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Chapter 307: Zhu Youjian's Satisfaction

The next day, the morning of May 20th.

After receiving the reply telegram, Qichunnian came to the palace with his colleague Gu Tianci, the president of Beijing Branch of Tianxiatong Bank.

And he also brought a draft of the agreement.

The mood was a little depressed, because he had miscalculated and Zhu Youjian had great luck. This time he was not treated mercilessly by his wife, but was lucky enough to meet the owner of the village at home, so Zhu Youjian was allowed to do so again this time.

Jian got a bargain. Obviously everything Xujiazhuang did was legitimate and reasonable, but he lost a lot of profits.

"Qichunnian, what's wrong with you? Why do you look so ugly? Where did your playful smile go?"

In Dongnuan Pavilion, Zhu Youjian asked some strange questions, and his heart skipped a beat. Xujiazhuang would not agree to any of the requests made by the royal family, and this Qichunnian was afraid of death and could not bear his anger, so

Put on a serious face first so that you don't get angry?

"Your Majesty, I can only say that you are very lucky this time. Your wife went on a trip, and the owner of the village happened to be here, so your Majesty's five requests were almost agreed to. Although they were all given a certain discount, but

For your Majesty, this is definitely a huge profit." Qichunnian said helplessly, and took out a document from his briefcase.


Zhu Youjian looked happy, with infinite anticipation in his heart, and said, "Show me Xu Yuan's answer quickly."

Qichunnian nodded and handed the document with the cover title "Agreement of Understanding between the Royal Family and Xujiazhuang" into Zhu Youjian's hands.

Zhu Youjian couldn't wait to open it and read it, but the smile quickly solidified on his face, becoming quite gloomy and ugly, and he even felt huge dissatisfaction.

Because the core five responses are as follows:

First, Xujiazhuang will restrict the participation of officials whose property exceeds 100,000 silver dollars, and agree to jointly enforce the law with the court to bring officials who murder people to justice. However, Xujiazhuang will not restrict other officials who have no major problems from joining.

Second, financial support is increased from 13 million to 20 million per year, but the court must waive 9% of Liao's salary to reduce the burden on the people. Otherwise, there will still be countless people who will break their heads and find ways to join Xujiazhuang, that is, the court must take some measures.

measures to improve people's lives.

Third, only one favor can be offset, and the royal family still owes one. The previous railway construction did not meet the offset standards, and whether the favor can be offset is up to Xujiazhuang.

Fourth, the mine cannot provide it, but it can provide agency exchange rights for banknotes. Tianxiatong Bank will soon issue banknotes, which will be more conducive to the circulation of currency and will also greatly stimulate the development of the Ming Dynasty's economy, and the royal family can get 1% of the agency fee as

The reward is that for every banknote worth 100 silver dollars issued by the royal family, the royal family will receive a promotion fee of 1 silver dollar - paid in banknotes, of course.

Fifth, Xujiazhuang can make a guarantee not to expand within the territory of the Ming Dynasty, but it cannot be done without accepting the people of the Ming Dynasty, and it is impossible not to occupy a piece of land. It can only guarantee that it will not build a large collective estate. In addition, the validity period of this guarantee

It's 70 years. Xu Yuan can't guarantee what will happen after this period, because he will most likely be gone by then, and he can't make promises about what will happen after his death.


After reading these answers and terms.

There is only one word to describe Zhu Youjian's feelings: uncomfortable.

A kind of uncomfortable feeling of being stuck on a shelf.

This made Zhu Youjian want to get angry because the results he expected were so far away!

But he suppressed this anger and was unable to explode, because his five requests did receive positive responses, but only a small part was agreed to, which was a huge discount.

Can't satisfy his appetite.

But it cannot be said that Xu Yuan was insincere, because Zhu Youjian knew very well that if it were Fang Qingyan, he would only be greatly humiliated.

Xu Yuan finally gave him a step down and gave him a little bit of face.

But he still has to fight for the benefits that should be fought for!

Zhu Youjian said: "The first article in this agreement is that I will not raise any objections to the officials joining Xujiazhuang.

