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Chapter 1072 A Word (9 More)

With doubts, Liu Jintang immediately went to buy pens, inks, paper and inkstones. It didn't take too long. Liu Jintang returned to his residence with a brand new pen, ink, paper and inkstones. Liu Jintang came to Li Zhen's room and reported: "The President , I have already bought the pen, ink, paper and inkstone that you asked me to prepare. Is it possible that you really want to give Scott the four treasures of the study - pen, ink, paper and inkstone? I'm afraid not."

Li Zhen said calmly: "Who said I would give you pen, ink, paper and inkstone."

Liu Jintang was stunned, thinking that you bought pens, inks, paper and inkstones, weren't they just for gifts?

"Grind the ink for me." Li Zhen ordered.

Liu Jintang nodded hurriedly and started to sharpen his ink. Poor Liu Jintang had previously bought pens, inks, paper and inkstones for Li Zhen as an errand boy, and now he was working as a book boy for Li Zhen.

After a lot of effort, Liu Jintang solved the ink problem.

Li Zhen took out a brand new piece of white paper, spread it flat on the desk, picked up a pen and wrote a line of calligraphy, "The old man is in trouble, his ambition is thousands of miles; the martyr is in his old age, his ambition is endless," The sentence is a good sentence, but this line of writing is like a crooked The cracked melons and jujubes were very ugly, just like the calligraphy written by a beginner. Li Zhen shook his head, feeling helpless. He had already learned to write calligraphy, but it was still difficult for him to become an elegant person.

Liu Jintang stared at Li Zhen's words and couldn't help but want to laugh, but he didn't dare to laugh, and his face turned red from holding back.

Li Zhen shouted: "Why are you laughing? You write it."

Liu Jintang shook his head and said: "President, I joined the army when I was twelve years old. When I was at home, I only attended private school for a few days. My calligraphy is more ugly than what you write. In my opinion, you can write it."

Li Zhen snorted and said, "As long as the handwriting is uglier than mine, don't laugh."

Liu Jintang seemed to be smiling but not smiling, feeling extremely uncomfortable.

Li Zhen took a deep breath to calm himself down and rewrote another sentence.

The calligraphy of this painting is slightly better than the previous one, and it is more eye-catching.

Li Zhen was not satisfied, so he temporarily put this painting aside and continued to write. As he wrote, he thought in his heart, it would be great if Zeng Guofan or Zuo Zongtang were here. With Zeng Guofan or Zuo Zongtang taking action, Things would be much easier, but unfortunately, the people in the army are all weak-legged and their handwriting is uglier than him, so they can only rely on themselves.

Li Zhen continued to write word by word, and wrote dozens of characters. He selected them one by one. After looking over them, it was difficult to find the most suitable one. Finally, Li Zhen chose a cursive script.

Liu Jintang frowned and said, "President, this calligraphy is not the best."

Li Zhen blew the ink dry, rolled his eyes at Liu Jintang, and said: "You know what the hell, this calligraphy is cursive, elegant and casual, and difficult to recognize. The harder it is written like this, the more difficult it will be for people to recognize it, the more it can be concealed." When someone asks you for help with calligraphy, just follow my method. The more elegant your writing, the less recognizable it will be, and the less likely it will be recognized by others. The more I think it is a good word."

Liu Jintang gave a thumbs up, suddenly realized, and said, "I'm convinced."

Li Zhen smiled, with a look of satisfaction on his face.

He took out the quill and ink that he had prepared, dipped the quill in the ink, and wrote on the white paper in English the translation of "The old man is ambitious, and the martyr is ambitious in his old age". , the two calligraphy forms a sharp contrast. Compared with Li Zhen's calligraphy, this line of English is first-rate.

After finishing writing, Li Zhen began to sign and stamped the seal belonging to Li Zhen. Li Zhen put it away with satisfaction, tied the rope, took a deep breath, and said with a smile: "Our gift is this piece of writing. Let's go." Visit Scott."


Liu Jintang exclaimed and said: "President, I will give you this piece of writing, are you sure?"

Li Zhen nodded and said: "Let's go, I have my own plan."

Unable to interfere with Li Zhen's decision, Liu Jintang turned around and left. The two of them left the residence together and walked towards Scott's residence. Scott's residence was not far from the White House. Twenty minutes later, Li Zhen and Zuo Zongtang took the car. Arriving outside the building where Scott lived, Scott lived on the second floor. Li Zhen and Liu Jintang came to the door and knocked on the door.

Soon, the door opened.

A middle-aged woman in her early forties called the door. She stared at Li Zhen and Liu Jintang, wiped her hands on her apron, and asked with a wary look on her face: "Who are you looking for?"

Li Zhen said: "Please tell Mr. Scott that Li Zhen is visiting."


After the door was closed, the woman turned around and returned to the house to report.

Less than two minutes later, the door opened again.

Scott came out to greet him personally, waved and said: "President Lee, please."

Li Zhen and Liu Jintang entered the living room one after another. Li Zhen took out the words tied with a string, handed it to Scott, and said with a smile: "Mr. Scott, this is my first time visiting, and I don't have much money on me. I don’t know your preferences, so I can only send you a small gift as a souvenir. This is what I wrote. I hope you like it.”

After Scott took it, he thanked him profusely.

He untied the rope and saw a set of calligraphy and English words below.

Scott didn't understand the calligraphy of dragons and phoenixes at all. He only thought it was a pair of unrecognizable characters outlined on it by dark ink. However, Scott knew the English below, and it was The English words in his hand were so beautiful that Scott couldn't help but nod in praise. After reading the signature, he understood that this was a gift from Li Zhen, and a smile appeared on his face.

The meaning in this painting is undoubtedly about him.

In his old age, the martyr is full of ambition.

This is exactly his state of mind at this moment. Although he is old, his ambition has not been annihilated.

This word spoke to Scott's heart.

Scott smiled and said gratefully: "President Lee, this is the most precious gift I have ever received, thank you." He carefully put it away, then put the picture away, returned to his seat, and said Kurt asked: "I greatly admire President Lee's talent. I very much agree with the plan you formulated. In fact, the military and economic control you proposed are more appropriate than my plan."

Li Zhenxiao said: "Mr. Scott, thank you very much. You have experienced hundreds of battles and have been in the army for nearly fifty years. With such a long service time, I am afraid that only someone like you who is willing to serve the country can dedicate his life to the country." .”

When Scott heard Li Zhen's words, he felt even more happy.

Scott would not necessarily be happy if someone else was photographing his horse, but Li Zhen's words of praise happened to be the thing that Scott was most proud of, and it touched Scott's heart.

Therefore, Scott has a very good impression of Li Zhen.

Scott changed the topic and said with a smile: "President Lee, when we were discussing things in the White House today, you once said that the north occupies the right time, location, and people. I have also heard some people in China mention these six words. , I also understand some of its meanings, but specifically regarding the battle between the North and the South, how did the North occupy the right time, location, and people."

ps: Ninth update, call it a day;

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