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Chapter 1714 The Same Kind of People

The Queen of Silla returned to the stern of the boat, as if admiring the sea view.

Liao Wenzhi volunteered to get off the boat and go together, and Chu Qing asked his uncle to follow him.

Liao Wenzhi is good at observing people, and his uncle is good at observing people's hearts.

If these two people go, if the queen has found an actor in advance, they can tell at a glance, not to mention that the third brother, the chief translator, also goes with them. With the sharp eyes of these three people, even the Oscar-winning actor will not be able to do anything.

With a few soldiers who had changed their clothes, and the Queen's maid, more than 20 people boarded the boat and headed to the land for "research".

In order to respect the queen, Chu Qing did not tell anyone to actually bring the people of Silla onto the ship. It was not necessary that the third brother, Mr. Liao, and the uncle would just search for them.

By this time, everyone believed it.

You must know that Queen Yeongdeok "loved the people like a son" not just today or yesterday, but for seven years, a full seven years.

Seven years ago, Chu Qing had not made his debut and the Supreme Emperor had not yet ascended the throne. Queen Rongde was just a princess at that time. It was impossible to predict that she would prepare seven years in advance for today.

As for what the Queen has done in the past seven years and how she has "loved the people as her own children", the Queen has not said anything and no one can guess. They think it is nothing more than giving some money and some rice.

But seven years is long enough to prove many things.

Chu Qing was always the most impatient one. After waiting for a while, he couldn't help but walked to the stern of the boat.

The ordinary-looking Queen Rong seems to have an inexplicable attraction. She is obviously frank and holds nothing back, but it still makes people curious about what she thinks and what she will say.

It was mid-afternoon, the sun was shining warmly on my body, and the sea breeze made me drowsy.

Queen Yeongde stood at the stern of the ship. She had been standing there for half an hour, motionless. Looking at her back, she looked like a dead thing.

When he came to Queen Rongde, Chu Qing was not as respectful as before, and it was not considered rude. It was just like facing an ordinary friend.

"If we cooperate, what is the plan? Can you tell us in advance?"

"It's just a trick that doesn't look very good. Master Chu, don't make me laugh."

He said this, but his words were full of murderous intent.

"When I return to land, I will tell the ministers in the royal court that the Dachang Dynasty has gone too far and wants to force me to send troops to contain Baekje, but it has not made any promises. The ministers will naturally be furious, but it is just words.

Just talk."

"Then what?"

"Then someone will advise you not to offend Dachang, just appease Dachang first. I will get angry because I am a woman..."

The queen smiled and said: "I am unreasonable, and even more unreasonable when I am angry. I will say that there is no need to give Changren any face, because Changren insulted me with words on the ship. I will not give Changren face no matter what. When we arrive,

At that time, Lord Chu, guess what will happen to the courtiers?"

"I want to see you make a fool of yourself, challenge your authority, and force you to sit down and talk with us Chang people."

"Yes, we sent an envoy, but you didn't trust the Silla people and refused to get off the ship. I was even more angry and made a fool of myself again. I had no choice but to agree and locate the location on the coast. You relied on the warship, but on the road, we

On the way, the guards were two miles away."

"If your guess is correct, the minister who has linked up with other ministers to see you make a fool of yourself is one of His Majesty's, right?"

"Yes, Zhang Ji."

Chu Qing was shocked again. Zhang Ji, one of the three nobles of the Zhang family, was the head of the Zhang family.

"I heard that Mr. Zhang spoke against His Majesty in public many times in Silla. Zhang Ji, it is impossible that you won him over after you ascended the throne, right?"

"Yes, we had a friendship five years ago."

"five years ago?!"

Chu Qing's expression was extremely strange: "Your Majesty was still a princess at that time. Could it be that at that time, Your Majesty already had the ambition to aspire for the great treasure?"

After finishing speaking, Chu Qing stared at Queen Rongde closely.

If this is the case, then at least half of what the other party says must be discounted.

"The desire to win the great treasure does not count. It's just that the Wen family and I have always been at odds with each other, let alone... The day when I was born in the royal family is not the light of the sword, just like a soldier in a battle formation, a soldier can not think about how to kill him.

The enemy general can't go a day without sharpening his sword. Yesterday, I had no courage. Today, I have no determination. But who knows, tomorrow, I might be forced into the enemy.

Kill the enemy's general."

Chu Qing thought about this sentence over and over, and nodded with a smile: "Opportunities are for those who are prepared. That's right."

"It's not that I was prepared. It's just that at that time, I felt that when other members of the Moon family were in power, Silla was still the same Silla. At least I didn't make up my mind until my father asked me if I still had dreams."

