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Chapter 126 The letter is like life, stupid, crazy

Chapter 126: Faith is like the end of life, stupid and stupid

"Where was I last night? I was with Dong'er last night. But, how can I say it out loud? A lot of words make a fortune, but a heap is worthless..." Ding Hao's eyes passed over those idle men and scoundrels,

Passing by the curious eyes of those ordinary farmers, the wavering mind suddenly calmed down.

She is kind, but cowardly. She loves herself and values ​​her face and reputation more than her life. When she married into the Dong family, she was still a child who had not fully grown up. Her fear of Dong and Li has become a kind of fear that has penetrated deeply into her bones.

Does she have the courage to break through the invisible web woven by the thoughts that she has been taught since childhood, the cynicism of her neighbors, and the instinctive fear of Dong Li, and stand up and admit that she is with me? Even if...even if

Even if she admits it, she might not have the courage to live anymore. For a girl like her who is afraid of everything but death, maybe she will choose...

...Ding Hao didn't dare to think about it anymore. That era was not modern, and if you weren't in the middle, you couldn't imagine how powerful those invisible things were to bind people. And he was in this era now.

Ding Hao couldn't believe that Luo Dong'er, a widowed little woman, had the courage to bear so many looks and gossips? She is like a grass, what she needs is the pity and care of others, but she is not a tree that can shelter from the wind and rain.

A big tree, independent and strong. When I took her body, I promised in her ears that I would pity her and love her for the rest of my life, and not let her suffer any injustice for me. But now I want her to come out and bear the rumors and Dong.

Li's beatings and insults?

Ding Hao was silent for a long time, and Yang's face gradually showed panic. With the appearance of Mr. Ding, almost all the servants of the Ding Mansion gathered here. They were servants of the Ding Mansion, some were long-term and short-term workers, and some were working in the Ding Mansion.

The aunts and ladies in the village were all looking at him eagerly...

"Son, tell me, tell everyone, you were not in the room last night. Where did you go?"

"I... came back yesterday and saw that the eldest young master was seriously ill. I was very worried and couldn't fall asleep due to tossing and turning, so... I went out for a walk to relax."

Ding Chengye sneered and said: "Relaxation? Ha! You are imitating the elegance of literati and poets. When did you leave the house? Who saw you going out? They didn't hang out all night, right? Can you find one?

Are there any witnesses who saw your whereabouts?"

"I can't, that's my privacy."

When he said this, even Ding Yuluo couldn't help but shake his head. In this era, who will respect your personal privacy? In their opinion, a man is aboveboard, what can't he say to others?

Ding Chengye laughed loudly and said: "Privacy? Hahaha, it's really ridiculous! Any privacy matters are mostly shady things. Since you said you were unjust, then I want to ask you what privacy matters you have.

It's more important than the crime of using your slave to bully your master and raping your mistress, but you would rather bear this injustice than speak out."

"Of course." A smile appeared at the corner of Ding Hao's mouth, and he said softly and clearly: "There are many people and many things in this world. In another person's heart, they value his innocence, safety, and life more.

Important. But people like you will never understand."

Liu Shiyi couldn't help but said: "If you are not too guilty to speak out, it is because you are stupid."

Ding Hao said calmly: "Perhaps, as a person grows from young to old, he will always do stupid things several times."

Ding Tingxun had been looking at him coldly. Hearing this, he was finally disappointed: "Ding Hao, so you don't want to defend yourself. Do you admit the crime you committed?"

Ding Hao said proudly: "I didn't admit it. I said that I was not in the room last night to do a private matter that was only related to me. There is no need for me to say it out. Your so-called evidence cannot determine this.

My crime. Since ancient times, it has been a common technique to frame someone."

Ding Tingxun narrowed his eyes slightly and said coldly: "Who came to frame you and why?"

Ding Hao said tit for tat: "Master Ding is smart all his life. You only need to think about it carefully to know who has a reason to harm me. Why do you need to ask me?"

Ding Tingxun was stunned for a moment, and after a moment's thought, he understood the meaning behind his words, and a surge of anger immediately arose in his heart: This little beast has harmed my clan's son, and wants to provoke me and Ye'er. Although Ye'er,

It's unworthy, but it's just a bit dandy. What would he do? How dare he do such a thing?

Ding Tingxun's eyes were cold, and there was a hint of sullenness on his face: "Ding Hao, I have all the witnesses and physical evidence, and you can't tell me where you were last night. Although I didn't catch you on the spot, I can still convict you of this crime."

, I believe no one dares to say it is unfair. You have to think clearly, where were you last night? Is there any witness?"

Ding Hao said loudly: "Master Ding, I have nothing to say to you. Since you think I am guilty, please kidnap me and take me to the government."

