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Chapter 191: Help Sister Bei to the end

Conan looked disgusted and picked up the raisins that came from nowhere in his bowl, and was caught by Xiaolan.

"Don't be picky about food."

Xiaolan not only stopped Conan's picky eating behavior, but also discovered that he didn't like eating raisins as much as Shinichi.

She looked at the raisins and couldn't help but think of Shinichi.

Conan was a little frightened when she saw him. Xiaolan wouldn't know that she was Kudo Shinichi from this kind of thing, right?

"Did you learn from that guy Shinichi? He knows how to lead bad children."

Xiaolan watched for a while, then accused Kudo Shinichi from afar.

Conan: "..."

Anyway, I wiped my sweat and breathed a sigh of relief. Even though I was accused in person, it was good that Xiaolan didn't notice it.

Amamiya Noriko watched the whole process from the side. For some reason, Xiaolan could always find some clues, or she was familiar with Shinichi's preferences so she could detect it to a certain extent.

Then it went crooked again. Should Xiaolan's brain circuit be said to be a little tortuous or straight?

Nothing strange happened during the dinner, or midnight snack. Only Mouri Kogoro was very happy drinking, and Conan was paid close attention to by Xiaolan.

After eating is the most important thing.

While Xiaolan was eating the fruit after dinner, she saw the consul bringing over a box with a hole on it. It seemed to be a lottery box?

After putting down the box, the consul said to Noriko Amamiya: "Miss, the lottery box is ready."

Noriko Amamiya shook the box and glanced at the small cards inside: "It's easy to win without intentionality, right?"


The consul wiped his sweat. He didn't know what the eldest lady was doing, but he really wanted to use some tricks to make the eldest lady easily win the lottery.

However, he guessed that the eldest lady, with such a kind character, would not like this kind of behavior, so he still did not take action.

"Okay, I'll give it a try."

Noriko Amamiya reached into the box and touched a random card: "Blank?"

The consul nodded: "I just didn't win."

"Yeah." Noriko Amamiya nodded, put the card back, and then drew another one, but it was blank again.

Draw another one, blank.

After drawing ten blank cards, Amamiya Noriko stopped drawing and turned around to ask about the probability of winning. Even if you draw cards, the probability of winning must be announced.

"What's the probability of winning?"

The consul tried: "One card out of a hundred will win."

"It's not low either." Noriko Amamiya looked at her luck score.

Lucky: 11, got it.

Her luck value is indeed very low, because her strength has reached 184. Is it really difficult to sneak from Africa to Europe? Does she have to give strength all day long? Sooner or later, she will have to dismantle Master Qin’s car with her bare hands.

"Are the people who confessed to me all non-chiefs?"

Noriko Amamiya had to be suspicious, and then she took the responsibility of luck? Xiaolan was pulled over.

"Enter Xiaolan."


Xiaolan watched Noriko draw so many times but didn't win. She didn't think that she could hit the draw right away, so he pulled Conan over. Anyway, he had just eaten and had nothing to do: "It's better to let Conan smoke for a while."

Yes, children may have good luck."

""Conan's young body was lifted in front of Noriko Amamiya by Xiaolan's two hands. Just when he was speechless and found being looked at by Noriko Amamiya, he suddenly raised his two small hands: "Okay, let's draw a lottery!"

Amamiya Noriko looked at Conan for a while. Since you sincerely want to draw the lottery, I will let you try it.

Conan said that he just went to make up the numbers? But he was wondering? According to probability theory, Amamiya Noriko just drew ten blanks, so the possibility that he has better luck than her is still relatively high.

So he also drew ten blanks.


Conan's eyes were fixed on the lottery box, and he thought calmly for a moment, maybe he was tampered with.

The tipsy Mouri Kogoro rubbed his head unceremoniously? “Let me do it——”

With the result of not winning ten times, Mouri Kogoro said that he was drunk? He was in a bad state and will try again next time!

Then Xiaolan is left? Amamiya Noriko looked at Xiaolan, tilted her head and asked the consul: "What is the grand prize?"

The consul replied, and at the same time he put a bill on the table: "This is free of charge, as well as a one-time consumption coupon."

