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Chapter 296: End of Privilege

Although Zhu Erdian is far away from Europe, he also knows what this war has brought to Europe, and even more clearly what it has brought to China. This ancient country is catching up with the world's trends little by little, although Beiyang is still as cowardly as the Manchus.

, but the newly rising Southwest has attracted great attention from Zhu Erdian. This faction is younger, more visionary, and bolder than Beiyang. It dares to say no to the great powers. Both Britain and Japan have suffered at the hands of the Sichuan faction.


And now Europe has to rely on the power of the Sichuan clique in the life-and-death battle, which makes this diplomat who is used to being the emperor look very awkward, "Mr. Minister, is the situation in Europe really unbearable? If the tariffs in the southwest are cancelled, it will be very difficult to survive."

It may lead to the collapse of our order in the Far East. You have to know that if China rises, regions including India and Southeast Asia will be unstable!"

Brian shrugged: "Mr. Minister, I also want to make a decision, but we have no other choice. Either lose the war or compromise. In fact, we are also praying to the United States. The United States is the real force capable of changing the war situation.

, but laborers from China are equally important, the number has exceeded half a million, which is simply an astronomical number!"

Zhu Erdian also had nothing to do when faced with such figures. At this time, China already had the ability to change the situation of the war. Facing such a China, the Allies had to bow their heads. Fortunately, the Beiyang government had not discovered such a secret yet.

In order to deal with veteran diplomats such as Britain and France, Qiao Yu also hired many helpers, the most important of which was Gu Weijun, the son-in-law of former Prime Minister Tang Shaoyi. This famous diplomat in the history of the Republic of China was just a young man at this time. Originally, Gu Weijun

He was planning to go to the United States to serve as minister, but Qiao Yu knew that he was a talented person. Southwest had to deal with foreign countries frequently, but there was no suitable diplomat, so he wrote a letter to Tang Shaoyi, preparing to ask for his precious son-in-law.

However, Gu Weijun was reluctant at first. After all, Qiao Yu was just a local leader, and most of his dealings with Britain and France were about economic issues, which did not reflect the true value of a diplomat. However, as the overall situation of China's participation in the war was determined, Southwest began to regain sovereignty.

, Gu Weijun was moved and finally came to play for Southwest.

"Shaochuan, I'm looking forward to seeing you!"

"Thank you Jun for your love. Wei Jun is too late due to his busy schedule."

"Well, it's great if you can come. This is the condition for my preparation to negotiate with Britain and France this time. This is our bottom line. Take a look first!"

Gu Weijun hurriedly took the document and was shocked at first glance. The ruler of the southwest, who was younger than himself, had an astonishing appetite. There were five conditions for sending troops to participate in the European War. The first one was full handover.

Tariff power allows the Southwest to determine tariffs.

This article alone makes me feel relieved. Without the protection of tariffs, there will be no healthy development of industry. This is a power that should have been taken back long ago. The second article is that the Allied Powers will fully transfer all assets in the southwest and pay for the goods; the third article

It was the Allied Powers that provided 50 tons of gold to repay the arrears and serve as the starting capital for China to send troops.

Gu Weijun's eyes widened when he saw this. This was like a lion opening its mouth. Fifty tons of gold were revealed in one fell swoop. This was something that he had never dared to think of before.

"Jun Zuo, is this asking for too much? Can the Allies agree to it?"

"Shaochuan, this money seems to be a lot, but it is already a very small amount compared to the United States. Moreover, the southwest will carry out financial reforms and unify the currency. It cannot be achieved without real gold and silver reserves. It will definitely be obtained. Britain and France will definitely


If you don't rip off money at this time, then how can you rip it off? To be honest, what Qiao Yu got is much worse than that in the United States. Even Japan got several times the benefits of Qiao Yu. In comparison, the help from China is xing

The one with the highest price/performance ratio, so Qiao Yu was confident that Ying and France would agree.

Gu Weijun had no choice but to nod, and then read down. The fourth item was about technology transfer, requiring Britain and France to transfer 260 military technologies, including 142 items for the navy; the fifth item was asking Britain and France to guarantee the southwest border.

To ensure safety, we will no longer harass border residents.

Further down are the more detailed rules, which made Gu Weijun sigh with emotion: "Jun, I would like to ask, since you are sure to take back these powers from the great powers, why don't you simply abolish all the privileges of the great powers across the country?

Although the southwest has regained the power of customs duties, the people in other regions still have to endure the deprivation by the foreign powers!"

"Shaochuan, some things cannot be rushed, and the bottom line of the great powers must also be considered. I will seek a breakthrough first. After the war is over, once Germany is defeated, we can take advantage of the situation to take back all our privileges!"

Although Qiao Yu said this, he had more selfish plans in his heart. In fact, this still revolves around the overall situation of industrialization. Any country that wants to industrialize needs sufficient funds. There are only two solutions.

