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Chapter 236: Brother, it's that woman again!

In front of Dr. Ali's house.

Seeing the female knight in black leather, Conan's heart went cold for a moment.

At this time, a man dressed in black, obviously coming for him, came to the door of Dr. Ali's house. Apart from the assassins from the mysterious organization, he could not think of the second possibility.

In an extremely critical situation, his mind was spinning rapidly, and countless possible ways of escape flashed through his mind.

But as the female knight took out the pistol, Conan felt his heart sinking to the North Pole.

As the female knight approached, little memories of his childhood emerged in Conan's mind.

Starting from when I went to the kindergarten to meet Xiaolan, and then Amamiya Noriko, she instantly killed her in an arm-wrestling fight...

Bits and pieces of memories...

Conan shook his head and stared at the beautiful female rider. It can be guessed that she also has a pretty face.

Holding a pistol behind his back, he blindly sent a message to Noriko Amamiya, telling her not to come. It would be in danger if she came and met this woman.

The crisp sound of leather boots hitting the ground, elegant and light, unhurried rhythm, is getting closer and closer.

The face under the black mask of the motorcycle helmet could not be seen, but Conan felt that it must have the same cold expression as the man in black from the mysterious organization who knocked him unconscious.

After Conan pressed send, he looked straight at her. For that organization, it was a drug used to kill people, but he was not dead and had become smaller. Maybe it would not kill him directly.

It also has research value.

Conan's face was inevitably a little pale, stemming from the feeling of powerlessness in his heart, but he still managed to maintain his sanity.

The female knight walked directly in front of him, slowly bent down, and spoke in a seductive voice:

"Little brother, how to get to Rice Flower Hotel?"



Conan reacted for a moment and looked at her pistol with his mouth wide open.

Scared me!

What are you holding to ask for directions?

"Oh, this."

Seeing him looking at his pistol, Amamiya Noriko pulled the trigger on him. Conan's heart was in his throat, but a small flame came out of the muzzle of the gun.

"A cool lighter."


Conan was so frightened that he almost lost his strength, and responded with a dry smile.

Amamiya Noriko handed him a lady's cigarette by the way, but Conan pushed it away with black lines on his head. I'm still a primary school student, what kind of cigarette are you handing me?!

If you use a pistol-type lighter like this, if the police see you, they will definitely stop you and question you first.

Amamiya Noriko admired his frightened expression, waved her hand, and rode off on her motorcycle in a cool manner.

She was still planning to let Conan take a look at her current face to completely eliminate his doubts about her identity, but it seemed that she no longer needed it. The ups and downs had already made him want to die.

Noriko Amamiya was originally planning to go to the Rice Krispies Hotel to have some fun, but it would be risky to appear in front of Kudo Yusaku. Kudo Shinichi and his father Kudo Yusaku's reasoning ability is really strong. If he shows up in front of him, his identity will be revealed.

It would be bad if it was exposed.

Noriko Amamiya rode her bicycle on the main street in the city, heading towards Amamiya's house.

Suddenly the mobile phone in her pocket rang. She parked the car on the side of the road, took off her helmet and took out the mobile phone to connect. It was her mother's.

"Kiko!!! What's going on in the new home?! Mom's room is full of guns! Have terrorists lived in the house?"

As soon as she answered the phone, her mother's voice sounded extremely aggrieved. Amamiya Noriko suddenly said, "Oh, I am a terrorist, because mom, you came back suddenly and haven't tidied up your and dad's room. It's nothing."

It doesn’t matter, isn’t this more secure?”

Emi Amamiya had obviously gone to have sex with her husband, and the voice changed to Rikuto Amamiya's voice: "Noriko, there is no need to keep so many guns at home, right? Your mother opened the closet and don't worry, the clothes hanging on the hanger are guns.

But I was terrified.”

Amamiya Noriko explained: "The main reason is that Tomoyo came to live at home at that time. When I was cleaning the room, I moved the things to your room first. I couldn't find a place to put them. By the way, Tomoyo didn't know, did she?"

"She didn't see it."

Amamiya Rikuto responded that once upon a time, her daughter was not only very smart and capable, but also very cute, and as well-behaved as Chiyomiya Tomoyo from his wife's family, but now...it seems a bit too powerful.

To be honest, Amamiya Rikuto himself was surprised when he saw so many firearms and weapons. He usually keeps some firearms in his residence abroad, but never to this extent. Really, with this number of firearms and weapons, it is impossible to go abroad with this amount.

