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Chapter 303 Conditions for Joining the Gentry Class


As soon as his three-year-old son Qian Yujie showed up and acted cute, Qian Chengzhi passed the test easily.

Qian Zhili's attitude softened and he couldn't help hugging his grandson, saying a few words to him and showing a kind smile.

After all, this is his grandson. Although he is not a direct grandson, he is still a bloodline of the Qian family. This is a fact that cannot be changed.

"That's all, the Qian family has a lot of vacant rooms. Let's find a wing with better conditions and settle them down. The matter is now done. It's a done deal. No matter how much you object, it's useless."

Qian Zhili shook his head helplessly.

"Thank you father, thank you father!"

Qian Chengzhi was pleasantly surprised, and his concubine Su Ziyu also cried with joy. She thanked her with blessings and gifts. The big stone in her heart fell, and she felt endless happiness. She came ashore. At this moment, she truly came ashore and could embrace the infinitely beautiful life.


But another woman, Qian Chengzhi, was full of debts, especially when she came to greet her with a smile on her face, her eldest son Qian Fazu, and her daughter Qian Lingxi in her arms.

When he was a husband, there were other women around him.

Although concubinage is very common in wealthy families, she still couldn't accept it, so she put her daughter into the maid's hand, turned around and left with a cold face.


She is Qian Chengzhi's wife, Fang. She and Qian Chengzhi have a good relationship, and they are childhood sweethearts. But at this moment, it feels like they have been betrayed by a huge amount, and their hearts are as painful as a knife.

"Wanyi!" Qian Chengzhi stretched out his hand and called.

"Why don't you chase after me quickly?" Qian Zhili scolded.

"Yes, yes."

Qian Chengzhi had no choice but to put Su Ziyu aside temporarily and quickly chased in the direction where his wife Fang left.

Until dinner time in the evening.

Qian Chengzhi was very tired and hungry, so he wolfed down the food at the dinner table.

Mrs. Fang sat next to him, her face was calm, no longer angry, and she would bring him food from time to time. She was gentle and virtuous.


After a lot of effort, Qian Chengzhi managed to coax his wife, Fang, into peace.

During this period, I don’t know how many promises were made and a lot of price was paid.

For example, I have to go to her room to rest at least five nights a week.

For example, all the money he earns must be handed over to her for safekeeping and control. She has the final say on how much Su Ziyu can get.

And the children born to Su Ziyu are not allowed to inherit the Qian family's property. When they are raised, they must be allowed to go out and become independent.

And that Su Ziyu, if she doesn't abide by the rules, is disrespectful to her, or has thoughts that she shouldn't have, then she must be severely punished or even sold out.

In the end, Qian Chengzhi was squeezed a lot and lost a lot of essence and blood... In short, he paid a lot of money in exchange for allowing Su Ziyu to enter the Qian family.

Hey, women are not easy to deal with nowadays. Qian Chengzhi couldn't help but think of the owner of the village, Xu Yuan. His inner house was extremely harmonious and there were no jealous women. I wonder if he has any good tricks. If he can learn a few tricks,

That's a great trick. With his wisdom as an old man, wouldn't it be easy to deal with a jealous woman?

In short, after the back house is stabilized, we can go about doing some important things.

Especially regarding the matter of bringing the entire Tongcheng Qian family to join the Xu family collective estate, the next day he asked his father to summon all the elders and gather in the hall, nearly a hundred people, to discuss this issue.

As for what kind of benefits you can enjoy by joining the Xu Family Manor, Qian Chengzhi took some time to introduce them carefully.

The first benefit is that as long as everyone has sound hands and feet, everyone can be assigned a job, and the income will be significantly increased, which is much better than running a business alone.

The second benefit is free education. Whether it is a three-year compulsory primary school, a three-year junior high school, a three-year high school, or a three-year university, as long as students study in the school, they do not have to pay any tuition fees, and their room and board are free.

Those who study well can also get scholarships. Every child has to go to elementary school, but the admission rate of junior high school is 60%. Those who fail to get into the exam can only learn a trade early.

The admission rate from junior high school to high school is 50%, and half of them will be eliminated in the high school entrance examination.

The admission rate from high school to university is 30%, which means that only a small number of top students can enter the ivory tower of university.

After such rounds of screening and elimination, those who have the chance to become promising college students account for 9% of the total students, that is, elite talents, at least one in ten, but still much higher than the probability of becoming a Jinshi in the imperial examination.


Benefit three: developed and relatively low-cost medical services can easily increase the average life expectancy to seventy years, while the average life expectancy in the Ming Dynasty is less than forty-five years old, which means that everyone can live longer after joining Xujiazhuang

Twenty or thirty years.

The fourth benefit is that you are extremely rich in material resources. You can buy all kinds of goods, including running water and various electrical appliances. You have entered into an extremely convenient modern and civilized life.

The fifth benefit is that you will no longer be oppressed and exploited by the government. You don't have to think about building a good relationship with the government, and you don't have to donate money and materials. Even all taxes and labor are borne by Xujiazhuang, and they don't have to pay directly themselves.

Wait wait wait.

Qian Chengzhi listed more than a dozen benefits in one breath.

The elders of all the tribesmen who listened nodded one after another, or directly expressed their support for joining the collective manor:

"Yes, no wonder there are so many people desperately wanting to join Xujiazhuang. Any of these benefits can attract many people to join."

