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Chapter 30 Chongzhen's Tangle

After negotiation.

Early the next morning, Li Jinniu made some preparations, put on a minimally patched Feiyu suit, hung a sharply sharpened Yanling knife on his waist, and went out with Qichunnian and the others.

Before leaving, Li Jinniu asked Qi Chunniu to borrow fifty silver dollars, handed it to his wife, and told him: "Take good care of the children, I will be back soon."

Liu Yueniang wiped the corners of her eyes, nodded and said: "Go back quickly, don't do anything fatal."

"Daddy, daddy, you are going to bring me delicious food when you come back!" the youngest daughter said coquettishly.

"Okay! Whatever you want to eat, dad will bring it to you."

Li Jinniu picked up his daughter, kissed her little face, then put her down, gritted his teeth, and left without looking back.

Out of Yangzhou.

Get on an electric bike.

Although the power in the battery was not very sufficient, with the manual riding mode, it took more than half a day to return to Xujiazhuang after a journey of more than 200 miles.

Li Jinniu, who was sitting in the back seat, was very surprised. He had seen this bicycle in Yangzhou and was already very surprised. He did not expect that this kind of electric power-assisted bicycle could not only run faster, but also be very labor-saving and have a stronger load-carrying capacity.

It’s easy to run 500 miles in one day.

It is much easier to use than the best horses.

If this type of electric bicycles were used, they could be widely used in the Ming Dynasty's army.

Or let the elites in the army stay at night and equip them with several vehicles. The combat effectiveness may not be greatly improved, but the mobility will definitely be greatly enhanced, which can obviously make up for the disadvantage of the Ming Dynasty's lack of good horses, and has great military value.

But I didn’t have much time to express my feelings.

After spending a night in Xujiazhuang, which is like a paradise on earth, I met the legendary Zhuangzhu Xu, chatted a few words about home affairs, and admired the young and promising Xuzhuangzhuang. The next day, Li Jinniu continued to follow Qichun

This group of people rode on lightweight carbon fiber bicycles without assistance. Li Jinniu, who could not ride, rode a two-person bicycle with others. Li Jinniu sat in the back, and each of the others carried a large bag of fifty kilograms of supplies.

, carrying a total of 50,000 silver coins for expenses on the road and management in the capital.

Then the bicycle team headed north, traveling at a speed of 300 miles a day, and expected to arrive in the capital in seven days.

at the same time.

Xujiazhuang also sent another elite escort team of hundreds of people to escort more than ten boxes filled with silver coins (the silver coins were cast by Xu Yuan in a modern factory), and then rented a small fleet to load them into the cabin.

Loaded with rice, wheat and other grains, they first went to the Grand Canal, then went north along the canal to their destination, the capital.

Based on traveling forty miles per day, we expect to arrive in more than a month.

In order to avoid any unexpected situations, the two teams not only brought enough money, but also radio stations for communication and weapons for self-defense. In addition to stab-proof clothing and recurve compound bows, there were also several sugar candies.

With grenades, you should be able to deal with water thieves and bandits easily.


August 29th.

After traveling for days, Li Jinniu, Qichunnian and the others successfully arrived in the capital in just five days and entered the heart of this aging empire.

Then he spent another three days doing various things, spending more than 20,000 silver dollars like water, and then bribed many eunuchs in the palace. Especially with the help of Cao Huachun, the eunuch of Si Li Bingbi, he learned that there was

Yishang from Jiangnan wanted to donate silver to the court to help alleviate the financial difficulties of the court. The young Emperor Chongzhen was immediately interested and took time to summon the representatives of Yishang and Li Jinniu, who was responsible for the matchmaking.

In the Imperial Palace, Yangxin Hall, Dongnuan Pavilion.

"Li Jinniu, a hundred households in Jinyiwei, pays homage to His Majesty! Long live my emperor, long live, long live!"

When he saw the emperor for the first time, Li Jinniu was very excited and knelt on the ground and kowtowed repeatedly.

