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Chapter 304 Drain from the bottom of the pot and follow the general trend

These reactions of the clan elders were completely within Qian Chengzhi's expectations.

It is also a very reasonable and normal reaction.

Because everything is in balance.

There are good aspects, and there will be bad aspects. It is impossible to just enjoy the benefits and get the benefits without paying anything.


If the gentry wants to join Xujiazhuang, they can, but they must give up the privileges they have.

For example, for tax exemption rights, Xujiazhuang will charge a 10% tax on the excess amount for those families with a per capita annual income of more than 300 silver dollars; a 30% tax for families with a per capita annual income of more than 500 silver dollars; and a 30% tax for those with a per capita annual income of more than 1,000 silver dollars.

50% tax - This tax rate seems quite high, but it is taxed on a family basis. If there are many children in the family, even if the income is particularly high, there is actually no burden.

For example, patriarchal and feudal patriarchs, as long as their opinions are relatively consistent, can be punished with flogging, caning or even death for clan members who break the rules, can be deprived of their families, and can legally harm childless widows.

interests, and even sell women, that is, as long as they reach a consensus, they can do good things, but they can also do bad things, and they cannot represent morality and justice, they will only see whether it is in line with their interests.

Now the patriarchal power has to be deprived. Everyone is equal in Xujiazhuang and everyone must abide by the law. Even if a respected elder breaks the law, the sentence will be the same, and as long as the total number of violations reaches three times, he will still be sent to prison.

There is no humane reason to go to Shandong for mining or be sent to overseas manors for farming.

Of course, the only person in Xujiazhuang who has judicial immunity is the owner Xu Yuan, but Xu Yuan can only use this immunity three times a year. Even if he founded Xujiazhuang by himself, he is not allowed to violate the law without limit.


As for the feudal patriarchs, within the Xujiazhuang system, they still want to continue to dominate and use lynching instead of public trials, and the rule of man instead of the rule of law. This is impossible.

They can only adapt to Xujiazhuang's rules, rather than Xujiazhuang accommodating and compromising with them. If they can't accept it, then don't join.

Qian Chengzhi said to these clan elders:

"Dear relatives, friends and elders, it is your own business to join or not. Xujiazhuang will not ask you to join. There are many people in the world who want to join Xujiazhuang. For those who are eager to join, not to mention giving up some rights, they are joining.

Xujiazhuang is willing to work as a cleaner and manure collector. Of the 230 million Ming people, there will be at least 200 million who want to seize this opportunity. Those who say they are unwilling to join, to be honest Xujiazhuang doesn't care at all."

"Think again about the welfare of Xujiazhuang, think about the fairness, think about the wealth of Xujiazhuang. You must know that even the lowest-paying job can earn 10 silver dollars per month. With a little hard work, you can live a good life.

, there is not a single helpless beggar to be seen, which means that if the descendants of future generations are unworthy, in Xujiazhuang, even the worst of them will not become beggars and can still live a secure life."

"The average life span has increased to over seventy, and everyone can live twenty or thirty more years. I don't know how much blessings they will enjoy. You must know that there are not many emperors who live more than fifty years, and the emperor's power is boundless. In order to live a few more years,

, they practice Taoism and refine elixirs, and send people everywhere to find gods and elixirs, but are they successful? They will still die, and their life span is not much longer than that of ordinary people. If you think that a little bit of patriarchal power is more important than living for a few more decades.

, then continue to hold on to this right. Anyway, the young people in the clan will not play with you anymore. They all want to live a better life."

"As for the jobs of village head, manager, accountant, clerk, clerk, store clerk, bank teller, etc., they are relatively easy and the income is very good. Everyone wants to have these gold and silver rice bowls. When my children grow up, I will

I hope they can engage in these jobs, but what Xujiazhuang emphasizes is efficiency and competition, not to attract a large number of ambitious and incompetent worms to destroy themselves. If you are the top management of Xujiazhuang, you will casually assign lucrative jobs to those who have just joined the estate.

