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Chapter 742 Disappearing Victims

Changjing, Jingyi Hall.

No matter what his character is, he is at least a diligent emperor.

Before dawn, the fourth child had already come to the Jingyi Hall to handle government affairs, and in a quarter of an hour he would go to the Yizheng Hall to attend court.

Looking at the memorial in confusion, Huang Laosi kept shaking his head.

Sun An, who was waiting on the side, didn't dare to breathe.

The old eunuch knew that the fourth child was upset because it was only late spring and hail fell in two lower counties, affecting more than a thousand households.

Looking at the sky outside the palace, the fourth child closed the memorial.

"The victims of the disaster in Yu County must have arrived last night."

"Yes, Jiang Yuesheng entered the palace the day before and said he would arrive by last night at the latest. They should be gathering outside Beijing now."

Huang Laosi pinched his eyebrows and said: "When we are waiting for the court, we will go find Wei Changfeng and ask the Ministry of Revenue to allocate some money and food to the Ministry of Rites. Don't make any noise in the court."

I don't know when, the emperor Chang Chengyou suddenly realized that the courtiers were wasting time every day in court. Most of the time, they were arguing and passing the blame with each other.

Lao Si had realized this a long time ago, but he didn't think anything was wrong because he was used to it. This was the case with courtiers many years ago, decades ago, or even when the dynasty first started.

But now, the fourth child is not used to it. He feels that the courtiers are all busy. In such a large country, there are countless government affairs to be dealt with, but there are very few things decided in the government hall every day.

"Also look for Cao Wu and ask him to properly resettle the victims."

The fourth child sighed slightly.

When he mentioned the resettlement of refugees and disaster victims, he couldn't help but think of Chu Qing.

"It would be great if Chu Qing was still in the capital."

"The old slave thinks so too."

The old eunuch was convinced.

Chu Qing was an expert in reassuring the people. From a southern suburb greenhouse to a southern suburb village, victims of disasters often ran outside Beijing since last autumn. In the end, before they could adjust their expressions and cry, they were all taken away and led to the south of the city.


This was something that everyone realized only on Yuan Day. For several months, the Ministry of Rites had not been able to reassure the people.

The group of people in Zhuangzi in the southern suburbs are like bandits. Every day there are people blocking the official roads. They are like robbers. When they see a ragged man, they give two buns and a bag of rice and take them away. The house has been renovated, including pots and pans.

There are all kinds of ladles and buckets filled with warm water. Once you get there, you can sleep, eat three meals a day the next day, sleep again at night, and then start working on the third day, building roads, going to workshops, and building houses.

, there are always not enough people, and the weirdest thing is that the unruly people in the southern suburbs are still looking forward to natural disasters every day, because with natural disasters, there are refugees, and with refugees, there are manpower.

If someone else said this, Jingzhao Mansion would have to send soldiers to arrest them all and at least punish them for the crime of deceiving the public. But now, no one dares to touch the people in Zhuangzi, the southern suburbs.

Refugees are also real.

The Ministry of Rites made several empty trips. News came from various local governments that many refugees rushed to the capital. The Ministry of Household Affairs transferred the money, and the Ministry of Rites selected good people and went to wait outside the city. They waited for several days without any money.

After seeing one, I asked and found out that the refugees were taken away halfway and led to the south of the city.

In the past, the Ministry of Rites did not want to settle the people, so they tried every possible means to evade them. But now they can no longer do so, and the refugees are not even paying attention to them.

Cao Wu basically had nothing to do. Just after the Chinese New Year, another group of refugees came. He was not worried, so he went to Zhuangzi in the southern suburbs to take a look. When he saw it, he couldn't laugh or cry. Those refugees were better than him.

My brother-in-law is fat.

Unfortunately, Zhuangzi in the southern suburbs has now been expanded to the extreme. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is overcrowded. This means that there will be no place to house the refugees if they come again.

Huang Laosi propped his chin up and acted cutely, his eyes brightening: "How about if we upgrade to Chu Qing's title again, the fiefdom will be larger, and we will have room to continue building houses to accommodate the refugees."

"Your Majesty, the land around the southern suburbs is private land and there is no way to reward it."

"Yes, it's difficult. Tell me, why can't I learn from Chu Qing's skill in grabbing and plundering? If he were in the capital, he would definitely have the means to grab all the land near the southern suburbs."

Sun An laughed dryly, not feeling comfortable with this.

The more he thought about it, the more irritated the fourth child became: "Chu Qing is going to the border now. He doesn't know whether he will be back in a year or a month, and he doesn't know if the manpower around him is enough."

"Your Majesty, please don't worry. Although Tao Weiran of Xiao County is just a county magistrate, he has outstanding abilities. Nangong Ping, the nephew of Master Nangong, is ordered by the minister to serve as a civil and military official.

Once we reach the border, Commander Chu will definitely finish the work and return to Beijing as soon as possible."

: "I have met Tao Weiran and Nangong Ping. They are both young and talented people. With them accompanying them, it is true that they can help Chu Qing as you said, but Tao Shaozhang..."

I didn’t go on, but I could see that even the emperor knew what kind of scammer Tao Shaozhang was.

"Hey." After sighing, Huang Laosi said anxiously: "I don't know when Lao Shi will come back."

The old eunuch carefully looked at Huang Laosi's face.

Ever since Chu Qing left, Huang Laosi always mentioned Chu Qing. Sometimes, he called him Chu Qing, sometimes he called him Chu Qing. Now, he started to call him Lao Shi, and his name became more and more smooth.

As a close servant of the emperor, Sun An knew what Huang Laosi did every day.

He did everything, but he didn't send anyone to investigate this matter. He didn't even ask Chu Wensheng, who had just returned to Beijing. There were actually many doubts about Chu Qing's identity, but whether he was the emperor or the emperor, it seemed that he was

Chu Qing was identified as "Old Ten".

Sun An didn't have any say, but he felt that if Chu Qing was really a nobleman of Tianhuang, he would definitely be happy to hear about it.

He didn't have much contact, but the old eunuch could tell that Chu Qing was either too reverent to the imperial power, or superficially respectful, and he also had to admit that being lazy was lazy, and getting into trouble was getting into trouble. Once he wanted to do something, he would definitely do it well.

Beautiful and bright, every time I do something, I do it with my heart in mind.

Even Sun An felt that if it was confirmed that Chu Qing's surname was Chang, it would be a good thing for the old Chang family, the court, and even the Chang Dynasty.

The young eunuch came in and said that Cao Wu had something to report.

Huang Laosi was very surprised. He was about to go to court. What did Cao Wu want to do with him at this time?

He waved his hand and asked the young eunuch to bring Cao Wu in.

As soon as he came in, Cao Wu hurriedly saluted and said, "Your Majesty, something happened, something strange."

Huang Laosi frowned: "Say."

"The victims, the victims who suffered the disaster, are gone."

"What, disappeared?" Huang Laosi looked surprised: "Did someone from the southern suburbs take him away again?"

"Last night, I was waiting in the west of the city, but I waited here and there, but no one was there. There were thousands of living people, but not a single one. At the beginning of the period, I was thinking the same thing. Could it be that someone from the southern suburbs took him away?

, I went to the southern suburbs overnight and asked many people, but I didn’t see any victims.”


This chapter has been completed!
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