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Chapter 602: Continue to Dream

() After the Battle of the Coral Sea, the sea control of the entire Southwest Pacific began to tilt seriously towards Japan. Japan's long-awaited landing in Australia also officially launched. Hundreds of aircraft carried out crazy bombings against northern Australia. Then the Japanese army launched a

Under the cover of sea and air forces, they landed on Australian soil.

Australia's military equipment is not bad, and it is all equipment from the US military. However, the most serious problem is that the Australians have not entered a state of war, their combat readiness is lax, and their soldiers are seriously undertrained. After the Japanese landing, the Australian army was defeated one after another.

They simply don't know how to use the power of the weapons in their hands.

Although MacArthur was still good at acting and telling big words, under his command, the losses of the US-Australia coalition forces were increasing. The Japanese invaded more than 300 kilometers in ten days and established a solid foothold. Australia

This land was also involved in the war.

The Japanese people's eyes turned red when they set foot on Australian soil. There were not many people living in the endless wilderness, only some indigenous people were herding sheep. Such fertile land was only used for sheep herding, which was unacceptable to the Japanese people.

Australia's population is less than one-tenth of Japan's, but it occupies a land dozens of times larger than Japan's, and these guys don't know how to cherish it. All Japanese who set foot on this land have a desire to waste natural resources.

In response, Hisashi Terauchi, who was responsible for commanding the landing operations, sent a special telegram to the Japanese base camp, saying that Australia had everything Japan needed and was the most ideal place to live.

"Those white-skinned pigs don't know how to cherish precious land, don't know how to develop resources, and don't know how to create wealth, but they stole endless wealth. This is unfair. The Japanese Empire must correct this mistake. Every Japanese

Citizens should bravely go out and fight for the glory of the empire in the broader sky!"

The successful entry into Australia was another great victory for Japan. Prime Minister Tojo regained confidence and Hirohito trusted him more. The people also temporarily forgot about China's bombing. They were immersed in joy. Australia was conquered by Japan.

Fu is described as a vast and fertile land, a gift from God to Japan.

There are vast plains there, larger than the four islands of Japan combined today. There are countless pastures that can breed countless cattle and sheep, and there are massive mines. As long as they are developed, they will be enough for Japan to use for hundreds of years.

After Japan invaded Indonesia, it touted the richness of Southeast Asia, attracting countless Japanese people to rush to Nanyang to pan for gold. Indeed, there were a large number of rich people among this group of Japanese people, and they occupied unimaginable vast land in Japan.

He ran various industries and made a lot of wealth.

These pioneers brought a whirlwind to Japan. Going abroad to make a fortune has become the dream of Japan's young generation. It is precisely because of the coveting of overseas wealth that Japan willingly sends his sons to the army, and then goes to Japan.

Like worker bees, they pay more taxes for the government and support the government in building a stronger army.

Every day, Japanese people are hoping to gain benefits from expansion. It is precisely because of this hope that Japanese people unreservedly support their own government. Now I heard that Japanese people have occupied a large area of ​​land in Australia.

Things are finally boiling in Japan, and a large number of Japanese people are preparing to leave the country and go to Australia to make a fortune.

Their purpose of doing this is also very simple, that is, to leave the Japanese mainland as soon as possible. Now the four islands have become the front line of the war. Chinese bombers frequently visit, and the harm of Agent Orange has been revealed. Large areas of Japanese mountain forests have become bald, and countless rice fields have been destroyed.

Not a blade of grass grows.

If you continue to stay in the Japanese mainland, you will undoubtedly bear the risk of famine. Only by escaping can you have a chance of survival. Therefore, a large number of Japanese people are willing to leave their hometown and go to unknown areas to fight.

"President Japan himself has landed in Australia. He has eliminated more than 40,000 US-Australia coalition forces and occupied hundreds of thousands of square kilometers of land. This victory is not small. I am afraid Japan will be happy for a while!"

When Jiang Baili talked about the current situation, he was not nervous at all. On the contrary, he was very relaxed. In fact, this is a manifestation of China's political future. Japan's national power is limited. In fact, it is not only Japan, but also Germany. It is also expanding.

At one limit, for example, Germany is like this now. It occupies a large number of countries, and troops must be sent to guard every place. The precious troops cannot be concentrated at all, like pepper noodles.

Japan's national strength is not as good as Germany's, but it has occupied a large number of islands in the Pacific. Now it has landed in Australia. Its limited troops have to be divided to guard all the islands. In fact, Japan's division of troops is more dangerous than Germany's. After all, Germany

There are also land connections that can be mobilized at any time, while Japan is stationed among the islands, with the vast ocean blocking them. What maintains the Japanese empire is its naval power. As long as Japan's maritime power is eliminated, all islands will be destroyed.

The defenders above are like turtles in a urn and cannot escape at all.

It was precisely after seeing through Japan's weak nature that Jiang Baili was very relaxed, "Japan has committed a military taboo, and defeat is only a matter of time. For many years, Japan has been trying to get involved in the Asian continent, but now it seems that their dream is about to wake up."

And when they wake up, they will find that they are on the edge of an abyss and have reached the point of no return."

