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Chapter 88 Don't bully the poor

In the blink of an eye, most of the morning had passed, but the restaurant was still empty.

In front of the Qingfeng Restaurant, the storyteller's voice had lost its interest. It was no longer as passionate and powerful as it was at the beginning, and even became a little decadent.

He had already told the story, whether it was "Dragon" or "A Chinese Ghost Story", he told them both interchangeably, but it still had no effect.

And through storytelling, he has already felt the excitement of the story.

The new martial arts genre's passionate arena and martial arts adventures make people excited and envious.

The beautiful and cold female ghost in Liaozhai makes people salivate and wish they could replace her.

But no one listened to such a good story, which made him doubt himself for the first time in his life.

Could it be that what I said was too bad?!

Even the little fox and the wolf and the dog, who rarely appeared in the front yard of the restaurant for fear of scaring passers-by, were involuntarily attracted by the story and appeared on the second floor balcony. Listening to the following story, both felt comfortable.

Squint your eyes.

"Hey, I didn't expect that the boy named Su was not very good at cultivation, but the story was pretty good." Lang Yiquan likes "Dragon Babu" very much. There are many beauties in it and many extraordinary feats. He just likes this kind.


On the contrary, the little fox Feng Xiaomian preferred the model 'Xiao Qian', so after listening to Lang Yi Quan's voice transmission, she looked at the latter with disdain, and then said through the voice transmission: "Ignorance means ignorance.

, it is obviously 'Xiaoqian' who is better, a female ghost can be so infatuated and sincere, but Ning Caichen still doubted her at the beginning. So if you ask me to say, there is no good thing in the human race..."


The wolf and the dog were afraid of the little fox's strength, so they dared to be angry but dared not speak out. They could only groan and say in their hearts: I still like 'Tianlong'!

Unknowingly, Su Ping'an had two more book fans, and they were cross-species. If he knew about this, I'm afraid he would be very happy...what a ghost!

at the same time.

The tragic situation of the opening of Qingfeng Restaurant has begun to spread throughout Dongping Street. Every other restaurant, tea shop, bookstore... who got the news laughed at the tragic situation of Qingfeng Restaurant.

Shopkeeper Hu of the Golden House Restaurant was even more proud. He said to his waiter: "See, let me just say this. If a foreigner wants to gain a foothold in our Daming Mansion, he doesn't care how much he weighs.

There is no need for me to take action. If they continue like this, they will close their doors in less than two days!"

Amidst the sounds of people laughing, the time passed in the blink of an eye and it was noon.

Before eating, the storyteller looked at Liu Qingxi with a look of shame on his face, shook his head and sighed: "I'm sorry, girl, I've tried my best, but this situation... Hey, I won't talk about it this afternoon, girl, I'd better hire someone else!"


The storyteller ‘resigned’ and quit.

This job is so difficult!

He started his story-telling business but failed to retain anyone. If word of this got out, his future story-telling career would probably come to an end.

Liu Qingxi tried to persuade him to stay again, but nothing could stop him from leaving. So in desperation, she had no choice but to give him more wages and let him go.

"Miss, what should we do now? Even the storyteller is gone. Then won't we have nothing to do this afternoon?!"

The shopkeeper Fu Bo was very anxious.

If such a situation occurs on the first day of opening, it can be said to be a huge blow to the reputation of the restaurant. If it cannot be restored, it will directly make outsiders think that this restaurant is too bad and they will not even be willing to visit in the future.

Then this is equivalent to directly sentencing the restaurant to death!

Liu Qingxi was also anxious, but she couldn't think of a good way to solve it for a while.

At this moment, the maid Huan'er saw a figure walking out of the back hall of the restaurant. Her eyes lit up immediately and she said in surprise: "Miss, Su Guan'er is here!"

Hearing this, Liu Qingxi hurriedly looked back and took a closer look. Who could the figure walking towards be if it wasn't Su Ping'an.

I saw Su Pingan, who had been missing all morning, now in high spirits and radiant. There seemed to be a lot of fighting spirit in his eyes, and his whole person looked a bit overwhelming.