People? And the foundation for Xujiazhuang’s stable existence is fairness. Once this foundation is broken, it will only fall apart quickly!”

"The civil service examination is a must, and so is vocational training. No matter how smart or powerful you are, you have to pass the test first. Compared with the Ming Dynasty imperial examination, this kind of examination is much less difficult. In the imperial examination, you can

Those who are admitted to the civil service examination will be 100% able to pass the civil service exam. Those who are admitted to the imperial examination as a child student will have a passing rate of no less than 70%, and everyone has six opportunities to take the civil service examination. If you fail this year, you will try again next year, five or six times in a row.

Those who fail the exam can only be said to have insufficient abilities and are not suitable to be civil servants... We are not even afraid of the imperial examination, which has a higher elimination rate, so why should we be afraid of a small civil servant exam?"

"Dear relatives, friends and elders, I have received conclusive inside information. In the Ming Dynasty, this round of expansion of Xujiazhuang should be the last one. In the future, we will only consider overseas expansion unless we wait thirty to fifty years later.

If the population is too large and the collective estate cannot accommodate it, then it is possible to expand the estate, but it is mainly to meet its own needs and will not absorb much external population. Green cards and the like can only be obtained by high-level talents."

"In short, this is the last chance and the only chance. If you don't cherish it and your descendants cannot join Xujiazhuang, they will blame you every day and resent you for the rest of their lives. Don't expect them to be more filial.

, it would be nice not to dig up your graves! After all, for your own selfish reasons, you have extinguished their hopes of working as dung diggers in Xujiazhuang. Who do they hate if they don’t hate you? For the sake of future generations,

What if we give up some rights and suffer a little hardship? Compared with what our family can get, in the end, the gains outweigh the losses."

After all this earnest persuasion.

The elders of the Qian family in the hall had to fall silent and think carefully.

In the end, they all frowned and realized that they had no other choice but to join the Xu Family Manor, even if they didn’t join!

Because even if the elders like them don't agree, the young people are happy. They all look ecstatic and want to become a member of Xujiazhuang immediately. If anyone dares to stop them, even if you are your own father and mother, the young people will

After a few years of disobedience and disobedience, the matter of digging the grave may actually be done.

The allure of Xujiazhuang to young people is really great. In the past few years in the Jiangnan area, many young men and women who want to have free love have found ways to escape to Xujiazhuang Harbor City and work as hard laborers such as washing dishes.

It doesn't matter, they still live a very happy life. Xujiazhuang has also established corresponding laws to protect these eloping men and women and does not allow outsiders to persecute them, which will lead to more serious elopements.

Freedom, equality, development, full of light and hope.

This is the beautiful image of Xujiazhuang in the hearts of young people. 'Xu Hei' who thinks Xujiazhuang is not good will fall into serious isolation.

Under the influence of newspapers, radio and other cultural communication tools, Xujiazhuang has won the hearts of young people.

Elders like them, who have conservative and traditional ideas, dare to go against the young people on whether they agree to join Xujiazhuang. They are afraid that they will be abandoned immediately. In the future, they will have no one to support them when they grow old, and they will have no one to worship them when they die. It is no different from the incense that has been cut off.

And this is the thing that scares them the most, and it can be said to be a drain on the bottom of the cauldron.

what to do?

Should we continue to resist and oppose?

I still have no choice but to compromise, give up some rights, follow Qian Chengzhi's advice, and start buying some study materials to prepare for the civil service exam, so as to find a more relaxed job position. After all, Xujiazhuang will expand the village by 1,100 seats this time.

, at least millions of civil servants must be recruited and trained. There are too many opportunities in front of us. Even if you perform poorly and fail to pass the exam, you will not be tired of being a farmer. The mechanization rate of farming in Xujiazhuang is very high and requires manual labor.

There are not many, and entering a factory is also a good choice...

So when he made his final statement, the elders in the audience all said:

"That's all, let's join. Don't block the way of future generations."

"Hey, times have indeed changed. If we don't change with them, we will be abandoned by the times."

