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Chapter 3 Starship Attack (Part 2)

The defenses of large starships are very strong, but no matter how powerful a starship is, it will not only defend one person. Various automatic weapons are only aimed at foreign starry sky weapons and attack aircraft, and will not target an unarmed person. Therefore, The starship was now in such an embarrassment that they had to mobilize a large number of manpower, cancel automatic shooting, and use manual shooting to prevent Qi Wuzhen from approaching the starship.

Because large starships are too huge, there is no effective attack method for a small person like Qi Wuzhen. It is like an elephant dealing with a flying bee. It is difficult to even see, let alone Went to fight.

Qi Wuzhen stood on the surface of the starship. The corners of her mouth were slightly raised. She squatted down and slapped the starship's hull. Countless runes poured into the starship and instantly transformed into A raging fire. She then stood up and ejected into space, turning into a rune of light. In the blink of an eye, she came to another medium-sized starship. Within a few minutes, four starships ignited fire, and the flames were simply It could not be extinguished and spread rapidly inside the starship, and the entire starship group was suddenly in chaos.

Li Ran was even more crazy. Qi Wuzhen burned four starships very easily, while Li Ran smashed the starships with all his strength. He directly used the sacrificial treasure to smash the starships to pieces, even large starships. He and Qi Wuzhen each eliminated a large starship. The violent attacks frightened countless attack aircraft and starry sky weapons around them, and no one dared to attack.

Kumu and Monier rarely deal with starships. They specialize in dealing with armed warriors that are as dense as a swarm and various attack aircraft. As the two go back and forth, groups of warriors turn into floating zombies in space, and attack aircraft become They picked up piles of floating space junk. Of course, when passing by the starship, the two of them didn't mind slashing or hitting the rune palm. Kumu's combat experience was extremely rich, and he and Moniere didn't stop for a moment. They were wandering in space like two ghosts. When they encountered their armed soldiers and attack aircraft, all of them were killed without exception. No one could escape.

Guo Twelve was targeting the mothership-class starship, the 10,000-meter-long heavy-duty starship. The combat effectiveness of the seven men was astonishing. In just a few minutes, the starships were continuously captured. The mothership-class heavy-duty starship The starship was already in chaos. Everything that happened outside was transmitted through internal communications, plus various images and data. Only then did the commander in the starship understand that their fleet was going to be doomed, and the enemy only had seven people. Seven incredibly powerful people.

The fact that there are seven human beings who can travel freely in space has shocked everyone in the fleet. They have no idea that there are such powerful human beings in this world. They have never even heard of such a human being. Only those who have reached the level of a starship commander will hear about it. However, at this time, the commander of the heavy starship already wanted to retreat. Just kidding, in just a few minutes, the two large starships lost contact. Six medium-sized starships were severely damaged, and countless armed warriors and thousands of attack aircraft were killed. This loss was so great that the commander was completely unable to accept it.

The commander of the starship was very decisive. He found that the situation was completely out of control and immediately ordered a retreat. But what he didn't expect was that the seven people's attack was too sharp. Before the heavy starship could turn around, Guo Twelve and Sexilin We have already arrived above the starship.

Sexilin chopped down a metal fortress that was shooting wildly with one knife, and asked: "Twelve, how to fight?"

Guo Twelve used the moon blade to directly attack the surface of the starship and cut it down with one strike. He was surprised and said: "Not bad, it can't be cut through with one strike! Come again!" Countless warriors wearing starry sky weapons launched suicidal attacks. They came slightly closer, He began to self-destruct, but unfortunately it had no effect on Guo Twelve. Since he could walk in the void, his defense had reached an abnormal level.

There was a loud earthquake. Although no sound could be heard in space, people in the starship could hear the sound of the ship's hull shattering. Another sword slashed down, and the armor layer, which was seven or eight meters thick, was completely shattered. The sword's light was directly It was submerged into the hull of the ship. However, the size of this heavy starship was too large, and this knife could not damage the muscles and bones. After several consecutive blows, Guo Twelve gave up. He flew forward with Sexilin and pounced directly. To the starship command module.

The commander of the starship and the captain of the heavy starship could clearly see the scene outside through the portholes. The extremely tragic battle scene made the officers in the command module have cold sweat on their faces. They could only watch helplessly. I watched starships explode and burst into flames one after another, I watched starships being split open with weird weapons, and I even saw someone cut a starship into two pieces with a single knife. The level of cruelty was really shocking.

The commander kept issuing instructions, and at the same time ordered the following third wave of fleets to retreat immediately. He already understood that those few people were definitely not something that their fleet could defeat. No matter how many they came, they would be in vain unless someone could entangle them. Only then could there be hope of victory. As soon as the order was issued, an officer pointed out the window in horror and said, "That is... who is that?"

