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Chapter 87: Accidentally bleak

"Everyone, come in and take a look. The food in our restaurant is delicious, the books are also good, the new genre of 'Martial Arts', and 'Liao Zhai'..."

For a long time, Xiao Fuzi stood at the door shouting until his voice became hoarse, but no customer came in.

Most of the people passing by glanced at Qingfeng Restaurant, then turned their heads, and then walked towards the 'Golden House' diagonally opposite.

"Let's go... there's nothing to see here, it's just a new store. Yesterday I was watching "The King of Literature" and I just finished it. I haven't finished it yet. I'll continue today..."

"Yes, I'm following it too. This story is really exciting. An ordinary boy from a poor family worked hard to become a "King of Literature". It's really amazing!"

"You are also reading this book, and so am I. It just so happens that we can discuss it together. Let's go quickly..."


Seeing this scene, Xiao Fuzi, who was trying hard to attract customers, was suddenly hit hard.

Liu Qingxi's face inside the door was filled with sorrow, and the handkerchief in her hand was almost turned into twists, and her thoughts were written all over her face.

When the maid Huan'er saw it, she became anxious and couldn't help but ask Su Ping'an for help, "Mr. Su, please think of a solution quickly. We have just opened and it will be a joke if we don't have a single customer. The lady is almost worried.


Su Ping'an also frowned at this moment. This scene was something he didn't expect.

Daming Mansion is deep in water, but he didn't expect it to be so deep. He previously boasted that as long as the story was good, with 'Tianlong' and 'Xiaoqian', as long as someone entered the store and someone opened the store, he would definitely be able to retain customers.


But I never expected that not even a single person came through the door.

No guests are willing to come to the house, so how can anyone come to read the storybook?

"It seems...I have to think of a move!"

Su Pingan touched his smooth chin with his hand, and his mind started spinning rapidly.

Xiao Fuzi next to him then came up and said in a hoarse voice: "Brother Su, why don't we tell stories on the streets like we did in Qingyun County before? As long as we gather popularity, our business will definitely get better!"

"Yes, yes...this method is good. We have tried it before, so this method will definitely work!" Uncle Fu also became anxious and couldn't help but get together with everyone.

From a distance, Liu Qingxi also looked over, and it seemed that she was also very interested in this move.

Su Pingan was a little hesitant.

After all, every place has its own rules. The same method may work well in Qingyun County, but may not work in Damingfu.

There are few literary practitioners in Qingyun County, there are even fewer good stories, and the competitiveness is not as strong as that of Damingfu, so Su Pingan used the method of storytelling on the street to work.

But this is Daming Mansion. There are more than a dozen restaurants and tea shops on one street. In addition, there is a famous "Golden House" restaurant next to it. All the customer flow has been diverted. He can use the one from before.

Recruitment may not be effective.

"If you want to attract customers, you have to do something unexpected!"

Su Ping'an frowned.

Everyone saw that Su Ping'an couldn't think of a better idea for a while. The shopkeeper Fu Bo saw that this was not the way to go, so he discussed it with Liu Qingxi and found a storyteller to tell stories on the street with two books.

Try it.

Liu Qingxi glanced at Su Pingan. She was also worried about the situation of the store, so she agreed.

Uncle Fu was still very efficient in doing things, and it didn't take long to find a storyteller.

Because it was a temporary purchase, the price was relatively high, but today was the first day of opening, which was of great significance to the restaurant, so Uncle Fu didn't bargain and agreed immediately.

Soon, the storyteller took the manuscript of "The Eight Parts of the Dragon" into his hands. He glanced at it briefly and said in surprise, "Hey... martial arts? What kind of book is this?"

"The new school, created by my brother Su, has become very popular in Qingyun County!" Xiao Fuzi looked after him.

"Then what kind of cultivation level does this 'Brother Su' in your mouth have?"

"O scribe!"

"Scribes create new themes? Are you kidding me?!"

After listening to Xiao Fuzi's introduction, the storyteller couldn't help but reveal a hint of contempt and said: "A small scholar dares to claim to be the founder of a sect, so I can't read his books much better. How about you guys?"

Let's change to a storybook. Now on Dongping Street, contemporary fantasy is particularly popular because of "A Generation of King Wen". Do you have any books of this type? If so, let me tell you. Maybe it can attract some people.

.Other themes are very difficult..."

The storyteller mentioned three "difficulties" in a row, which also stumped Xiao Fuzi.

This time when they came to Daming Mansion, they originally brought a lot of books from the store, but when they were in Qingyun County, the results of those books were just mediocre.

Liu Qingxi and the others did not expect these stories to gain a foothold in Daming Mansion. In the end, they relied on 'Tianlong', 'Xiaoqian', and Su Ping'an.

But I never expected that these two books, which were popular in Qingyun County, would be looked down upon in Daming Mansion.

And after listening carefully to the storyteller's opinion, it seemed that he was right. Xiao Fuzi couldn't make up his mind for a moment and could only look back at Su Pingan.

At this time, Liu Qingxi suddenly came over and made a decision, saying: "Let's just talk about these two books, 'Dragon and the Eight Parts' and 'A Chinese Ghost Story'. If these two books are not good, then I can only read other books.

There’s no need!”

Now that the boss has spoken, the storyteller no longer insists, but just shakes his head silently, as if he is not optimistic about these two books.

Su Ping'an saw everything but said nothing, but his brows were still furrowed.

Not long after, outside the door of Qingfeng Restaurant, a table was placed at the side entrance. There was a gavel on the table, and an experienced storyteller stood behind him.

The storyteller first had a rough familiarity with the story content of the first two chapters of "Tianlong", and then he was stunned and began to talk about it as if no one was watching.

Liu Qingxi and Xiao Fuzi stood on the other side of the door and watched quietly, waiting for the reactions of passers-by.

The storyteller spoke very hard, in a melody, and the story was very exciting, but everyone passing by was passing by one after another, and some even didn't even look at it, as if they had seen this thing before; even if it happened occasionally,

I stopped and just listened for a while, but I didn’t understand what I was listening to. I couldn’t figure out what the subject of the book was. In addition, there were only two or three people listening around. It would look strange if there were few people. So those two people

He quickly shook his head, turned around and left again.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Fuzi was puzzled and asked: "Why, what we did is exactly the same as what Brother Su did before. Why is it ineffective here and can't even keep a single guest?!"

Liu Qingxi also frowned. She carefully recalled what Su Ping'an did. She seemed to have missed some steps, "I remembered, we forgot to advertise!"

In Qingyun County, before Su Pingan's storytelling, he had done some pre-advertising and had plenty of 'gimmicks', so as soon as he told the story, a lot of people gathered around him.

The atmosphere was right, and the story was exciting, so "Tianlong" became popular all of a sudden.

"Ah? Then is it too late for us to promote it now?!" Xiao Fuzi asked anxiously.

Liu Qingxi shook her head, her face suddenly becoming more sad.

She also thought of a way to make up for it, but she couldn't think of it for a while. In desperation, she had to turn back to Su Pingan for advice, but she didn't expect that when she looked back, there was no trace of Su Pingan in the restaurant.

"Hmm? Where are the others?"

This chapter has been completed!
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