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Chapter 308 Paper money is very popular!


After the signing of the "Understanding and Cooperation Agreement between the Royal Family and Xujiazhuang".

Zhu Youjian was quite satisfied. He was in a much better mood and no longer felt anxious or worried. After all, not only did the royal family gain a lot of benefits this time, Xujiazhuang also made a clear guarantee that it would not engage in any activities in the Ming Dynasty within seventy years.

The expansion, that is, the foundation left by the ancestors, has basically been preserved, and only one-third of Southern Zhili has been lost. Zhu Youjian can accept it, and can barely tolerate it, and it has not exceeded the bottom line in his heart.

Seventy years should be enough time for the Ming Dynasty to catch up. It should be possible for the strength of the royal family to increase dozens or hundreds of times during this long period of time. Then the resources of the entire Ming Dynasty can be properly integrated.

Transformed into a powerful military force, after seventy years, it should be the Ming Dynasty royal family who proposed to recover the lost land, not Xujiazhuang's continued expansion.

Of course, if the strength of the royal family has not changed much during such a long period of time and is always far weaker than that of Xujiazhuang, it can only prove that Zhu Youjian is incompetent, and that the Zhu family royal family is incompetent, even if it is defeated by Xujiazhuang in the future

If it is destroyed, then it is a deserved thing. If it is given the opportunity but it fails, and given such a long development period, if it still cannot realize the Ming Dynasty and ZTE, then it is still over.

Qichunnian and Gu Tianci both left the palace in a happy mood and successfully completed their mission.

"Brother Gu, the village owner gave the important banknote exchange rights to the royal family as a credit endorsement for the banknotes to be issued. However, these banknotes are so exquisite and light, and can be easily issued without the help of the royal family for promotion, so why give away 2% of the income?

, let the royal family get this money for free?" On the way, Qichunnian still said a little incomprehensively.

"What you said is correct, but the role of the royal family cannot be ignored. It can play a very good role in promoting promotion. Furthermore, we have not suffered any losses. The only reward for the royal family is that we print money.

It’s just a matter of printing 1% more banknotes. As long as we enter the era of banknotes, the Ming Dynasty’s economic development will become even more prosperous. It also declares that our Xujiazhuang has completely mastered financial hegemony, and the benefits it brings are unimaginable.

Imagine, in the words of the village owner, that in the future economic operation model, physical wealth will account for at most 30%, and financial wealth will account for at least 70%. We have already won more than 70% of the wealth in advance, so what if we give up a little bit?


Gu Tianci said with a smile.

"I don't know much about this. Since it is the arrangement of the village owner, I support and support it."

Qichunnian shook his head. He knew nothing about finance, and it was even harder to imagine what it would be like to have 70% of virtual financial wealth. But Gu Tianci said so, and he could only listen and believe it.


A few days later.

After many days of publicity and campaigning, starting from May 25th, the banknotes of Tianxiatong Bank were finally officially launched and promoted. All people in the Ming Dynasty can go to the branches of Tianxiatong Bank to use gold and silver coins.

, copper coins, light coins and other metal hard currencies are exchanged from banks for banknotes of equivalent value.

And these banknotes allow you to purchase any goods you need in any store that has a cooperative relationship with Xujiazhuang, and you can enjoy a 50% discount on banknote consumption within the first three months. If you feel that banknotes are not easy to use, don’t.

It is safe and can be exchanged for a more secure currency at any time. There is no problem of serious devaluation caused by excessive issuance of banknotes. Xujiazhuang's unshakable credit does not require any doubt.

Cao Wenli, a native of the capital, often stared at Tianxiatong Bank's every move, and his eyes lit up again.

On the day the banknotes were issued, he immediately took action and took all the light coins, copper coins, silver coins, etc. at home to the bank and asked to exchange them all for banknotes.

"Sir, are you sure you want to change them all?" the bank teller asked in surprise.


"Okay, the monetary value you brought is 378 silver dollars and 165 Wen. How about giving you 3,000 Hundred-Wen notes, 1,000 Fifty-Wen notes and 2,817 Ten-Wen notes?" the female teller asked.


Cao Wenli nodded.

Then he brought bundles of banknotes and filled a bag, but as soon as he got home, his wife Li Shi scolded him, saying that he, a prodigal, had used so much real money to exchange for

After buying so much colorful paper, if you can't spend any of it, wouldn't it mean that the whole family is half ruined?

"How can such good money not be spent?"

Cao Wenli took out a few brand-new banknotes that smelled of ink, put them in front of Mr. Li and said: "Look at the pattern on it, feel the feel of this money, go to a light place here, and look at the watermark inside.

