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Chapter 554 He has fatal flaws

In front of King Street, on the literary list.

After just a cup of tea, there were already seven or eight jade slips hanging on the literature list. There were also various titles of books about "immortals" written on them. However, there was no "Gao" in the list of creators.

The names of "Wentian" and "Susheng Xiaomeng".

"What the hell is going on in Wangyue Tower? There are eight of us here, why haven't Gao Wentian taken action yet?"

"That's right, and why do they have so many people? Do they still want to win by relying on more people?"

"Look...there's another one!"

In the blink of an eye, the number of jade slips on the literary list suddenly became nine, but in the end, the name 'Gao Wentian' did not appear.

After watching this for a while, some people in the crowd gradually figured it out, and couldn't help but say: "I understand, the Gao family are really chicken thieves. What you said before is right, they really want to rely on the large number of people.

Come and win.”

Someone heard this and said in confusion: "Brother, how do you say this?"

The former smiled proudly and explained to everyone with a superior look, "Think about it, there are good and bad stories in this story, but there are also different tastes. Some people may like adventure, while others like humor; and

Some people like inspirational style... So although there is only one theme, it is difficult for everyone to agree on. In addition, the theme of "writing about immortals" is more difficult to write, and no one can tell which style everyone likes more.

Therefore, the Gao family is more of a thief. He immediately found so many Wenzong writers with different writing styles, so that everyone will always have one they particularly like. Then at the end of the competition, they only need to name the one with the highest ranking.

, that’s the one they chose to replace the Gao family, so wouldn’t they be able to win easily?”

"Oh...so that's it!"

"Oh, then the Gao family is too cunning. Are they treating others as fools by doing this?"

"It's not the fault of the Gao family. It can only be said that they took advantage of the rules. After all, no one said that the Gao family was not allowed to recruit so many people to join the war?"

"Eh... then wait a minute, the rules don't say that the Gao family is not allowed to find so many people to fight on their behalf, and it also doesn't say that other literary cultivators are not allowed to participate in the battle. Think about it, everyone is paying attention to this battle now.

If we can also participate in it, if we accidentally overpower the Su family and the Gao family again, wouldn't we become famous in one battle?!"

"This brother of yours has a clear mind and what you say makes sense!"

"Everyone, I have something to do, so please take a step first..."

"Wait...I have something to do, so I'll leave first..."

"I also……"

In the blink of an eye, the crowd that was still gathered in front of the literary list suddenly decreased by nearly half. Needless to say, those who left were calligraphy and literature cultivators. They felt that this was a good opportunity to become famous, and they couldn't help but sharpen their skills.

Huo Huo went back and started writing.

Someone else joked to the people around them: "Brother Chen, you are also a calligrapher and literary practitioner in the eighth realm of literary masters. You have also been on the Star Ranking before. Why aren't you moved when you hear this good thing?"

The man named 'Brother Chen' smiled bitterly and replied: "It's not that I don't want to, it's that I know my own strength very well. Even with so many Wen Zong people on the literary list, I'm not confident that I can win, let alone the Su family and Gao Da.

We can just look at the 'ruthless people' like Wentian, so why should we go up and humiliate ourselves?"

Hearing these words, many literary cultivators around him who had been excited suddenly came to their senses and immediately stopped moving.

Yes, the current opportunities are certainly good, but you must have the strength to compete with others.

You say that a group of lions are fighting, and your little Shiba Inu gets in on it. Isn’t that going to end in death?

Even many literary cultivators who had run away before came to their senses and slowly came back. After looking at the 'celebrities' on the literary list, they could only sigh one by one.

This group of people is too strong, and they are simply not something small literary cultivators like them can get involved with!

Not long after, another boy came out of Wangyue Tower. This time, as soon as the boy appeared, he shouted loudly: "Master Gao Wentian's new book "Immortal" is out!"

Upon hearing this, countless pairs of eyes in front of the literary list immediately looked over.

The boy immediately rushed to the literary list and sealed the jade slips and manuscripts in three strokes.

Everyone couldn't wait to move forward and looked up, and sure enough -

Title: "The Immortal".

Creator: Gao Wentian.

Just looking at the title of this book makes many people exclaim.

"'Immortal'? What an awesome name!"

"He actually dared to directly use the name 'immortal', which shows that he already has a deep understanding of this 'immortal'."

"I don't know how he would write 'immortal'."

"Stop being so nagging, do you want to seal or not? If not, just get out of the way and don't block the way..."

As expected of Gao Wentian, as soon as the first page of the manuscript came out, everyone immediately rushed to print the manuscript. In just a short time, the reputation of 'Immortal' was directly pushed to the first place on the literary list.

of writing paper.

The horror of Gao Wentian's fame can be seen from the inside. Someone in Qingfeng Restaurant also rushed to print several of Gao Wentian's manuscripts at once, and then passed them upstairs immediately.

"Immortal? This Gao Wentian is really courageous. He dares to use this name. Is he trying to shape this kind of book about "writing about immortals"?"

Long Xuan looked at the manuscript in his hand and clicked his tongue.

Su Ping'an also got one, and immediately stopped the pen in his hand and started reading it. After all, if he was going to fight his opponent, he had to see the opponent's strength.

Su Ping'an didn't read so many of Wenzong's story books before they came out. He only took a look at Gao Wentian's story, which shows his attitude.

In his eyes, only Gao Wentian was worthy enough to compete with him, and the rest were nothing to worry about.

Looking at Gao Wentian's "Immortal", this guy set the background of the story ten thousand years ago from the beginning, which is similar to Su Ping'an's "Wandering Blue Star". Of course, it is difficult to say that he is not influenced by "Wandering Blue Star".

Star' inspiration.

Gao Wentian wrote that the immortals who lived thousands of years ago really existed. They stood high in the nine heavens, could be thousands of miles away in an instant, and possessed unpredictable power.

Then one day, an immortal unfortunately fell into the mortal world due to an accident, lost his immortal body, and became a mortal. Then he had to inspire himself to overcome many tribulations and become an immortal again.

Seeing this opening chapter, Su Ping'an couldn't help but laugh.

"This is very similar to those time-travel and rebirth novels in previous lives. Moreover, the fall of an immortal into the mortal world can be regarded as a kind of 'golden finger'. This guy's idea is quite good. It's just..."

When Su Ping'an saw this, he smiled and shook his head slightly. His expression seemed to be a little regretful for the other party.

Long Xuan was also reading the first page of the other party's story. When he saw the beginning of this novel setting, and it was also a story about an immortal falling to earth, he suddenly became interested. He also sighed that the beginning was interesting and was about to ask.

When he asked Su Pingan what he meant, he happened to see Su Pingan shaking his head.

He couldn't help but ask: "Ping An, why are you shaking your head? Is it because you think the other person's story is not well written?"

Su Pingan put down the page in his hand, and then said: "No, I admit that Gao Wentian is indeed very good at writing. Considering his environment and experience, it is already very good to think of such an opening, and his writing skills

He is very strong and has great narrative ability, but he has a fatal flaw."

"What shortcomings?"

“The background setting does not match the personality of the characters.”


Long Xuan was confused when he heard this.

This chapter has been completed!
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