It's more than enough to open a gun store.

This is in Japan.

Guns are not everywhere. In other words, the fact that my daughter can get so many guns is already powerful enough.

Moreover, he vaguely remembered that when his daughter designed the new mansion, she made full use of the underground space. She couldn't fit it in, so she put some in the room...

As a father, Rikuto Amamiya felt that he needed to remind his daughter that she should try her best to be a good law-abiding citizen and not look like a terrorist. World peace is good.

However, Noriko Amamiya had already spoken out in advance: "Don't worry, it's just for collection, there are no duplicates."

Amamiya Rikuto took a look and realized that it was indeed true. If his daughter only had a hobby of collecting, it would not be impossible.

"Just ask Sister Chie to help clean up the room and come out." Noriko Amamiya asked, "Do you want to take a rest just after getting off the plane?"

Amamiya Rikuto shook his head: "No, your mother has made an agreement with the Kudo family and there is still a play to be performed."

Kudo Yusaku made an appointment with him at that time, and asked him to confirm that his son had indeed become smaller. The two families had formed an alliance, and there was a relationship between their children. The two families had a lot of contacts in the past.

At least Kudo Yukiko and Amamiya Emi are very familiar with each other.

Noriko Amamiya understands, and there are two more actors, which is probably more exciting for Conan than the original.

But looking at this relationship, it doesn't seem to matter if I attract some attention from Kudo Yusaku. We are all our own people.

When she was thinking about whether she should also become an actor, Amamiya Noriko suddenly saw a familiar vehicle in the rearview mirror.

Black Porsche 356A.

"Isn't it? Are you so destined?"

She was a little surprised, but after carefully checking the license plate, it was indeed Gin's car, so there was nothing she could do.

Amamiya Noriko glanced at the rear mirror. The black Porsche was not driving very fast, but it would pass by the road next to her after a while.

Turning her head towards the street without showing her face, Amamiya Noriko pretended that she was on the phone, which was indeed the case. She hurriedly told her father that she had something to do, and the black Porsche drove past. Amamiya Noriko

Zi also ended the phone call, put on his helmet, and rode a bike and followed him from a distance.

She wouldn't do anything bad to Gin.

I'm just a little curious about what Gin usually does, besides killing traitors.

The black Porsche drove slowly and headed straight out of the city.

Amamiya Noriko wondered whether it was a special base or something? Or maybe it was Miyano Shiho's research institute?

Otherwise there is no need to be located in the suburbs.

She wasn't very interested in special strongholds, but if it was the research institute where Miyano Shiho was working, then it was necessary to know the location.

If there is a chance, if she is well prepared, she will still have a certain success rate by using the disguise technique to sneak in.

Because there is no data other than the finished product, her research on APTX4869 has reached a bottleneck, and the progress is extremely slow. If the progress continues at this rate, it is estimated that the winery's research has been successful and she is still making poison.

As she followed the black Porsche out of the city, the number of vehicles on the road gradually decreased, and it seemed a bit awkward for her to follow her from a distance.

Noriko Amamiya could only slow down a little. Fortunately, her eyesight was very good, so she could just see a little bit of the rear taillight hanging far away.

Far ahead, a black Porsche 356A.

Not every time Vodka drives, this time the driver is Gin himself.

Vodka sat in the passenger seat and kept turning his head to look at the rearview mirror. After a while, he said, "Brother, she doesn't seem to be following."

Gin sneered and said nothing. He looked at the rear mirror. After passing a turn, he slowed down a little. After driving forward for a while, he saw a motorcycle driving far behind at the turn.


"The bite is quite tight."

Gin glanced at the rear mirror and picked up the speed again, even a little bit faster.

Vodka couldn't help but admire his elder brother's correct judgment. The woman was following her from such a distance. Is she really not afraid of losing her?

It's a pity that no matter what she does, she can't see her brother's car when she turns, so she still has to speed up, otherwise she may really lose it when she encounters a fork in the road.

The eldest brother slowed down and she speeded up, suddenly exposing the other person in the rearview mirror.

As expected of the eldest brother, his consciousness and judgment are impeccable. How can a mere woman go against the eldest brother?

Vodka took out his gun and fiddled with it, put on a silencer, and showed a cold smile that wanted to avenge his brother: "Wait a minute and let her know what the consequences will be if she dares to miss your car, brother. You must let her know that your car is yours."

