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Chapter 295 Tariff Power

Wu Liande was appointed Minister of Health purely because of his ability, and everyone was convinced. Now the most important positions are only provincial governors. They are also governors of a province and have great power. I just don't know how Qiao Yu will arrange it.

Qiao Yu did not keep everyone waiting and continued: "The following is the appointment of the chief executives of the three provinces. Sichuan is a major economic province in the southwest and the locomotive of the development of the southwest. It must be people who are familiar with economic work. It has made great achievements since the beginning.

His appointment as governor of Sichuan will definitely help Sichuan's economy develop better; Guizhou's current economy is relatively backward and its ethnic composition is complex. It is not easy to develop the economy and improve people's livelihood. Liu Jincai is the governor of Guizhou. He is flexible and flexible.

With rich administrative experience, he is the perfect choice.”

Everyone originally thought that Shi Dingzhong would definitely serve as the governor of Sichuan, but now when they heard that Zhou Jun had come to power, they knew that the Shi family and his son were under restrictions, but this was as it should be. No leader could joke about his position, and Zhou Jun was

He has done really well in the past few years, and it is normal for him to rise to the top, but Liu Jincai is more unexpected. At first, he was unknown, but now he can suddenly appear. I am afraid that this person must have worked hard to achieve this result. Now

Only the governor of Yunnan Province has not yet been appointed. Everyone is attentive, especially a figure like Ren Kecheng, who is sure to challenge the position of governor, is extremely focused.

"Among the three provinces of Yunnan, Guizhou, and Sichuan, Yunnan is the most complicated. Sichuan is already on the right track, and Guizhou is in the interior, so everything is going smoothly. Only Yunnan has a long border and countless places inside.

The powerful people, the people's livelihood is difficult, and drugs are rampant. It is a complete mess. It must be dealt with by capable personnel. They must not only be proficient in civil affairs, but also understand military affairs, and they must also be able to deal with ethnic issues. After thinking about it, I feel that only Luo Changchun,

Mr. Luo is suitable for the position of provincial governor. Mr. Luo has been in Sichuan for many years. He has maintained stability in Sichuan and managed the chaotic ethnic issues in an orderly manner. His hard work has made great achievements. Now I have to trouble you to work harder!"

"Don't worry, Mr. Luo. Luo will do his best to completely stabilize Yunnan. Anyone who wants to be the local emperor will be mercilessly attacked!" Luo Changchun said these words with murderous intent, not at all like Sichuan.

He was gentle at the time, but Qiao Yu appreciated it very much, "Governor Luo is right. Not only do we want to eliminate the Tu emperor, but even the British and French powers who want to take advantage will fight back to me. No inch of land can be lost in my hands!"

Qiao Yu directly put all the great powers within the scope of attack, which made everyone feel frightened. This patrol envoy had not only unified the southwest but also the north. How could even the great powers dare to provoke him? However, there are people who understand.

That is Jiang Baili, Wang Lingji and others. They know how far the war in Europe has gone. It can be said with certainty that even if Britain and France win, they will be completely disabled. By then, Britain and France will be worried about China challenging their colonies, and

It's not the other way around.

Qiao Yu handed over the governor of Yunnan to Luo Changchun. The most disappointed person was Ren Kecheng. The position he had originally hoped to win was just gone. However, if he wanted to object, there was no chance. During this time, Qiao Yu had been transferred to Yunnan 50,000 people.

With the army, everything is under Qiao Yu's control. What can Ren Kecheng do without soldiers or generals? What he regrets most now is that he directly welcomed Qiao Yu into Kunming.

Qiao Yu didn't care about these people and continued: "The chief of the Sichuan Special Zone will be Yu Peilun, the chief of the Yongzhou Military Region will be Yao Shiquan, and the other specific personnel appointments will be announced next!"

The newly appointed officials all got busy and took charge of their own business. Qiao Yu left Luo Changchun and Yu Peilun alone.

"Brother Yunji, Mr. Luo, the southwest is located on the border, but to be honest, the border is undefended. The situation is very bad. The territory has been swallowed up by the British. I asked you two to manage Yunnan and Sichuan to reverse this situation.

We cannot lose the family property left by our ancestors, I will not do this as an unworthy descendant!"

"Jin Zuo, we don't want to be weaklings. In the past, the Qing government was weak, but now that the power in the southwest is booming, we people have straightened our backs and will definitely not be afraid of the British!"

After listening to Luo Changchun's words, Qiao Yu nodded: "That's right. Britain and France are already unmatched phoenixes. This war has wiped out all their wealth. Fushan and Alder have come to me several times.

Got it!" Qiao Yu said with a proud smile on his lips.

Since the beginning of the First World War, Britain and France have been constantly trying to rip off Qiao Yu. Of course, Qiao Yu was not polite. The lion opened his mouth. Britain and France first sold technology and machinery, and then canceled the Boxer Indemnity.

Various industries were also sold, financial privileges were granted, and then various privileges were gradually cancelled. Now Britain and France only have two things left to sell, one is tariff power and the other is leased land. Britain and France also know that if they give up both of them

, then Southwest will truly become independent and no longer under their control.

