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Chapter 302 Qian Chengzhi Brings His Concubine Home

In the tenth year of Chongzhen, April 8th.

On a sunny day, with green trees and flowers blooming everywhere.

A road starts from Yangzhou, passes near Nanjing, and then extends to Anqing Prefecture, named "Yang'an Highway".

There were several four-wheel carriages carrying passengers, heading towards Tongcheng, Anqing Prefecture, at a speed of more than ten kilometers per hour.

It is expected to arrive in Tongcheng within two days.

"Brother Kexian, when you get back to your hometown, you must give me a good word, especially hold my father and don't let him beat me."

In the spacious and comfortable carriage, Qian Chengzhi cupped his hands and said to Sun Lin, who was sitting opposite.

Next to Qian Chengzhi, sat a beautiful woman with a baby girl in her hands, and to her right sat a handsome boy about three years old. Although the boy and the girl had brought her

She had the confidence to go back to her hometown with a man, but she still felt uneasy and worried. After all, because of her, Qian Chengzhi had had a tense relationship with his family for several years, but they did not agree to accept her existence. This time he went back, I wonder if he had successfully achieved relaxation.

, or lead to greater conflicts?

Therefore, Su Ziyu felt uneasy.

Even Qian Chengzhi himself didn't have much confidence. He even made a special trip to Harbor City to find Sun Lin as a 'helper', just to get over this hurdle.

"Dad, why did grandpa hit you? Did you do anything wrong?"

This handsome and cute boy looked at Qian Chengzhi with an innocent and curious face, but Su Ziyu clenched her fingers tightly and felt a sharp pain.

"Jie'er, I didn't do anything wrong!"

Qian Chengzhi picked up his son, put him on his lap, kissed him on the face and said, "If I were wrong, you wouldn't have come to this world, and it would be difficult for you to stand upright in this world, so

I have to be right!"


Three-year-old Qian Yujie didn't know why and could only nod confusedly. Su Ziyu next to her couldn't help raising her sleeves and wiping the corners of her eyes frequently. She had indeed fallen into prostitution, but the child was innocent. If even this child

Not being accepted would hit her as hard as killing her.

This scene.

Sun Lin sighed, but still said: "Brother Qian, don't worry, uncle is not an unreasonable person, and you have been at loggerheads with your family for several years, and it is impossible to continue like this. Besides, Xiao Yujie is so smart, delicate, and lovable, he will

If it is accepted by the elders, it is highly likely that a reconciliation will be reached this time."

"I hope it can be as Brother Kexian said."

Qian Chengzhi nodded. As long as Sun Lin agreed to help negotiate peace, he would be 30% more confident. Adding the original 50%, the total certainty reached 80%!

After all, although he is only twenty-five years old and very young now, his identity is not simple and he can be regarded as a famous big shot.

For example, Xujiazhuang's imperial advocate.

For example, the staff writer of "Oriental Times".

For example, he is an important representative scholar of "Xu Xue" in Jiangnan.

As well as a close friend who has a very good personal relationship with Xu Yuan, the owner of Xu Zhuang.

Wait wait wait.

Even if you only have one or two of the above identities and titles, you will receive great attention, and you can easily become a celebrity in the south of the Yangtze River. No matter what the occasion, you will sit in the VIP position and become the object of countless celebrities vying to please and win over.


Qian Chengzhi feels that his life is relatively successful. If, with his identity, status and fame, he can't even keep a concubine in his family, it either proves that he is not successful enough, or there is something wrong with his family.

Being too traditional and conservative will be criticized and criticized. The person who will be criticized will not necessarily be Qian Chengzhi, but countless celebrities will help to persuade his family.

Anyway, Qian Chengzhi is very confident that he can take care of his family this time.


He returned to his hometown this time not only to make his family forgive him for taking concubines, but also for a more important matter.

Join the Xu Family Manor!

Preparations for the fourth round of village expansion have already begun, and Anqing Prefecture is one of the 14 prefectures in South Zhili, so Anqing Prefecture is also within the expansion scope of Xujiazhuang.


