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Chapter 1068 The lion opens its mouth

Li Zhen had a faint smile on his face and said unhurriedly: "The second condition is very simple. I am prepared to establish diplomatic relations with the United States Commonwealth and establish an embassy in the United States Commonwealth to promote exchanges between the two parties. Even, for To facilitate the Chinese people in each state and China to respond to the situation, I also plan to establish embassies in each state. This condition is mutual. I also welcome the establishment of a diplomatic embassy by the US federal government in China to promote the development of both countries."


Lincoln agreed directly without thinking.

Siward also nodded in agreement and had no objection to this condition.

After all, this is a mutual thing.

Li Zhen raised three fingers and said seriously: "My third condition is that any Chinese who commit crimes in the United States must be handed over to China for processing by the U.S. federal government, and Chinese people cannot be dealt with without authorization."


Siward's face changed drastically and he flatly refused.

This has a huge impact.

If Chinese people are killing people and setting fires in the United States, but the United States has no right to deal with it, the country will definitely fall into chaos. This is an unequal treaty. Such a treaty is just like the treaty signed between the United States and the Qing Dynasty in the past, and it is also like the treaty between England and the Manchus. The unequal treaty signed by the Qing Dynasty. Even if Siward urgently needed Li Zhen's help, he would not agree to such a thing. Likewise, Congress and the Supreme Court would not agree.

The impact of the treaty was too great for Lincoln and Seward to decide.

The previous four conditions were within Lincoln's rights.

But when it comes to the country's bottom line, the situation is different.

Lincoln slapped his hand on the conference table, became furious, stood up boldly, and said loudly: "President Lee, Mr. Seward and I came here with sincerity and sincerely asked you for help, but you opened your mouth like a lion. , put forward impossible conditions, and blocked it with such harsh and even rude conditions. I think this is an insult to us. Since President Lee is unwilling to help the United States Federation, just pretend that Seward and I have never been here and leave. "

After saying that, Lincoln stood up and started to leave.

Seward felt that Lincoln was too domineering. He was the president of a country.

Facing Li Zhen, you should be strong.

Li Zhen was not in a hurry. He also stood up, stopped Lincoln, and said with a smile: "Mr. President, Mr. Secretary of State, don't be anxious or angry. Everything can be discussed. The conditions I proposed are not suitable. Let's discuss it again." You left in a hurry, why are you still negotiating? This is irresponsible to the United States Federation and the people of the United States Federation."

He quickly waved his hand and said: "Sit down, sit down and say, don't be in a hurry."

Li Zhen was convinced and Lincoln returned to his seat.

After Siward sat down, he looked at Li Zhen with deep fear in his eyes.

This man is cunning, cunning, adaptable and terrifying.

Siward no longer wanted to confront Li Zhen, nor did he want to deal with Li Zhen, because Li Zhen put too much pressure on him, as if it was a towering mountain that could not be climbed.

Li Zhen seemed to have forgotten the unpleasantness just now, and said: "The conditions just mentioned were because of what happened to Hong Yi in San Francisco some time ago, so I made such a condition in my heart. I didn't expect that the reaction of the two of you would be so big. If I had known this, I would not have said this." In fact, Li Zhen did not have high hopes when he proposed this condition, because such a treaty that is humiliating and humiliating the country would never be agreed to, but Li Zhen had to give it a try. .

No matter what, try out the other person's reaction.

If the other party agrees, the benefits will be immense.

However, Li Zhen still failed.

Lincoln had regained his composure, and seemed to have encountered no unpleasant things. He said calmly: "President Li, regarding the matter of Hongmen and Hongyi, it is a difficult matter to deal with. Such a matter It will not happen again. Please rest assured. At the same time, President Li also asks President Li to believe that the laws of the U.S. federal government can definitely protect the safety of the Chinese people living in the federal government."

Li Zhen nodded and said, "I'm relieved, don't worry."

After a pause, Li Zhen continued: "We will slightly adjust the fourth condition. Once Chinese people commit crimes, they will follow American legal procedures and be tried in accordance with American laws. However, once Chinese people are interrogated, there must be someone from the Chinese Embassy. Officials are present to participate. I think there is no problem. Chinese officials are just witnesses and do not interfere with the court's handling. If the crime is true, we will never interfere with the person who deserves to be killed. The purpose of the Chinese officials' presence is just to let people know. People have a fair environment."

These remarks put both Lincoln and Secretary of State Seward in a dilemma.

This condition does not sound difficult.

However, it felt a little wrong to actually place a Chinese embassy official inside.

Li Zhen smiled slightly and said: "If you two are still unsure, I will give you two an hour to discuss and then tell me the result."

Lincoln and Seward did not hesitate and immediately went down to discuss the matter.

Zuo Zongtang looked strange and said with a smile: "President, the last sentence is a bit weird. I don't think it makes much sense. You think, sentencing and so on are matters for the American courts. The officials we sent can only sit there." , with neither the right to impose a sentence nor the opportunity to defend himself, this position is completely useless."

Li Zhen shook his head slightly and said: "One more Chinese official will have a completely different effect. When interrogating Chinese people, having a Chinese official sitting on top will at least give the Chinese people below confidence and not to be afraid. At the same time, , as long as Chinese officials dare to strive for it, many things that cannot be done can also be done. This is a subtle thing that depends on man-made efforts."

Zuo Zongtang nodded slightly and understood.

Li Zhen was not in a hurry and waited slowly. He believed that Lincoln and others would make the best choice.

The United States is in its most difficult period now, so we will definitely agree.

An hour was either long or short. Soon, Lincoln and Seward came to the conference room. After seeing Li Zhen, Lincoln nodded and said with a smile: "President Li, we agree to interrogate. The Chinese people let Chinese officials attend the meeting, but they have no right to intervene in the judgment. Please understand this."

Li Zhen said with a smile: "Yes, I will increase the number of Chinese officials to attend. The purpose is to increase the courage of the Chinese people so that they can speak the truth calmly without being intimidated."

Lincoln breathed a sigh of relief and finally solved a major issue. He said excitedly: "Now that we have reached a consensus, please President Lee and we go to Washington as soon as possible. At the same time, Brigadier Liu and Brigadier Chen's generals will also go together to participate in this event." A battle."

Li Zhen said: "I have already made a decision on the personnel arrangements."

"How to arrange it?" Siward asked.

ps: fifth update;

This chapter has been completed!
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