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Chapter 190: Eating

"Remember to bring some food that children like to eat, and some good wine for the uncle to drink, but not too much. Is there anything Xiaolan wants to eat?"

Amamiya Noriko was talking to the consul and asked Xiaolan.

"It doesn't matter to me, Noriko doesn't need to order something too good."

Noriko Amamiya smiled softly: "It's okay, maybe Xiaolan will pay for it."


Xiaolan's hands shook. She had always been thrifty and thought that she might not be able to afford this meal.

Conan comforted: "Sister Noriko must be joking."

"Yes." Amamiya Noriko responded, glanced at Conan, who was sitting on a chair and the height of the tabletop was not suitable, and reminded the consul: "How can you neglect it? Remember to bring a child seat."


Conan couldn't help but have black lines on his face: "Um, sister Noriko, I shouldn't use the child seat, right?"


Amamiya Noriko visually checked Conan's height and said, "Then at least have a cushion."

"I was negligent." The consul nodded and said with a smile, "Okay, Miss, let's make arrangements now."

As he went down to arrange the arrangements, he couldn't help but sigh. The eldest lady was indeed as gentle and considerate as the one in the transmission. She was also particularly caring for children. She was worthy of being the heir to our Amamiya Foundation.

This is just like setting up a crown prince. The emperor is not in a hurry and the ministers are in a hurry. For a family-owned enterprise like the Amamiya Foundation, only a successor can make people feel at ease. Although there is not much news about the eldest daughter of the Amamiya Foundation, the Amamiya Foundation

There will be rumors about every company, and they will definitely be positive.

Someone at his level has a more comprehensive understanding.

But in fact, until he saw Amamiya Noriko at the door of the restaurant just now, he had never seen a photo of his eldest daughter. He only survived in rumors. How to identify the eldest daughter? It has been rumored that you can recognize it when you see it.


Sure enough, the moment he saw her, he was sure that the most beautiful, gentlest and best-tempered one must be his eldest lady.

When the consul went to get the cushion himself, he glanced at the beauty of his eldest lady, and a confident light flashed in his eyes.

The main reason is that he knew Amamiya Noriko would come, and Xiaolan was the only one among his colleagues who might admit his mistake. Although Xiaolan has a gentler personality and is considerate, she is still the leader of the karate club, and Amamiya Noriko is still cute.

Zi is even better.

[There is no doubt about the cuteness of the young lady whom I have never met before. You can recognize her when you meet her!]

I don’t know which Amamiya Foundation employee who had the honor to meet the eldest lady spread the word.

Conan was shocked that he was taller now, but he could still accept it. Anyway, he was already in the first grade of elementary school, but besides him, the shortest person here was Noriko Amamiya.

He must be accurate about Xiaolan's height. Amamiya Noriko is obviously a little shorter than Xiaoran, probably because she exercised too much before.

Amamiya Noriko's height did change a bit when she was in the second or third grade of junior high school. She passed her growth period for a while, and her height grew very slowly after she entered high school.

But he couldn't say this.

Even if he accidentally attacks Amamiya Noriko with his height, he will definitely be taken away by her backhand.

Although he was still generally straight, he still learned from Noriko Amamiya that girls are petty.

It was precisely because of the habit he had developed as a detective that he could visually assess a person's appearance, body and height very accurately, so he would not suspect the Baileys in the department store to be Amamiya Noriko, as the two were not of the same stature.

Well, I can’t say that either.

Sit on the cushion first. No matter what, it is indeed much easier to pick up food.

By the way, Xiaolan and Noriko picked up the food for him. Conan was really flattered when Amamiya Noriko picked up a chopstick of the dish. If he was Kudo Shinichi, how could she pick up the food for him?

No, it's possible, and it's very scary.

It makes Amamiya Noriko pick up food for herself in front of Xiaolan, and she feels sad just thinking about it.

It makes me scared just thinking about it. He should just lower his head and eat. What is this green thing? Why are there raisins?

He hates raisins the most.

This chapter has been completed!
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