Anqing Prefecture is located in a remote location, with many mountains and few plains. It is not considered a sacred land, and its development potential is not very great. Therefore, even if Anqing Prefecture has the opportunity to establish several collective estates, the number allocated will not be large.

Among the 1,100 newly planned collective estates.

The number allocated to Anqing Prefecture is estimated to be around 50 at most.

Tongcheng County is one of the seven prefectures and counties in Anqing. It has the most mountains, the fewest plains, and the most disadvantaged conditions. Based on Xujiazhuang's requirements and standards, the indicators for allocating five manors to Tongcheng County are very good, and definitely not many.


Qian Chengzhi used his position in Xujiazhuang and privately contacted Xu Yuan, the owner of the village, and made repeated pleas. In the end, his request was met and he got a valuable quota that allowed him to take his family to build a collective estate.

, and then join Xujiazhuang.

Including Sun Lin and the Sun family behind him.

Including Fang Yizhi and the Fang family behind him.

These three well-known families in Tongcheng share this village building quota, allowing them to join the collective estate as a whole, thus becoming a member of the Xujiazhuang system.

"Brother Kexian, in order to get this target, I begged the owner of the village many times. I owe a huge favor, which I may never be able to repay in this life. But... your family, my family, and the secret family...

Brother’s family, do our elders agree to join the collective estate? Or do they resolutely resist and oppose it? After all, our family is a scholarly family, and they follow Confucian traditions and clan etiquette. Once we join the collective estate, these

Traditions have to be abandoned, and we have to follow the Xujiazhuang style. Do you think the elders will be unwilling, causing me to get this indicator in vain?"

Qian Chengzhi asked worriedly.

"No, I don't think so."

Sun Lin thought for a while and said: "I found that the atmosphere has changed in the past two years. Take the "Jiangnan Times" founded by the Jiangnan gentry as an example. At the beginning, it was full of articles criticizing and attacking Xujiazhuang, but then there were fewer and fewer.

There are more and more articles that endorse Xujiazhuang, and even the typesetting has been changed to simplified Chinese. There are more and more articles in vernacular, and they are gradually moving closer to the "Oriental Times", and even "Confucianism should learn from Xujia" and Confucianism should learn from Xujia

The idea of ​​​​merger has become more and more popular in the past two years, and has even become mainstream."

"After the recent rumors that Xujiazhuang was going to expand the village were released, I saw more than a dozen articles in the Jiangnan Times, all of which advocated that the Jiangnan gentry should give up their land and join collective estates, or that the entire Jiangnan region should

The advantages of merging into Xujiazhuang outweigh the disadvantages, and we will definitely achieve better development. The benefits are huge and the disadvantages are very few. It is the right move to join the light and get out of the darkness of backwardness."

"What is it about turning to the light and walking out of the darkness? It's all about seeing the benefits!"

Qian Chengzhi shook his head and laughed sarcastically: "These Jiangnan landlords and gentry are really too smart. Four or five years ago, when Xujiazhuang expanded and wanted to take over their land, they had the energy to organize an army of 200,000 to fight against Xujiazhuang.

Damn it! Now that you are so aware of current affairs, you just want to take advantage of the welfare and benefits of Xujiazhuang."

You must know that the per capita GDP of Xujiazhuang has reached as much as 300 silver dollars, and the annual income of an ordinary family can easily reach 1,000 silver dollars.

And children can study for free.

Enjoy cheaper medical services.

Prices in Xujiazhuang are also relatively stable and low.

There are also various other benefits and protections.

The overall quality of life of an ordinary family will not be lower than the annual income of 2,000 silver dollars outside.

Let’s take another example of a landlord family owning 5,000 acres of fertile land.

This kind of landowner is definitely considered a super wealthy person. Among the landowners, the proportion of those who can own so much land does not exceed 1%. There is no doubt that they are very wealthy.