Chu Qing had already begun to admire him.

Before she made up her mind, she had already begun to win over the Zhang family in advance. No wonder the queen, who seemed to have no leverage, could successfully ascend the throne.

Chu Qing became more and more interested: "What will happen next after I sit down with His Majesty and the Minister of Silla?"

"Master Chu has many masters under his command. I guess there must be quite a few good swordsmen."

Chu Qing's pupils narrowed: "Who to assassinate?"

"you and me."

"Why don't you send your people?"

"Asking knowingly." The queen smiled slightly and said, "Will you feel at ease if you send my people?"

"That's true." Chu Qing laughed and covered up his embarrassment.

"Your people pretended to be assassins and assassinated you and me. The purpose is to prevent Silla from forming an alliance with the Chang Dynasty."

"Then the assassin's sword is from Baekje or Goguryeo."


The Queen of Silla said calmly: "The pain in the body is not terrible, but the pain in the heart is terrible. Mr. Chu is an important minister of the Dachang Dynasty, so there is no need to be injured, but there will always be someone injured, with a puncture in the abdomen, a shoulder injury... and a cut in the face!"


Chu Qing took a breath: "Cut your face?"

"Yes, I am the queen. If the queen's face is damaged, Silla's face will be damaged. At that time, the whole country will be dedicated to attacking Baekje and avenging this face-cutting incident."

Chu Qing stared deeply at Queen Rongde, feeling disgusted with the huge waves in her heart.

He thought that Jiao Guoxi was crazy enough. As a woman, daring to leave scars on her face was crazy to the core.

The Queen of Silla just spoke lightly, not crazy or crazy at all, as if she was talking about a very ordinary thing.

"Lord Chu, there is no need to worry. I will lead Silla to attack Baekje."

"Your Majesty's personal expedition?!" Chu Qing once again refreshed his understanding of Queen Rongde: "When you leave the royal court, aren't you afraid of those nobles making trouble?"

"Where did the nobles come from? The nobles..." Queen Yeongdeok smiled slightly: "Because of colluding with the Baekje assassins to assassinate you and me, we have all been killed long ago."

Chu Qing: "..."

The Queen looked at the sea again, silently, as if giving Chu Qing time to think.

After a long time, Chu Qing asked seriously: "A question."

"Excuse me, Master Chu."

"You are not that good looking... No, you are the queen, and leaving a scar on your face, how can you find the right one... No, leaving a scar on your face, leaving a scar on your face, is not appropriate, and it is also detrimental to the queen.


The queen finally showed a surprised look.

Perhaps he never expected that Chu Qing's focus would be on this.

"No, I said, it's not a scar, it's the result of meritorious deeds. Only nobles will care about their appearance. What the common people care about is their heart, my heart. They will like to see this scar.

This scar will unite them as one, because this scar is humiliation. After the conquest of Baekje, this scar will become merit, the queen's merit, and Silla's merit."

The gentle whispers disappeared without a trace along with the sea breeze.

What was left was a mixture of emotions in Chu Qing's heart.

A big lie, a big lie that deceives everyone.

But this big lie, from the perspective of Chu Qing, a Chang native, and a descendant of the royal family, is the only way out for the Silla Kingdom.

"Is it worth it?" Chu Qing looked at the plain face of the Queen of Silla, and suddenly felt that she was not unattractive, but her appearance was too neutral and did not conform to the aesthetics of the ancients. In fact, this kind of appearance was not ordinary, but slightly...

It's tough, so it gives people an unattractive feeling.

"It's not worth it for me, it's worth it for my dream, it's not worth it for Silla Country, but it's worth it for the people of Silla Country."

Chu Qing took a step back and saluted again.

"If you were born in Chang Dynasty, we must be good friends, best friends."

The Queen of Silla smiled, and this smile suddenly made Chu Qing realize that the other party's smile was very contagious.

"You are not my friend, but you are the only person who knows my secret. If you want others to keep such an unbearable secret for me, you must either kill him or be friends with him. What do you think, Mr. Chu?"

"Then let's be friends." Chu Qing smiled slightly: "What do you think, Your Majesty?"

"Okay, friend, in a quarter of an hour, you and I will be friends."

"Why wait until a quarter of an hour later?"

The queen pointed behind Chu Qing. The third brother and others had returned and happened to look over. They did not look at Chu Qing, but at the queen. Teacher Liao and Tao Shaozhang were all full of admiration.

The Queen chuckled: "Do you remember what I just said?"

"Which sentence do you mean?"

"You and I are the same kind of people."

This chapter has been completed!
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