In his hand, he still held a stack of manuscripts, and Xiao Fuzi was called away by him at some point. At this moment, he was following Su Pingan, holding a lot of things in his arms.

Su Ping'an approached, deliberately looked at the maid Huan'er with a sullen face, and said in a pretended displeasure: "Huan'er, when did I get the title of 'Su Bad Guy' again? We can't speak out of conscience.

I'm so handsome, outstanding, and helpful, can you please call me 'Handsome Su' from now on?! And...I'm punishing you to come to my room at night, and I'll give you a good check-up, do you hear me?!"

Xiao Fuzi behind him started sweating again on his forehead!

Come on, Brother Su is still as shameless as ever!

The maid Huan'er was caught speaking ill of Su Ping'an. She stuck out her tongue and hid behind Liu Qingxi in fear.

Liu Qingxi glanced at Su Ping'an angrily and said, "How long has it been and you're still so unruly? What have you been doing since you disappeared all morning?"

When it came to business, Su Ping'an puffed up his chest and said proudly, "Of course I'm going to find a way!"

Liu Qingxi's eyes flashed, "Then you have thought of a way?!"


"any solution?!"

"You'll find out later!"

Su Ping'an also deliberately gave up, and then waved his hand to Xiao Fuzi behind him, quite like a 'young man in charge', and commanded: "Xiao Fuzi, go and hang these two long banners outside. Next,

, we are going to have a big fight again!"

"Okay, Brother Su!"

Xiao Fuzi grinned, and then immediately ran out of the door.

Seeing Su Ping'an's confident look, Liu Qingxi and Uncle Fu couldn't help but feel a strong sense of curiosity.

They all witnessed the tragic scene in the restaurant in the morning.

The storyteller's voice was like smoke, but in the end he couldn't get a single customer. They didn't believe that Su Ping'an could come up with any other good ideas in just one morning?!

However, after getting along with each other for such a long time, they also know that Su Ping'an is not a peaceful person. He always has many evil ideas and loves to cause trouble.

I just hope that this time he can really think of a better way.

At that moment, everyone walked out of the door with a trace of curiosity and expectation. Then they saw that Xiao Fuzi had lifted up the things he was holding in his arms, hung them on two banners, and stood at the entrance of the restaurant.


The two banners were very long, and they were made of red silk with gilded characters. Once opened, they were very conspicuous, and it was difficult for people on the street not to see them even if they wanted to.

Everyone then looked up carefully, then took a breath of cold air and their eyes were shocked.

I saw the banner on the left saying:

Thirty years in Hedong, thirty years in Hexi, don’t bully young people into poverty!

The banner on the right reads:

The latest genre, Eastern fantasy, counterattack boy, I want "Break the Sky"!

The straightforward words and secondary vocabulary combined together burst out an indescribable power.

Although everyone still doesn't know what the story of "Fighting Breaks the Sphere" is, but seeing these two banners, everyone's hearts are inexplicably ignited with enthusiasm.

Especially the sentence on the left.

Thirty years in Hedong, thirty years in Hexi, don’t bully young people into poverty!

How many people on the street clenched their fists unconsciously when they saw this sentence, as if they all remembered the injustice and unfairness they had encountered at a certain moment. They immediately raised their heads, and the blood in their hearts was like a fever thermometer.

, kept running upwards.

Take another look at the last book title.

"Fight to Break the Sky"!

Even the sky is broken, what a momentum, what ambition and courage!

At this time, even "oriental fantasy" and the "latest genre" are already secondary. Everyone just wants to see what kind of character this guy who wants to fight to the death will be.

Su Ping'an also seized the opportunity and appeared immediately. He did not hesitate or need words. He just pulled out the essay list, then walked to the street and put the manuscript in his hand directly to the essay list.

There was one letter inside, which was then withdrawn.

Sometimes simple words are more powerful than spoken words.

Because people’s imagination is often more exciting than what others say!

And next, it’s time to witness the miracle…

This chapter has been completed!
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