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Chapter 601 Australia is in a hurry

() Although the meeting between the heads of state of China and the Soviet Union was hidden, it was difficult to completely conceal it. Moreover, as allies, China and the Soviet Union were obliged to provide the United States, Britain and other allies with the content of the negotiations. Of course, this content was only what the two countries wanted.

It is only for the United States and Britain to know. It is impossible for the United States and Britain to know the real secret transaction.

However, the intelligence personnel of all countries are not vegetarians. Judging from the actions of China and the Soviet Union, this brief meeting of heads of state still achieved many important results. China increased the output of materials to the Soviet Union, and at the same time, the navy, army and air force also

They were all moving frequently, and it was clear that a battle was just around the corner...

This is even more true for the Soviet Union. With the strong support of China, Stalin had great confidence in the coming war. A large number of newly armed troops were continuously sent to the Stalingrad front line. Many of these troops

They are all divisions with Chinese-style equipment, and most of the troops with Chinese-style equipment are recruited from the Far East, and they are all yellow people.

The appearance of these troops on the front line panicked the Germans for a time. They even thought that China had sent troops to fight on the Soviet side. This was something Hitler had always been afraid of. The human resources of the Soviet Union were already amazing, and compared to

The Soviet Union and China could become endless. Hitler would even feel desperate when he thought of countless Chinese armed to the teeth coming from Eastern Europe.

The Yellow Peril probably refers to this situation. But fortunately, the Germans later figured out that these yellow people were just residents of the Russian Far East and were not squadrons at all. Although it was a false alarm, it was still produced throughout Germany.

We must be vigilant enough to end the battle quickly, otherwise China may indeed send troops to the Soviet-German battlefield, and by then Germany's situation will be really dangerous...

Hitler devoted all his strength to attack Stalingrad, while Stalin commanded the Soviet soldiers and civilians to resist to the death at all costs. The two sides were completely a contest of steel and will. There was no gimmick.

The war showed unprecedented cruelty and stalemate from the beginning. Every step forward by the German army had to pay a heavy price, especially after entering the urban area. The distance of advancement was even measured in meters.

A building often changes hands dozens of times.

Moreover, the Soviet Union received support from China’s crude oil, especially high-octane aviation gasoline. The Soviet Air Force suddenly regained its vitality. The Soviet Union increased its air force dispatches, and the outstanding pilots of both the Soviet Union and Germany continued to be consumed.

China's oil is far less abundant than that of the United States, and it has to support the needs of the navy and air force, which is also very expensive. However, China has prepared for war several years in advance, established a large number of oil storage warehouses, and has strong strategic reserve capabilities. Now it has finally

Completely worked.

Although the United States has a strong oil industry, the heavy losses at Pearl Harbor forced the United States to use a large amount of fuel on the Pacific battlefield, and its ability to assist the Soviet Union was very limited. Now China has provided the Soviet Union with sufficient fuel, allowing the Red Army to

The power of the chariot has been greatly improved.

In particular, China provided the Soviet Union with a large number of trucks and maintenance equipment, so that the armored forces could take advantage of their speed and quickly repair tanks, greatly improving war efficiency.

The life-and-death battle between the Soviet Union and Germany on the Eastern Front battlefield could not yet tell the winner, but Australia's situation encountered an unprecedented crisis.

Australia occupies an exclusive continent and has a unique geographical location. As a traditional British colony, Australia firmly followed the British before World War II. Even after the British Empire became the Commonwealth and the British control has seriously declined, Australia is still very loyal to the British.


In the early days of World War II, Australia did not hesitate to send its elite forces to the British Isles to help Britain defend its homeland. However, after Japan entered the war, the U.S. Pacific Fleet suffered heavy losses, and all the Nanyang Islands fell into Japanese hands.

, Australia’s situation is unprecedentedly dangerous.

At this time, Australia's head of state was the new Prime Minister Curtin. Faced with an unprecedentedly severe situation, Curtin announced a change in Australia's policy as soon as he came to power. Curtin knew very well that Australia, with a population of only seven million, could not resist any party and could not maintain its position.

Neutral abilities.

Therefore, Australia must completely turn to a powerful country in order to rely on the other party's power to protect itself. There is no doubt that Britain no longer has this ability. No matter how close the Australians are to this old master, Britain has too much time to take care of itself and cannot help at all.

The only one that can protect Australia is the United States. Especially since MacArthur went to Australia and was regarded as the patron saint of Australia. The United States immediately transferred its main aircraft carrier to Australia and established the Southwest Pacific Theater. The Australians were even more relieved.


Being tied to the United States, there was a security guarantee. Australia, despite British opposition, transferred its troops back from England and strengthened them on the mainland.

However, at this time, Japan had captured Port Moresby. This port was an important port in the eastern part of New Guinea. It had been controlled by Australia before. In order to capture it, Japan used three aircraft carriers to attack Port Moresby.

Indiscriminate bombing was carried out and all port facilities were destroyed.

