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Chapter 600 Great March

There has never been a country in the world like Russia. Ever since it became powerful, it has been a nightmare for neighboring countries. Starting from Tsar Peter, Russian rulers of all generations have regarded obtaining access to the sea as their most important mission. For this reason, the Russians fought with Sweden in the north.

He went to war, seized the outlet of the Baltic Sea, and built Petrograd as the capital.

The Russians went to war with the Ottoman Empire in the south, robbed the Crimean Peninsula, and obtained the Black Sea outlet. However, the location of these two outlets was not good at this time. To enter the ocean from the Baltic Sea, you need to bypass the Jutland Peninsula.

Entering the North Sea, the route from the North Sea to the Atlantic Ocean has always been closely watched by the British.

As for the Black Sea, it is also an inland sea. If you want to enter the ocean, you must first pass through the Turkish Strait, and then enter the Mediterranean Sea. The Mediterranean Sea is not an ocean. You have to pass through the Strait of Gibraltar, and there are many passes in front of you.

The Russians also tried to seize the Turkish Strait and move themselves from the washbasin of the Black Sea into the bathtub of the Mediterranean Sea. However, the Crimean War broke out immediately. This war undoubtedly told the Russians that the European powers would not allow Russia to occupy it.

Turkey, Tsarist Russia will never want to embrace the ocean.

The Crimean War was an insurmountable red line drawn by the European powers for Tsarist Russia. At this time, the Russians found another direction, which was to seize the sea port from the weak Qing Dynasty. There were no powerful countries in the Far East, and they had

Numerous excellent ice-free ports.

The greedy Russians began to force China to cede land one after another. The Russians first occupied Heisenwei and built it into the largest fulcrum in the Far East. However, Heisenwei still freezes in winter, so that's not it.

The port was not frozen, so the Russians set their sights on Port Arthur again.

By building the Trans-Siberian Railway and the Eastern Railway, the Russians tried to use the railway to control the Far East in their own hands and realize the legacy of Tsar Peter. However, it was also unlucky for the Russians. Just when they were about to complete the work, the Japanese launched the Russo-Japanese War, which made the Russians

Russia's dream of occupying the Far East collapsed.

A brief review of history will reveal that although Russia has access to the sea in three directions, none of them are ideal. The Russians need a strategic support point that truly allows them to embrace the ocean. This is a national policy that Russia will never change.

No matter whether this country turns red or another color, as long as Russia still has the heart of a great nation, this will never change.

Qiao Yu is very clear about Russia's mentality. Now that China has recaptured the outer Northeast, Qiao Yu is also preparing to completely take the Far East into his hands and cut off Russia's path to the Pacific. This is a goal that Qiao Yu has always wanted to achieve.

However, Qiao Yu was not willing to fight with the Soviet Union, so he proposed Greece and Turkey as exchange conditions. China would help the Soviet Union get out of the Turkish Strait and move towards the Mediterranean.

In fact, Qiao Yu has a deeper motive for doing this, which is to promote the Soviet Union and the United States and Britain to move toward all-out confrontation after the war and prevent China from becoming the main target of the West. Just like supporting Germany, supporting the Soviet Union now is to gain valuable development time for China.


From the establishment of the industrial system to its development and maturity, it takes a long-term process, and even requires the efforts of several generations. The same goes for the quality of the people. This is a long-term project. Although China can become an industrial power, its foundation is still poor.

There are many concerns, and it is very reluctant to confront the West led by the United States.

In fact, what the Chinese leadership is most worried about is that the Western world will jointly blockade China under the banner of white people. By then, the United States, the Soviet Union and other countries may unite. This is by no means impossible. What the United States needs is

An enemy, whether it is the red Soviet Union or yellow China, is actually okay. Whoever poses a greater threat is the number one enemy.

At this time, Qiao Yu packaged Greece and Turkey and sent them to Stalin. The Soviet Union's post-war power would penetrate deep into the Mediterranean and reach the Middle East, especially the small country of Greece, which is known as the source of Western civilization and has great influence on the Western world.

important impact.

It is also regarded by Westerners as the source of corruption. If this place is dyed red, it will definitely be intolerable to the United States, Britain and other countries. After reaching this point, the only option is the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union. As long as the United States and the Soviet Union continue to confront each other

, China will once again gain a valuable period of development opportunities, and Qiao Yu can also calmly complete the most important political reform, allowing China to achieve a smooth transition of power.

After fifty years of painstaking development, with the diligence and intelligence of the Chinese people, we will definitely be able to complete the 200-year path of the West. After completing this, China will be completely invincible, and the United States will have lost the ability to contain China.

Opportunity, that is the time for China to truly fly into the sky, and it is also a goal that Qiao Yu has been planning for many years.

Qiao Yu was not worried that Stalin would reject his proposal, because the Soviets had always been one-dimensional thinkers, and the bait offered by Qiao Yu was something Stalin could never refuse.

As Qiao Yu expected, Stalin fell into deep thought. After more than ten minutes, Stalin slowly spoke: "Mr. President, how can you guarantee that you will fulfill your promise?"