Xiaolan glanced at this purchase curiously. She opened her eyes wide and couldn't help but ask: "Excuse me, how do I use the one-time consumption coupon?"

The consul smiled and said: "If you make a purchase in our store and make a reservation, you will be free of charge for non-packaged purchases within 24 hours of that day."

Xiaolan thought for a moment about how it would feel to treat such a high-end restaurant as a buffet. More importantly, she thought that she could take the opportunity to bring her parents together.

After being looked at by Noriko with encouraging eyes, Xiaolan immediately showed off her karate master's momentum and drew the prize!

As she took out a red card, the consul next to her opened her eyes wide, and then clapped her hands and congratulated: "Miss Maori, congratulations, you won the grand prize."

Xiaolan herself was a little confused, she really got the draw like that. She saw that Noriko, Conan and her father had all drawn 10 times and nothing happened.

Facing Xiaolan's puzzled gaze, Conan and Mouri Kogoro turned away their heads sadly.

After all, there are differences between people's physiques.

Noriko Amamiya was very happy. While she was happy for Xiaolan, she was also happy for her own [APTX4869-modified].

Because she started researching after ruthlessly snatching APTX4869 from Gin. She took a small part of this precious one to analyze the ingredients, study the production process and try to replicate it. How difficult is it?

Just look at the prices of expensive drugs.

Even if you know what the ingredients are, it still requires a lot of experiments to make it. Just like you know that the main ingredients of gunpowder are potassium nitrate, charcoal and sulfur, what is the ratio? What about the production environment?

It would be great if you could put it in the workbench and synthesize it.

The world of Conan does not have this.

APTX4869, which she usually produces in the laboratory at home, is now in the experimental stage. The latest experimental product is also available, which was given to Calvados, who died.

If possible, she would definitely have to watch Calvados's reaction when he died of the poison to record the results. Maybe Calvados could send out the final ripple, which would be a huge help to her experiment.

But we can’t pretend that Sister Bei doesn’t exist.

Now it's repetitive and boring for her. She just messes with APTX4869 when she has nothing to do, and then records the difference every time.

The only helper was Ogura Asahi. There was a wonderful misunderstanding when Reina Mizuno came for the interview, which gave Qin Ye the illusion that Ogura Asahi was the mysterious person who stole his medicine.

It just so happened that she used to be a health soldier. For the time being, in order to avoid being targeted by Mr. Qin for murder or something, he let her stay with him in the laboratory, where it was safe and he could help himself.

Just waiting for the laboratory her father established abroad to be fully put into use.

Now Noriko Amamiya wants to take advantage of Xiaolan's lucky max and give her the ingredients to draw lots. Maybe the one she draws will be the most perfect combination?

You see, Xiaolan is entranced right now.

It would be nice to save herself some time. She doesn't have as much time to study this as the winery. If she has time to do scientific research, she might as well go fishing.


Conan tilted his head sensitively, vaguely aware of Amamiya Noriko's hidden malice, but when he turned around, he saw that Amamiya Noriko seemed quite normal and was happy that Xiaolan had won the grand prize.

"Is it an illusion?"

Amamiya Noriko glanced at Conan with a smile, I didn't stare at you this time.

Basically, it's just a simple meal here to test the accuracy of Xiaolan's lottery in an instant.

Belmod on the other side felt like he was guessing a riddle.

Not to mention Bailey's method of poisoning Calvados, she discovered many ways at once, but she couldn't be sure.

Now she took Calvados's body to the clinic of a peripheral member of the organization. The organization member performed an autopsy on Calvados diligently under the gunpoint of Belmode, but to be honest, the cause of death was a mystery.

But he couldn't say this to Lord Belmode, what if he was silenced if he wasn't satisfied?

Therefore, this member of the organization cited several chemical drugs that may cause such death without certainty. They are all very professional drugs. If you have not studied medicinal chemistry to a certain extent, you may not understand them well.

He succeeded, and Belmod felt like he was guessing a riddle.

So she put the muzzle of the silenced gun on the temple of the member of the peripheral organization, pressed his head on the operating table, and said in a still charming voice: "So, what are the specifics?"

The peripheral members were sweating profusely and did not dare to struggle. They could only say in fear: "I, I'm not sure, this may be a drug I have never seen before!!"