, I can make concessions, but the second point is that the financial support given by Xujiazhuang is too little, only an increase of 7 million silver dollars, and the tax that the Jiangnan area can collect now is 30 million silver dollars per year, and now Jiangnan has been emptied by you.

One-third of the total, no matter what, at least 10 million silver dollars must be compensated. I can also agree to cancel the Liao salary, but Xujiazhuang must make up for the loss of 5 million yuan in annual income from the Liao salary! The court cannot lose money and food.

Isn’t it true that Xujiazhuang will gain the reputation of caring for the common people?”

"In short, the tax loss in Jiangnan plus the loss from the cancellation of Liao's salary totals 15 million silver dollars per year. As long as Xujiazhuang makes up for these losses, I will have no dissatisfaction. My request is reasonable and reasonable. Anyway, you can't lose even one silver dollar. You must


"Your Majesty, your request is completely unreasonable."

Qichunnian cupped his hands and said: "The abolition of Liao pay is something that your Majesty promised a few years ago. Now the threat of Hou Jin in Liaodong is no longer there, and the bandits in Ming Dynasty have also been wiped out. The military burden has been greatly reduced, but the imperial court has

Breaking trust with the people and delaying the cancellation of Liao pay has given the greedy officials an excuse to continue to squeeze the people, and made countless people complain. In any case, the time to cancel Liao pay has come long ago. This is the obligation of the imperial court, and it is even more necessary for Your Majesty.

The promised promise must be canceled immediately without compensation from Xujiazhuang. This cannot be used as an excuse to blackmail Xujiazhuang."

"As for the tax loss in Jiangnan, the owner of the village has increased financial support by 7 million. The other five royal factories can now bring in nearly 5 million silver dollars in revenue every year. The profits of the royal shop have now increased to

With more than 300,000 silver dollars per month, as well as the income from the royal farm and overseas estates, the income from the royal financial account, all the zeros and zeros are added together. Now the annual income of the royal family should not be less than 35 million silver dollars. They are already very wealthy.

, you don’t need so much financial support. How can your majesty, who is not short of money now, take us as a scapegoat again?”

Zhu Youjian immediately retorted: "What you said is extremely ridiculous. The royal family makes more money, but its expenses are also very large. We have to spend money on everything. The civil servants often blackmail me, and the annual expenses are no less than 30 million. It's not at all

I can't save much money. If Xujiazhuang doesn't provide more financial support, the burden of the people of Ming Dynasty will not be reduced much, and a large number of poor people will go to Xujiazhuang. If you want to avoid this situation, then give me more money to subsidize me.

Rather than reducing royal income."


"Your Majesty, it is not the responsibility of the imperial court to reduce taxes and improve people's livelihood. It is not your responsibility, Your Majesty. Could it be the responsibility of our Xujiazhuang? The words Your Majesty said are like what an emperor and a wise king should say.

Okay? Okay, since Your Majesty does not want to be a wise king and only wants to enjoy himself, then the annual income of more than 30 million is definitely enough. As for the people of the world, there is no need to care about it, and there is no need to support greedy officials.

There is no need to spend it on their heads, just exempt from all taxes and let the people take care of themselves. This may be more popular and appreciated by the people. Your Majesty will still have the name of the Holy King. I don’t know how to arrange it like this.


Qichunnian put forward hypotheses and questions.

"What nonsense! How could I abandon my people? Don't you ever say such nonsense again."

Zhu Youjian blushed and scolded dissatisfied.

But in his heart, there was a feeling of shame. What were the words Qichunnian said? I, Zhu Youjian, asked myself that I was a good emperor who loved and valued the people. How could I be as selfish and unbearable as he said? Indeed,

Zhu Youjian also admitted that in the past two years, he had been a little too pursuit of gold-smelling things, but he was not mainly for his own enjoyment. A considerable part of his money was still spent on raising soldiers and relieving the people, and he was by no means just caring about himself.



After Qichunian's words, Zhu Youjian also realized that the Liao tax must be abolished immediately. There is no reason to continue to collect this tax. Instead, it has become a bad government that has greatly lost people's support. Naturally, it cannot be a good example to Xujiazhuang.

