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Chapter 172 Who's fault

"Then what do we do next?!"

After some discussion, everyone's worries obviously dissipated a lot, and their faces became more relaxed, but Liu Qingxi still asked Su Pingan.

Su Ping'an smiled lightly and said, "No need to do anything, just wait."


"Now that we already know the quality of each other's comics, we don't have to do anything, we just need to wait. I believe those book fans will help us fight back!"

"Book lover?!"

After hearing what Su Pingan said, everyone was even more confused.

What can book lovers do?!

And then, Su Pingan's words were soon verified.

In the morning, the comic strip of the Golden House Restaurant had just come out, and the atmosphere was extremely hot for a while, causing the popularity of the Golden House to skyrocket again. This situation made the shopkeeper Hu smile from ear to ear.

When Wen Liang and the others saw such a scene upstairs, they were all very satisfied, and they even had an illusion.

"It turns out that this comic book is not difficult at all. Why didn't we think of it before? It was really a mistake to let Qingfeng Restaurant get the title of 'creator' of the comic book for nothing..."

Wen Liang was arrogant, saying that Su Ping'an's initiative in drawing comic strips was nothing more than luck.

Next to them, Lang Ziming and Song Shanqiao were also very proud. They said humbly to each other: "All this is thanks to Brother Shanqiao. His outstanding painting skills make everyone like our comic strips so much."

"No, no, no... Junior Brother Ziming's story is better. My paintings are just the icing on the cake..."


Other people in the restaurant also raised their hands to congratulate them, saying that under the offensive of comic strips, their cultivation and reputation will surely rise to a higher level in a short period of time.

This made Lang Ziming and Song Shanqiao feel even more proud.

Seeing such a scene, Feng Shaoyang suddenly felt that Wen Liang's plan had worked, and his anxiety suddenly relaxed a lot.

But just when they were all feeling proud, who would have thought that by the afternoon of the comic strip, the situation would soon take a turn for the worse. "Hey, do you think that this comic strip was okay when you first read it, but now that you have been following it, you

Don’t you think there’s something wrong with this comic strip?”

"As you can see, I felt this way before, but no one said anything, so I thought it was my problem alone and never dared to say it. It turns out you also felt something was wrong."

"When you said this, I also noticed it. It seemed that the painting was so beautiful that I read the comic strip for a long time and forgot what the story was about."

"Me too, and don't you think this painting is too slow? In just one sentence, he has already painted four or five pages. I haven't seen the following plot yet. The plot is too slow!"

"Oh, the biggest question is, don't you think the style of this painting is wrong? The protagonist is obviously a passionate young man who was bullied and oppressed, and then resisted, but when you look at this painting, why does he turn into a pitiful pretty boy?

, at first I thought this guy was a girl, the painting was so soft and weak, I almost wanted to slap him just looking at it!"

"I also have this feeling……"

In the restaurant, opinions were only circulated in a small area at first, but soon the scope of discussion expanded, and finally it turned into a heated discussion, with all the book fans in the building starting to curse.

"You don't know it until you tell me about it, but when you talk about it, you realize that these paintings are all nonsense, and they can't even catch up to half of the level of the Su family!"

"It's just such a fucking waste of time. I've been watching it for a stick of incense, but the plot is still stuck at the first episode. It's really painful!"

"Huh? Isn't this comic book for sale? What's the plot..."

As the yelling and cursing grew louder and louder, Shopkeeper Hu was finally alerted.

At first, he thought there was some trouble, but after careful inquiry, he found out that everyone was dissatisfied with the comic strip.

This confused Shopkeeper Hu for a while.

How come it was fine in the morning, but suddenly there were so many objections in the afternoon? Could it be a trick played by Qingfeng Restaurant across the street? Just like last time they invited people to Qingfeng Restaurant to deliberately hack the comment area, now they also sent people

Are you here deliberately looking for trouble and provoking disputes?

Shopkeeper Hu, who thought he had guessed everything, sneered immediately, then stepped forward to suppress the noise in the store, and then explained: "Dear guests and fellow book lovers, the comic strips in our store this time are from Wen Gong.

Everyone must be familiar with the hands of literary masters, Lang Ziming and Song Shanqiao. Their strength is obvious to all, so will there be any problems with the comic strips they created?

If you think there is something wrong with it, you probably haven’t adapted to this new way of reading yet. You may get used to it after reading it for a few more days, so..."

Before Shopkeeper Hu could finish what he said, someone below objected: "What do you mean? You mean that the comic strips created by Lang Ziming and Song Shanqiao must be correct. Even if they are wrong, then

Is it our fault too? We can’t understand this comic strip?!”

"Haha...I didn't say that!"

Shopkeeper Hu also mistook the person who spoke as someone sent from the Qingfeng Restaurant across the street, with a noncommittal attitude on his face.

That clear look on your face is telling everyone that it's your own fault!

The man who spoke before was choked and was so angry that he couldn't speak for a while and just clenched his fists.

At this time, someone else in the crowd said: "I admit that Lang Ziming's stories are very good, and I also admit that Song Shanqiao's paintings are very good, but this cannot be taken for granted just because their stories and paintings are good.

The comic strips they create are good. If you don’t believe it, you can read the comic strip for yourself. The plot is dragging, with more than ten pages of drawings, and not even half of a chapter has been told. Isn’t this still a story? Isn’t this what we are reading?

Show off your painting skills!"

"That's right, it's totally unreasonable to say it's our fault!"

"Oh, I'm not here to read it. Originally, I thought the drawing skills of Su Sheng Xiaomeng's comic strips were a bit rough and not very detailed, but now that I think about it, I think it's very suitable and pleasing to the eye!"

"That's right, I just discovered that the content of the story and the pictures are so well combined. You wouldn't know it until you compare it. Only by comparing it will you realize how difficult it is!"

"Let's go, stop watching here!"

There was a shout, and I don't know who moved first, followed by a roar from a group of people, and all of them moved.

In the blink of an eye, the Golden House Restaurant, which was originally crowded with people, turned out to be empty seats and tables in less than a moment, making it feel desolate for a while.

Shopkeeper Hu was stunned when he saw this scene!

Damn it, why did it become like this all of a sudden?!

This chapter has been completed!
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