"A drug never seen before?"

Belmode raised his thin eyebrows slightly. To a certain extent, this was the same as saying that he had discovered a new species or a new continent.

"And, in this case of unknown cause of death, the autopsy report also needs to be comprehensive. If it is an unknown chemical drug with no information, it will be even more difficult!"

Of course, Belmode also knew that Calvados was only doing a preliminary dissection now, and would have to look at the changes in other organs in the future. However, she was already aware of the unknown drug.

"Are you sure it's an unknown drug?"

“It’s a reaction I’ve never seen before.”

"Where's the report?"

The peripheral members quickly and carefully took out a report: "For the time being, only the chemical reactions of some organs of the deceased have been recorded——"


Belmode took the report and glanced at it for a few times, then used it to block the splattering blood.

Calvados's body cannot be kept for too long waiting for a complete autopsy report, otherwise she will not be able to explain it if the organization finds it.

After the layout was completed, a fire destroyed everything, leaving no trace behind.

Belmode left with a report, and she wanted to confirm some things.

After a while, the fire burning in the private clinic rapidly expanded, waking up nearby residents who were sleeping. While trying to put out the fire as much as possible, they also made emergency calls.

Not long after, as the fire brigade arrived and started putting out the fire, Officer Megure and his team, who had just solved a case at a nearby department store and were preparing to return to the Metropolitan Police Department with five suspects, also arrived.

After parking the car, Officer Memu looked at the fire from a distance and sent police officers over to see if they could help.

Suddenly a taxi stopped nearby, and a familiar voice came from the car: "Wow, this fire is too big!"

Officer Megure tilted his head, and it turned out to be Mouri Kogoro, who looked a little drunk.

Xiaolan and Conan were also in the car. Because their father was drunk, Noriko took this taxi for them. Xiaolan looked at the fire with worry, while Conan had already gotten out of the car without knowing when. He looked for a few

A bystander asked how long it took for the flames to start burning.

The results obtained were very consistent. The fire was very sudden and the fire quickly grew in intensity.

"So that's the case. The possibility of man-made arson cannot be ruled out."

And he got information that the owner of this private clinic usually slept in the clinic at night, and might still be in the fire at this time.

Conan's eyes were extremely calm: "It seems that it is destined to be a sleepless night. No matter how complicated the case is, there is only one truth."

After Xiaolan noticed that he had run out of the car, she quickly got out of the car and carried him back to the car. "It's already very late. Children can't stay up late."

"Ah" Conan looked pained but happy. Suddenly his eyes lit up and he suggested: "Sister Xiaolan, just think of it as a digestion after a meal! If you go home and sleep after eating, your belly will be fat!"

Xiaolan pouted, not being fooled: "I don't get fat easily. I usually practice karate."

Conan could only turn his head and look at the detective who was still tipsy even though he was restricted from drinking by Amamiya Noriko: "Sleeping Moori Kogoro, maybe you need to take action to solve this case!"


Mouri Kogoro immediately opened his slightly narrowed eyes, opened the door and got out of the car, and said to the taxi driver: "Please wait a moment, I will end this case soon."

The taxi driver's eyes widened and he said in an unbelievable tone: "So, you are the famous detective, the sleeping Kogoro Mori? Just go ahead and solve the case!"

"Hahahaha, yes, I am the famous detective, the sleeping Mouri Kogoro! It's just a small case, so fast."

Mouri Kogoro walked out in a big way, walked up to Officer Megure, and, arm-in-arm with him, discussed this incident that might be an arson case.

The taxi driver exclaimed: "As expected of Mr. Mouri Kogoro, he is already very familiar with the police. He must often help the police solve cases."

Xiaolan in the back seat had no choice but to take Conan out of the car. Conan was speechless for a while when he heard his sigh. Didn't you see that the man was already drunk?

Officer Megure looked stiff and was put on the shoulder by Mouri Kogoro: "Why are you here again?"

Mouri Kogoro said seriously: "This shows that this case requires me."

"It doesn't necessarily mean that the case is good, it could also be an accidental fire, aging wiring, etc."

Officer Memu smelled the smell of alcohol on his body and slapped his hand away angrily, "Don't join in the fun when you're drunk."

