

What an annual salary of fifty thousand silver dollars.

What allows access to various advanced technologies, etc.

Song Yingxing was unmoved and refused Xujiazhuang's attempts again and again.

But later, his concubine and youngest son fell seriously ill successively, and were cured by the miracle medicine provided by Xujiazhuang. The family encountered a serious economic crisis, and Xujiazhuang provided tens of thousands of silver dollar loans to help get out of the predicament. In the end, even the family members around him thought that

I owed so much debt to Xujiazhuang that it was unjustifiable to always refuse to win over him. In the end, I was forced to agree to come to Xujiazhuang for an inspection for half a year to see what I could do in return for Xujiazhuang.

As a result of this investigation, I fell deeply into it.

Then the eldest brother Song Yingsheng was brought in, and the two brothers eventually joined Xujiazhuang. In a short period of time, they both learned and mastered the most advanced scientific knowledge and became top experts.

Gradually, I also recognized the culture and system of Xujiazhuang and abandoned my own limitations.

Looking back now, I feel quite sad and lucky.

"It's been almost three years."

Song Yingsheng nodded: "I originally planned to visit for a few days and leave, but Xujiazhuang is indeed too advanced and developed. The knowledge that our brothers have mastered cannot help Xujiazhuang. On the contrary, we have learned countless things in Xujiazhuang in the past three years, and we have taken advantage of it.

We are right. What Xujiazhuang values ​​​​is not those outdated technologies. We are two talented people who are almost fifty years old. The owner of Xujiazhuang is a broad-minded man of God. On the contrary, it seems that we are stingy and narrow-minded.

It wasted a lot of time.”

"It's not too late to start pursuing the truth. Didn't Confucius say that if you hear the truth in the morning, you will die in the evening."

"However, the burden on us is not light. The content of the "Shennong Plan" is very huge. It will take at least thirty to fifty years to barely complete the first phase of this plan. To fully realize this plan, we must

Hundreds, hundreds of years are not enough. By then, you and I will definitely not be able to see it. We can only become pioneers and steps to help those who come after us to open the way. And even if the first stage is successful, it will benefit generations to come and allow the Ming Dynasty to succeed.

The great achievement of the people saying goodbye to famine. In the words of the village owner, the two of us brothers will be canonized as gods by future generations. We are the new generation of agricultural saints. It is exciting to think about such a great achievement."


The purpose of Xu Yuan's personal leadership in formulating the "Shennong Plan" was to get rid of the reliance on improved seeds in modern society, achieve self-sufficiency in improved seeds in the late Ming Dynasty, and make full use of the species resources in the late Ming Dynasty to allow agricultural experts to

They independently developed improved varieties suitable for the late Ming Dynasty and blazed a new path.

After all, the biodiversity here in the late Ming Dynasty is so rich.

Very few species of plants and animals are currently extinct.

Samples of wild beans, wheat, and rice can be found everywhere, with all kinds of traits.

Even some precious and high-value animal and plant resources that are impossible to find in modern society are countless.

This place is simply a huge treasure house of biological resources. Even if only 1% of it is utilized, it can bring huge profits.

Of course, Xu Yuan does not dare to think that far at this stage. The first stage goal he set in the "Shennong Plan" is to use the most advanced hybridization and genetic breeding technologies to achieve the goal of producing all food crops within 30 to 50 years.

It’s just about being self-sufficient with hundreds of improved varieties of vegetables and fruits. As for taking a new path and developing improved varieties with local characteristics, by then it may not even be seen from far away, and the light gate channels in both worlds will be gone. Considering that far away

It makes no sense.

Naturally, this is especially true for the two brothers Song Yingxing and Song Yingsheng. They only need to focus on completing the first stage goal.

Chatting and chatting.

After the excitement, the two brothers discussed the future of Xujiazhuang.

