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Chapter 042

Ding Yuluo wanted to believe it but still had doubts. When she stared at her eyes, her expression was charming and moving, like a naughty sister asking her brother for help. Ding Hao felt relieved and said with a smile: "Haha, not bad, let's make another sledge.

Climb the difficult-to-climb snowy mountain like General Guangyuan! Miss, when I entered the city today, I caught a human trafficker who was trying to kidnap a child. I rescued the child and found out that he was

This is Cheng Fugui, the son of General Cheng Shixiong of Guangyuan."

"Really?" Ding Yuluo jumped up excitedly.

Ding Hao hurriedly said: "Don't be too happy. This is a private matter, but the food and grass franchise is a public matter. Our food arrived six days late. If the Tatars had not withdrawn early due to civil strife, there would have been a huge change. That General Cheng must have

He is also very scared. Even if no one else wants to seize the grain selling business, he will not take such a risk again. I saved the young master of the Cheng family, which just gave him one more opportunity to mediate. If we use this favor as a threat, then

This is the stupidest behavior. Taking the initiative is in the hands of others, turning his hands into clouds, turning his hands into rain, and he will not be able to control them in the future? Therefore, we must think of a perfect strategy to relieve General Cheng's worries."

Ding Yuluo's eyes sparkled and he said happily: "I guess you already have an idea in mind, right?"

Ding Hao did not answer, but thought for a moment and said: "There is one thing I need to understand first. Doesn't a city as big as Guangyuan have official warehouses? Or does the official warehouse have limited grain storage?"

Ding Yuluo said: "How can any big city not have official warehouses? Guangyuan naturally has official warehouses, but for more than ten years since the founding of the Song Dynasty, the northern border has always been peaceful, although there are northern tribes who are digging grass valleys every year.

', but there were very few who dared to go deep into the Song Dynasty. After all, it was just the behavior of the northern tribes, not the northern imperial court sending troops to invade the south. So in general, the northern border was relatively safe.

During these more than ten years of peace, Dafu, a large city in the north, has developed rapidly. Guangyuan City has more than doubled in size, and its population has also increased dramatically. As a result, the number of troops stationed in Guangyuan has increased day by day. The official buildings built in the early years have also increased.

The warehouse is no longer sufficient."

Ding Hao asked doubtfully: "Then, why not build more official warehouses to store grain?"

Ding Yuluo smiled bitterly and said: "You have to know that although Guangyuan is under the jurisdiction of the Song Dynasty, it has always been the sphere of influence of the Fuzhou Zhe family. It is not convenient for the imperial court to directly intervene and order Guangyuan to build more official warehouses. As for General Cheng himself,

I'm afraid that even though I know the pros and cons, it's inconvenient for me to advocate for it.

Since the end of the Tang Dynasty, there have been frequent wars in the world. A country was established in more than ten years, and a king was usurped in three to five years. The world was in turmoil, which has never been so bad since ancient times. General Cheng held a heavy army to guard one area. If he had stored grain and grass extensively, it would be inevitable.

It arouses suspicion. In the past ten years or so, the Ding family has collected grain, grown grain, and transported grain to Guangyuan, and there has never been any trouble. Naturally, he is too lazy to bother about it. This layer of window paper has never been exposed.

Let someone pierce it."

Ding Hao sighed softly: "The officialdom..., alas! But now it seems that this is a big hidden danger. Since Zhe dares to leave him here for more than ten years, he must be extremely trusting, or he must have control over him.

method. After this failure in transporting grain almost caused a serious disaster, I think both General Cheng and the Fuzhou Zhe family should realize the importance of expanding the official warehouse. If we had not directly asked General Guangyuan to maintain

If the Ding family has the exclusive right to monopolize grain and grass, but instead mobilizes the Ding family’s connections to expand their official positions, won’t it be more effective with half the effort?”

Ding Yuluo's eyes lit up, and there were two flushes of excitement on his face: "I understand, food and grass are directly related to General Guangyuan's wealth and life. If the worries of his confidants are not eliminated, General Guangyuan will be frightened by this."

I am afraid that such important events will no longer be tied to our family alone. He is the general of Guangyuan, and he knows the importance of grain storage, but it is inconvenient for him to take the initiative to build a warehouse to store grain. If we can take this opportunity to promote Guangyuan,

The original expansion of the official warehouse relieved his worries. Then it would be a matter of course if he asked him again. Speaking of which, at that time, he was afraid that he still owed us a favor. And what we want to take advantage of is what this incident has revealed.

It’s wonderful to take advantage of the crisis and turn the disadvantage into advantage.”

Seeing her joyful look, Ding Hao also showed a happy smile on his face and reminded: "Since you have asked many officials from Guangyuan in the past few days, who among them is willing to really help and who has been bribed by others must have a deep feeling in his heart.

There are already a few. From tomorrow on, you can go find those who are willing to help. You don’t have to ask them to go to General Cheng to advise the Ding family. Just ask them to submit a letter asking for an official warehouse. As long as Fuzhou Zhe family agrees, our matter will be done.

Half of it."

"Okay!" Ding Yuluo nodded obediently immediately. She now has an inexplicable trust in Ding Hao. In the past, she only occasionally had such a mentality of obeying his words in front of her father and elder brother. Unknowingly, Ding Hao was in her

She also has such an important position in her heart, but she hasn't realized it yet: "Is it just half? What is the other half?"

"Of course the other half is human feelings. If you don't understand human feelings, it's difficult to make progress. This relationship must be pulled. Mrs. Cheng is about to celebrate her birthday. We can prepare a more unique gift. If we can get her to like her, we can coax her.