How valuable is it?"

Gin glanced at him sideways and continued to drive while looking at the rearview mirror from time to time.

It is true that this woman tried to steal his car once before, but it was not because of this kind of thing that he was chasing this woman.

Gin said in a cold tone: "I have always guessed that Miss Amamiya has a very powerful bodyguard beside her. It should be this woman. Not only did she say goodbye to my car that time in the park, she also said goodbye to me at the Rice Flower Hotel that day.

It was this woman who fought with us in the alley next to me, robbed me of my pistol, and even destroyed my APTX4869!"

"Is that woman also her?!"

Vodka was shocked. As expected of a big brother, he thought so carefully.

He quickly said: "Then you have to deal with this stinky woman properly!!"

Because he forgot to shoot that time, his pistol was robbed and his medicine was destroyed. Fortunately, his elder brother thought that he didn't shoot because he was afraid of accidental injury. However, he still kept that incident in his mind and always thought about catching him one day.

Only by torturing that stinky woman can he get rid of his feeling of shame for trusting his elder brother so much!

Gin sneered, stupid woman, since you dare to follow me, I won't let you go.

It's just that he had just finished dealing with a traitor and was about to go back when he met this woman on the roadside. He couldn't confirm whether it was her at first. After all, he could only see her back at the time, but he deliberately drove slowly and the woman caught up with her.

Then there is no need to doubt it.

Several attacks against Noriko Amamiya had no effect. He was thinking that he could only use other methods. And now that Rikuto Amamiya has returned to Japan, it would be even more unwise to attack Noriko Amamiya. However,

You are just a bodyguard, but you followed me by yourself, so it doesn’t matter if I attack you!

Vodka glanced at the rear mirror and couldn't see the motorcycle, but he knew that the other party was definitely still following him, so he said: "Brother, are you going to lead her to our place? I'll call someone to prepare it in advance.


"No, there is still a certain risk of exposure if we deal with her on the road and let her arrive at our stronghold."

Gin shook his head, maybe the other party had some kind of positioning device on him, and he must not let others know the location of the stronghold.

The route map outside the city appeared in his mind. He was planning in his mind. He had already chosen the starting point, but he needed to confirm again how far behind the opponent was.

Taking advantage of a big turn, Gin slowed down and looked behind him, but he didn't see any motorcycle following him until he drove to the next turn.

Gin didn't think that the woman would stop following us. He stepped on the accelerator to speed up and said to Vodka: "Look to see if there are any other cars that have followed us for a distance."

Vodka nodded quickly, and Guan looked behind him intently, but after driving for almost thirty kilometers, he didn't see any other cars following him.

Gin frowned slightly, he still didn't believe that the other party would not follow, but their speed was already the fastest along the way. Even if they followed in relay with other cars, they couldn't do it. However, there were several forks in the road for more than 30 kilometers.

If he hadn't followed, how could the other party have followed?

Gin would never consider the possibility that the woman would not follow him. Judging from her strong ability when she and he fought in the alley, the other party was definitely not a character who would give up halfway.

How could a person with such a strong ability give up halfway? He will definitely find a way to do what he wants to do.

Gin held the steering wheel with both hands, slowed down a little, and thought calmly.

Suddenly his eyes moved upward, and he suddenly said to Vodka: "Put your head out and look at the sky!"

Vodka was a little confused, but he still rolled down the window, leaned out most of his body, and looked at the sky behind him. He couldn't help but squint his eyes even though he was wearing sunglasses because of the wind. He looked for a while and saw the little black man clearly.

After clicking, he suddenly shouted: "Brother!! There is a helicopter following very far away!!"

Gin sneered. Sure enough, he was indeed the bodyguard of the Amamiya Consortium. He was able to use a helicopter to track him so quickly.

After the guess in his mind was confirmed, Gin stepped on the accelerator fiercely. The sound of the helicopter flying was very loud, so if the other party didn't want to find out by himself, he could only hang far behind. However, because he was in the sky, it was indeed

It's very easy to observe.

The area with more mountain peaks outside the suburbs appeared in his mind, and he stepped on the accelerator and sped away.

With most of his body leaning out of the car window, Vodka held his hat tightly with one hand, which was about to be blown away at any time. He had to hold on to the car door with one hand, his mouth was pursed tightly, and his face was pale.

Big brother——!!!!

Drive slower!! Let me go in first!!!

This chapter has been completed!
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