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Chapter 1709 The Queen Arrives

Tao Shaozhang returned to the cabin with his hands behind his back and continued to play with his silk handkerchief.

As for Wen Shiyan, it is beyond recognition.

Chu Qing went up and kicked him hard twice.

You can tell by looking at this guy's appearance just now. He was completely panicked.

What the uncle said is true at all. From any point of view, the people of Chang would not care about Wen Shiyan's family. After all, it was up to the Wen family to win the throne and help the Dachang Dynasty conquer Baekje.

But when the uncle made this suggestion and revealed that there were people from Silla on the ship who knew Moon Shi-yeon's relatives, the boy panicked. Even a fool could see that the other party was trying to play a trick. He was not cooperating sincerely, or just wanted to take advantage of the situation.

Let’s get the national seal first.

What would such a person do if he didn't beat him? He wouldn't be able to celebrate the New Year.

He was not as good as Liang Bo. Although Liang Bo was beaten, at least he had to go back intact, even though all the valuables he had on him were taken away by Cao Hushun.

Look at Wen Shiyan again. He played the deepest tricks, received the most severe beatings, and was not let go even after it was over.

Chu Yuan personally ran to the edge of the boat and kicked over the box containing the crossbow. Wang Tianyu couldn't hold it back for a long time. After loading the crossbow, he hit the hammer, and the big crossbow was broken like a spear.

The sound in the sky penetrated the boat in the distance.

Spears shot out like a violent storm one after another, and Wang Tianyu also lit a gunpowder crossbow.

In less than five breaths, the boat brought by Wen Shiyan sank.


Chu Qing just shouted his name, and without any further explanation, Lin Shi carried the half-lived Tudu Lei out of the cabin.

On the surface, Chu Qing's move is undoubtedly inappropriate. From a diplomatic perspective, it is too impulsive, not to mention that we are now on Silla's territory and so close to the royal court. If there is no trouble, there will be a fight.


None of the friends stopped Chu Qing, even the mature and prudent Dajun brother personally pulled the divine arm crossbow.

Because the Silla Kingdom is not a whole, the queen and the three nobles compete with each other. The queen is the weakest and holds the title. The Wen family is in charge of military power, and is targeted by the Liang and Zhang families.

Chu Qing analyzed the situation very thoroughly. Now that he has the national seal, he is not begging the four forces, but the four forces should be begging him.

Of course the Wen family must be taught a lesson if they engage in such a little trick. People cannot become tough guys, so the gang must follow the tough guy route. The tougher they are, the more Silla people will know about the confidence of Daechang Dynasty.

If there had not been a matter of sealing off the island and annihilating Ying, Chu Qing would not have dared to do this.

After Yingdao was destroyed, they immediately launched troops against Goguryeo. They knew that Baekje was trying to get involved and were unmoved. Both countries were fighting, and they were not afraid of adding another Silla. This was the confidence of the Dachang Dynasty. After Huang Laosi and Chu

Under the leadership of Qing Qing, like a mad dog, he bites everyone he sees.

At least Chu Qing wants to create this feeling for the people of Silla, Mad Dog Dachang, invincible in the world!

Of course Dachang is not invincible. If he were, he would not come to Silla.

However, the Donghae and the two Hanhae can be said to be invincible in the Silla Sea.

The roar was deafening, and the beach was filled with people, both military and civilians, with frightened faces.

The big flag with the word "Chang" dances in the wind. Even in the dark night, the firelight makes the word "Chang" so dazzling.

"You bitch!"

After scolding, Chu Qing went back to the cabin to sleep.

The melodious sound of horns accompanied the sound of waves. The two Hanhai ships entered a state of combat readiness. Three warships, which were definitely giants, were lined up in a row, with their black muzzles aimed at the coastal area.

Wang Tianyu was on duty tonight, sitting on the cannon barrel, praying secretly, praying that some blind Silla people would rush forward and die. He hadn't played with fire for a long time.

Yuzai thought too much, and no one came to die. I believe that the news that Wen Shiyan's followers were all killed has begun to spread.

Before dawn the next day, Chu Qing was woken up. When he came to the deck, rubbing his eyes, he was shocked, with a look of disbelief on his face.

A woman, dark and thin, with an ordinary appearance, wearing a simple skirt, had just boarded the ship.

A very ordinary woman with an extraordinary identity, Wen Hui, Queen Yeongdeok of Silla.

After Liao Wenzhi respectfully introduced the queen's identity, Chu Qing straightened her clothes, stepped forward quickly, and bowed meticulously.

"Chang's envoy Chu Qing has met Her Majesty the Queen."

Although he is a "king", he is the king of a country, so it is reasonable to call him "Your Majesty".

"Don't be too polite to your noble envoy."

Not only does Queen Yeongdeok have an ordinary appearance, her voice is also unremarkable, just extremely hoarse and slightly neutral.

Chu Qing straightened up and glanced towards the shore. More and more flags appeared on the beach.

Qiu Baoyu, who was holding a telescope on the flagpole, jumped down.

"There are more than a thousand people. Judging by their attire, they are the royal guards, armed with ceremonial swords and armor."

The ceremonial sword and armor represent that the person is not here to fight.

"Xian Muwei will leave the royal court in an hour." The queen was like an ordinary woman, with a simple smile on her face: "Master Chu, can you set sail?"

"set sail?"

"A boat is faster than a horse, just find a fishing village."

Chu Qing was extremely confused: "What does the queen mean?"

"I want to take you to meet the people of Silla. Just find a fishing village."

The friends looked at each other.

The queen came in person, accompanied by two maids, and she left the royal court early. The royal guards "chased" her instead of accompanying her, which is extremely intriguing.

"I'm not surprised that someone from the Liang family is coming. Even if he is the chief minister, I'm not surprised that someone is coming from the Wen family. But His Majesty came in person. He just brought two maids on the boat and told the imperial guards to leave the palace an hour later.

, I am very strange, and even more strange is why we should set sail and why we should randomly go to a coastal fishing village."

Queen Yeongde did not have the majesty of a queen at all. Looking at the interior of the warship, especially the divine arm crossbow and cannon, her eyes were filled with light and she nodded slightly.

After watching for a long time, Queen Rongde came to Chu Qing's side, almost face to face, looked into each other's eyes, and spoke softly.

"I traveled for an hour first because there were too many people in the royal court who didn't want me to see your envoy. I only brought my maid on the boat to show my sincerity. I randomly found a fishing village to dispel your envoy's wariness, and more importantly, I wanted to let him go.

Your Majesty knows that you and I are the same kind of people."

"A kind of person?"

Queen Yeongde did not explain any more, but just asked: "Can we set sail? If we wait for a while longer, I don't know how many royal ministers will board the ship to disturb the envoy. Or is it that the envoy is waiting for the Zhang family?"


Chu Qing was happy: "People from the Zhang family are coming too?"

"No, it's enough for me to come."

Chu Qing was stunned for a moment, then his expression changed slightly: "Your Majesty means..."

"The Zhang family has secretly surrendered to me, but the outside world doesn't know it." The queen chuckled and said, "Did your envoy think before that I, the king, am a woman and have no soldiers or generals? I am far inferior to Wen and Liang.

Zhang Sanjia, do you still think so?"

Chu Qing looked deeply at the queen, then waved his hand: "Let's set sail."

This chapter has been completed!
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