One is to plunder others, and the other is to tighten one's belt and plunder oneself. Most rising countries choose the latter. This is the so-called analgesia of industrialization.

China is such a huge country. Under the current situation, it can only realize industrialization in the southwest first, and then export to the outside world. The southwest has independent tariffs, while other regions cannot have independent tariffs. This difference can automatically attract funds from all over China to enter.

Southwest, providing funds for industrialization and alleviating pain relief, so from the current point of view, abolition of privileges across the country will not be beneficial to Qiao Yu.

It's just that Qiao Yu would not tell anyone about this plan. Although Gu Weijun was very smart, he couldn't see this, so he accepted Qiao Yu's opinion, opened a breakthrough first, and then dealt with it comprehensively. qing, Qiao

Yu ceremoniously brought this big man into the handsome man's house. Brian was not as domineering as the white people in the past, and looked very humble and kind. However, this was also a person under a low eaves, and he had to bow his head. In his heart, he still

There is a sense of superiority unique to white people.

After a short break, the two sides started formal negotiations. Briand spoke first: "I traveled thousands of miles to ancient China and saw a booming Sichuan. I am very pleased. Sichuan's industrial development is in line with Europe's

are closely connected. A considerable part of the food, clothing and weapons used by the soldiers of the Allied Powers were purchased from Sichuan. We are very close friends. I have also seen China’s sincerity in safeguarding world peace and justice, so I

I sincerely hope that China can send troops to fight in Europe!"

"Mr. Special Envoy, we have already dispatched 30,000 soldiers, and nearly half a million workers. I am afraid that this kind of support has exceeded that of your ally Japan!"

Qiao Yu mentioned Japan at this time, which immediately made Brian angry. Japan also provided a large amount of military supplies to the Allied Powers. Originally, Japan was just like the United States, asking for money from death, but he noticed Qiao Yu.

After seeing the various forms of trade between the Yuhe Entente and the Entente, Japan's eyes were immediately opened.

They do not need to get back their privileges, but it is still very good to exchange some military technology, train skilled workers, and exchange for machinery and equipment. Therefore, Japan also strives to obtain these. Britain and France had no choice but to agree to trade some technologies, and also agreed to Japan to send workers to Europe.

However, these Japanese people are pushing their limits. Not long ago, they even proposed opening up the colonies in Southeast Asia. Japan's ambitions greatly stimulated Britain and France. At this time, Britain and France had a very bad view of Japan. It was just out of favor that it was difficult to say.


"Mr. Patrol Envoy, China, especially the Southwest, has indeed provided tremendous support to the Allied Powers. We are deeply grateful!"

"Now that the Allies have expressed their gratitude to China, do you think it is appropriate for Britain and France to still have huge privileges in China, control China's economic lifeline, and ride on the Chinese people's heads to dominate?"

Gu Weijun fully demonstrated the agility of a diplomat and immediately seized the opportunity. Brian was immediately passive. Now that he was asking for help, he couldn't say that while I continued to bully you, you were dedicating resources to me with shameless words.


"This situation is a historical issue. I am here to correct certain biases. I think we can get the results we want through negotiation!"

"I am very pleased that Mr. Special Envoy can say this. Just a few months ago, Mr. Fushan and Mr. Alder said that as long as China can send troops to Europe, they can exchange tariff powers. Now that China's troops have been sent to Europe, we

It seems it’s time for the Allied Powers to fulfill their promise!”

"Your Majesty the Patrol Envoy, if the tariff power involves other powers, we still need to consider it in the long term. Moreover, you only sent 30,000 soldiers, which is really too few!"

"Then how many people do you think Mr. Special Envoy needs to send to get back the tariff power?"

Qiao Yu will not pay attention to Brian's nonsense. It is true that tariffs involve the United States and Japan, but they have no way to stop them in the face of the general trend. Qiao Yu has also communicated with the United States many times and promised to expand the scope of economic cooperation. The United States has in principle

The government agreed to the plan to transfer tariff power to Southwest China, but Japan was not at all among Qiao Yu's considerations.

Brian continued: "Your Excellency, Inspector, tariffs are not a simple issue. With all due respect, your country does not have the talent in this field. Returning tariffs to you rashly will also cause chaos. This matter should be compared with sending troops."

Separate, as long as your country can help the Allies win this war, we will do our best to help your country manage its customs!"

"Mr. Special Envoy, it is impossible to separate war participation and tariffs. Only by returning the tariff power can our people see your sincerity and send troops to Europe based on international morality. If you cannot agree, not only will we not send troops

The army will take further measures!" Gu Weijun spoke again at this time. He had already discussed it with Qiao Yu. One of them would be a good person and the other a bad person. In short, Brian must be forced to relent on the tariff issue. Absolutely

He is not allowed to evade with a bad check!dd

This chapter has been completed!
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