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Chapter 410 Power Shortcut

"Brother Dao, I'm tired of you being a little gangster, and I'm tired of being a little girl." Yi'er said quietly.

"No matter what your thoughts are, I will firmly support you!" Chen Dao lovingly held Yi'er in his arms. Only after Yi'er fell ill did Chen Dao realize that Yi'er was the most important person in his life.


"I hope you can become a hero, just like today, you are a hero respected and supported by the neighbors in Majia Lane, instead of a bastard who is despised by everyone."

"Hero..." Chen Dao smiled bitterly.

"Brother Dao, you are Yi'er's hero. You were Yi'er's hero when you were a child and you are now. I hope you will always be Yi'er's hero!"

"I'm not made to be a hero."

"No, Brother Dao, you have been a great hero in my heart since childhood!" Yi'er looked at Chen Dao with admiration.


"Brother Dao, I followed you when I was only a teenager and suffered a lot, but I never interfered with you. Even if you spent all your money on those bad friends, I accepted it. Now, you have to listen to me!


"Yi'er, I listen to you, and I will listen to you from now on!" Chen Dao held Yi'er's face.

"Let's go, let's fight like heroes!" Yi'er stood up holding a heavy hot-wire sniper rifle.

"Give me!"

Chen Dao took the heavy sniper rifle from Yi'er's hand and climbed to the highest point of Majia Lane Castle. From here, he could have a bird's eye view of the entire Majia Lane.

The Majia Lane Castle is the highest point of the entire Majia Lane, and it is also the last line of defense of the entire Majia Lane. It is based on the Majia Lane Castle and then extends along the alley. The commanding heights on both sides are guarded.

In addition to some long-range weapons, there are also many residents of Majia Lane who hold overclocked magnetic blades guarding the alley.

It has to be said that Chen Dao still has certain military talents. When the tide of armored giant cockroaches broke out on a large scale, he immediately organized a group of gangsters to build defense lines in the alleys. As more and more residents joined

, Majiaxiang finally withstood the overwhelming offensive of the armored giant cockroaches.

As soon as the two of them climbed up to the castle, they saw an overwhelming number of armored giant cockroaches pouring over like a torrent.

The armored giant cockroaches did not come from one direction. They rushed from all directions, and then formed an insect tide. After forming the insect tide, they crowded together and rushed into Majia Lane, forming an unstoppable torrent of armored giant cockroaches.

Chen Dao and Yi'er looked at each other and smiled. This was what they had foreseen.

No food!

no water!

No rescue!

Yesterday, when Chen Dao and Yi'er discovered that none of the people they sent out came back, they knew that this historic alley could not be defended.

It was precisely because she couldn't hold on that Yi'er came up. She hoped to die on the battlefield with Chen Dao, like a hero!

In fact, not only Chen Dao and Yi'er, but all the combatants in Majia Lane knew that they were in a desperate situation.

It has been a week since the outbreak of the armored giant cockroach outbreak. If there was help, help would have come long ago.

A tragic and desolate atmosphere permeated Majia Lane, and everyone was ready to die on the battlefield.

At this last moment, the elderly, children and women were put at the back, and the usually idle gangsters stood on the front line. They guarded every inch of Majia Lane with their flesh and blood, and they decided to defend their own with their lives.


Ronnie Imperial Andrew Labs.

After Zhou Sen left the hotel, he did not go to Majia Lane immediately, but rushed to the largest laboratory in the Ronnie Empire - Andrew Laboratory.

Zhou Sen is very familiar with this place because he spent most of his teenage years here.

Zhou Sen's adoptive father and mother are also scientists here and are in charge of two departments.

In the Andrew Laboratory, Zhou Sen has privileges that no one else has. He can use any experimental equipment and experimental materials here.

In addition, Zhou Sen also has the highest authority of Andrew's laboratory, which means that he can freely enter any laboratory...

Zhou Sen rushed to the laboratory and found that everything was as he expected. Andrew's laboratory had been completely closed and all scientific researchers had evacuated.

Andrew's Laboratory is not a laboratory, but a huge experimental base, surrounded by several famous universities, including Ronny Imperial University.

Zhou Sen didn't come to Andrew's laboratory for experiments, he needed raw materials for making weapons.

After Situ Bingbing's mother threatened to kill him in person, Zhou Sen's sense of crisis reached an unprecedented height.

In front of the gods, Zhou Sen is like an ant, and his little superpower seems ridiculous in front of the gods.

The only way to defeat the gods is science.

Zhou Sen has used technology to kill the clones of gods on the Gore planet, and has killed the God of Death many times. This is enough to show that human technological power can compete with gods.

Gods can move mountains and seas, and so can technology.

Gods can come and go freely between galaxies, and so can technology!

Gods can live forever, and technology can also extend life!

Gods can control their appearance, and so can technology!

Some of the things that gods can do, technology can also do to a certain extent.

Zhou Sen believes that providing technology has reached a certain level, and technology can do everything that gods can do.

Zhou Sen is a scientist, a well-known scientist in the five star regions. He is a genius scientist who was able to build a nuclear reactor in the garage when he was a child.

At the same time, Zhou Sen is also a weapon refiner. These two overlapping identities determine that he is not an ordinary interstellar gangster.

The moment he met Situ Bingbing's mother, Zhou Sen felt particularly helpless.

Zhou Sen decided to use the power of technology.

Strictly speaking, it is to integrate the power of technology into weapon refining.

Zhou Sen didn't know that his crazy idea was the first of its kind in human cultivation.

After coming out of Mogan Prison, Zhou Sen has been in confusion. Although he calls himself the God of Fire and Fire, the power he possesses is no match for those gods who have lived for thousands of years. The belief contributed by the Energy Star Xia tribe

The power is quite impressive, but compared with those ancient gods, it is like fireflies competing with the bright moon. After all, their followers are hundreds of millions.

The extreme external pressure made Zhou Sen grow rapidly, and also made him use his mind to find shortcuts to possess powerful force.

Laziness is the primary productive force of mankind.

The basic purpose of human technological progress is to reduce human workload, or to provide services for human enjoyment, and Zhou Sen's current purpose is to have the power to compete with gods as quickly as possible.

If you want to compete with the gods, the only shortcut is to use the power of technology.

Zhou Sen, holding Tang Dao, stood in front of a towering building. This building is the main building of Andrew's laboratory. Under this building, there is a huge underground space...

This chapter has been completed!
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