Qichunnian next to him only knelt down and bowed: "Caomin Qichunnian, pay my respects to Your Majesty."

"Both of you, please rise."

Emperor Chongzhen Zhu Youjian held the cup in his hand and ordered the person next to him: "Give me a seat for you two."

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

"Li Baihu, you said that there is a righteous merchant from Jiangnan who intends to donate silver to the imperial court to help out. Who is this righteous merchant from Jiangnan? How much silver do you want to donate? Do you have any requirements for the imperial court?"

Zhu Youjian asked straight to the point. He kept talking about money, which was obviously not in line with the wishes of a saint, but he was really short of money. Every tael of silver was straw to save the country. As long as he could get money, it didn't matter if he deigned to meet a businessman.

?It’s better than the cabinet ministers who I’ve met dozens of times, but they can’t do anything except raising taxes on the people.

"Your Majesty, the righteous merchant from the south of the Yangtze River is Xu Yuan, the owner of Xujiazhuang, Xinghua County, Yangzhou Prefecture. Moreover, he does not want to donate silver to the court, but wants to lend money to Your Majesty. Although there is a word difference, I hope Your Majesty will not accept it.


Li Jinniu corrected.

"Xujiazhuang Xuyuan?"

Zhu Youjian immediately remembered it and said: "You are talking about the richest man in the south of the Yangtze River. He has made countless novelties. It is said that Xu Yuan of Xujiazhuang, who is as rich as anyone in the country, is he going to lend me money?"

"It's the owner of my farm."

Qichunnian bowed his hand and took over the conversation: "Xu Yuan, the owner of my village, is benevolent and kind-hearted. He misses the emperor and the country. He is also good at business and has a small income. However, now that there are frequent disasters, rogue bandits and Tatars entering the pass, people are in ruins.

, the world is in a state of chaos, and the owner of my village is extremely worried... Fortunately, the Mingjun is in office, and he is more motivated, so he wants to help you serve the country, and is willing to lend you 1 million silver dollars to help your majesty with a little help! "

"One million taels?!"

Zhu Youjian's eyes lit up and he trembled. The money was really a lot, but when he thought that it was borrowed money, he was not very satisfied and said: "Since we are thinking of you and serving the country, why did your village owner borrow it instead of borrowing it?"

Donate? Will I have to repay this money in the future?"

He secretly thought, Xu Yuan is so rich and wants me to pay back a mere million taels of silver. He is indeed a businessman and has fallen into the eyes of money. The so-called "sijun and serve the country" are all fake. If it is true, how can he say it?

Lend words.

He suddenly lost interest. Now the court has no money, and the internal affairs have no money. Let alone borrowing a million dollars, even if he borrows ten thousand taels or one thousand taels, I'm afraid he won't be able to pay it back. What he needs most is someone who sincerely dedicates himself to the country.

Instead of saying that you are rich enough to rival the country, you still have to say borrowed words.

"Didn't Your Majesty hear the story of Zigong's redemption? One million silver dollars, it is not impossible for the owner of my village to donate to the court, but if you donate once, you may be donated a second time, a third time, and you won't be able to donate it later.

, forced donation has become a moral kidnapping. Just because my bank owner wants to serve the country and his country, he must donate until he loses all his money. Not only can my bank owner not be able to bear this situation, but other wealthy businessmen may also be reluctant to donate money when they see it.

Out of fear, no one has donated money since."

Qichunnian said: "As for helping the court in the name of borrowing money, firstly, we can avoid moral blackmail. Secondly, with the credit endorsement of the court, businessmen are also willing to donate generously to help the court bail out. As long as the Ming Dynasty lasts forever, there will be no worries."

If the debt cannot be repaid, the merchants will have common interests with the country. In order to avoid the debt being unable to be cashed, the more merchants who lend money to the court, the more they will help the court and form a strong community of destiny."