, and the gold thread in the middle can emit colorful light. In addition, even if it falls into the water, it will not melt and scatter. It can be used again after it is dried, because the material used to make this kind of money is cotton, which is relatively

It’s strong, and when you listen to this buzzing sound, isn’t it very crisp and nice?”

He took out a stack of hundred-wen bills, shuffled them in his wife Li's ear, pressed them with his thumb and released them one by one, making a pleasant sound of counting money, and blowing out a nice smell.

Smells of money.


Mr. Li nodded and had to admit that these banknotes were indeed different. They were as exquisite as works of art.

"The most important thing is that these banknotes were issued by Tianxiatong Bank in Xujiazhuang. The patterns on them are very beautiful. They also use up to six layers of anti-counterfeiting. It is impossible for others to counterfeit them. I can see that such a

The cost of a banknote is at least several cents. With Xujiazhuang's credit guarantee, not only can you buy any goods produced by Xujiazhuang, but you can also enjoy a 50% discount on shopping within three months. Tell me, I

I changed my family’s money and saved 5% of my money out of thin air. Isn’t this still worthwhile?”

"It's a good deal, but we'd better spend these banknotes quickly. If I don't use them right away, I won't feel comfortable," said Li.

"That's what I mean. Let's buy more rice, flour, grains and oil this time. Anyway, our breakfast stall is doing well, so it's no problem to buy more."

So that day, the couple pushed a flatbed truck and went to the market in the west of the city to do some shopping.

But to their surprise, no matter it was a store where discounts were available or an ordinary store where discounts were not available, the banknotes in their hands were spent very easily. Even the shop owners were happy to accept and use banknotes.

If you consume, you can get a slight discount.

Cao Wenli asked a certain boss in confusion: "Boss, Xujiazhuang didn't give you any profit, why do you like banknotes so much?"

The boss said: "Banknotes are so convenient. If it's light money, when someone buys something worth three to five hundred cents, they either have to take out a lot of light money at once, or they can take out a silver dollar and ask me to find hundreds of cents."

Change, and the number of copper coins is not enough. For a small business, I often spend two or three minutes counting the money, and it is easy to make mistakes. Some bosses simply count the money by weighing, and customers say they are short of change.

Just make up for it. We can only forget it after giving an extra five and ten cents. It cannot affect the next business. It is very troublesome anyway. Now that the banknotes have come out, it can be regarded as solving our big problem. Tianxiatong Bank is really helpful to us.

Thinking about it, if everyone uses banknotes, I can spend at least one hour less every day on counting money. When I am busiest, I can do 10% or 20% more business and earn 10% or 20% more profit."

Cao Wenli said: "Having said that, don't worry about this kind of banknotes. If Tianxiatong Bank prints too many of them, they will lose their value in the future."

The boss said: "There is nothing to worry about. Xujiazhuang has announced that the prices of grain, sugar, silver coins, copper coins, coal, cotton cloth, steel and other materials will be bound to banknotes. The exchange prices will not change at will. Besides, Xujiazhuang

The business is huge, and we have much more money than we do. Is it worth using your own credit for a small amount of money? In addition, light money is also issued by Tianxiatong Bank. It has been going well for several years. The purchasing power of light money has dropped a bit, but

Food prices did not rise, but dropped a lot and remained stable, which shows that Xujiazhuang means what he says and is not comparable to the imperial court."

Cao Wenli nodded repeatedly and had to agree.

After purchasing at the market, I spent all the banknotes in my hand.

However, on the second day, after Cao Wenli opened his breakfast stall, he quickly noticed something that dumbfounded him.

That means it’s popular. Tianxiatong Bank’s new banknotes are popular.

Customers are all proud of using banknotes. They like to take out a wad of banknotes and scratch them with their thumbs, making a swishing sound, thus giving people a feeling of "rich and generous", and spending money.

It creates a sense of high-end, and those customers who can only use light coins, copper coins, and silver coins, even if they take out a lot of silver coins, it is difficult to create the feeling of a rich person, as if they are counting coins one by one.

Instead, it looks a bit clumsy and old-fashioned.

The difference suddenly stood out.

So the guests who didn't have banknotes in their hands couldn't bear it. They also wanted to have banknotes, even if they only had three or five in their pockets. For this reason, they went to the bank to queue up to exchange them, or after spending money, they took out their silver dollars and asked the boss to use them.

Give them change, even if you use double the face value, to exchange for a small amount of banknotes, because the person who owns the banknotes seems to be a rich person, and has a very good face, just like those big businessmen who are used to using money orders and checks.