However, the cruel war made Britain and France unable to hold on any longer. The Battle of Ridland almost crippled the British home fleet. On the way back to Jericho, two more injured battleships were sunk by German submarines.

This is also due to the serious losses of the British destroyers and the leakage of the jingle ring, which allowed Germany to take advantage of it.

However, this brings the number of British battleships lost to ten, and five warships were seriously damaged. These are the treasures that support the hegemony of the British Empire. Now that they are all damaged, how can the British not be frightened? If the war is defeated, survival

It’s all a problem. How can the forces in the Far East take care of it?

France is even worse. The meat grinders of Verdun have hanged 600,000 French people so far. France is about to bleed dry. At this time, France has forgotten everything. As long as China

They were willing to sell anything if they could send enough troops to help the Allies win.

Although Luo Changchun and Yu Peilun were not very clear about Qiao Yu's various transactions with the Allied Powers, they were also aware of the tariff issue that Qiao Yu had mentioned at Sichuan University. At this time, Fushan and others wanted to find Qiao Yu again, and they were afraid that they would have to deal with tariffs.


"Jun, can Britain and France really hand over their tariff powers?" Yu Peilun looked very excited.

Qiao Yu nodded slightly: "I think it's almost done. Britain and France have nothing to sell now. Can they still sell their colonies? You two can do it with confidence and boldness. There is no need to be afraid of Britain and France. They are just paper tigers now!


In the previous episode, Qiao Yu, Fu Shan and Alder had already discussed the issue of tariffs. Britain and France had relented, but they had not finalized it. In fact, it was just that Britain and France were unwilling to give in. However, the reality was far more cruel than they imagined. It was time to compromise.


Luo Changchun and Yu Peilun both had gratified smiles on their faces, "Jin Zuo, do you think we can make some plans to abolish slavery? After all, only by abolishing slavery can we gain the loyalty of the people in Tibetan areas!"

"Brother Yunji, the abolition of slavery is inevitable, but this time it is not just Xi Zang, but also Yunnan and Guizhou. I will abolish all the chieftains. The government must directly control every inch of the land. It must not be allowed to

These local emperors will continue to exist, but this kind of thing involves too many aspects. Your task now is to carefully find out the local situation for me, and to formulate various plans, such as the possible rebellion of the chieftains, and the escape of these upper-class nobles.

How should we respond to colonies such as India and Myanmar, and how can we make people of all ethnic groups get rich quickly? These must be studied carefully, and the two gentlemen must come up with a plan quickly!"

After Qiao Yu explained clearly, the officialdom in the southwest has been extremely busy these days. The newly established Council of Ministers needs manpower, and the Joint Parliament needs to elect members. Military affairs are even more troublesome, requiring a major change of blood. Qiao Yu will handle all these aspects personally, and Jiang Baili will

side assistance.

From now on, there will be no distinction between the Sichuan Army, the Yunnan Army, and the Guizhou Army. There will only be the Southwest Army. The management of the army must be formalized, and the capabilities of officers at all levels must be improved. The emergence of new warlords must also be prevented. Only the Southwest Army must be

There can be one warlord, and that is Qiao Yu. It cannot be like other factions, where there are warlords of all sizes.

In order to achieve this goal, Qiao Yu first unified logistics and recruitment of new soldiers. The military salaries of all soldiers in the Southwest are directly paid into special bank accounts without going through the hands of chief officers at all levels. The same is true for weapons and military supplies, which are all handled by the logistics department.

, the recruitment and training of new recruits must also be completed by specialized recruit training institutions.

In the past, senior officials at all levels of the Chinese Army had too much power. For example, in Beiyang, Yuan Shikai could openly ask the troops to eat Yuan Gongbao's food and take Yuan Gongbao's money. The Manchu Qing Dynasty spent a lot of money to fulfill Yuan Shikai's wish.

Qiao Yu seems to be the most intolerant. How can other people's crops grow in his own land? The purpose of this reform is to cut off the channels for senior officers to control and win over their subordinates. From now on, senior officers will only be responsible for commanding the war, and the rest will

You can't participate in anything.

In addition, in order to improve the combat effectiveness of the army, Qiao Yu decided to conduct batch training for officers at all levels. This is also to prepare for the war in Europe. The Chinese ** team must not just be cannon fodder, they must show their performance in front of the whole world.

Only in this way will China be able to reap benefits more confidently after the war.

While Qiao Yu was busy, a delegation from the Allied Powers sent a telegram requesting to see Qiao Yu.

"Jun Si, the Allied Powers have sent important figures here this time. It seems that the tariff issue is about to be discussed. The tight spell on our heads is finally going to be removed!" After Jiang Baili saw this telegram, he was filled with emotion. This time

Leading the team are Briand, the French deputy minister of foreign affairs and special representative of Prime Minister Clemenceau, and the British representative is Minister Jourdian. These people are rushing to Chong Qing.

"It seems that Britain and France can't bear it anymore. Only by getting back the tariff power can the economy develop. I am determined to win!" Brian's face became increasingly ugly as there were ports and industrial zones.

"Mr. Zhu Erdian, I didn't expect that there would be such a developed industrial zone in backward China. Our war has brought them good news. Now we have to come to beg them. It's really ridiculous!"

This chapter has been completed!
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