The excuse for asking for compensation, and the main reason is that the four to five million yuan collected by the Liao Dynasty every year, all go into the treasury of the Ministry of Household Affairs, not into internal funds. Zhu Youjian will not get any benefit, even if it is cancelled.

It's also a loss for the civil servants, and their lives will just be a little harder.

Therefore, on the issue of financial compensation, Zhu Youjian, who argued with Qichunnian for two hours, could never get the upper hand.

Feng couldn't find a sufficient excuse to ask for an increase to more than 20 million silver dollars, because the current royal family is indeed not short of money and is living a very comfortable life. It is unjustifiable to ask for more money.

"Forget it, I can't add more financial support. I won't insist on this matter. I won't care about it. I can make concessions, but Xujiazhuang must give me ten mines! And they must be rich mines. The royal family wants to enter the mining industry and increase the number of mines.

A source of income, you must agree to this condition!"

Zhu Youjian gritted his teeth and said with a tough attitude, secretly deciding that he could no longer compromise on this clause. The mine must be obtained. The interests of the royal family could not be compromised any longer! Otherwise, Xujiazhuang will feel that the royal family can be bullied.

I will definitely push myself further and do even more extreme things in the future!

"Your Majesty, let me interrupt. There are thousands of mines in the world. We in Xujiazhuang can send people to find ten rich mines and give them to the royal family."

At this time, bank president Gu Tianci said: "However, does your majesty know that mining is actually an industry with huge costs and can easily ruin your reputation?"

"What does it cost to open a mine? Why does it ruin its reputation?"

Zhu Youjian looked confused and felt very puzzled.

Gu Tianci gave him an analysis: "Our Tianxiatong Bank has cooperative relationships with many mining farms, and has obtained a lot of data and information. If we don't know everything about this industry, we at least know the basics... In the mining and mining industry, the first thing is personal strength.

In an intensive industry, if a large-scale mine wants to obtain greater profits, it must recruit tens of thousands of workers and offer high wages. The annual labor cost is at least one million silver dollars; secondly, there is the cost of equipment.

If you want to improve mining efficiency, you need to purchase a variety of advanced equipment, or purchase hundreds of thousands of tons of explosives, and the cost is no less than one million silver dollars.


Finally, there is the management of miners. Since most people cannot stand the pain of mining, although the wages are not low, the labor intensity is high and the danger is high. Once a mining disaster occurs, dozens or hundreds of people will die easily, and dozens of people will be injured or killed. , these are not mining disasters, just minor accidents, so under normal circumstances, most miners will resign after less than three months of working, and most of them will run away after half a year. In order to make money, mines often restrict the personal freedom of miners. Violent management methods are used to prevent workers from resigning. What's more, in order to pursue more profits, they will reduce the miners' meals and wages, or introduce gambling stalls and brothels to take away the miners' wages. In the end, they often suffer from injuries and illnesses. , but cannot save a single silver dollar, or mines until death in a mining accident, and the family cannot receive any compensation, which is full of countless unscrupulous things."

[A book-chasing book recommended to me by an old book friend I have known for ten years, @


At this time, Gu Tianci spoke in Zhu Youjian's ear again in an extremely seductive tone.


Earn tens of millions a year?

When it lit up, Zhu Youjian's eyes lit up. He immediately pulled him over and asked, "Tell me, what's going on with this banknote agency right?"

"Your Majesty, the banknote exchange agent."

Gu Tianci opened the briefcase in his hand, unzipped it, took out three stacks of brand new banknotes, and placed them in front of Zhu Youjian.

There are three denominations: 10 Wen, 50 Wen and 100 Wen.

The banknotes with a face value of 10 yuan are only one-fifth the size of an adult's palm. They have the Great Wall of China on the front and a black turtle on the back. They are watermarked for anti-counterfeiting, pattern for anti-counterfeiting, gold thread for anti-counterfeiting, banknote material for anti-counterfeiting, color ink for anti-counterfeiting, and numbered. With six layers of anti-counterfeiting functions, the probability of being counterfeited is zero.