If the old lady is happy, General Cheng, a filial son, must be grateful, and then the franchise rights will most likely be preserved."

"Well, my father was already prepared for this trip. When I sent someone to Guangyuan to report the news, I learned that Mrs. Cheng was going to celebrate her sixtieth birthday. Mrs. Cheng is a Buddhist, so I

Go to the city and build a golden Buddha at the largest gold bank in Guangyuan. After delivery the day after tomorrow, I will ask Elder Kongkong of Puji Temple to consecrate the golden Buddha as a birthday gift to Mrs. Cheng."

"Although gold is valuable, it is a common thing, but... Mrs. Cheng is not a very elegant person. It would be really bad if you give her some famous calligraphy and paintings."

Ding Hao smiled and said: "Now I ask Monk Nakong Kong to recite sutras and consecrate the Golden Buddha, and then give it to a devout believer like Mrs. Cheng. She will definitely be happy. No wonder you were so generous at Puji Temple. You had planned it for a long time. Hmm.

...This gift may not be appropriate to give to others, but it is perfect to give to Mrs. Cheng."

Ding Yu was praised by him and was happy in his heart, but he still said uneasily: "But... Cheng Shixiong is the lord of Guangyuan. His mother is celebrating her birthday, and all the gentry in the city will come to support them. Those wealthy grain merchants who are interested in replacing the Ding family,

I must have put a lot of thought into the gifts I gave you, and if they compare me to them, my golden Buddha may not stand out."

Ding Hao frowned and said: "Yes, you have to do what you want and win by surprise."

Ding Yuluo smiled bitterly and said: "I just fell in love with him. Mrs. Cheng is a Buddhist. Didn't I make a golden Buddha as a gift to her? I can't give her a golden temple."

Ding Hao's heart suddenly moved, and a mysterious smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he said happily: "I thought of it, haha, doing this will definitely suit her, and maybe it will be more effective than giving her a gold mountain."

Ding Yuluo's eyes lit up after hearing this, and he urged: "What is the method? Tell me quickly."

Ding Hao smiled: "Don't rush, don't rush. I haven't thought about the details yet, so let me give it a try. Tomorrow... you go ask those reliable officials, and I... will start preparing for this matter."

Seeing that he didn't say anything, Ding Yuluo gave him an angry look and said helplessly: "Okay, how much money do you need? My father gave me one hundred thousand taels of silver and asked me to spend all my money just to keep the franchise rights. Now I am taking care of it.

, plus the purchase of the Golden Buddha, there are only forty thousand taels left."

Ding Hao glanced at her and said thoughtfully: "Forty thousand taels is barely enough, so give it all to me."

"Okay!" Ding Yuluo reached out to touch the banknote without even thinking about it. Ding Hao said in a daze: "You..."


"Aren't you afraid that I'll take the banknote and walk away?"

"Can you?" Those clear eyes looked at Ding Hao, with only trust and no hesitation in them.

Ding Hao lowered his eyes and sighed softly: "At any time, you should be a little cautious about people."

Ding Yuluo smiled happily and handed over a thick stack of banknotes: "I know, here you go!"

Ding Hao touched his nose and smiled bitterly: "I knew you didn't listen to your heart. I just lied to you."


"We don't need forty thousand taels. Four hundred taels is enough. Well... let me think about it. Just in case, um... I'll take five hundred taels."

Ding Yuluo said in surprise: "Five hundred taels? Is five hundred taels enough?"

Ding Hao smiled and said: "That's enough!"

Ding Yuluo looked at him in surprise. After a while, he took out the largest denomination from the banknotes and said: "Here, here is one thousand taels. If there is any surplus, it will be yours. I can do this for you."


Ding Hao hesitated for a moment and then took it, carefully put the banknote away, and said, "Miss, I'll go back and rest, and we'll split up tomorrow morning."

Ding Yuluo was very happy when the big event was revealed, and said: "Okay, you just came back from a long journey, and you are indeed tired. Go back and rest quickly."

"Miss, please have a rest. I will take my leave."

"Hey!" As soon as Ding Hao walked to the door, a soft call from Ding Yuluo came from behind. Ding Hao stopped and turned around, asking: "What else can I do, Miss?"

Ding Yuluo's face was slightly dizzy, and she said with a somewhat coy expression: "I forgot one thing, then... what do you say to Miss Tang?"

Ding Hao was stunned for a moment, then he laughed and said: "Oh, you forgot about it if you didn't mention it. I had already seen the young master of the Cheng family when I sent her back. In front of General Cheng and Magistrate Xu, this matter has already been

Frankly speaking, I think...she won't make things difficult for me anymore."

Ding Yuluo's eyes widened in surprise, and she lost her voice: "Will she be so generous?"

Ding Hao smiled dryly and said: "It's not generous..., the main thing is..., firstly, I saved her cousin, secondly, when she found me in the temple, she didn't know what I saw, so...


Ding Yuluo blurted out and asked: "Then what exactly did you see?"

"Ah?" Ding Hao sweated profusely.

Ding Yuluo realized that he had made a mistake, and his pretty face suddenly turned into a red cloth. He quickly turned around and said in embarrassment: "You, you, you... you go and have a rest."

"Yes, I'll take my leave." Ding Hao opened the curtain and left the room, letting out a long breath: "Even if women evolve for another five thousand years, the one thing that will never change is their burning soul of gossip!"

This chapter has been completed!
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