But now that food prices are low and stable, the net income from one acre of fertile land will not exceed 2 silver dollars (mainly because it requires a lot of labor and the food output is not high).

Calculated based on 2 silver dollars, the total income is only 10,000 silver dollars.

However, for such a landowner family, 30 people, including wives, concubines, children, servants, maids, and servants, is the minimum and most conservative number. If averaged with so many people, the per capita income is only 333 silver dollars.

It is very expensive to educate children.

Medical services are backward. If you want to live a healthy and long life, you can only buy miracle medicine from Xujiazhuang at a high price, which increases the cost five times.

There are also industrial products such as soap, bicycles, watches, glass mirrors, toilet paper, lighters, etc., which are at least two to three times more expensive.

The home has no running water or electricity.

There is no digester.

I often deal with the government, and I receive a certain amount of donations every year, worth 1,800 silver dollars.

The cost of favors between gentry.

Taken together, except for the landlord himself and a few family members, he can live a higher quality of life, which is no worse than that of ordinary people in Xujiazhuang.

But this status quo is not static.

Because now more and more laborers are going to work in factories.

The long-term tenant farmers who farmed the land thought that instead of working for the landlords, it would be better to bite the bullet and go overseas to farm in overseas manors. It would be much better than having at least 50% to 60% of the harvest taken away.

This has led to higher and higher labor costs for farming and lower and lower profits. Over time, it is estimated that one acre of land will not earn even 1 silver dollar.

And the expenses in all aspects cannot be reduced.

As a result, the quality of life will only decline year by year, and eventually it may not even be comparable to ordinary residents of Xujiazhuang.

Just because they see such a trend and prospect, the landlords and gentry might as well give up their land and join Xujiazhuang. After all, the quality of life will not be significantly reduced, let alone worry about the problem of class decline for future generations (already at the lower level)

), it will only keep rising, and you can live a good life at the minimum guarantee, without worrying about the decline and decline of future generations and their inability to continue.

That being the case!

Joining Xu Family Manor has become a very safe and reliable choice, with almost no worries.

The gentry class in Jiangnan were mostly intellectuals who had read poetry and books, and were shrewd and intelligent people. They were also influenced by the "Oriental Times" for a long time.

As long as you are not particularly stubborn and conservative, you will make wise choices.

Therefore, Qian Chengzhi is very sure that the elders of the family will not be too resistant or opposed, and most of them will obey the general trend.

April 10th, morning.

Tongcheng County, the Qian family, a large family covering an area of ​​dozens of acres.

The four-wheeled carriage entered the front yard, and the servants and maids were very happy to announce: "The young master is back!"

"My son is back. In previous years, he was busy with work and couldn't go back until the end of the year?"

Qian Zhili, an elegant middle-aged man in his late fifties, came over with a book. At a glance, he saw that his son Qian Chengzhi was accompanied by an extremely charming woman and two illegitimate children, one older and one younger.


Blood suddenly rushed to his head and he was furious.

"Come here, bring me a cane. I want to deal with this traitor!"

Qian Zhili said angrily, he felt a kind of provocation and disobedience. He had stated his position many times before that he would never accept that promiscuous woman to become a member of the Qian family. As a result, Qian Chengzhi brought her here and gave birth to an illegitimate child.

There are actually two of them. Isn’t this a blatant provocation?

"Uncle, don't be angry! Please calm down, calm down, and listen to Brother Huanguang's explanation first." Sun Lin quickly stopped him and advised him.

"Jie'er, come and call grandpa, this is your grandpa." Qian Chengzhi picked up three-year-old Qian Yujie and walked to Qian Zhili and said.

"Grandpa, why are you angry with dad? Is it because dad doesn't listen to you?" Qian Yujie said in a clear and childlike voice.


Looking at this handsome and fair-skinned child with clear and pure eyes, he is as cute as a porcelain doll.

For some reason, Qian Zhili's heart immediately softened and his anger dissipated.

This chapter has been completed!
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