The 50-wen banknote is about one-third the size of an adult's palm. It has images of workers, farmers and other laborers on the front and a phoenix on the back. It also has six layers of security against counterfeiting.

The 100-wen banknote is about half the size of a palm. It has mythical figures Nuwa and Fuxi on the front and a dragon on the back. It is exquisitely made and has a unique feel, and it is also impossible to be counterfeited.

"Your Majesty, with the rapid economic development in recent years, aluminum light coins with a face value of 1 cent, although they have the advantages of being lightweight and non-perishable, are welcomed by countless people, but their purchasing power has also declined in the past two years. In the past, You can buy a meat bun for 3 cents, but now you have to pay 5, 8 or even 10 cents. The daily consumption of an ordinary person in the capital has also increased from twenty or thirty cents per day to at least forty or fifty cents, except for food. , the prices of most commodities have increased by 30 to 50%. Of course, the income of people in the capital has generally increased by more than 50%. Overall, living standards have mostly improved."

"But the problem also arises, that is, the purchasing power of light money has been reduced. In the past, people only needed to carry one or two hundred pieces of light money in their wallets to meet the consumption needs of a family for a day. Now it is not enough. The smaller ones need to bring two to three hundred pieces, and the larger ones need to bring four to five hundred pieces. The weight of one piece is one gram, and the weight of five hundred pieces is one kilogram. Although it is not very heavy, it is still troublesome, especially When spending money, it is particularly troublesome to count money and find money, which has affected the efficiency of economic exchanges and led to an increase in the demand for copper coins with a face value of 100 yuan. However, the quantity of copper coins is small and cannot meet the demand. This has led to the emergence of counterfeit and shoddy copper coins, destroying The credit of the copper dollar..."

"In order to maintain the normal order of the financial market, the best way our Tianxiatong Bank has come up with is to issue banknotes with a higher face value than light money. Currently, there are three types of banknotes: 10 Wen, 50 Wen, and 100 Wen. The denominations are not very high.

, it is not as good as a silver dollar worth a thousand cash, but it has the advantages of exquisite production, light weight, and superb anti-counterfeiting. It is more in line with the needs of the people, so that they no longer need to carry hundreds or even thousands of light money, and it is more convenient to use.

It can completely replace copper coins and some light coins."

It took half an hour to introduce the functions and features of these three versions of banknotes.

Gu Tianci finally said: "Your Majesty, the purpose of Tianxiatong Bank allowing the royal family to act as an agent for these three editions of banknotes is firstly to allow the royal family to take the lead in using them, which will serve as a credit endorsement; secondly, if our banknotes are successfully issued, they will be welcomed by the people.

, then when people come to the imperial store or the government to exchange banknotes with light coins and copper coins, they can charge a 1% handling fee. Tianxiatong Bank will also give a 1% promotion fee. This is when you enter and exit.

2% profit, that is, if the exchange volume of the people with the royal family reaches one million silver dollars, the royal family can earn 20,000 silver dollars. If the exchange volume reaches tens of millions of silver dollars, the royal family can earn 200,000... And the light money circulation in the Ming Dynasty's northern market

The scale is no less than one billion silver dollars. Even if your majesty takes 10% of it, you can still make 2 million silver dollars. The profit margin is very large... I wonder if your majesty thinks our banknotes can be promoted?"

"Yes, of course. Such exquisite and easy-to-use banknotes can of course be promoted." Zhu Youjian nodded repeatedly.

"Then does your Majesty believe that the money the royal family makes from it can be compared to ten mines?"

"Of course it's comparable!"

Zhu Youjian said excitedly, and making this money is clean money. It is easy money that can be made just by sitting down. It is better than making money with evil intentions.

The mine is too strong.

"Okay, in that case, how about we reach a cooperation on this?"


Zhu Youjian nodded. The bright prospect of the banknote exchange rights made him smile with satisfaction and happiness, and he was in a very good mood.

Naturally, Zhu Youjian did not continue to pester and object to the last item of negotiation - Xujiazhuang's non-expansion guarantee, which could only be maintained for seventy years. After all, he would definitely be gone after seventy years, and how could he care about it?


Chongzhen owes me one billion taels.

Brightness never fades
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