Ding Hao didn't want Dong'er to be embarrassed and his innocence damaged, so he refused to tell about his tryst with her. One of the reasons was that he believed that Ding Tingxun would not dare to resort to lynching.

They have some scruples. As long as they kidnap themselves to the government, they can tell County Lieutenant Zhao privately the whole story. The dignified court officials will not publicize the affairs of these young children. As long as he privately detains Dong'er and asks

Once you understand, you can clear yourself from the crime.

Ding Tingxun's heart sank when he saw that he was so vague about his whereabouts last night and yet he was so confident when it came to sending him to the government. Yan Jiu's words couldn't help but come to mind: "Master, I heard that Ding Hao has a close friendship with County Lieutenant Zhao. This man

If you are confident, you may not be willing to recruit him. According to this old slave, maybe he is looking forward to the master sending him to the government for punishment, and then County Lieutenant Zhao will find a way to exonerate him. "

"Dad, this little beast is so confident that we don't dare to torture him. How can he give in without a severe beating?" Ding Chengye said, snatching a whip from the servant's hand, and jumped in front of Ding Hao.

The shameless thing was a slap in the face.

Yang rushed forward in a hurry and said, "Second Young Master, please don't hurt my son. He must be unjust."

"Go away!" Ding Chengye kicked her away and shouted to Liu Shiyi: "Watch this crazy woman!"

Liu Shiyi and Gao Da hurriedly rushed forward and dragged Yang away. Ding Tingxun wanted to stop him, but just when he raised his hand, he put it down. His daughter-in-law was almost insulted. If it was just because of sex, then that would be fine. But there was something hidden behind it.

Things are related to the life and death of the Ding family, so we must not ignore them.

He still hasn't forgotten the strange incident of the Ding family's encounter with robbers on the way to transport grain, and he hasn't found out the traitor yet. He originally thought of using Ding Hao to lure that person out, but who would have thought that it would be possible to cause Zonger to be like this?

The miserable suspicion finally fell on him, Ding Hao. Is it really him? If it were him, he couldn't do so many things by himself. The Ding family can no longer bear the trouble and must find out the mastermind behind the scenes.


Ding Chengye exerted all his strength, and the cowhide whip dipped in water hit the person's body. His clothes were in tatters, and the skin and flesh were torn and bloody. Although Ding Hao forced himself to endure it, he still twitched with each whip. Ding Tingxun couldn't help but twitch at the corner of his eyes when he saw it.

, Ding Yuluo begged: "Daddy..." "Shut up!" Ding Tingxun shouted and turned his head away.

"Sir, please forgive me, please, please don't hit me anymore. This kid is honest and doesn't know how to talk, but he won't lie."

Yang crawled to Ding Tingxun's feet, hugged his thighs and begged. Her body was weak and had not recovered. She had been frightened and anxious since last night, and her heart and mind were haggard. Now her energy and blood were attacking her heart to the extreme, and she suffered from a hidden illness and severe pain in her heart.

Jing Er fainted.

"Mother!" Ding Hao's eyes were about to burst. He glared at Ding Tingxun fiercely. Ding Chengye became even more angry when he saw it. He swung the whip and whipped it hard while jumping on his feet. Ding Hao struggled against the rope with all his muscles.

Ben stood up, just staring at Ding Tingxun, his eyes were red, as if fire was about to burst out. The whip hit his body like it was hitting wood, the same rags flew up, and the same flesh and blood flew everywhere, but he was already

Completely unconscious, no reaction at all

Ding Yuluo was shocked when she saw this. She is a martial arts practitioner. She knows that only those who have reached a very high level of martial arts can self-enclose the five knowledges and six senses, or concentrate on one thing. Unless ordinary people are extremely sad and angry, they will never do it.

Being able to seal the five and six senses into such a state, only a pair of angry eyes are left, shooting out the blazing flames that burn the sky.

If he really did it, he must have a guilty conscience, how could he be like this? Ding Yuluoruo said that because of the human witness and the physical evidence, she was still a little suspicious, but at this moment, she had forgotten all about it, and she jumped forward,

She took the whip from Ding Chengye's hand, and the whip, which was made of more than ten layers of bamboo, was broken into two pieces by her hands.


Ding Yuluo screamed again, and Ding Tingxun, who was like an old monk in meditation, moved slightly. He looked at Yang at his feet. There was blood on the corners of Yang's lips, and her face was as golden as paper. She looked like she was dying. Ding Tingxun frowned.

He couldn't help but frown and ordered: "Hold Mr. Yang aside and let the doctor treat her."

