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Chapter 409 Yi'er's Wisdom

Chen Dao.

Chen Dao and Yi'er survived.

Chen Dao was able to survive thanks to Yi'er, a woman who was born as a little girl. When he didn't take Zhou Sen's reminder to heart at all, Yi'er took Zhou Sen's reminder very seriously. She took Zhou Sen's reminder very resolutely.

With the money, he purchased a large number of weapons on the underground black market in Ronny City, including ray guns, overclocked magnetic blades, and even powerful sniper rifles.

Before purchasing the weapons, Yi'er also specifically searched on the interstellar network to purchase weapons against the armored giant cockroaches.

Because of Yi'er's advance preparation, when Ronnie City ushered in the first wave of armored giant cockroaches, Chen Dao led a group of gangsters from Majia Lane to block the attack of the armored giant cockroaches.

Not only did a group of gangsters survive, but most of the neighbors in Majia Lane also survived and passed the most difficult moment.

Now, in the entire Luoni City, the one with the fewest casualties is Majia Alley.

When the first wave of armored giant cockroaches attacked Majia Lane, the gangsters organized themselves immediately and turned Majia Lane into a battlefield. The twists and turns and narrow alleyways and sturdy stone houses of Majia Lane provided the residents here with a

A solid barrier to intercept the armored giant cockroach.

At this time, organized resistance and unorganized resistance highlighted their absolute advantages.

When a group of gangsters in Chen Dao withstood the first wave of attacks by the armored giant cockroaches, the pressure was much lessened, because after the first wave of armored giant cockroaches, the armored giant cockroaches were scattered in every corner of the city to hunt for human survivors.

Although they occasionally gathered into tides, they could no longer be organized into the overwhelming tide of giant armored cockroaches that they had before.

For a normal number of armored giant cockroaches, Chen Dao and the others were able to cope with them with the help of the powerful terrain of Majia Lane.

However, things didn't go well either.

The injured were unable to receive adequate medical care and could only be simply bandaged. The most important thing was that after one day, there was a shortage of food and water in Majia Lane.

Now, Chen Dao has organized the residents of Majia Lane into the Majia Lane Castle. This castle is easy to defend but difficult to attack. As long as firepower and lookout posts are deployed at several commanding heights, the attack of the armored giant cockroach can be blocked.

The consequence of the gathering of large numbers of residents is a serious shortage of medicine, food and water.

Chen Dao also sent a large number of manpower to search for items nearby. However, this extremely risky search often resulted in more casualties than gains, because now a huge number of armored giant cockroaches are lurking in every corner of the city, and the ones in Majia Lane

Once the manpower breaks away from the special lanes of Majia Lane and enters the modern city, the advantage is gone.

In fact, after the armored giant cockroaches are dispersed, they are not very aggressive. They are better at lurking in one place, waiting motionless for prey to come to them, and then sneaking up on the prey.

Five thousand three hundred and twenty three people!

Chen Dao stood at the top of the castle and looked at the crowded crowd below, unable to do anything. This was the highlight of his life. He became the superhero of the entire Majia Lane, but it was also the most difficult moment of his life because, Five

There were more than a thousand mouths open for food and water, and among them, there were many wounded.

There are about 2,000 combatants and more than 3,000 non-combatants.

For Chen Dao, this was an extremely terrifying population figure. Although he was a gangster leader, he had no more than 200 people under his command at the most. Now it was suddenly difficult to lead more than 5,000 people out of the predicament.

Chen Dao took a long puff of cigarette, with a sad look on his face...

"Brother Dao." Yi'er held a hot-wire gun and sat next to Chen Dao with difficulty.

"Yi'er, I really want to thank you this time." Chen Dao held Yi'er in his arms with a guilty look on his face. This fierce woman who was always ready to chop people with a knife had just had surgery a few days ago and was still extremely weak.

But she helped him carry everything.

Without Yi'er's preparation, Chen Dao believed that, let alone protecting Majiaxiang, they themselves would be like clay bodhisattvas crossing the river and would not be able to protect themselves.

"You have to thank Zhou Sen." Yi'er showed rare tenderness and gently leaned into Chen Daoli's arms.

"Hey, it's a pity that I didn't live up to expectations..." Chen Dao threw away the cigarette butt with a frustrated look on his face.

"Brother Dao, your performance is already very good."


"Don't blame yourself. No one thought that such a large-scale armored giant cockroach disaster would break out. When I bought the weapons, I just thought that Zhou Sen would pay for it and get some small advantages. If you don't buy it, you won't buy it. If you buy it, it will be in vain.

Buy it." Yi'er chuckled.


"Brother Dao, what should we do now? If this situation continues, I won't be able to hold on for long."

"Not only do we not have enough food, we also don't have enough weapons. The risk of leaving here is too great. We can only wait for the government's rescue."

"Government!" Yi'er sneered.

"Yier, do you think the government will ignore us?"

"Do you think the government can still control us?"


"Brother Dao, you have to take responsibility. You are now the leader of more than 5,000 people. Everyone is looking at you. Your words and deeds determine their fate. Therefore, you cannot be decadent! You have to cheer up!"

Yi'er said softly.

"I won't give up! Yi'er, thanks to you this time...Where is Zhou Sen..." Chen Dao looked guilty.

"Brother Dao, do you know what the problem is?" Yi'er said.

"What's the meaning?"

"Zhou Sen has warned you, but you still don't take it seriously. Do you know why?"

"I haven't thought about this problem." Chen Dao hesitated and shook his head.

"You haven't thought about it, but I have. You still look at Zhou Sen with the same eyes as before. In your eyes, Zhou Sen is still the young and cowardly academic master who needs your protection. So, you

I didn't take his suggestion to heart. To put it bluntly, your subconscious mind cannot accept that a weak person has become the most powerful gangster in the world, while you are still just a gangster from Majiaxiang."

"I...I...I didn't..." Chen Dao stammered and was at a loss.

"Brother Dao, I know you haven't, but this is a subconscious behavior. Now, you must face up to Zhou Sen. He is the most famous interstellar gangster in the five star regions. So far, he has never failed.

Even the impregnable Mogan Prison cannot trap him! In addition, you must face up to your identity with him. You are no longer the big brother who can protect him. The gap between you and him is not just a street.

The gap between a little gangster and the most powerful gangster in the universe is also due to the wisdom between you. I remember you also said that he was very smart when he was a child. He skipped grades all the way and entered the sixth grade in the second grade, and his grades were among the best. This is enough to prove that,

His IQ is much higher than yours, not just a little bit."

"Yes, he is really smart!" Chen Daoshen agreed.

This chapter has been completed!
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