"Brother Baili is very knowledgeable. Since Japan's expansion has reached its limit, we should also take action to seize the fruits of victory!"

In fact, since China declared war, although it has fought with Japan in North Korea, Singapore and other places, China has not really used all its strength. The most powerful East China Sea Fleet has not dispatched to attack Japan at all. Qiao Yu is also waiting for an opportunity.


Japan does not have the ability to digest the huge occupied territory, but it is undeniable that the original order of the areas Japan has touched has been destroyed, and all Japan's occupied areas will become the content of post-war carving up.

In fact, if China's East China Sea Fleet is dispatched early, it will be sure to prevent Japan from attacking Australia. But if Japan's troops do not enter Australia, how can China openly claim the interests of Oceania? Now that Japan's expansion has reached its limit, China should let it go

Attack, try to gain more benefits and seize a larger area.

This strategy of driving away tigers and devouring wolves was formulated by Jiang Baili and Qiao Yu together. Jiang Baili naturally knew what Qiao Yu was thinking, and he also fully agreed with the decisive move at this time. "The president is not only Japan, but also Germany's expansion momentum."

At the limit, they all began to make mistakes. For example, when Germany attacked Stalingrad, Hitler made the fatal mistake of dividing his forces. He wanted to capture Stalingrad but also occupied the oil fields in the Caucasus, swinging back and forth. This could only

Both routes suffered defeats, and Germany's decline in power was doomed. This is true for Japan. In the Coral Sea Battle, Japan may have taken an advantage on the surface, but the pilots they lost will never be easily replenished. This is different from the United States.

There is such a huge difference, Japan will definitely suffer a disastrous defeat in the next naval battle between the United States and Japan!"

Jiang Baili pointed out Japan's most serious problem, which is that the foundation is too weak. Once the war enters a period of consumption, it cannot bear it. Qiao Yu also strongly agrees with Jiang Baili's judgment. It seems that the war has indeed reached a turning point.

China has its own calculations, and so does Japan. After successfully landing in Australia, Emperor Hirohito frequently summoned Prime Minister Hideki Tojo every day. He was not praising Tojo's achievements, but wanted Tojo to come up with the next step in the battle.


"Prime Minister, you promised to the United Nations to quickly defeat the Western forces, and then concentrate all your efforts on a decisive battle with China. Now that the Imperial Army has landed on Australian soil, victory is imminent. When does the Prime Minister think it will be time to attack China?

A good time?"

When it comes to China, Tojo's face is not very good. As for how to China, Tojo has never had a good idea. Initially, Japan's idea was that Germany would quickly defeat the Soviet Union, and then Germany and Japan would defeat China together. However,

Now Germany has fallen into the quagmire of the war. Not only can it not defeat the Soviet Union, but it has also become exhausted.

Tojo really has no confidence in relying on the combat power of Japan alone to deal with China. Although he is arrogant, he is not a fool. China can easily arm an army of tens of millions of people, and even arm troops based on China's population.

Twenty to thirty million is not a difficult task. Fighting an all-out war with such a behemoth is undoubtedly an effort to defeat a stone with an egg.

"Your Majesty, the agents who attacked Australia have discovered that the Western world is far weaker than imagined, and the land they occupy is more fertile and richer in resources. If the empire can abandon China and concentrate on fighting the Western world, it would be best to land on the west coast of the United States. Perhaps

It would be a better choice!”

Tojo finished speaking tremblingly, and Hirohito's face turned into a scapegoat. The reason why Tojo became the prime minister was because this guy was loyal and obeyed orders. Now that he said this, he was undoubtedly questioning

The policy of aggression set by Hirohito.

In Hirohito's mind, China will always be the number one enemy. Japan attacks the colonies of the United States and Britain in order to use the resources here to eventually deal with China. But now Tojo advocates focusing on the Western world, which naturally means giving up relations with China.

The plan to become an enemy.

"Prime Minister, China has already formed an alliance with the United States, Britain and other countries. Can it easily give up being an enemy of the empire?"

"Your Majesty, I think it is appropriate to give up the Far East and other places in exchange for an armistice in China!"

Before Tojo could finish his sentence, Hirohito became angry instantly. He threw the teacup to the ground with all his strength, and the delicate teacup shattered into pieces.

"Confused, utterly confused. The Chinese people are very ambitious. In fact, they can buy just a little bit of land. Prime Minister, you must remember that not only will the empire not give any benefits to the Chinese people, but it will eventually occupy the entire China and dominate the world. This cannot be changed.


Hirohito's stern words were like thunder, hitting Tojo on the head. The old guy quickly bowed to the ground, trembling all over, and kept kowtowing to apologize. After a long while, Hirohito waved his hand and drove Tojo away.

Hirohito's sudden rage was largely due to the shame left by the last Sino-Japanese war. Hirohito could endure it, but he would never give up revenge. This was his bottom line. Tojo's words violated Hirohito's taboo and drove him away.

After Tojo, Hirohito picked up another document, which was the naval combat strategy drawn up by Yamamoto Isoroku. Japan wanted to replicate the Pearl Harbor incident in China!

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