Ding Yuluo burst into tears and suddenly ran to Ding Tingxun. She knelt down and said with tears: "Dad, my daughter once went to Guangyuan to transport grain with Ding Hao. Knowing his nature, Ding Hao will never do anything like this."

When something like this happens, there must be something fishy about it, please look into it."

Ding Chengzong sneered: "Sister, according to what you said, is my sister-in-law lying? Is Lan'er lying? Am I lying? Everyone is lying, and only you know his character? Who else in Zhuangzi is like that?

Are you familiar with Big Brother’s residence? Where was Ding Hao when the incident happened? Why did Xizhu’er sneak attack on me and escape from the village when he heard that Ding Hao was being arrested? Why did Big Brother become increasingly weak after Ding Hao and Xizhu’er were responsible for getting him medicine?

, until a sudden illness occurs for no reason? Can you explain each of these for him clearly? "

"I can't!" Ding Yuluo raised his head, looked directly at Ding Tingxun and said: "Dad, now the witnesses and physical evidence point to Ding Hao. The eldest brother is Yu Luo's most respected brother, and Yu Luo also wants to find out the real culprit. Please ask dad.

Send Ding Hao to the officials for rectification and ask the officials to investigate and get to the bottom of it."

Ding Chengye said angrily: "The evidence is conclusive, why should we investigate? This Ding Haosu has colluded with the government. Once he is sent to the official position and protected by others, can he still be punished? My Ding family...my Ding family these days

Natural and man-made disasters have occurred one after another, and have been criticized by urban and rural gentry. Will it once again become a joke in the mouths of all parties? "

Ding Tingxun turned his eyes and asked: "Jiu'er, what do you think about this matter?"

Yan Jiu had been standing steadily behind Ding Tingxun, listening to his questions, and then he approached and said: "Master, if you go to the government, I'm afraid Ding Hao will really have a plan to escape. But... this Ding Hao first went to Guangyuan Transporting grain and exonerating the government officials have done a great job for our Ding family. To punish without teaching is really difficult to convince the public. Besides, our Ding family is in such troubled times. Many wealthy gentry are ready to take over and replace them. If lynching is used , once you are reported, it will be a problem after all. In this case, it is better to send it to the official for investigation."

Ding Yuluo knew that Yan Jiu had always been close to Chengye, and never expected that he would agree with her opinion, so he couldn't help but be a little surprised. Ding Tingxun was a little moved when he heard his most trusted confidant say the same thing. After Yan Jiu finished speaking, He stepped back again and glanced at Lan'er, who immediately exclaimed.

Ding Ting reprimanded: "What are you yelling at? It's inappropriate!"

Lan'er said in panic: "Master, when I saw Manager Ding looking at me, the look in my servant's eyes was very scary, as if it could take away my soul. I was so scared that I exclaimed and looked back at Master." Forgive me." She glanced at Ding Hao and said in a trembling voice: "My maid is an ignorant woman and doesn't know who is right and who is wrong. But just now I heard the second young master mention the ups and downs of our Ding family, and Manager Yan mentioned Manager Ding’s many achievements suddenly came to mind..."

Ding Tingxun frowned and said, "What did you remember?"

Lan'er swallowed her saliva, looked at Ding Hao, and said with some fear: "I remember that our Ding family has been peaceful and smooth sailing for the past twenty years, and nothing major has ever happened. However, since the end of last year, there have been constant turmoils and one after another. Cha Zi. At that time, it was after Steward Ding faked his death and changed his temperament. People in the village said that Steward Ding was a blessing in disguise and bumped into the Fox Fairy. Just seeing Steward Ding's fearful eyes, the maid suddenly thought... Steward Ding should Could it be...that he was possessed by something evil?"

When Gao Da heard this, he immediately jumped out and said: "Ah, what Sister Lan'er said makes me feel very suspicious. Everyone knows what Dumb was like in the past. This person was stupid and silent, but What does Ding Hao look like now? You say, you say..."

When Gao Da said this, the crowd suddenly became excited. The ignorant people in the countryside originally believed these things. Gao Da's words aroused suspicion in everyone's hearts. No one knows what kind of person Ding Hao has been since he was a child. I don’t know, if he hadn’t been stupid, he wouldn’t have been nicknamed Dumb. But since he got seriously ill at the end of last year, he suddenly seemed to be a different person.

It was after he was resurrected that the eldest young master of the Ding family was injured in a robbery. It was he who single-handedly solved the catastrophe of the Ding family. After that, the Ding family's troubles kept coming, and even Mr. Ding, who had always had a good eye for everything. He was helpless, but every time he used some weird and weird methods to crack it. Could it be that he... was really being resurrected by an evil creature, and wanted to seize the Ding family's property to bring disaster to the countryside?

This chapter has been completed!
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