Song Yingsheng even made a hypothesis and asked: "How long can a model like Xujiazhuang be maintained? What if the owner of the village is gone one day, how will Xujiazhuang develop? Can it be as stable as a country, at least for two or three hundred years?

time, rather than a flash in the pan?”

"It all depends on the public sentiment."

Song Yingxing thought for a while and said: "If the culture and system of Xujiazhuang are deeply supported by the people and no one wants turmoil and change, then Xujiazhuang can survive for a long time. On the contrary, if it becomes increasingly unpopular and exposed

There are more and more problems and shortcomings, so even if the village owner is an immortal who can live for hundreds of years, Xujiazhuang will collapse anyway. It is useless to let him have unlimited immortal power, just like what he often says,

The people are the country and everything."

Song Yingsheng asked again: "Then do you think there is a big problem in Xujiazhuang?"

"Of course there are a lot of problems."

Song Yingxing said: "For example, the Oriental Times recently reported that some Xujiazhuang locals discriminated against and insulted outsiders; a few collective estates charged high fees and exploited surrounding villages and towns in pursuit of profits, or there was a trend of comparison and arrogance within Xujiazhuang.

Corruption has also increased. These are all signs of problems. However, the village owner did not avoid these problems and did not just listen to praises. Instead, he dealt with them seriously, suppressed and curbed these phenomena in a timely manner, and welcomed all people, especially non-Xujiazhuang people.

Put forward suggestions and criticisms, all good suggestions will be adopted, and criticisms that hit the mark will be corrected immediately. He also emphasizes the need to maintain a strong ability to correct errors, so as to detect and deal with them in a timely manner... Mr. Xu Zhuang is both tolerant and tolerant.

It’s similar to King Qi’s willingness to accept advice.”

"The owner of the village is wise and powerful, like a saint, but if he is gone, can he still find out and correct the problem in time?"

"Then it depends on the system. As long as we form a good system and take precautions, most problems can be avoided. We can also notice that the time for rotating consuls to take turns in power has reached six months every year.

There will be more in the future. During this period, the village owner will not interfere too much. For many large and small matters, as long as the six consuls reach a consensus, if there are differences, let the village owner decide. If the village owner is not available, ask the mistress for her opinion...that is, decentralization of power.

It can also be centralized, and over time a benign system will be formed and operate stably in the long term."

Hear this.

There was silence for about a quarter of an hour.

Song Yingsheng finally made up his mind and said: "Chang Geng, I think it is better to bring you and my wives, concubines, and children to Harbor City or to the breeding manor, and let them all settle in Xujiazhuang, and let them join us.

within this system.”

"Brother, have you finally figured it out?"

Song Yingxing was very surprised, because under normal circumstances, this was impossible. After all, the Song family was a wealthy family in Fengxin County, Jiangxi Province. They were standard gentry landowners. The family owned thousands of acres of fertile land and dozens of workshops.

He was rich and powerful, had servants and tenants, and was the object of courtship and favor from the government, so his life was not bad.

If you join Xujiazhuang, you will only see greater improvements in education, medical care, etc., more convenient living, and more development opportunities for your offspring. However, you will also be subject to restrictions such as not allowing polygamy and not having too many servants and nannies in the home. You can only

There are pros and cons, advantages and disadvantages, and it is not very attractive to the gentry class.

But this time... the eldest brother Song Yingsheng finally figured it out and made the decision to bring his family to Xujiazhuang.

"It's not that I've figured it out, I just think that the road to Xujiazhuang may be wider and further. Even if we can't be rich for a long time, the living conditions of future generations will not be too bad." Song Yingsheng said.

"That's right. I have thought so for a long time. Xujiazhuang has a better future. The backward and decadent Confucian traditional society will be eliminated sooner or later. What's more, our children and grandchildren have only been to Harbor City once or twice.

Every time, they all begged and looked forward to joining Xujiazhuang, their hearts have long been towards Xujiazhuang."

Song Yingxing shook his head and smiled.

This chapter has been completed!
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