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#1067 four conditions (4 more)

Siward looked at Lincoln with a knowing look, half-smiling but not smiling, as if to say, "Look, I knew it would be like this. I have seen through Li Zhen's nature, but you just didn't listen. You only have yourself to blame.

Lincoln was unmoved and not depressed.

He looked calm and said unhurriedly: "In order to make up for President Lee's losses while staying in the United States, and to thank President Lee for his help, after discussing with Mr. Seward, I decided to give President Lee four compensations. "

"Oh, please tell me."

Li Zhen became interested and said with great interest.

Lincoln smiled slightly and continued: "First, the United States Federation will send specialized technical personnel to China to teach Chinese craftsmen shipbuilding techniques, from the production of raw materials to the processing of battleships, as well as the training of craftsmen, as well as the crews who control the battleships. Training, this entire system, we will provide full assistance until China can independently produce powerful ironclad ships, and then our personnel will be withdrawn."

"Second, regarding the teaching of train technology, I have been building railways in China until President Li, but I believe that China's railway technology is not yet developed and cannot compare with American technology. After all, China's railway development time is too short, so , the U.S. federal government will also help China with everything from the production of railway raw materials, to the location selection of railways, to the production of rails and trains, plus the training of workers."

"For example, when laying a train road, you may encounter high mountains. At this time, holes must be drilled. I believe that it is difficult to achieve this in China for the time being, but the Federation has achieved it and is preparing to build it from west to east. A major artery. I believe that railway technology is definitely a leap forward for China. Because of the emergence of trains, President Li has strengthened his control over various places and greatly enhanced transportation capacity. This is a major event that is beneficial to all of China. ."

Lincoln spoke neither hastily nor slowly, with a firm tone and strong self-confidence.

At the same time, he also paid attention to the changes in Li Zhen's expression.

Li Zhen looked normal, but Lincoln couldn't see any clues.

He had stated two conditions, but Li Zhen was still unmoved, which made Lincoln feel frustrated.

Lincoln was a perseverant man who would not give up. He paused for a moment and then continued: "Third, it is about education. When I was learning Chinese, a Chinese teacher once said that in ten years a tree will last a hundred years. This is the principle of educating people. It is a century-old event. The United States federal government is willing to help China build schools. It is also willing to send principals from Harvard, Yale and other universities to China to help build schools. It is also willing to reprint some of the books in the library. Then it was handed over to schools established in China.”

"Fourth, is the issue of international students. This time President Lee visited the United States and brought some children. I believe that President Lee wanted to let them see the situation in the United States, so that they can absorb more things and open their eyes. , To this end, the United States welcomes Chinese students to study here. Whether it is Yale University or Harvard University, they are willing to give Chinese students an opportunity from elementary school to university, and are willing to help them study in the United States and become beneficial to China. Talents."

Lincoln said with a smile on his face: "President Li, this is the compensation we have given. It has fully considered the situation in China and was specially created for you. What do you think?"

Li Zhen smiled and was noncommittal.

This expression irritated Lincoln, and he had already given in a lot.

However, Li Zhen was not satisfied yet.

In fact, after Li Zhen listened to Lincoln's four points and thought about it carefully, he found that they were all useless. They said they were useless, but they still had some uses; they said they were of great use, but they were not necessarily of great use.

The first is shipbuilding technology. Although China's shipbuilding technology is not the most advanced, Dai Yuanhua has worked hard for it. Even Dai Yuanhua has invited experts from many countries to impart knowledge. The help from the US federal government is not a timely help, but can only be regarded as the icing on the cake. Secondly, Regarding train technology, China has built railways on a large scale. In the continuous construction, the technology of railways and trains is gradually improving. The train technology equivalent to that of the United States is still the icing on the cake.

As for the third condition, it is Li Zhen's purpose this time.

When I went on a mission to the United States Federation, I came here to seek advice.

Not to mention the benefits of the fourth condition. If China really sends students to study in the United States, the United States will definitely not refuse. After all, this is a matter of promoting exchanges between the two countries.

After all, the benefits provided by Lincoln sound nice, but are not practical enough.

Seeing Li Zhen deep in thought, Siward knew that there was no need to delay, and hurriedly persuaded him: "President Li, the four major conditions we have given are already the greatest help we can give, and they are also the most beneficial to China at present. Apart from these, we can't think of any other conditions." conditions of."

Li Zhen sneered in his heart, the old guy acted well.

Lincoln's conditions were probably figured out by this old guy.

After hearing this, Zuo Zongtang, Liu Jintang and others were already moved. As for Rong Hong, he was even more excited. Lincoln's words had already moved those who followed Li Zhen. They looked at Li Zhen, expecting Li Zhen to nod in agreement, but in the end It did not affect Li Zhen's thinking, so they all waited quietly. After a long time, Li Zhen said: "If you really want me to participate in the North-South War, I can, but in addition to the above conditions, I have three other conditions."

Lincoln waved his hand and said, "Please tell me."

Siward's eyes flashed coldly, and he gritted his teeth and said, "Please."

Li Zhen looked as usual and said: "First, it is the telegraph technology of the United States Federation. The telegraph technology of the United States Federation has been developed twenty years ago. Today, it is very mature and can realize the transmission of messages from various places. Up to now So far, China is still very backward in telegraph technology. Even if I want people to participate, there is no talent, so I ask the U.S. federal government to select professionals, teach them this technology, and establish telegraph points for China. When the time comes, I will also invite experts from other countries to participate and work hard for the development of telegraphy in China, and I will also specially organize students to learn this technology. This is the first condition for your help."

Siward raised his eyebrows and said to himself, Li Zhen is indeed an old fox.

Telegraph is a new technology recently developed by the United States and England. It is a very advanced technology and is very beneficial to the development of the country. I didn't expect that Li Zhen already knew about it. Especially, Li Zhen was a president with a military background, but he was very interested in telegraphs, trains, etc. Such understanding also allowed Siward to see Li Zhen's terror.

This person is really difficult to deal with.

Lincoln was silent for a moment, thinking that if Li Zhen wanted to develop this technology, he could learn it from England, and there was nothing to hide. He nodded and said, "I agree, please tell President Li the second condition."

ps: four updates;

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