Mouri Kogoro said disdainfully: "I'm not drunk, but the wine Miss Amamiya bought was a bit too good."

On the other side, Conan had already asked the nearby residents for their confessions under the pretext of helping: "Hello~ Let me ask the police officer over there if he noticed anyone entering the clinic before the fire broke out?"


The woman in front of him spoke calmly and didn't seem to want to say much. Conan couldn't help but pay more attention, but she was wearing a top hat and couldn't see clearly, so he had to ask other people first.

The woman stepped back and took out her mobile phone to make a call.

While Conan was involved in another case, Amamiya Noriko had already cycled home and was ready to go to bed. This time she was really ready to go to sleep, but she couldn't stand it and the phone suddenly rang.

"Sister Chie?"

"Ah? Seriously?"

Amamiya Noriko confirmed it once, and then prepared to get up from the bed and rush to put out the fire.

You, Conan, are not an ordinary tough guy. You solve one case, have a meal, and then start another case.

Noriko Amamiya put on socks on her feet and tilted her head to hold the phone. She was thinking about the case of a fire in a clinic, but she didn't seem to remember it.

"Are you sure it was a fire in the clinic?"

Riho Chieda replied to her affirmatively.

Amamiya Noriko thought, if she doesn't remember the case, she won't forget it. She doesn't even remember the circumstances of the case, so she only has a sense of participation.

Riho Chieda heard that there was no sound on the other end of Noriko's phone. After thinking about it, she finally said: "Noriko, the location of this clinic is exactly in the direction where the woman went after you left the Rice Flower Hotel."

My young lady didn't go home and went to the hotel late at night. As the chief bodyguard and cousin, she shouldn't be too concerned, right?

If Noriko is deceived by some nasty man, the consequences will be disastrous.

She was far away, and she could vaguely see that she was a woman, which was barely acceptable.

Because I am familiar with him, I know that the distance between following Noriko must be far, otherwise Noriko will easily be keenly aware of it.

"Don't follow me like this next time!!"

Listening to Noriko speaking angrily on the other end of the phone, her voice was soft and sounded like a coquettish voice when she was angry. Riho Chieda expressed her understanding with a straight face: "Okay."

Noriko Amamiya doubted the reliability of her promise and said, "Then I won't go. You can just watch and get it sorted out."

Riho Chieda nodded, then turned her head to look at Conan who was still asking about the situation: "That Conan kid seems to have noticed me, is it okay?"


If you say this, I'm interested.

Noriko Amamiya took off her socks again and sat back on the bed, "Does he secretly observe you from time to time?"

Chie Riho nodded: "Yes."

"Didn't you see your face? Conan knows you."

"At night, the light was not good, so I wore a hat."

"Then stand under the shadow, and when he observes you, show your big white teeth and a cruel smile."


Riho Chieda has a calm and indifferent face every day, which makes her a little embarrassed.

Amemiya Noriko took this into consideration perfectly and guided: "If you can't laugh, think of something happy, something like bad things succeeding."


All Chieda Riho can say is try her best and think of something she likes, such as Noriko, hehehe

Not far away, Conan had been paying attention to the woman who had an abnormal attitude after being questioned by him, and now she was walking a little further away so that people could not see her appearance clearly.

Just when he glanced again to see if this woman had any strange behavior, yes!!

She showed that indescribable smile that was hard to describe in words. It was extremely cruel and terrifying. At the same time, she was holding a phone in one hand and seemed to be talking to someone. She was too suspicious!!!

Noriko Amamiya was curious: "How did Conan react?"

Chieda Riho said uncertainly: "It seems that I was a little scared."

When Noriko Amamiya heard this, she said, "It's amazing. It can scare Conan a little bit." What's her expression like?

"But Sister Qianzhi, you can run away and go again in a different way."

Conan had a frightened reaction. If he pinned his suspicion on Riho Chieda, Conan would find out everything she hid, and don't involve the incident at the Rice Krispies Hotel.

As for the clinic case, if her guess is correct, she will have to help Sister Bei wrap up the case. Destroying the corpses and eliminating traces will be really troublesome when meeting Conan.

This chapter has been completed!
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