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Chapter 31: The Unstoppable Chongzhen

I thought about it for a long time.

Although his heart was moved more than once, the young Emperor Chongzhen still did not agree immediately.

Because he is the emperor of this empire!

No matter how short of money he is, no matter how much he wants silver, he cannot bite poisonous bait, drink poison to quench his thirst, or make decisions that are not beneficial to the country, the country, and the country.

You still have to decide carefully.

It would be best to discuss it with some experienced cabinet ministers and ask them if they can borrow it?

Faced with such an indecisive emperor, Li Jinniu and Qichunnian, who were originally very confident, were helpless. The emperor's suspicions were too heavy. They had to think about such a good thing and could not give it immediately.

Give a reply.

The two had no choice but to surrender and give the emperor some time to think about it. If he made up his mind, he could summon them at any time.

The summons is over.

I took care of some official business for a while.

In the evening, the young emperor Zhu Youjian was a little hungry and a little tired. However, he worked so hard every day, but the country's situation had not improved significantly. There were still all kinds of bad news, especially the extremely difficult financial situation. With his cabinet ministers

After discussing it for several months, I still haven't come up with a good solution.

In fact, in his heart, he was already inclined to increase the Liao salary. An additional tax of three cents per mu of land in the world was expected to collect an additional 1.53 million taels per year, which would be used to train a strong army.


Instead of taking food from the poor people of Shengdou, why not borrow money from merchants?

If you can borrow one million taels every year, it will not only alleviate the problem of lack of money, but also increase the burden on the people. This is the best of both worlds.

Think of this.

Zhu Youjian was not only shaken, but also regretful. He wanted to send someone to call Li Jinniu and Qichunnian back again and agree to borrow money in person. Even 1 million taels was not enough. Could he borrow more? It would be best.

Borrow 2 million, 3 million, 5 million taels, the more, the better!

As long as the Tartars can be defeated.

As long as the rogue bandits can be put down.

As long as the people all over the world can live a good life and have food to eat, they will not rise up in rebellion.

No matter how much debt he has to bear, it doesn't matter. When the world returns to peace and prosperity, why worry about not being able to pay back the money?

This moment.

The young emperor's IQ is online again, or in other words, he has entered the mode of a sage and wise king again, and has entered a thinking mode that is very consistent with Confucian values. It can be said that he is very great, bright and correct.

But this state of affairs could not last forever.

Out of caution, he thought it was better to discuss it with the ministers and ask them whether it was feasible to borrow money from merchants in exchange for canceling the bonus for the people? Would the disadvantages outweigh the advantages, or the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?

He, Zhu Youjian, is still too young and has already suffered big losses several times. Especially Yuan Chonghuan, who was executed by Lingchi, made him pay an unknown amount of tuition, which made him dare not trust anyone or any country easily.

On major matters, opinions from many parties must be sought before decisions can be made, and this is also the basic art of the emperor.

Unknowingly, we arrived at Kunning Palace.

Not just to see his own Queen Zhou.

Zhu Youjian also wanted to see his eldest son - Zhu Cihong, who was born in February last year and is now one and a half years old. He has made him the crown prince.

Only in this Kunning Palace could he get the warmth from his virtuous wife, Queen Zhou, and experience the joy of becoming a father for the first time, thus temporarily forgetting those troubles.

"I pay my respects to Your Majesty."

Empress Zhou, who was a little thin but elegant, dignified and gentle, was very happy to see the emperor. She immediately left the loom and walked to Zhu Youjian to give her a blessing.

"You and I are one husband and wife, there is no need to bow."

Zhu Youjian looked at her cloth clothes and hairpin skirt. She was wearing simple clothes and weaving cloth herself. He couldn't help frowning: "You are the mother of a country. You should behave like a mother of the country. How can you often wear cloth clothes? If the courtiers find out about this, they might impeach you as the mother of the country.


"Your Majesty, come here, I will show you something."

Empress Zhou smiled mysteriously, walked into her bedroom, walked to the dressing table, took out a wooden shutter from the drawer, placed it on the table and opened it. A golden and silver light poured out, and there were actually some gold and silver belongings inside.

"Your Majesty, these days, I have taken the maids to weave and spin yarn, and sold some jewelry. I have raised a total of 3,000 taels of silver. Your Majesty will use it as military expenses and to provide relief to the victims. Although it is not much, it can still be of some use.


Queen Zhou said with a smile.

Looking at the gold and silver belongings in the wooden gate, and looking at the thin and plainly dressed queen, Zhu Youjian was stunned.


He called the queen's name, but didn't know what to say.

His eyes were moist, and he was so moved that he could only hold her gently in his arms and murmured: "With a wife like this, what more can a husband ask for?"

"Your Majesty works hard for the country day and night, and I am just doing my job."

"I am incompetent. For a little money, I let you pay like this. I am so ashamed!"

"Compared to the suffering people, my hard work is nothing. Your Majesty does not need to blame yourself." Empress Zhou said softly.


Zhu Youjian had no choice but to hold her tighter, and a warm and romantic atmosphere enveloped the two of them.


However, Zhu Youjian's stomach protest completely ruined this tender scene.

"Your Majesty, are you hungry? I'll have someone pass you on."

Empress Zhou burst into laughter, her thin body quivering like a willow in the breeze.

"Cough cough cough~"

Zhu Youjian coughed repeatedly in embarrassment, so he had to go to the cradle and tease Zhu Cixiang for a while, kissing him again and again on his pink face, and pricking him with the beard on his chin, which made Zhu Cixiang laugh first.

Then he made him cry loudly, causing Queen Zhou to roll her eyes and complain.

After a while.

The eunuch in the dining room brought the dinner and placed it on the table.

Zhu Youjian, who was really hungry, picked up the bowl and chopsticks and was about to eat something, but when he saw the dishes on the table, he finally couldn't hold it any longer.

Thin white rice porridge.

Green vegetables, tofu, shredded radish.

There is also a plate of pickled vegetables.

They are all vegetarian, there is no meaty taste at all, and very little vegetable oil is used.

Although it is not that he cannot eat these foods, he is the king of a country and Zitong is the mother of a country. Such two supreme people can only eat these foods without even a piece of meat.

I also remembered that after the birth of her son Zhu Cixiang, the queen had no milk and had to ask a wet nurse to feed her. Now it seems that the reason why the queen had no milk was because her diet was so poor. She was a vegetarian every day and rarely ate meat. How could she have milk?

Zhu Youjian can't stand it anymore. He can live frugally, but if his queen and his prince also suffer and suffer, then will he still be a man, a qualified husband and father?

Think again about the extravagant and extravagant days lived by the ministers in the court.

The wealthy merchants and gentry among the common people lived a life of big fish and meat.

The lords of various places lived a life of luxury and lust.

I, Zhu Youjian, can’t bear it anymore!

We can never go on like this.

He immediately summoned a eunuch and ordered: "Quickly, go and call Li Jinniu from the 100 households of Jinyiwei and Qichunnian, the representative of Xujiazhuang Yishang. I want to see them now and let them enter the palace quickly!"

Just like a person who has been living in poverty for a long time, suddenly he has a credit card in his hand that can be overdrafted. At this moment, Emperor Chongzhen no longer wants to worry so much. He borrows one million interest-free silver dollars first and uses it to improve things.

Let’s talk about life in the palace!

This chapter has been completed!
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