"There are millions of civil servants, more than the total number of children in the Ming Dynasty. More than half of the scholars in our Qian family should have no problem becoming civil servants. Once the manor is completed, they will receive a salary of more than 30 silver dollars per month, which is equivalent to a seventh-grade county magistrate.

Income... The future is indeed bright if you join Xujiazhuang, but if you miss this opportunity, it will not be easy to become a civil servant in the future."

"Yes, the head soup is the most delicious. Our family should seize the opportunity."

"If I join, I am willing to be a farmer. The Qian family is a farming and reading family. Apart from being good at studying, who doesn't know how to farm? It can also move your muscles and bones, which is good for health and helps you live longer."

"I have also figured it out. The Qian family must embrace the new era and cannot get trapped in the cycle of rise and fall that has lasted for thousands of years. In the feudal era, there was no dynasty that lasted for three hundred years, and there were few families that lasted for thousands of years. Only Kaizhi

Only when scattered leaves gradually return to the commonplace can they flourish forever."

Seeing that the elders had figured it out one by one, they all agreed to join the Xu family manor.

Qian Chengzhi nodded with satisfaction. If you win the young people, you will win the world. These elders cannot become a stumbling block for the young people. They will only become stepping stones. Otherwise, they will not even be able to enjoy the incense. How can we bear such consequences?

Come on?

He took care of his own Qian family.

the next day.

Qian Chengzhi also sent people to invite the elders of the Sun Lin family and the elders of the Fang Yizhi family, held a discussion meeting with them, and asked them if they would consider bringing their families to join Xujiazhuang?

Sun Lin's family elders, after hearing the various constraints, were very resistant and reluctant to join.

Fang Yizhi's family elders did not object and agreed to join one after another because they received a letter of persuasion from Fang Yizhi. The words of persuasion in it were similar to Qian Chengzhi's. They all believed that the feudal system and

Tradition, which oppresses and restricts individuals too much, will be eliminated sooner or later. Xujiazhuang represents a bright and correct direction, with more freedom and room for development.

So there is no need to spend money and words on it.

Several sages of the Fang family, such as the female poets Fang Mengshi and Fang Weiyi, as well as Fang Yizhi's father Fang Kongzhen, who served as governor of Huguang and came back specially this time, all recognized the development model of Xujiazhuang. Although

There are also problems of this kind, but it is indeed much better than the Ming Dynasty. With a per capita income of 300 silver dollars, extremely high living standards and welfare guarantees, it has the ability to persuade any die-hard.

"What you said makes sense."

Sun Lin's elder brother Sun Jin, who was the one who spoke in the Sun family, could only nod his head and said: "The biggest problem in Xujiazhuang is actually that it has no ambitions and has no intention of conquering the world. It only wants to run a business and make money. Little does it know that wealth reduces people's intelligence and comfort.

Although Xu Jiajun is still strong physically, there will be a day when he will deteriorate. At that time, everything in Xujiazhuang may not be saved. However, that will be a long time ago, and we will never see it again. And the young people of the family have endured

Don't resist the temptation, that's all, who can see that far, at least joining Xujiazhuang now is the right choice, I really can't object."

"Brother Sun, you are worrying too much. The village owner's considerations are actually much further than ours. It cannot be described as 'unambitious'. Let's read on and continue to understand Xujiazhuang in depth. Maybe someone

One day, Brother Sun suddenly realized it and fell into admiration." Qian Cheng said.

"I hope so."

Sun Jin sighed.

No matter what.

The three major aristocratic families in Tongcheng finally reached an agreement on joining the Xujiazhuang. After the news was announced, the young people in the three families cheered and were ecstatic. When others learned about it, they became envious and jealous.

They are crazy about getting close to each other, building relationships and even giving women away, trying every means to see if they can catch a free ride. Suddenly, there are phenomena such as catching a son-in-law, flash marriages, old bachelors suddenly being sought after, etc. It can be described as chaotic and extremely impetuous.


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