Then Cao Wenli regretted that he missed a big business opportunity.

"We shouldn't have spent all the money yesterday. If we could keep some of it and give it to guests in need, we might be able to make twice as much money!" Cao Wenli said with great annoyance.

"It's my fault, it's all my fault. I shouldn't have doubted Xujiazhuang's strength." His wife, Li, was so upset that she wanted to slap herself.

the following few days.

In the capital, banknotes are becoming more and more popular and becoming more and more popular.

As a result, some mid- to high-end consumers are willing to pay a higher price just to get at least a stack (100 pieces) of 100-cent banknotes, just so that they can be seen and envied when they spend money.

Some business owners are also willing to offer discounts of 95% off, 10% off, 85% off or even higher to get banknotes from consumers.

In the palace, Emperor Chongzhen Zhu Youjian was in full bloom.

Because he has made money, he has made a lot of money recently! Every day is like picking up money, and he has made a lot of profits in banknote exchange.

There is no way banknotes are too popular. People are highly motivated to collect them but not willing to spend them. Therefore, as many banknotes are on the market, they will be exchanged and the supply exceeds demand.

The royal family, which has the right to act as a banknote exchange agent, naturally makes profits not from a mere 1% handling fee, but from a 20% exchange fee. Coupled with a 1% promotion reward, the profit margin is as high as 21%!

The only regret is that the total amount of banknotes the royal family can receive every day is only 100,000 silver dollars, and they can only earn more than 20,000 points per day. However, the output of banknotes is limited, and Zhu Youjian can only express his understanding in this regard.

The explosion of banknotes made Emperor Zhu Youjian find that he had become the target of many people's favour.

For example, the civil servants in the DPRK asked insinuatingly whether their salaries could be paid out in the form of banknotes starting next month. Even if it was less, it would be no problem. It would be regarded as a kind of favor given to them by the emperor.

For example, after the 50,000 New Army officers and soldiers in the Warrior Camp learned that 20% of the pay they would receive next month (approximately 1 silver dollar) would be distributed to them in the form of banknotes, these five

The morale of Wan's soldiers was immediately boosted, and they shouted long live in unison. Those who didn't know it thought something terrible had happened.

Etc., etc.

All in all, Zhu Youjian is in a very good mood these days, his appetite is obviously better, he sleeps better, he is full of energy and smiles every day.

And secretly sighed: "That Xu Yuan is a good and kind person. I have indeed misunderstood him. Hey, it would be better if his relationship with the royal family could be closer. Unfortunately, the royal sister-in-law is too stubborn and unwilling to cooperate.


the other side.

Harem, Kunning Palace.

Empress Zhou, who was in charge of money and accounting, was immersed in her work and tallying up the account books when a friendly voice suddenly sounded in her ears: "Sister, sister, have a good afternoon."

Queen Zhou looked up and was very surprised.

Tian Guifei Tian Xiuying?

Concubine Tian Guifei, who has never been easy to deal with and has not had a very good relationship with her, and who rarely interacts with her, actually came to see me, gave her a blessing, and affectionately called her sister?

"Sister, what's the matter?" Queen Zhou asked, forcing out a smile. As the saying goes, don't hit the smiling person. Tian Xiuying was so polite, she couldn't lose her etiquette.

"Sister, I would like to exchange some silver dollars for some banknotes from my sister. I don't need to exchange a lot, just 100 silver dollars. I wonder if my sister can agree?" said Concubine Tian.

"Well, silver dollars and banknotes are both money and can be used equally. Why do we need to exchange them?" Queen Zhou asked confused.

Concubine Tian blushed and was a little embarrassed to say it, but she hesitated for a while and finally said: "I like the sound of counting banknotes recently, especially when I win money by playing tag. Counting banknotes is more exciting than counting silver dollars. Concubine Yuan, Concubine Shen

The same is true for them, they all want to use banknotes as winning and losing chips, so they can exchange 100 silver dollar banknotes for us to use in playing cards."

Queen Zhou was so sweaty that she was just playing cards, but she still pursued the feeling of winning money and liked to hear the sound of counting money. Is it really like what some people said, spending money will give you a better feeling?

"Okay, I can change it for you." Queen Zhou agreed. Although this request was a bit strange, it was really not a big request. She didn't need to be so cautious.

"Thank you, sister. If sister is free one day, let's play tag together. I can teach you some powerful card skills." Tian Guifei said with a smile.

"OK, alright."

Empress Zhou smiled at her and said that at this moment, she and Concubine Tian had a tacit understanding. Because of the banknotes, their relationship had obviously eased a lot.

This chapter has been completed!
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