"I agree to join. With so many benefits, who doesn't want it and who is stupid?"

"Our Qian family has been living well in the past few years, but it is only slightly better than ordinary people. Most of the children still cannot afford to go to school, and some people still cannot afford to eat or buy clothes. The poor make people fall behind.

Tears, there are even more tribesmen who lived a good life, but their parents were seriously ill, and they could not ignore it out of filial piety. They soon became poor due to the illness, their family fortunes fell, and their ability to resist risks was very low. And the people in Xujiazhuang had a large number of people.

There is no need to worry about this.”

"Yes, we are a big family. We often help each other and overcome difficulties together. The lives of our clan members are so hard, let alone the ordinary people."

"Chengzhi, you have done a great thing for the family. You actually got a quota for building a manor. That will be easy. Our Qian family will elect a representative to be the head of this manor, and all the land will be under our control."

, and then arrange different positions according to the abilities of the tribesmen. Those with strong reading ability can become stewards, those without good reading ability can work in factories, and those with mediocre reading ability should continue farming and raising pigs.

It’s called making the most of people’s talents.”

"This manor is built on the land of our Qian family. Why not call it Qian family manor? Let Xujiazhuang provide us with technology and machinery and help us open various factories. Even if the income from operating the manor is taken away by Xujiazhuang

Part of it, but the bulk is still in our hands, and we have also taken a free ride on the development of Xujiazhuang...Our Qian family will soon take off and become prosperous."

Hear the thoughts of these elders about the future.

Qian Chengzhi shook his head and said: "Uncles, it is impossible for Xujiazhuang to allow a scholarly family like ours to join us and only provide welfare benefits without any restrictions. It is also impossible for us to be the masters of the family. They have their own rules and laws.

, we must abide by it after joining, otherwise not only will we not be able to get a free ride, but we may also be expelled from the manor. I advise everyone not to think too much. There are at least five rights that we must give up."

"What five rights?" an elder asked immediately.

"First, the head of the village cannot be a citizen of the village. He can only be transferred from other manors. Each term is five years. If he does well, he can serve one more term. If he does not do well, he will be replaced. But no matter who he is replaced.

, the position of head of the village is always held by outsiders."

"Second, in terms of security, the security teams responsible for the security of the manor have all been transferred from other villages, and our own security teams will also be arranged to work in other manors. People from our village are not allowed to be responsible for security, which avoids

The phenomenon of favoritism and cover-up.”

"Third, abolish all sectarian rules and regulations, uniformly implement all laws formulated by the Xujiazhuang Ministry of Justice, and also abide by the avoidance rules. Judges and lawyers are transferred from other villages to handle legal disputes within the manor."

"Fourth, implement the civil service system. If you want to hold a job as a manager, accountant, clerk, clerk, etc., you can only take and pass the exam, obtain the civil servant qualification, and then pass no less than three months of vocational training. However, when assigning jobs,

We must abide by the recusal rules, and civil servants who are admitted to the village are not allowed to serve in the village."

"Fifth, unify the financial system. The money in the manor's public account is managed by the Finance Department and Tianxiatong Bank, and an annual budget system is implemented. There are regulations on how much to spend and how much to use. Unreasonable expenses will be

If you refuse, once corruption is discovered, you will be severely punished and may even affect your descendants for three generations."

"Uncles, when you join a collective estate, you have to abide by a lot of rules and regulations. It's almost impossible to mess around. Those who just want to free ride and take advantage, just want to enjoy the benefits and don't want to be subject to supervision, also want to bring the same old routine to the estate.

These are all impossible delusions. Xujiazhuang is a business force, not a backward feudal dynasty. Xujiazhuang has a lot of rules. If you can't stand this, I suggest you don't join. Otherwise, even if the manor is built, it won't be possible.

If it continues, it will collapse into chaos within a few days.”

Qian Chengzhi introduced.


This made many elders feel uproar and expressed their dissatisfaction:

"Most of the people in the manor are members of the Qian clan. We can't manage ourselves and can only let outsiders manage it?"

"If we fail the civil service examination or fail to pass the training, and cannot be managers or do easy jobs, is it possible that we have to farm in the fields, work hard in factories, raise pigs in farms, and do these jobs that ordinary people can do?"

"It makes no sense. The Qian family has its own rules. Some of them have been used for hundreds of years without any problems. They are very effective. Why should they abide by the laws of Xujiazhuang?"

"Most of our scholarly families are well-read in poetry and economics, but they actually have to take civil service exams and participate in training before they can become stewards. We can manage everything in an orderly manner in this Ming Dynasty. How can we not even manage a small manor well?


"Yes, Xujiazhuang is too defensive and repellent towards us. It is clear that he is making things difficult for us and insulting us. How can we tolerate this?"

"It's better not to join Xujiazhuang. They are too unkind and unfriendly to us scholars."

"Seniors can be killed but not humiliated. Although the world is flocking to Xujiazhuang, the conditions are so harsh and they don't trust our abilities at all. It's okay if Xujiazhuang doesn't join us!"

At least half of the elders have backed down, especially those who consider themselves scholars and scholars, who are the most dissatisfied and resistant.

This chapter has been completed!
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