As soon as Qiao Yu heard Stalin's question, he knew that he was tempted, and said with a smile: "The main force in expanding the territory is still the Soviet Union itself. China can only try to create opportunities for your country. I will propose to establish an Indian Ocean transportation link like Roosevelt and Churchill."

line, dispatching troops to the Middle East, assisting the Soviet Union from the flanks, and also providing assistance to the North African battlefield. As for other things, it depends on the Soviet Union’s plan.”

In the original time and space, the Soviet Union did have ideas about Greece and Turkey. However, because the Soviet Union suffered too heavy losses in World War II and its national strength simply did not allow it, the United States provided a large amount of assistance to the two countries, which stabilized the situation.

For these two countries, if China is really willing to provide help from the side, the Soviet Union will definitely be able to swallow them up.

Stalin was also thinking constantly at this time. He originally just wanted to obtain more strategic materials from China, but he did not expect that Qiao Yu would make such a proposal. Stalin had to weigh it carefully at this time.

"Mr. President, the Soviet Union is still facing many difficulties. I hope your country can provide 5,000 tanks, 100,000 trucks, enough fuel, and 2 million tons of grain..."

Stalin's lion opened his mouth and asked for various supplies from China. Instead of getting angry, Qiao Yu kept listening with a smile. There was no doubt that Stalin had agreed to his proposal. As long as the general direction was agreed upon, everything else would be fine.

It's a small thing.

Qiao Yu and Stalin quickly agreed on an exchange plan. China would provide the Soviet Union with 2,000 tanks, 5,000 artillery pieces, 30,000 trucks, and 1 million tons of grain. These were urgently needed by the Soviet Union, and they were also the basis for the Soviet Union to build a strong

Armor strength is indispensable.

In addition, Stalin also asked for two most important things, one is rubber and the other is high-octane gasoline. Rubber is an out-and-out strategic material. China occupies the Indo-China Peninsula, so naturally there is no shortage of rubber. However, the Soviet Union is seriously lacking.

Rubber and strategic materials stored in it have been almost exhausted. If they are not replenished, the Soviet Union will have to use wooden tires.

In addition, China has long ago obtained the technology to produce high-grade fuel from the United States and is able to produce aviation fuel in large quantities. This is also a serious lack of the Soviet Union. In fact, after the Soviet Union lost its western industrial zone, the Soviet aviation fuel gap was as high as 95%.


In order to keep the Soviet Union afloat, the United States and Britain would transfuse blood to the Soviet Union from the Arctic Ocean at all costs. Fuel was the most important material. Of course, since China and the Soviet Union bordered on each other, the loss of materials transported in this way was relatively small, and the transportation was more timely...

Moreover, Chinese products may not be as refined as those of the United States, but they have experienced the test of war, are durable, and can withstand the harsh climate of the Soviet Union. The American Sherman tanks were turned into iron coffins by Soviet soldiers, both in terms of protection capabilities and maneuverability.

In terms of performance, it was not suitable for the Soviet-German battlefield, and because the tank was too high, it often became a living target. Soviet soldiers hated this tank very much.

China's Biao tanks are relatively close to Soviet-made tanks in terms of design ideas, and the performance of the Biao IV has exceeded that of the T34. Therefore, China's weapons aiding the Soviet Union are often very popular.

After Qiao Yu and Stalin finalized the general direction, they hurriedly left Chita. Stalin was going to mobilize all forces to defend the city named after him, while Qiao Yu was going to launch a full-scale attack on Japan. Since he had finalized a cooperation agreement with the Soviet Union

, the time is ripe to attack the Far East, so starting from the Far East and extending southward to India, the Chinese [***] team will launch operations in a long arc zone.

After returning to Yanjing, Qiao Yu immediately held a military meeting and made final arrangements. Shi Yi was still in charge of the Korean theater and wanted to capture the Busan Port as soon as possible and drive the Japanese army out of the Korean Peninsula.

As for the Far East, it was handed over to Zhang Zuolin. Lao Zhang was already nearly 70 years old at this time, but his health was very good. Moreover, he had been in the north for a long time and could adapt to fighting in cold areas. In addition, Lao Zhang frequently asked for battles, so Qiao Yu gave this task to him.

Because of him, the main force of the army attacking the Far East was selected from the Northeast and other regions. The first condition was cold resistance.

In addition, Qiao Yu appointed Liu Xiang as the commander-in-chief of the expeditionary force, leading the army into India and responsible for the elimination of Chandra. He also appointed Long Yun as the commander-in-chief of the Singapore Army Group, preparing to attack Sumatra Island and other places.

The navy cannot be idle at this time. In addition to defending China's territorial waters and providing sea cover in all directions, the aircraft carrier fleet must also be ready for decisive battles at sea at any time. The submarine force does not have a moment of leisure, and all Chinese shipyards are busy.

, a large number of ocean-going submarines have been launched, and every additional sea wolf on the sea means that Japan's lifeline is under greater threat.

Finally, Qiao Yu ordered the establishment of a special strategic bombing force, stationing a large number of troops in North Korea, Taiwan, Singapore and other places. Targeting the Japanese mainland and Nanyang Islands, as long as the Chinese [***] team can reach it, they will absolutely

Don't let it go.

With the large-scale mobilization of the army, an unprecedented offensive has been unfolded.

(To be continued)^-^Book (0000)^-^

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