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Chapter 1715 The Killer, Even the Queen

The third brother, Teacher Liao, and the uncle walked over quickly and saluted the Queen of Silla one by one, very formally.

"I don't like to hear other people praise me. It would make me ashamed, let alone say that it was the people of Changzhou who praised me."

After the queen finished speaking calmly, she left again.

After the people left, Chu Qing quickly asked: "What did you find out?"

The third brother was the first to speak: "It is a blessing for the people of Silla to have this queen."

Liao Wenzhi: "She is a strange woman in the world."

Tao Shaozhang's words are concise and concise: "The supreme goodness."

After the three of them finished speaking, they began to tell what they had learned.

The protagonist of the story is not called Wenhui or Queen Yeongdeok, but Shangnu, the daughter of a businessman.

No one knows the name of the merchant girl. They only know that she is a merchant family member of Wang Tinghao. She only takes a few skilled maids with her when traveling on weekdays.

This businesswoman only appeared seven years ago. The first time she appeared was because after the marriage between Yingdao and Silla failed to come to fruition, not long after, Japanese privateers came to two fishing villages on the west side of Silla Port and burned them.

Kill and plunder.

There were more than 500 civilians killed and injured, and nearly a thousand women and children were kidnapped.

The royal court sent a general, a straw bag, with more than 2,000 people who did not dare to station near the fishing village. Instead, they stayed behind, at least ten miles away. After staying for a while, they left on the grounds that the privateers did not dare to commit crimes again.

The two fishing villages, with more than 700 households, have become notoriously old and weak villages, and the survivors are all old people.

A few days after this happened, the merchant girl appeared, bringing countless people with her, bringing swords, armor and long bows.

What he said was decapitation.

The royal court is full of people who have nothing to do with their bodies. They don't care about the lives of the people. If they want to live, they will save themselves.

He stayed there for five full days before leaving, leaving behind some escorts to train the fishermen and soldiers.

I stayed in one fishing village for five days, but I stayed in other fishing villages for a long time.

Match rope as a warning, this is the method that the merchant girl came up with.

A large amount of kerosene was transported, soaked in long ropes, and connected for more than ten miles and more than 40 ropes. A Japanese privateer was discovered in a fishing village and the match ropes were quickly lit. Other fishing villages and Orion people came to support.

This method was really effective. Privateers came twice more. Although the civilians also suffered heavy casualties, the large number of people and quick support were enough to defeat the Japanese thieves.

In the following time, this businesswoman always came to visit everyone. Sometimes she brought food, sometimes she brought farm tools, and several times she brought a doctor to treat patients in various fishing villages.

Diagnosis and treatment.

If this is just the case, it doesn't mean anything. I can only say that this businesswoman has a kind heart.

Many powerful men from aristocratic families bullied the common people. This businesswoman and her maids used the most primitive and bloody methods to skin and cramp these powerful men who had never been redeemed, and threw their bodies at the gate of the government office more than ten times.

Although he was not caught, he angered the local people, and he ended up being skinned and cramped, and died in a very miserable way.

On the way, the third brother also chatted with the queen's personal maid. According to the maid, before the queen ascended the throne, that is, when she was a princess, she rarely stayed in the royal court and traveled to almost every state in Silla.

In Fuchengchi, if there is an injustice that bullies the people, they will definitely take care of it. They will not use any formal means, but will kill them all in one step.

There is no such thing as going through the procedures, writing pleadings, and reporting this and that. It has never happened once. If you know who it is and where you live, you can just come to your door and kill him. It is simple and crude.

It can be said that when Queen Yeongdeok was traveling around the country, she had nothing to do with charity. She had no charity, and she didn't have much money with her. The way to solve the problem was very straightforward, which was to kill her.

Whoever oppresses the people will be killed.

Whoever insults the people will be killed.

Whoever harms the people should be killed.

The people are suffering. Queen Yeongdeok can't solve the problem, and she doesn't have that much money to give to the people. The only thing she can do is to kill the "source", such as powerful landlords, noble families, kill as many people as they want, and kill them with one shot.

Place, walk around for a while before returning, replace with new officials or powerful people, kill them again, and run away after killing them.

It can be said that half of the major cases, bloody cases, and unsolved cases in Silla Kingdom were committed by this master.

Third brother, Liao Wenzhi, my uncle, I admire you for this reason.

It's too direct. It can't be more direct.

No one in Qianqiying would dare to do this, but the queen could do this when she was still a princess.

The third brother said that it is a blessing for the people of Silla to have such a queen.

The meaning of this sentence is that when she was a princess, she dared to do this without any dust in her eyes. Then when she becomes a queen, once her foundation is stable, it is conceivable that she will be more "direct".

Liao Wenzhi said that she is a strange woman in the world.

Yes, it's so strange. With the way she does it, she won't be able to become a princess, let alone a queen. Even if she becomes a queen, she will inevitably end up with a reputation as a tyrant in the future. But people don't care at all. If they did, they wouldn't be like this.


Tao Shaozhang said two words, supreme goodness.

Yes, it is the highest good.

Killing so many officials and nobles had nothing to do with her, it was all because of the people and venting her anger on them.

Generally, people who are willing to vent their anger for the common people are common people, because they feel the same way to a certain extent and are forced to do nothing.

But Queen Yeongdeok was a princess at that time, and her status was extremely respected. If she was caught, her father and the king would not be able to protect her.

But she still did it, willing to vent her anger for the people, even if it cost her life and everything.

Those who kill should be punished.

But if someone kills someone for the sake of the people, the person he kills is actually someone who kills the people, so it is difficult to define the crime of this murderer.

When no one in this country is willing to bring justice to the people.

Senior officials turned a blind eye.

A vegetarian meal on the corpse of an aristocrat.

Literati whitewash peace.

At this time, who will care about the people?

The law protects the nobility.

The military protects the rights of the ruling class.

Then the Silla Kingdom needs one person, a murderer. It is not an exaggeration to call this murderer a knight.

Killing is not a solution to the problem, it can even make many things worse.

But when all methods have been used and only one method is left, then there is no choice but to kill.

Even so, no one in Silla would dare to do this.

At this moment, a murderer appeared, the murderer, a businesswoman!

"Young Master, I also heard something that was said by the maidservant. Combined with the Silla people captured before, it has been confirmed."

"What's up?"

"Her Majesty Queen Yeongdeok has been valued by King Wendeok since she was a child. King Wendeok hired the most powerful scholar in the royal court and the bravest general in the imperial guard, and spent a lot of money to find talented people and extraordinary people among the people for Her Majesty Queen Yeongdeok.

Sir, teach all your skills to Her Majesty Queen Yeongdeok. You must know that even a prince does not receive such treatment."

Chu Qing's expression changed slightly: "Did King Wende want to train Queen Rongde as his successor many years ago?"

This chapter has been completed!
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