Two people appeared outside the porthole, a man and a woman. They suddenly appeared in the space outside the porthole, looking at them with extremely cold eyes.

There were countless mysterious runes surrounding the two people, and there were two purple chains connecting them together. They looked extremely strange. I saw the man baring his teeth in a smile, and a golden-red brilliance flashed through the portholes of the entire command cabin. It exploded immediately, and a ray of light penetrated straight into it. In an instant, the command cabin was littered with casualties.

Guo Twelve didn't know that there was the commander-in-chief of the fleet here, so he slashed down with his sword, and then slashed horizontally, blowing up the command cabin in an instant.

The deaths of the commander and captain completely paralyzed the heavy starship. Alarms inside the starship rang wildly, and countless crew members began to abandon the ship and flee.

In less than ten minutes, a fleet of sixteen starships was completely paralyzed. No starship could escape, because Wang Dayang was still going crazy, and he was attacking all living or moving people and starships. Attack, and all of them were treasure-laden attacks, attacking with all their strength. Those transport ships, communication ships and the like behind the fleet were all in bad luck. In a moment, they were turned into piles of space junk.

The seven people gathered together again. Li Ran still held three purple chains in his hand, locking three people wearing starry sky weapons. Guo Twelve patted his forehead lightly and said: "I forgot to kill... By the way, where is Wang Dayang?" Go? I just saw him being hit, I wonder if there is any danger..."

Wang Dayang also came over at this time, and his image was a bit miserable. The long-range attack power of the starship should not be underestimated. It was a weapon that could attack planets. Even if they were top-level spell professionals, they would still suffer a big loss.

What is more unfortunate for Wang Dayang is that his altar was damaged. Unlike the world of spells, suitable materials could not be found to repair it at the moment. The massive loss of soul power caused Wang Dayang to be seriously damaged, and his soul seemed very disordered.

Guo Twelve said: "You eat this Talisman Pill first. This is the soul-nourishing wood. I have already sacrificed it. You can wear it first."

Wang Dayang nodded and said: "I was unlucky and was hit. I didn't expect the starship's attack to be so powerful. I was careless."

Kumu and Monier came back together, and the two of them also captured a few warriors wearing starry sky weapons.

Qi Wuzhen said: "These people probably know very little. It's best to catch their bosses."

Guo Twelve smiled and said: "It's very simple. Go directly to the largest starship. There must be many people there, just want to escape... They have no place to escape!"

Sexilin asked: "Isn't there another wave of fleets coming?"

Guo Twelve said: "Don't worry, that fleet has retreated. Let's ask clearly why they attacked us. This fight is really inexplicable. There must be some reason for such a crazy attack."

Li Ran nodded and said: "Yeah, I'm surprised too. They actually used a small fleet to attack us. There must be something wrong here. Let's go to that heavy starship. Who attacked that starship just now? "

Guo Twelve said with a smile: "It's Sexilin and I. Haha, I destroyed their command module with two swords, so the starship was completely paralyzed."

Li Ran gave a bitter smile and said, "You may have killed their top commander. If you can capture the people in the command module, you will probably understand everything. Let's go and see if there are any fish that slipped through the net."

Guo Twelve curled his lips. Who would have thought so much about a battle of this level? It was just right to fight anyway.

Sexilin burst into laughter. She was very happy. Following Guo Twelve and killing all the way, she regained a lot of confidence. Because she had been following this group of powerful professionals, her self-confidence suffered a heavy blow. Her teammates It was too powerful, which doubled her pressure. Until she came out of the passage this time, she quickly advanced and her strength was greatly improved. Although she was not as good as Guo Twelve and the others, she could still fight in the void.

Li Ran led everyone to fly to the heavy starship. Since this starship is a mothership class and a very large starship, it is not easy to destroy. Of course, if Qi Wuzhen sets fire to it, it will not take long. Burn it. The starship is now in pretty good condition, except that there is a big crack in the back of the hull, and the command module of the starship was destroyed. The other parts are basically intact, so Li Ran brought everyone over and went directly from The access channel for attack aircraft goes inside.

Entering along the passage, they saw many crashed attack aircraft and many floating corpses along the way. Soon they came to a gate. Li Ran casually slapped his hand, and the rune palm flew out, slamming open the gate.

It was a metal gate as thick as one and a half feet, which could not block Li Ran's palm. Those prisoners who did not have time to escape almost flew out of their eyes when they saw the starry sky weapons. This was so fucking scary. Originally, they had He had planned to resist stubbornly, but was completely frightened awake by Li Ran's slap.

Through the detection of soul fluctuations, Li Ran skillfully shuttled through the starship. After a while, they came to a cabin. This was a huge warehouse with a large number of attack aircraft and many starry sky weapons. Set up on the ground.

Li Ran dragged a prisoner over and asked calmly: "Are you going to take off your weapons yourself, or will you let me take them off?"

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