After the Japanese army occupied this place, it could not only go south to attack Australia, but also cut off the maritime lifeline between the United States and Australia and completely isolate Australia. You must know that the United States has already regarded Australia as the most important maritime fulcrum at this time, with a large number of merchant ships

We are continuing to deliver supplies to Australia.

Yamamoto Isoroku, the commander of Japan's Combined Fleet, was well aware of Japan's dangerous situation at this time. Although the United States suffered heavy losses at Pearl Harbor, the United States, which had a strong foundation, was not defeated. On the contrary, it devoted all its strength to World War II. What's even more terrible is that

China, which was most fully prepared for this war, also participated in it, and the two-sided attack situation that Japan least wanted to see finally took shape.

The victory at Pearl Harbor brought Yamamoto Isoroku to the pinnacle of his life. He was regarded as Japan's patron saint and a symbol of victory. However, Yamamoto Isoroku did not have much joy. He knew very well what kind of person Japan had awakened.

Giant, so he urgently advocated that Japan should pursue the victory as soon as possible, completely eliminate the US Navy, and then turn around and deal with China.

Yamamoto Isoroku is actually very disgusted with the campaign on the Korean Peninsula. In his opinion, it is the stupidest way to fight China's army without sea and air superiority and without sufficient strategic depth. It is impossible to win.

Life can be wasted in vain.

The key to Japan's victory lies in the ocean. Only by firmly controlling the ocean can real victory be won. According to his theory of naval supremacy, Yamamoto Isoroku proposed his combat strategy to Japan's base camp, which was to capture Mor as soon as possible.

Zibi Port and the Solomon Islands, cutting off the connection between the United States and Australia. Then Japan will land in Australia, completely occupy this lonely continent on the sea, and use Australia as a strategic rear. Whether it is to resist the United States or deal with China, Japan will

With ease.

The dispute between Japan's navy and army was also very serious. Both armies tried their best to fight for their own interests. However, the disastrous defeat in South Korea caused Japan's army to be hit again, and Yamamoto Isoroku's proposal was finally adopted.

When Yamamoto Isoroku went on an expedition, Emperor Hirohito personally summoned him. Hirohito was very polite to this great hero who destroyed Pearl Harbor and personally greeted him. Especially Hirohito knew that Yamamoto Isoroku had been fighting at sea all year round and suffered from serious stomach problems.

, and even specially sent an imperial doctor to check his body.

Hirohito's enthusiasm is naturally justified. He urgently needs Yamamoto Isoroku to create a miracle like Pearl Harbor again. Japan already knows about the meeting between Qiao Yu and Stalin and what agreement the two heads of state reached. Although Hirohito does not know, China's next

The mobilization of troops is becoming more and more frequent, and the transportation of materials is also increasing. As the saying goes, the rain will come and the wind will fill the building. This is definitely a prelude to a large-scale attack.

Japan had to worry, so Hirohito especially hoped that Yamamoto Isoroku could quickly eliminate American power in Australia, and then Japan could concentrate its naval and air forces against China as planned.

Regarding the emperor's love, Yamamoto Isoroku was also sincere and fearful, and repeatedly assured Hirohito that he would be able to win, open up territories for the empire, and establish eternal merits.

Yamamoto Isoroku personally led the three aircraft carriers Shinano, Zuikaku and Shokaku as the core of the fleet and headed for the Solomon Islands. The Shinano aircraft carrier was the largest first-class aircraft carrier built by Japan before the war.

I have always been one-sided in pursuing large ships and pursuing attack capabilities. The Shinano has a displacement of more than 60,000 tons, can carry 130 carrier-based aircraft, and can carry 150 carrier-based aircraft under extreme conditions.


Such a super aircraft carrier is comparable to two other aircraft carriers. After the Shinano was completed, it was regarded as the biggest secret weapon of the Japanese Navy and the pride of the Japanese Navy. This time Yamamoto Isoroku will use the Shinano

It can be said that you are determined to win.

The work of the Japanese Navy was quickly learned by the Americans. The United States also sent three large aircraft carriers to fight, namely the Hornet, Yorktown, and Wasp. It was not that the Americans did not want to send more aircraft carriers, but Australia still had

If the construction is complete, there is no guarantee that more aircraft carriers will go into battle.

The navies of the United States and Japan met in the Coral Sea. The first true aircraft carrier contest between the United States and Japan finally began. Both sides each dispatched three aircraft carriers. The United States' advantage lies in intelligence, while Japan's advantage lies in combat effectiveness. Information

The Noon is far superior to other aircraft carriers of the same era, and the Japanese pilots are also better than the United States.

The aircraft carrier formations of the two countries discovered each other almost at the same time, and the carrier-based aircraft engaged in a desperate fight. The aircraft kept falling into the sea like dumplings. After a battle, the American Wasp was sunk and the Yorktown was severely damaged.


Japan also paid for the aircraft carrier Zuihe, but sea control has begun to tilt towards Japan. Australia is in an unprecedented crisis, and the Americans feel as if a big stone is weighing on their hearts. (To be continued.)

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