"Finally, in order to show the sincerity of thinking of you and serving the country, the owner of my village will lend this batch of one million silver dollars to Your Majesty without any interest. There is no need to write an IOU. You can repay the money at any time. I can't afford it now, but ten years from now,

Twenty years later, the imperial court's finances will improve and there will be a day when it can afford to pay it back."

After hearing this explanation.

The young emperor nodded repeatedly.

Makes sense.

It does make sense. Just now, he was thinking too lightly and even forgot the allusion about Zigong redeeming people. Now it seems that the owner of the village, Xu Zhuang, really wants to help the court.

But why did Xujiazhuang do this?

What's the plot?

After all, there are so many businessmen in the world, and they are all despicable and greedy. Why is it that Xu Yuan is the only one with such a high level of ideological consciousness? He is obviously just a businessman, but he cares about the world and thinks about his king and his country. What on earth does he want to do?

The young emperor became suspicious. Although it was not very serious, a seed of doubt had been planted, and it was not easy to completely remove it.

Seeing that the emperor's face was constantly changing, full of suspicion and suspicion, Li Jinniu immediately said: "Your Majesty, in fact, Xujiazhuang is so generous not only because he loves you and serves the country, but also because he wants to save money to protect himself when he encounters some troubles. Xujiazhuang is too rich.

, the newly appointed magistrate of Xinghua County has evil thoughts, and wants to impose heavy taxes on Xujiazhuang, try his best to exploit them, and colludes with corrupt officials from all parties to plan to first force Xujiazhuang to rebel, then send troops to destroy it, and finally embezzle and divide all the property of Xujiazhuang."

"Your Majesty, the local corrupt officials are lawless. In order to protect themselves, Xujiazhuang has no choice but to take this step. I only hope that your majesty will understand clearly and accept Xujiazhuang's loan for the sake of righteous business and helping the country. In addition, Xujiazhuang will also be willing to pay taxes in the future.

All of it will be sent to His Majesty's palace without being handled by corrupt officials. Among them, this year's tax revenue is 54,000 shi and 10,000 taels of tax silver. They are on their way to the capital and will be delivered soon! This revenue will be received every year

It exists every year, and it will only increase but not decrease. Although it is not a lot, it is better than long-term stability. I wonder if Your Majesty would accept it?"

Li Jinniu stood up and said, reflecting the role of a qualified bridge.

In addition, in order to increase his credibility, he also asked Qichunnian to take out the magical tape recorder and press the play button, so that the young emperor could hear with his own ears the greed and ugliness of local officials, which made him furious.

Fists clenched.


When we got here, with the young emperor's high IQ, he naturally understood that Xujiazhuang was lending him money and paying taxes directly.

Find a backer.

I want to find him as the emperor as my backer, to avoid being endlessly coveted and framed by corrupt officials, and to make money in peace of mind.

As for the benefits brought to him as the emperor, it is not a lot, but definitely a lot, and there is also a channel to borrow money. The first loan of one million means that he will not be able to borrow the second and third loans in the future.

…not to say that the problem of lack of money can be completely solved, at least it can be greatly alleviated!

My heart is moved.

Zhu Youjian had to admit that his heart was moved.

But once Xujiazhuang is established, even though he can get money and food, due to the moral character of those civil servants, there will definitely be opposition and tremendous pressure on him.

Moreover, Qichunian proposed that "local officials are not allowed to harass and disrupt Xujiazhuang's operations. Once a conflict breaks out with the government, I hope that your majesty will handle it properly from a fair standpoint." This undoubtedly gave Xujiazhuang great independence and made it impossible for the government to do so.

If Xujiazhuang is a "lawless place" under its jurisdiction and has second thoughts and evil intentions, will the local government be able to deal with it once it is launched?

From this point of view, I cannot be Xujiazhuang's backer and cannot be given this kind of autonomy. It will definitely do more harm than good.


For a time, the young emperor was very entangled, thinking about all aspects, not knowing whether to agree or disagree?

This chapter has been completed!
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